Hello My Charmed Ones!
Earlier last month I talked you through my process for ensuring I move my goals forward each month through my monthly planning process, but today I want to show you that complete monthly review process step by step.
The Monthly Review is a multi-step planning routine that I perform at the end of a month to review my progress from that month and then make my complete plan for the next.

I’ve codified this process into a handy insert that I’ll use to guide my steps today. This Monthly Review insert is an exclusive download for my Master Mind Members, if you want it, definitely sign up for the membership because at this point, if you’ve been watching my videos and getting value from them, my membership group is how you become a member of my inner circle and get consistent accountability, valuable content and exclusive resources from me on a daily basis. So, if you are serious about improving your productivity and want to join a community dedicated to helping you get down to business creating your dream life, then click here to enroll today!
Now, let’s get to my monthly review.
The first set of tasks on my monthly review have to do with closing out the prior month.
• First, we will review the prior months calendar and agenda to ensure all completed tasks are checked off and tracked on their designated project plans as necessary
• Next, we determine if any incomplete tasks need to be disregarded or moved to the current month for completion.
•And finally, we ensure all prior month trackers have been populated as necessary.
Once the prior month is up to date, we move onto planning the current month.
• First, I perform a braindump.
• Then I ensure project plans are completed for objectives scheduled in the current month as necessary
• Next, I move project related tasks to monthly master task list along with all other known tasks belonging to the month.
• Next I populate the Monthly Master Task List with all tasks related to my monthly objectives, along with all other known tasks belonging to the month.
• I then populate important dates, schedule and reoccurring events into the monthly calendar
• I populate any additional key information into the monthly calendar as well.
• I ID the top 3 monthly objectives
• Then, I determine which tasks I will work on in which weeks so time is clearly allocated for everything I intend to accomplish this month
• And finally, I will Fill out monthly habit, finance or other trackers as necessary
There is a space on this insert to then list out any other additional tasks you like to perform as part of your own personal monthly review, and for me I like to script the month ahead, and track my finances. Both I will complete at the official close of the month.
The page page of the monthly review insert has some key questions to use to evaluate your productivity from the past month so you can then create a better plan moving forward and learn from your mistakes.
These question include:
How satisfied are you with the results of the prior month?
What were your victories and accomplishments to celebrate last month?
What did you do well in terms of productivity and planning last month?
Where did you struggle in terms of productivity and planning last month?
What are three areas you would like to improve upon this month and what concrete actions will you take to do so?
And that is how I perform a monthly review.
In the comments I’d love to hear which part of this process you are going to start implementing with your monthly planning routine.
And of course, if you want to get your hands on my monthly review insert, enroll in the Productivity Master Mind Membership today. I can’t wait to work with you more in the group!

I love your airpod case! Where is it from?