Planner Feng Shui Tips!

Hello My Charmed Ones!

Today I am sharing more on Planner Alchemy- tips for using your planner to manifest productivity and success in your life. Specifically, I want to share some tips for how to Feng Shui your planner to attract positive productivity energy.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice of using and directing universal life force energy or qi into areas of your life to achieve balance, harmony and improvement.

When we hear about Feng Shui, we often hear the practice used in terms of organizing and decorating our homes, but we can also apply Feng Shui principles to our planner and so I want to share five such tips with you today.

Tip 1. Keep your planner open whenever possible: If you are working at your desk, keep your planner open, even if you are not actively using it or referring to it, because this helps to clear the air around your planner and attract positive chi as part of the Feng Shui Philosophy.

Tip 2. Clear out clutter: a main principle of Feng Shui is to keep your spaces clean and neat. One of the tenants of Feng Shui is that positive energy or qi can’t flow in a hoarded room. So, good qi also can’t flow into a hoarded or messy planner. I regularly remove unnecessary pages from my planner and either discard them if they are not needed or save them in an archive or storage binder for future reference, as this will help clear the energy of my planner for positive qi!

Tip 3. Fill your planner with beauty and happiness: In Feng Shui, the way an area looks and feels has a major impact on the type of energy that is attracted to it. So, make sure you leave inspirational images and quotes in your planner so that positive energy is attracted to it. Keep some tokens of happy memories tucked inside extra pockets or punched inside your planner. I’d also recommend taking notes of achievements and positive events on your agenda pages as this will also help to make your planner a destination for positive energy.

Tip 4. Choose your ink color purposefully: In Feng Shui color is a powerful quality meant to strategically attract energy into your life. Consider choosing the ink colors that you use inside your planner, in terms of your pen and highlighters, strategically to correspond to what energy you are looking to attract more of in your life.

Here are the Feng Shui Color Correspondences:

Black: Career + Life Path
White: Children and creativity
Grey: Helpful people and travel
Blue: Knowledge and personal development
Turquoise: New beginnings and confidence
Green: Growth, family and health
Brown: Stability and security
Purple: Spirituality, adventure and prosperity
Pink: Relationships, partnership and romance
Red: Fame and reputation
Yellow: Power, health and patience
Orange: Health and happiness

Tip 5. Store your planner in a clean and well lit space: Don’t keep your planner shoved in your bag or in a drawer for hours on end, leave it in a place of respect out in the open where it will not get damaged and will be like an ornament in your life. If you have respect for your planner and treat it with respect, positive energy will also continue to flow to it, attracting success, abundance and productivity into your life.

Watch the Video on How to Feng Shui Your Planner

So, those are my top five tips to apply the principles of Feng Shui to your planner to start attracting positive productivity energy into your life. I hope this gives you some new inspiration for using your planner to attract more abundance, productivity and success in your life.
