3 Questions to Shift Your Manic Monday into a Magic Monday
Monday’s have a bad reputation, and psychologists have been able to identify some major reasons why most people dread them.
> Your internal rhythm may be off after a weekend of relaxing that makes getting back into the weekday routine both a mental and physical challenge.
> Monday’s kick off the work week for many of us, and that means having to face our likely overwhelming to do list, plus having to do that job or interact with some people we may not be particularly fond of.
There are actually lots of reasons why Monday’s are hard for us, but I want to help shift that Manic Monday story in your mind into the anticipation and excitement of a potentially Magic Monday!
I’ve really come to love Monday’s over the past several years and truly get excited for the start of my week. So, I thought, it would be helpful for me to share a bit of inspiration and strategy for you to use to start shifting your mindset and organizing your week so that you too begin to look forward to Monday!
3 Questions to Ask Yourself to Set Realistic Expectations for Your Week
Let’s begin with your specific needs and expectations to determine what would make this week feel successful, productive and a little more organized.
Here are three questions to ask yourself to get clear on your own expectations for a productive week. Journal on these questions, write the answers out in your planner or simply ponder your responses as you prepare for your day- but do try to record your answers for reference and action.
Question 1: What needs to happen this week to make it feel productive and successful? Try to identify three things you can take action on that would make you feel like this week mattered.
Question 2: What drains on your time and energy do you need to watch out for and avoid this week? For each drain, think of a simple plan for preventing these obstacles or dealing with each if they arise.
Question 3: What can you do to support the best version of yourself this week? Think of a few simple habits or actions you need to take this week to make sure you are able to show up each day to the best of your ability. It may mean asking others for help, but you know what you need to show up at your full capacity, so don’t be afraid to ask.
The answers to these questions are going to give you some amazing insight into the few things you need to do to ensure your week feels successful and is supporting you in an effort to live your best and most balanced life.
I know it may seem counterintuitive at first, but the success and productivity of your week isn’t found in the accomplishment of many various things, but instead is found in the fulfillment of just a few strategic priorities.
So, again, record those responses and put any action items into your weekly plan or schedule so you can ensure you make your best week happen.
I hope this post has given you some insight, encouragement or inspiration to make this week amazing.
If you did enjoy it, let me know in the comments or feel free to forward this post to a friend or loved one you think could use the support this week!
I can’t wait to hear how your week went, so do email me and let me know, or send me a DM on Instagram so we can stay in touch!