Month: September 2023

The Q4 Crescendo: Achieve More While Doing Less

In the world of music, a crescendo is the moment when the volume and intensity of the music reach their peak. It’s that powerful surge that leaves you with a sense of anticipation and excitement. In the world of productivity and personal growth, the final quarter of the year, often referred to as Q4, can be your own crescendo—a time to achieve more while doing less. 

For many of us, Q4 is a season filled with holidays, gatherings, and events. It’s a time when the world seems to speed up, and our schedules become more crowded than ever. However, it’s precisely in this chaos that an opportunity for growth and transformation lies.

 The Q4 Advantage

Why is Q4 so special? Think of it as the climax of your year-long symphony. It’s the time when you can make the most significant impact on your goals and aspirations. Whether you’ve been trailing behind your targets or steadily progressing throughout the year, Q4 is your chance to orchestrate a grand finale.

Here’s why the Q4 crescendo is worth embracing:

1. The Sense of Urgency: As the year-end approaches, there’s a natural urgency that compels us to take action. We become more aware of the limited time remaining in the year, and this urgency can serve as a powerful motivator.

2. Clearer Priorities: Q4 forces us to prioritize. With numerous commitments and events on the horizon, it becomes essential to focus on what truly matters. This clarity can help you identify and dedicate your energy to your most meaningful goals.

3. Reflective Opportunities: The end of the year is an ideal time for reflection. You can assess your progress, celebrate your achievements, and learn from any setbacks. This introspective practice can guide your actions in the coming months.

4. Momentum Building: Q4 can be the launching pad for the year ahead. By finishing the year strong, you create momentum that can propel you into the next year with enthusiasm and determination.

 Strategies for Your Q4 Crescendo

So, how can you make the most of the Q4 crescendo? Here are some strategies to help you achieve more while doing less:

1. Prioritize Your Goals: Identify your top goals for the remaining quarter. Focus on a select few that align with your most important aspirations. Trying to tackle too many objectives can lead to overwhelm.

2. Simplify Your Approach: Instead of adding more tasks to your to-do list, consider simplifying. How can you achieve your goals with fewer steps? Streamline your processes and cut out unnecessary activities.

3. Time Blocking: Use time blocking to structure your days efficiently. Dedicate specific blocks of time to high-priority tasks and protect those time slots from distractions.

4. Leverage Support: Don’t hesitate to ask for help or delegate tasks that don’t require your personal attention. Share responsibilities with others to lighten your load.

5. Embrace Rest and Self-Care: Taking breaks and practicing self-care are essential during this busy season. Recharge your energy so that you can show up at your best when it matters most.

6. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements along the way. Recognizing your progress can boost your motivation and drive.

7. Stay Agile: Be open to adjusting your plans as needed. Life can be unpredictable, and flexibility is a valuable trait during the Q4 crescendo.

The Q4 crescendo is your opportunity to make a lasting impact on your goals and aspirations. By embracing the energy and urgency of this season, prioritizing what truly matters, and simplifying your approach, you can achieve more while doing less. Remember to celebrate your victories, reflect on your journey, and use the momentum you build to propel yourself into a new year filled with possibilities. Your symphony is still playing, and the grand finale is yours to compose.

Crush Your Goals and End Your Year on a High Note with the Q4 Crescendo Workshop


Fall Enrollment for the Charmed Life Master Mind is Now Open

“I love your master Mind. The best subscription I have ever invested in.” – E.T.

“I really recommend the Master Mind, it’s a game changer… It’s a tremendous value ladies!” – Gloria Zepeda

“The Master Mind is very helpful in keeping me FOCUSED. It’s great to get personalized tips & ideas from Alexis and the other master mind members during the Zooms and on slack.” – M Fuller

“The community you have set up within the master mind is fun too, a lot of great ideas and hacks from other members.” – Jennifer Powers

Those were some impromptu reviews of the Charmed Life Master Mind from some of my master mind sisters who were able to join me for our live Fall Planning Workshop- Q4 Crescendo- on Saturday.

If you haven’t finished watching the Q4 Crescendo Workshop yetclick here to watch the replay because it was filled with insight and activities to help you break through the busy-ness, stress and heaviness that often hits us in Q4 and provides some excellent activities and strategies for creating your Master Plan for a productive and enjoyable season ahead.

During the class, I announced that Fall Enrollment for the Charmed Life Master Mind is Officially Open! 

The Master Mind is a productivity and personal development group coaching membership for ambitious women who understand the important role planning, accountability and inner work play in helping us live our best lives!

It’s a safe space for women to come together to show up and do the work that is essential to their future success. It’s a space where we create productive routines, learn new strategies and hacks for getting things done, we plan together and keep each other accountable to the actions we know will change and improve our lives.  

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, so if right now you are struggling with your productivity and finding it hard to manage it all in your life, it’s time to meet other like-minded women who value their time and goals and want to see us all win together!

So, will you be joining my productivity inner circle to get coaching, productivity tools, resources, accountability and support from me and our amazing group of ambitious and productive sisters?!

Here is what you get when you enroll:

Instant access to a library of content:30+ Master classes, Live Q+A Replays, Planning Sessions, Planner Inserts, Meditations + Additional Resources covering the topics of Planning, Productivity, Mindset, Goal Setting, Metaphysics

3 Live Zoom Calls per Month:Monthly Master Class, Q+A Coaching Call, Planning Power Hour  (All replays available immediately after the live call has ended)

Access to our Master Mind Slack:Accountability, Daily Prompts, Book Club, Q+A, Monthly Challenges, Meal Planning Inspo, Spotify Playlists, + more!

BONUS:When you enroll in the Annual Membership subscription option you get the 2024 Master Planner FREE

The Charmed Life Master Mind has flexible payment options to fit a variety of budgets:

Monthly: Pay $44 every 30 days

Quarterly: Pay $99 every 90 days (save $132 annually with this option)

Annual: Pay $396 every 365 days + Get the Bonus Master Planner (save $252 annually with this option)

BUT for a limited time, the Annual Membership price is just $333 with an automatic coupon that applies at checkout.

>> That equals out to less than $28 per month for group coaching, tons of on-demand personal development content and a complete library of planning resources! 

Would you pay $28 a month to buy back more of your time and get more done? I think the value speaks for itself.

Just add the Annual Membership subscription to cart to see the discount and save!

I sincerely hope to see you inside the Master Mind this fall because we have so many amazing seasonal and end of the year activities coming up that you do not want to miss!

If you have any questions about the Master Mind, please leave a comment or send me an email and let me know how I can help you!


Q4 is the Crescendo of Your Year


Are you tired of watching your goals slip away as the year winds down?

Do you feel overwhelmed by the holiday season, unable to focus on your dreams and aspirations?

It’s time to break free from the cycle of unmet expectations and rediscover the power of your potential.


In this empowering workshop, I’ll guide you through the transformative process of leveraging the Q4 season to achieve your most important goals while embracing the joy of the holidays and festivities.

It’s not about doing it all—it’s about doing what truly matters.

Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect:

🌟 Mindset Mastery: Learn how to identify and overcome limiting beliefs that hold you back from taking impactful and intentional action.

🎯 Goal Setting Simplified: Set clear targets for what you want to achieve and simplify your life to maximize your time for what truly matters.

📅 Master Planning: Create a master plan for the quarter, month, week, and day, ensuring you have a roadmap for achieving your targets.

🚀 Achieve More While Doing Less: Discover strategies to maximize your productivity and energy, so you can end the year strong.

Join me for an empowering and action-packed session that will equip you with the tools and mindset needed to crush your goals in the final quarter of the year.

Ready to make a meaningful impact and embrace the season with intention and joy? 

Reserve your spot for the Q4 Crescendo Workshop now!

Don’t let another year slip by without achieving your dreams. It’s time to make the Q4 Crescendo your turning point towards success.

I look forward to having you with us for this transformative workshop.

Let’s end the year on a high note together!
