Hello My Charmed Ones!
April is quickly coming to a close and now is the time to start making your monthly plan for May.
If you are like me, creating your monthly plan can take quite a bit of time over the course of a few days. During my monthly CEO Strategy planning session:
- I schedule out my monthly events
- Populate my editorial calendar with great content ideas across all of my platforms
- ID and break down my objectives
- Compile a complete list of tasks I need to work on
- Allocate time for each of my objectives and all of my work across the month
So, it’s a lot of work that I often start on a few days before the new month begins. I realize, I could cut down on this work by planning out certain aspects of my monthly calendar on a quarterly basis, but with the way I run my business, I know I’d be making multiple changes to a more long term plan, so it’s better for me to stick to monthly planning.
The C.E.O. Power Hour
As a first step to my monthly planning routine, I have started executing on the idea of a C.E.O. Power Hour to be dedicated time where I review the previous month and start planning big picture elements of the next.
This is a LIVE workshop I intend to host on a monthly basis for the last Saturday of the month to help myself and fellow business owners get organized and begin strategically planning the month ahead.
You can get the CEO Power Hour Worksheet to follow along with the class by clicking here. It’s a free download intended to help you begin processing the month that has ended and pre-plan the month ahead.
I hope to see you live at the next CEO Power Hour, scheduled for Saturday, May 29th @ 2pm Eastern!
Make sure to mark your calendar, so you don’t miss our next live session!