Month: May 2023

How to Master Multitasking on the iPad | 6 Split Screen Features to Know and Use

How to Master Multitasking on the iPad | 6 Split Screen Features to Know and Use

If you are using an iPad as a device to work and get things done, there are some essential multitasking capabilities of the device you need to know about. Since the iPad OS is different than a traditional computer with floating windows, it’s not as seamless to have multiple apps and projects open to switch between on an iPad unless you know about these key multitasking functions. Multitasking is important on the iPad because it allows you to be more efficient and productive when working on different tasks simultaneously. 

With multitasking features such as Split View, Slide Over, and Picture in Picture, you can have multiple apps open and actively working on them without having to constantly switch between them without your apps closing out when you move into a new app. This means that you can easily take notes while watching a video or respond to emails while working on a document. Multitasking on the iPad also saves time and helps you stay focused on your work, ultimately leading to increased productivity and better results.

So, what are the Multitasking functions and capabilities of the iPad?

The iPad has a range of multitasking capabilities that allow users to work on multiple tasks simultaneously, making it a powerful productivity tool. Today I am going to cover the 6 features you need to know about. They are Split View, Slide Over, Picture In Picture, Apple Switch, Stage Manager and Drop and Drop. 

When you learn to use and integrate these multitasking functions into your daily iPad workflow, you are going to see your productivity skyrocket on the device.

Watch the Video Tutorial on How to Multitask with the iPad

I hope this video taught you some new ways to get use and productivity out of your iPad! I’d love to hear which multitasking function you use the most in the comments. Also, if you have any more questions about how to use your iPad Productively at work, please let me know and I’d be glad to create some content to answer the question or solve the issue for you!


Increase Your Focus and Productivity with the Pomodoro Technique on Your iPad

Increase Your Focus and Productivity with the Pomodoro Technique on Your iPad

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management strategy that can help you increase your productivity and stay focused on your work. The technique involves working for a set amount of time, typically 25 minutes, then taking a short break. You repeat this cycle four times and then you can take a longer 30 minute break. Repeat this cycle of work and breaks throughout the day to increase your productivity and get things done. In this post, we’ll explore how to use the Pomodoro Technique when working on an iPad.

Step 1: Choose a Pomodoro App

The first step to using the Pomodoro Technique on your iPad is to choose a Pomodoro app. There are many apps available on the App Store that can help you implement the technique. Some popular options include Focus Keeper, Be Focused, and Pomodoro Timer. These apps typically feature a timer that counts down the 25-minute work interval and the 5-minute break interval.

Step 2: Plan Your Tasks

Before you start the Pomodoro Technique, it’s important to plan your tasks. You should have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish during each 25-minute work interval. This will help you stay focused and avoid distractions during your work time.

Step 3: Set Up Your Workspace

To make the most of your Pomodoro work intervals, it’s important to set up your workspace for maximum productivity. Make sure your iPad is charged and ready to go, and that you have all the tools and resources you need to complete your tasks. You should also minimize distractions, such as turning off notifications and closing unnecessary tabs or apps.

Step 4: Start Your First Pomodoro Interval

Once you’ve chosen your Pomodoro app, planned your tasks, and set up your workspace, it’s time to start your first Pomodoro interval. Set the timer for 25 minutes and begin working on your task. During this time, avoid distractions and focus solely on your work.

Step 5: Take a Break

When the 25-minute work interval is up, the Pomodoro app will notify you that it’s time for a break. Take a 5-minute break to stretch, walk around, or do something else that’s unrelated to your work. This break will help you recharge and refocus for the next Pomodoro interval.

Step 6: Repeat the Cycle

After your break, it’s time to start the next Pomodoro interval. Repeat this cycle several times throughout the day, taking longer breaks after every four Pomodoro intervals. By using this technique, you can stay focused, avoid burnout, and increase your productivity.

The Pomodoro Technique is a powerful time management strategy that can help you work more efficiently and stay focused on your tasks. By using a Pomodoro app on your iPad, planning your tasks, setting up your workspace, and taking breaks, you can increase your productivity and achieve your goals. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or anyone looking to get more done in less time, the Pomodoro Technique can help you work smarter and achieve better results.


Mother’s Day Gift Guide: For the Mom with a Business or Sidehustle!

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: For the Mom with a Business or Sidehustle!

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and it’s time to start thinking about the perfect gift for the special mom in your life. But if that mom is also a boss lady who runs a business or is building her side hustle, finding the right gift can be a little more challenging. So, I asked my master mind sister’s for help! Many of them are mom’s who either run their own business full or part time, so they know exactly what to get mom to make her and her dreams feel loved and supported. With their suggestions in hand I’ve created a gift guide inspired by the real Boss Mom’s of the Charmed Life Master Mind, to help you find the perfect present to help mom grow her business and take her side hustle to the next level. From practical tools to inspirational needs, these gifts will not only show her how much you care but will also support her entrepreneurial spirit. So, without further ado, let’s dive into our top picks for the perfect Mother’s Day gifts for the boss mom in your life.

Gift Mom the Ultimate Planning and Productivity Tool for Her Business: The iPad

When I asked the Boss Mom’s inside the Charmed Life Master Mind what they wanted to be gifted for Mother’s Day, many of them were in agreement- they wanted digital planning tools! It’s definitely a bit of an investment, but mom absolutely deserves a tool that will support her business on multiple levels and she will put the iPad to good use. If you aren’t sure which model to purchase, I think a good overall business option would be the iPad Air with an Apple Pencil so she can get the most from the device. And don’t forget a case so she can tuck her iPad into her bag to work and plan on the go!

  1. iPad Air:
  1. Apple Pencil:
  1. iPad Folio Case:

Gift the Mom Boss in Your Life some Peace and Quiet 

Another gift idea that came up a few times from the mom’s inside the Charmed Life Master Mind were noise cancelling headphones. Especially if mom works at home, she could really use a pair of headphones to help her disconnect from the chaos around her so she can get focused on her work and creative ideas. The ladies also love the idea of a set of soft sided headphones for sleep, so mom can turn on her favorite guided meditation or sleep ambience at bed time and get a full night’s rest.

  1. Noise cancelling headphones:
  1. Sleep Headphones:

Gift your Boss Mom the Office of Her Dreams

The final category of gift ideas that came from the mom’s inside the Charmed Life Master Mind were gifts related to helping mom create a comfortable and functional office to work in. So, if the mom in your life doesn’t have her own dedicated space to work, consider how you can support her passion and carve out that space for her.

  1. Corner Desk:
  1. Office Chair:
  1. Area Rug:
  1. Marble Stationery Set:
  1. Power Pod Magsafe Phone Charger:

I hope you found this Mother’s Day gift guide helpful in finding the perfect present for the boss mom in your life. Whether she’s running her own business or building her side hustle, these gifts will surely help her stay productive and inspired. From the versatile iPad to the ergonomic office chair, these items are not only practical but also stylish, making her workspace a place where she can feel comfortable and confident. So go ahead, surprise her with one of these thoughtful gifts, and show her how much you appreciate all the hard work she puts into her endeavors. Happy Mother’s Day to all the boss moms out there!


P.S. Want to give mom the gift of a supportive accountability community? We’d love to have your Boss Mom with us inside the Charmed Life Master Mind. Enroll your mom in an Annual Membership today and give her a gift that keeps on giving in terms of support, strategy and sisterhood with other likeminded women!

Your Ultimate Productivity Companion: How to Use Your iPad for Task Management, Work, Wellness, and Mindset

Your Ultimate Productivity Companion: How to Use Your iPad for Task Management, Work, Wellness, and Mindset

In today’s digital age, the iPad has become a versatile tool that can help you in almost every aspect of your life. From task management to personal development, this device can be a game-changer when it comes to productivity and growth. In this post, we’ll explore some of the ways you can use your iPad for productivity and personal development. We’ll cover topics such as task management, work, wellness, and mindset, and how you can leverage some of the best apps to make the most of your iPad. Whether you’re looking to stay organized, improve your focus, or enhance your overall well-being, there’s something for everyone in this guide. So, grab your iPad and let’s dive in!

Purchasing a new iPad Pro

A few weeks ago I purchased a new iPad and when I shared it on Instagram with my community many people wanted to know which iPad I bought, which iPad they should buy, and how I was planning to use it, so I am going to answer all those questions in this post.

So, first off, I purchased an 11” iPad Pro, the 128GB model and the 2nd generation Apple Pencil. To be honest, it was hard for me to choose which iPad to buy because for some reason Apple has a large number of iPads to choose from right now, and although I can’t tell you exactly which iPad to get, I do have a piece of advice for you to use that is the guide that I use when I am purchasing new tech, especially Apple products. My advice to myself and to you is to purchase the best model you can afford. I say that because for myself, I am very gentle with my tech gadgets and they last a long time, my last iPad is almost 10 years old so it was time for an upgrade- and I find with Apple products, they are so ahead of the times with the tech that when you buy the best model you can, it ends up lasting even longer. So, if you aren’t sure which iPad to buy, that is my recommendation. When it came to making my purchase, the iPad Pro was the best model available and I bought the size and storage capacity that I thought was right for me. Now, if you know which iPad you want already, I think that is the iPad for you, and if you can’t afford it right now, I do think it’s worth it to be patient and save for the one you want because if you settle I don’t think you will be as pleased with your purchase. So, if you are interested in an iPad that is how I recommend you go about purchasing one, now and in the future.

Now, do you actually need an iPad? That is totally for you to decide. For me, I know the iPad is a luxury, I don’t think it’s something any of us need to be productive or organized, but if you have the desire and means, it can definitely be a useful device. And because I am a rebel personality type, novelty can be a big motivator for change and improvement. I’m more likely to take action when there is an element of novelty involved and the iPad is absolutely a novelty device for me.

So, I bought the iPad with the intention that I was going to improve my productivity and hit some next level goals for myself this year! And to reflect that intention, I ended up ordering my iPad and pencil from Apple online so I could get them both engraved for free with a personalized inspirational message. If you weren’t aware, apple offers free engraving on some of their devices, so if you want to make advantage of that, you will want to order online instead of going in store.

So, now that we know which model I bought, and which model I’d recommend to you, let’s talk about how I am using this device to help me hit that intention to improve my productivity and personal development!

The first way I am using the iPad is for Task and Idea Management.

Right now, I am doing some parts of my planning process on the iPad since I have the pencil and I want to put it to good use. I have been playing around with digital planning, and I get why people like digital planning. In fact, I recently created some prototypes for a Digital Master Planner that I shared with the Charmed Life Master Mind members. The feedback I’ve been getting from them has been very positive, and of course I am also testing the digital planner out myself, but for the time being I’m not quite converted yet to digital personally. But I will fully admit that I love using the iPad to braindump, brainstorm and plan content. So, for this I’ve been using the digital master planner, and I optimized some of my inserts into PDFs for my iPad that I use in GoodNotes to get my ideas out of my head and onto digital paper. All that has been going well!

The second way I am using the iPad is for work.

Specifically, I use it to write posts in the Apple Notes app. Once I outline things in GoodNotes, I will use the split screen option and write out posts while looking at my notes and outlines. I also have used the iPad to send and manage emails; both my personal and business inboxes as well as my email marketing client. I have actually written and scheduled marketing emails from my iPad and the experience is doable on the iPad although I prefer the functionality that comes with sending marketing emails on my laptop. 

I also use the iPad for research. I do a lot of reading and research for my work and so I use the iPad to read ebooks, articles, online publications, the news- I bought a NYTimes subscription so I could get full access to their articles and read them on the iPad which is a nice experience. 

I also have the Slack App on my iPad so I can stay connected with my Master Mind, and answer their questions, share content and do coaching with them through the app. 

So those are all the specific work tasks I do on the iPad. Some things I am not using it for work wise are design for inserts and graphics, editing audio and video for my YouTube and Podcast, and doing web development. I know some people do use their iPads for graphics and editing and it’s totally usable for those tasks, but because I have a MacBook Pro I find it easier to use my computer to do those tasks than my iPad. I watched a lot of videos on the topic and yes, plenty of people use their iPad for design and editing but most agree its a better experience on a computer, and for those who did use their iPad, it tended to be more useful for those who didn’t have a laptop and who traveled or worked away from their desktop computer. So, for me, I have a laptop, so I don’t need my iPad to be another mini laptop as well. I also tried to do back end work on my websites with the iPad and the functionality is hit or miss on the iPad OS, so that’s firmly something I will stick to doing on my MacBook pro.

The third way I am using the IPad is for wellness!

As I mentioned my intention for this device was for it to help me manifest some goals in my life and some of those goals are wellness related. Specifically, I have been for the last few months working on my fitness and I have a workout routine where I do strength training at home. I use the iPad, specifically the Freeform app, which is this wonderful digital white board app, to organize and plan out my workouts. I do a bunch of video workouts from YouTube and I’m able to pin the videos to Freeform and create my workout schedule that way and it’s actually been helping me stick to this routine because it’s keeping this goal organized for me. 

Also in terms of wellness, I have been using the iPad for my meal planning and prep. Again using that Freeform app, I essentially map out my meals and pin recipe videos and articles to my meal planning board in the app. It’s a wonderful way to visually organize your meal planning- I love it!

The fourth and final way I am using the iPad is for Mindset! 

The iPad has become my default journal. I’ve created some journals in Goodnotes out of my favorite insert designs and I’ve been journaling so much more with the iPad. I use some of the PDF workbooks I design for my mastermind like my mindset workbook and my astrological insights workbook in Goodnotes as well to journal and complete those activities which is really great.

I also keep a mood/vision board on the iPad in the Freeform app as well. I realize I could also make one on GoodNotes, but I like how that Freeform app allows me to pin videos and articles to the vision board as well as photos- it gives me a multimedia vision board experience. 

One final thing I’ve been using my iPad for that I am filing under mindset is that I also downloaded a few chill games to play when I want to unwind. I’ve been playing more games on my Nintendo switch this year as a way to zone out and de-stress my mind and I found a few iPad games that were chill and vibey and relaxing that I downloaded as well. I’ve been playing Zen Sand, Osmos HD, Beatstar, Journey and Monument Valley.

So, that is how I’ve been using the IPad.

My Favorite iPad Accessories to Increase Productivity and Workflow

To help me get the most functionality out of the iPad, I purchased a few accessories for the iPad that I highly recommend. Check out the video below to see these productive iPad accessories in action!

Overall, the iPad can be a valuable tool for boosting your productivity and personal development. With its versatile features and wide range of apps, you can customize your iPad to suit your individual needs and goals. Whether you’re looking to streamline your workflow, organize your schedule, or learn a new skill, the iPad can help you achieve your objectives with ease and efficiency.

By using the iPad as a productivity and personal development tool, you can maximize your time, increase your focus, and stay motivated to pursue your goals. So if you’re ready to take your productivity and personal growth to the next level, consider incorporating the iPad into your daily routine. With a little bit of effort and creativity, you can transform your iPad into a powerful tool for self-improvement and success.
