High Vibe Garden Party Soundtrack for Relaxation, Self-Care & Your AM Routine
I have a new productivity resource I’d like to share with you!
This past weekend on Youtube, I published a lovely soundtrack of classical music with a nature ambience that is perfect for you to play if you need to relax, do some much needed self-care, perform your morning routine and do some quiet reading or journaling.

I call it the High Vibe Garden Party because that is the energy I get from the music and ambience I’ve layered together in this soundtrack. Click here to listen to the soundtrack now!
Music has such a powerful effect on our minds, our bodies and our productivity, because it can very quickly shift us into feeling a specific way. So, do yourself a favor and use this soundtrack this week as the background music to your life to start leaning into a more relaxed an intentional energy.
I’m going to be creating more of these soundtracks this month to help support the energy you need to embody at specific points in your day, so I sincerely hope you enjoy them!

Thank you so much for posting this music. I work in a very busy medical practice ( OBGYN ), music like this benifits all of us.
P.S. I’ve been a follower of yours since your furbies video’s on youtube.
Luff you & your postive attitude. Don’t ever change.
Blessing’s, Jeanine
Thank you so much Jeanine! I am so glad you are enjoying the soundtrack- and stay tuned because I have a few more I’m releasing coming up soon! Your continued support means so much to me! Have a beautiful and productive Day- xx Alexis