Why each Zodiac Sign Starts a Business
Hello My Charmed Ones!
As you may already know, I consider myself to be something of a part time astrologer and full time mystic in addition to running my own business. I love digging into astrological placements to find patterns that can help give me a deeper understanding of myself and others.
One of the topics I’ve been very deep intro researching lately has been astrology and business. There are absolutely placements in your birth chart that can indicate entrepreneurial interest and skills, and although there are specific zodiac signs that are often associated with entrepreneurship, the truth is every sign has the ability to start their own business.
Each zodiac sign has their own motivations for starting a business, and the placement of specific signs in your chart can give you clues as to what your skills would be as a business owner.
So, without further ado, let’s jump into the 12 Zodiac Signs to Understand Why Each Sign Starts a Business and the areas they naturally excel at.
The 12 Zodiac Signs in Business
Aries: So they can be the center of attention, number one and no one can hold them back. They can be great innovators who are quick to bring ideas to market.
Taurus: For the stability of work and reward. The more they work, the more they receive keeps them motivated to build the business and life they desire.
Gemini: For the creativity and communication that comes from entrepreneurship. They excel at brand storytelling and sales as natural marketers.
Cancer: To be able to work from home and establish that nurturing safe space for themselves and their family. They love the work from home vibe and may run businesses that really lean into that lifestyle.
Leo: They love the idea of being an entrepreneur and how it makes them look and feel. Marketing themselves as an influencer is role of the lifetime for them.
Virgo: To get complete control over their schedule, routines and work. They are great planners and system builders.
Libra: For balance in their personal and work life and to cultivate the ultimate boss aesthetic for themselves. They can be meticulous with product details and design.
Scorpio: For the power and control. They want to be their own boss and they aren’t afraid to show up and do the work, which may include assuming a leadership position over others.
Sagittarius: For the expansion, skill development, travel, breadth and depth of knowledge. They desire to be seen as a thought leader and can create amazing content.
Capricorn: For the entrepreneurial status and the comfort that comes from the money and position of being a business owner. They are great with managing assets.
Aquarius: For the impact they are able to make on the world through their brand and work. Their business is also their greatest philanthropy.
Pisces: To be able to live and work through the complete expression of their souls purpose. They love holding the vision of the business they are manifesting.
How to use this information to Discover Your Unique Astrological Business Acumen
Reviewing this list, you may have naturally paused to take note of the zodiac sign that is associated with your Sun placement. When we normally discuss our zodiac signs with others, we often refer to our Sun sign which has to do with the placement of the Sun on the day we were born. I was born on March 13th, so I am a Pisces Sun. However, you have more than just one zodiac sign- in fact, based on your precise time and location of birth, you have many more zodiac signs and astrological placements that are incredibly unique to you.
So, the first thing I recommend you do to use this information properly, is to get a copy of your birth chart, also known as a natal chart. If you know the date, time, and location of your birth, you can create your birth chart for free online by clicking here.
Once you have your birth chart, there are three specific placements I recommend you check to understand your natural entrepreneurial gifts and motivations. Reviewing all three placements will help you get a more complete picture of your unique situation.
1: Check your Mercury sign as Mercury is the planet that corresponds to commerce and business
Your Mercury sign may give you excellent insight into your business strengths and particularly the energy you need when creating branding and marketing materials for your business.
2: Check your midheaven or 10th house cusp, this is your place in the world and what you bring to it
Your 10th house is really going to tap into your reputation and natural ability as a business owner as this placement is known for reflecting how you are meant to be viewed by the world.
3: Check the sign for your Moon
In astrology the Moon represents your passions and can give you insight into your motivations for creating your own business.
Start Your Money Making Business!
Hey Small Business Owner!
Everyday hundreds of great, creative, and innovative new online businesses are formed around the world, and then close their doors after a matter of weeks or months due to a lack of clear purpose or profit.
That does NOT have to be your business story!
After 8 years running an online business myself and working with hundreds of women in my community to get their business visions off the ground, I know first hand what it takes to lay the right foundation for a business that reflects your passions and fills your bank account.
Let me guide you through some simple activities that will help clarify your business vision and work you through early stage market research so you can move forward with confidence knowing that you have laid the foundation for a Money Making Business!

I hope you enjoyed this mini Astrology lesson and that the insight you glean from digging into your own astrological and zodiac placements helps give you an additional boost of motivation and clarity to get your business started!
Let me know if you’d like more content like this and I’d be glad to chat more with you about Astrology!