She Who Makes the Plan Knows the Future
There is a quote I love attributed to Abraham Lincoln that says “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
I whole heartedly agree.
As someone who does enjoy dabbling with forms of divination like tarot and the I-Ching, I understand that practically speaking we all have a significant measure of control over certain aspects of the future, particularly our own.
This is yet another line where planning and productivity intersect with metaphysical principles.
I believe that if you set goals, create a plan, and get your mind, heart and actions in alignment with that plan, you will have written the future for yourself.
So, here are some simple tools you can use to act on this principle.
→ Daily Prompts + Affirmations for Making a Plan that Comes True
📖 Planning Prompts 🗓
🖋 What is your intention for today?
🖋 Which goals are you taking action to move forward today?
🖋 What scheduled tasks or appointments do you have for the day?
🖋 What are the 3 most important tasks that need to be accomplished today?
🖋 How do you want to spend your down time today?
🔮 Affirmations 🔮
🗝 What I decide gets to be the path for me
🗝 I can take it slow and still accomplish it all
🗝 Everyday I take steps that manifest my goals
🗝 What I focus on expands
🗝 I am the creator of my own destiny

Now, to help put these daily planning prompts into practice, I have designed a very special day on two page planning insert for the members of the Productivity + Planning Master Mind Membership. As you can see from the image above, the right facing page of the insert includes space for you to address each of the daily planning prompts; intention, top 3, goals, schedule and down time. The left facing page, which is the back of the daily planning page, is then allocated for journaling. This full lined page is perfect for manifestation journaling, listing your gratitude, scripting your day and setting your vibe with your affirmations. If you’d like to get your hands on this exclusive design, enroll in the Master Mind Membership today!
Watch the video
Let me know in the comments which affirmation resonates most with you!