I wanted to take a moment right now to remind you of some very important truths about your business idea!
Are you ready?
Because this information may cause a significant shift in the way you think, feel and act around your business.
Here we go:
1: Your Business is Too Legit to Quit!
Your business is a real, legitimate entity.
Your work is of value and service to a specific community of people who need what you offer very much and are willing to pay for it, if you allow them to.
Right now, the reasons you aren’t making sales is because you haven’t shown your offer to the right people, you haven’t shown it to them enough, or you haven’t been helping them connect the dots between their problem and your solution!
2: If you aren’t making sales, you have a hobby not a business.
I know this is hard for some people to digest, but if you have started a business but it’s not making sales, you are not running a business, you have a very time consuming hobby!
And I say that with all the love in the world, because I have been there before!
For years my business was a hobby making little to no money.
Until one day I decided my desire for success was greater than my fear of failure or rejection and I started creating offers to sell and telling my community about them!
3: People LOVE to buy things that help them
It doesn’t matter what the economic climate really is, the fact of the matter is that people always buy things that help them.
In fact, buying the solution to a problem is always the preferred method for people to get through life.
So, if you think people don’t want to buy what you are selling, you are so wrong.
There is a market for your work out there, I know it, so what you are selling isn’t the problem, your price isn’t the problem, your branding isn’t the problem.
The problem is that you are not selling the offers to the right people- but don’t worry, I know how to find you the right people!
4: Selling is just sharing!
I have shared this with you before but it’s important enough to reiterate that selling isn’t some complicated, tricky process- it’s just sharing your work, your offers, with the people that your work was meant to serve.
That’s it!
I know you think it has to be more complicated than that, but it isn’t.
Think about when you have a favorite new outfit, or piece of makeup or a new show you absolutely love and you are telling your friends and family about it and then they go out and get it or watch it on your recommendation.
That is selling!
You just aren’t making money in that situation (unless you also sent them an affiliate link!)
That is how simple selling can be online.
And when you take that process and pair it with an effective marketing strategy like creating sales funnels, then you have created a system for generating instant income into your business!
Join me inside #INSTAINCOME today before enrollment closes to master this strategy for yourself.
Your future self and business will thank you!
Again, if you have any specific questions about the course before you enroll, send me an email or leave me a comment below and I’d be glad to help you decide if this is right for you!