Month: March 2023

10 Habits of Highly Ambitious Women

10 Habits of Highly Ambitious Women!

Ambition is a key ingredient to success, and for women, being ambitious is crucial in breaking through gender barriers and achieving their dreams. Highly ambitious women are those who are driven, focused, and committed to reaching their goals, no matter what challenges they may face along the way. Ambitious women know that success is built on good habits and they are always on the lookout for ways to improve. Let’s explore 10 habits of highly ambitious women that can help you develop a mindset of success and step into the highest and best version of your own ambitious self!

  1. They Set Clear Goals: Highly ambitious women set clear and specific goals for themselves. They know what they want to achieve and they create a plan of action to get there. Setting clear goals helps them stay focused and motivated, and provides a roadmap for success.
  2. They Take Action: Ambitious women take action towards their goals every day. They understand that success is not just about dreaming, but also about doing. They are proactive in seeking out opportunities and taking calculated risks to move closer to their goals.
  3. They Are Lifelong Learners: Highly ambitious women are always learning and growing. They seek out new knowledge, skills, and experiences that will help them succeed. They are open to feedback and use it to improve themselves and their work.
  4. They Manage Their Time Wisely: Ambitious women are experts at time management. They prioritize their tasks and focus on the most important ones first. They also know how to delegate and outsource tasks to free up their time for more important projects.
  5. They Surround Themselves with Positive Influences: Ambitious women surround themselves with people who inspire and motivate them. They seek out mentors, coaches, and peers who can support them and offer guidance when needed.
  6. They Embrace Failure: Highly ambitious women understand that failure is a natural part of the success journey. They don’t let setbacks hold them back, but instead use them as opportunities to learn and grow.
  7. They Practice Self-Care: Ambitious women know that taking care of themselves is crucial to their success. They prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, and getting enough rest to ensure that they have the energy and focus needed to achieve their goals.
  8. They Build Strong Relationships: Highly ambitious women build strong and meaningful relationships with others. They are effective communicators and know how to build trust and rapport with their colleagues, clients, and partners.
  9. They Are Resilient: Ambitious women are resilient and persistent. They don’t give up easily and are willing to persevere through challenges and obstacles in order to achieve their goals.
  10. They Give Back: Highly ambitious women believe in giving back to their communities and making a positive impact in the world. They are passionate about helping others and use their success to inspire and empower others to reach their own goals.

If you are an ambitious woman with her sights set on creating her own online business for time, location and financial freedom, I have a new resource I’d love to share with you!

E M P I R E is a new FREE business master course intended to help ambitious women learn what it takes to start a lasting business online that gives them the time, location and financial freedom to live their best lives.

Whether you are a career woman who knows she is too creative for a 9 to 5 job, a working mom who wants to create passive income streams so she can work from home and spend more quality time with her family, or simply an ambitious goal getter who knows she could be earning more with less time and effort if she worked for herself, YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE TO FINALLY MAKE YOUR DREAM BUSINESS YOUR REALITY!

I know you have what it takes to build your own business and I can’t wait to help you along your path!


Your Dream Job Does Not Exist. You Might Create it!


For a while now, you have been fantasizing about a job that aligns with your purpose, skillset and passions.

A job where you wake up excited to get to work each morning.

A job where you absolutely love the work you do.

A job where you have control over what you work on.

A job that is future-proof.

A job where you can invest time and energy to create greater and greater stability and financial freedom in your life!

Ladies, let me be clear!

Your Dream Job Does NOT Exist. You Must Create It!

And in your heart you already knew this.

You already knew that the only way to do what you love and have total control over your work, how much you work, where you work, and how much you earn is to start your own business online.

That’s why you follow so many social media accounts filled with Female Entrepreneur Inspo.

That’s why you spend your down time scrolling through Pinterest decorating your future home office.

That’s why you watch videos on YouTube about how to use social media platforms for business or how to create a business plan.

That’s why you were drawn to me and my community where I often share about my own journey through Entrepreneurship, as I’ve been navigating a business for nearly a decade in the ever changing digital space.

I’ve created my upcoming business master course with precisely you in mind, because I have been where you are now, so I know what you need to get started on your journey!

E M P I R E is a new FREE business master course intended to help ambitious women learn what it takes to start a lasting business online that gives them the time, location and financial freedom to live their best lives.

Whether you are a career woman who knows she is too creative for a 9 to 5 job, a working mom who wants to create passive income streams so she can work from home and spend more quality time with her family, or simply an ambitious goal getter who knows she could be earning more with less time and effort if she worked for herself, YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE TO FINALLY MAKE YOUR DREAM BUSINESS YOUR REALITY!

I know you have what it takes to build your own business and I can’t wait to help you along your path!
