Month: October 2023

Unleash Your Business Potential with the Digital CEO Strategy Planner

If you’re familiar with my journey, you know that I’ve been running my business online now full time for nearly 10 years as a solopreneur.

Before that, I spent several years dabbling with online business, content creation and social media marketing trying to get all the pieces to fit together to create income for myself online.

I saw other people doing it online, and I knew if it was possible for them, then it was also possible for me. But I had so many ideas it was difficult for me to structure them into the right foundation for me to build momentum upon.

So, I know first hand how challenging it can be to turn your business aspirations into actionable plans, especially if you are multi passionate like I am!

Actually running my business and remaining consistent was even more of a challenge as I had to hobble together different systems and tools to organize the various areas of my business to keep visibility on all the essentials.

So, I was using my planner, project management tools, spreadsheets and notes apps to capture, generate and organize the information for my business, and it was a lot.

Until Spring 2020 when I created the ultimate business planning tool for myself and other creative business owners known as the CEO Strategy Planner! This was a set of print at home planner inserts that creative entrepreneurs and digital marketers could use to organize the key elements of their business plan and take that plan and turn it into the small daily actions to take to keep the whole vision running.

It was an instant best-seller!

But of course, nearly since it’s inception, members of my community have been asking for a digital version of the planner to use on their iPad, Tablet or Smartphone device.

I’m so happy to say that the wait is officially over!

Introducing the Digital CEO Strategy Planner: Your Blueprint to Business Brilliance

Are you a creative entrepreneur with big dreams but struggle to turn them into organized, actionable plans? Do you wish for a tool that not only understands your creative vision but also helps you bring it to life? Look no further, because the Digital CEO Strategy Planner is your ultimate solution!

Why Choose the Digital CEO Strategy Planner?

✨ Comprehensive Business Mapping: Dive deep into your business strategy with over 60 elegantly designed worksheets. From your executive summary to brand vision, annual plans, marketing, and finances, every aspect of your business finds its place in this planner.

📱 Multi-Device Accessibility: Whether you’re using an iPad, tablet, or smartphone, our planner seamlessly integrates into your digital life. With apps like Goodnote or Notability, you can sync your planner across devices, ensuring your plans are always at your fingertips.

🔗 Hyperlinked Navigation: Say goodbye to endless scrolling. Our planner’s hyperlinked pages make finding information a breeze. Effortlessly jump between sections and stay focused on what matters most—your business growth.

⏳ Timeless and Undated: No need to buy a new planner every year. The Digital CEO Strategy Planner is undated, meaning you invest in it once, and it supports your business journey indefinitely.

Start Your Online Business Empire Today!

🌟 Click Here to Purchase Your Digital CEO Strategy Planner Now!

Buy Now and Get Down to Business!

Embrace the power of planning. Ignite your creativity. Accelerate your business success. The Digital CEO Strategy Planner is not just a planner; it’s your partner in every step of your entrepreneurial journey.

Join the league of successful entrepreneurs who turned their dreams into reality. Let the Digital CEO Strategy Planner guide your way to business brilliance. Act now and experience the transformation!

To your prosperous future,

Founder, Strange & Charmed

P.S. If you aren’t a digital planner person, I totally understand! If you would prefer the print at home version of the CEO Strategy Planner, the link above will take you to an info page where you can purchase the paper version as well!

Embrace the Autumn Glow: A Simple Morning Mindset Practice to Elevate Your Day

Hello, Wonderful Souls!

As the autumn leaves paint the world with warm hues, it’s the perfect time to infuse your mornings with a touch of mindful serenity. Embracing a morning mindset practice can set a positive tone for your day, enhancing your gratitude, focus, and overall well-being. Today, let’s explore a simple autumn morning routine that incorporates gratitude, mindful planning, empowering mindset shifts, and a grounding mindfulness mantra. By dedicating a few moments to this practice, you can step into the day with intention and grace.

1. Gratitude Journaling

   Begin your morning by acknowledging the blessings in your life. Grab your journal and write down three things you are grateful for. It could be the crisp morning air, a supportive friend, or a comforting cup of tea. Focusing on gratitude instills positivity and sets the stage for a day filled with appreciation.

2. Daily Planning and Intentions

   Take a moment to outline your priorities for the day. Jot down the tasks you need to accomplish and set clear intentions for each of them. Reflect on how accomplishing these tasks will contribute to your overall goals. Planning your day mindfully enhances focus and ensures you’re aligned with your aspirations.

3. Mindset Shifts to Empower Your Day

   Challenge any negative thoughts that may be lingering in your mind. Replace them with positive affirmations or empowering beliefs. For example, if you’re feeling apprehensive about a meeting, shift your mindset by affirming, “I am confident, capable, and well-prepared. I approach challenges with grace and intelligence.” Embrace the power of positive thinking to empower your day.

4. Simple Mindfulness Mantra

   Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Inhale the crisp, autumnal air and exhale any tension or worry. As you breathe, repeat a grounding mantra silently to yourself. For instance, you can use the mantra, “I am present, I am calm, I am capable.” Let these words wash over you, grounding you in the present moment.

By incorporating this autumn morning mindset practice into your daily routine, you cultivate a sense of mindfulness, gratitude, and empowerment. As the season changes, so too can your mindset, allowing you to embrace the beauty of each moment with open arms. Remember, your mornings set the tone for the rest of your day. By nurturing your mind and spirit, you create a foundation for a day filled with purpose, joy, and contentment.

Wishing you a season of mindful mornings and abundant blessings!

With Warmth and Presence,

Founder, Strange & Charmed 🍁✨

P.S. If you’re looking for more support in living your best, most organized and successful life, consider joining my inner circle private group coaching community called The Charmed Life Master Mind. Each month we meet for live classes, Q+As and monthly planning sessions, plus you have access to an on-demand resource library with dozens of classes, workbooks, planner inserts and other tools to help you craft the life you want to live. Click here to learn more and enroll today for instant access to all my best content and tools!

8 Things to Do in October to Make the Holiday Season more Harmonious 

Hello, Wonderful Souls!

October, with its crisp air and vibrant colors, is not just a prelude to winter; it’s a prologue to the warmth and togetherness of the holiday season. By embracing this month as a time of preparation and anticipation, you can pave the way for a peaceful, joyous, and stress-free holiday period. Here’s a guide to help you prepare your home, your family, and your heart for the wonderful chaos that November and December bring.

1. Declutter and Organize

Begin by decluttering your living spaces. Clear out the old to make room for the new. Organize your closets, cabinets, and pantry. Donate items you no longer need. This not only creates a sense of order but also makes room for holiday decorations and new gifts.

2. Prepare Your Home

   Start decorating your home for the holidays. Bring out your favorite decorations, and let your creativity flow. Ensure your holiday china and serving ware are accessible and clean. Create a cozy ambiance with candles, fairy lights, and warm blankets. Make your home a haven of comfort and cheer.

3. Plan Your Holiday Meals

   Research and organize recipes for your holiday feasts. Consider trying new dishes and experimenting with flavors. Plan your menus in advance, making note of any dietary restrictions or preferences. Create a shopping list and stock up on essential ingredients.

4. Capture the Moment

   If you plan to send out holiday cards, schedule a family photoshoot. Choose a theme or setting that resonates with your family’s personality. Remember, these photos capture beautiful memories and spread love to your friends and family.

5. Delegate and Collaborate

   Involve your family in the preparations. Allocate tasks based on everyone’s strengths and interests. Whether it’s cooking, decorating, or addressing holiday cards, sharing the workload fosters a sense of unity and excitement.

6. Practice Gratitude

   Encourage your family to reflect on what they are grateful for. Create a gratitude jar where everyone can jot down their blessings. This practice instills a sense of appreciation and sets a positive tone for the season.

7. Embrace Self-Care

   Amidst the busyness, don’t forget to nurture yourself. Take moments for self-reflection, indulge in your favorite activities, and prioritize self-care. A well-rested and content you will spread love and joy effortlessly.

8. Prepare for Guests

   If you’re expecting guests, prepare your guest rooms with fresh linens and cozy touches. Stock up on toiletries, and create a welcoming atmosphere. Plan activities and outings that will entertain your guests and create unforgettable memories.

Dear friends, October is the canvas upon which we sketch the outline of our holiday season. By embracing this month with intention and preparation, you pave the way for a seamless and heartwarming holiday period. Remember, the essence of the season lies not in perfection but in love, connection, and the joy of giving.

Wishing you a month filled with anticipation, love, and beautiful preparations.

With Warmth and Excitement,

Founder, Strange & Charmed 🍂✨

P.S. If you’re looking for more support in living your best, most organized and successful life, consider joining my inner circle private group coaching community called The Charmed Life Master Mind. Each month we meet for live classes, Q+As and monthly planning sessions, plus you have access to an on-demand resource library with dozens of classes, workbooks, planner inserts and other tools to help you craft the life you want to live. Click here to learn more and enroll today for instant access to all my best content and tools!

Designing Your Ideal Daily Routine: Cultivating Balance and Bliss in Q4

Hello, Amazing Community!

As the crisp autumn air ushers in the season of change, it’s the perfect time to craft your Ideal Daily Routine. Think of it as the art of orchestrating your day, where every moment is purposefully designed to bring you balance, joy, and a sense of fulfillment. Today, let’s embark on the journey of creating your personalized daily routine for Fall and Q4, aligning your days with your aspirations and the magic of the season.

What Does Your Ideal Daily Routine Look Like in Q4?

You know that not every day can work out perfectly no matter how well you plan for it, but in order for more of your days to flow with ease and intention, it’s up to you to know exactly what your ideal day should look like. Your Ideal Daily Routine serves as your sanctuary, a day-in, day-out blueprint that embodies your aspirations and values, where you make time in your day for your essentials and momentum builders. Let’s delve into creating your perfect daily routine for Q4:

1. Define Your Core Time Slots

   – Wake/Sleep: Establish consistent wake-up and bedtime hours, ensuring you get the rejuvenating sleep you need.

   – Morning Routine: Dedicate time for mindful practices like meditation, journaling, or exercise to set a positive tone for your day.

   – Work Day Routine: Structure your work hours, allowing for focused work, breaks, and moments of creativity.

   – Evening Routine: Wind down with calming activities such as reading, gentle stretching, or gratitude practices to prepare for restful sleep.

   – Daily Hygiene and Self-Care: Allocate time for personal care rituals, ensuring you feel refreshed and confident throughout the day.

   – Meals: Plan nourishing meals and savor each bite mindfully, appreciating the flavors and the energy they provide.

   – Chores: Set aside time for household chores, organizing your environment for a sense of calm.

   – Family Time: Carve out moments for quality interactions with your loved ones, fostering connection and love.

   – Daily Goal-Related Habits: Incorporate habits aligned with your goals, dedicating time each day for progress and growth.

   – Daily Seasonal Habits: Embrace fall-specific activities like cozy reading sessions, nature walks, or indulging in warm beverages.

2. List Out Your Ideal Daily Routine Hour by Hour. Here’s an example routine for you to consider:

   – 6:00 AM – Wake Up: Begin the day with hydration, a gratitude practice and morning stretches.

   – 7:00 AM – Morning Routine: Journaling, meditation, and a nourishing breakfast.

   – 9:00 AM – Work Day Routine: Engage in focused work tasks, with short breaks for relaxation.

   – 1:00 PM – Lunch: Enjoy a wholesome meal and a short walk outdoors for fresh air.

   – 2:00 PM – Afternoon Work: Resume work tasks, incorporating creative brainstorming sessions.

   – 5:30 PM – Evening Routine: A short workout, preparing a delicious dinner and tidying.

   – 7:00 PM – Family Time: Engage in meaningful conversations, play games, or enjoy a family outing.

   – 9:00 PM – Nighttime Rituals: Skincare routine, gratitude journaling, and unwinding activities.

   – 10:00 PM – Wind Down: Disconnect from screens, practice deep breathing, and prepare for restful sleep.

Creating your Ideal Daily Routine is a transformative act of self-love. It’s not about rigidity but about honoring your needs and desires. By structuring your days intentionally, you’re inviting balance and joy into every moment.

Here’s to a Q4 filled with purposeful days, deep connections, and the pure bliss of a well-designed routine.

With Warmth and Joy,

Founder, Strange & Charmed 🍂✨

P.S. If you need more structure in your planning, time management and personal organization, I have the perfect planner for you! The Charmed Life Master Planner is a Functional Planning System that includes all the inserts you need to generate ideas, formulate plans and schedule the time to execute successfully on it all! Click here to purchase your copy now.

Crafting Your Ideal Weekly Schedule: Embracing Balance and Joy in Q4

Hello, Wonderful Community!

As the vibrant hues of fall paint the world, it’s the perfect time to embrace the rhythm of the season and create your Ideal Weekly Schedule. This carefully curated plan acts as your compass, guiding you through the bustling days of Q4 with grace, purpose, and joy. Let’s explore how to craft your personalized weekly schedule, ensuring that you have time for everything that matters during this vibrant season.

What Does Your Ideal Weekly Schedule Look Like in Q4?

Your Ideal Weekly Schedule is your tailored roadmap through the week. A busy woman like you knows you can’t get it all done in the 24 hours of a single day, but you have plenty of time when you map your work across the 168 hours of a week. That is the purpose of the Ideal Weekly Schedule. It’s a blend of routine and spontaneity, carefully designed to accommodate your responsibilities, passions, and seasonal delights. Here’s how you can craft your own Ideal Weekly Schedule for Q4:

1. Define Your Regular Time Blocks

   – Wake/Sleep: Set consistent wake-up and bedtime routines to ensure you get enough rest.

   – Daily Routine: Allocate time for morning rituals, exercise, and any other routines that ground your day.

   – Work: Dedicate specific hours for work-related tasks and projects.

   – Self-Care: Schedule self-care activities like meditation, exercise, or hobbies that bring you joy.

   – Meals: Plan regular meal times, allowing space for nourishing your body and enjoying your food mindfully.

   – Chores: Allocate time for household chores and maintenance tasks.

   – Shopping/Errands: Set aside time for grocery shopping and other essential errands.

   – Meal Planning & Prep: Dedicate time for planning meals and prepping ingredients for the week.

   – Family Time: Carve out moments for quality time with family, creating cherished memories together.

2. Include Focused Goal Work

   – Identify specific goals you want to achieve in Q4.

   – Allocate focused time blocks in your schedule for working toward these goals, ensuring consistent progress.

3. Embrace Seasonal Activities

   – Dedicate time for fall-inspired activities such as apple picking, pumpkin carving, or cozy movie nights.

   – Plan outings to enjoy the beauty of autumn, like hikes in colorful forests or visits to local fall festivals.

4. Balance and Adjust

   – Regularly assess your schedule. Is it bringing you balance and fulfillment?

   – Be flexible. Life is dynamic, and your schedule should adapt to unexpected events or changing priorities.

5. Embrace the Joy of Balance

   – Remember, your Ideal Weekly Schedule isn’t about squeezing every moment full; it’s about creating a harmonious blend of work, play, and relaxation.

   – Prioritize activities that bring you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of connection.

Embracing Your Ideal Weekly Schedule

Creating your Ideal Weekly Schedule is an act of self-care and intention. It’s a tool that empowers you to embrace the richness of Q4 without feeling overwhelmed. By consciously crafting a schedule that aligns with your values and aspirations, you’ll find balance, joy, and the freedom to savor every moment of this vibrant season.

Here’s to a fall season filled with purpose, presence, and the pure delight of a well-balanced life.

With Warmth and Excitement,

Founder, Strange & Charmed 🍁✨

P.S. If you need more structure in your planning, time management and personal organization, I have the perfect planner for you! The Charmed Life Master Planner is a Functional Planning System that includes all the inserts you need to generate ideas, formulate plans and schedule the time to execute successfully on it all! Click here to purchase your copy now.

Fall Braindump: Harvesting Ideas and Memories for a Memorable Q4

Hello, Amazing Community!

As the leaves turn golden and the air grows crisper, it’s time to harness the power of a Fall Braindump. Think of it as a mental harvest, a process where you gather all your ideas, dreams, and plans and lay them out on paper. This simple activity can transform your Q4, helping you make better plans and unforgettable memories during this vibrant season.

What is a Fall Braindump and Why is it Essential?

A Fall Braindump is your ticket to a more organized, intentional, and joyful season. It’s a creative process of getting all your thoughts and aspirations out of your head and onto paper. By doing so, you create a visual roadmap, ensuring that no wonderful idea gets lost amidst the hustle and bustle of autumn and winter.

How Will a Fall Braindump Improve Your Q4?

1. Clarity and Focus: Writing down your ideas brings clarity. It helps you visualize what you truly want to experience and achieve in the upcoming months. It acts as a guiding light, focusing your attention on what matters most.

2. Efficient Planning: When your ideas are on paper, planning becomes efficient. You can organize your thoughts into actionable steps, making it easier to schedule activities, events, and moments with loved ones.

3. Preventing Overwhelm: Q4 often comes with a flurry of activities. A Fall Braindump ensures you don’t miss out on anything important. By organizing your thoughts, you can prioritize what truly matters and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

4. Creating Lasting Memories: By brainstorming seasonal activities and events, you’re setting the stage for memorable experiences. It’s not just about checking off tasks; it’s about crafting moments that will be cherished for years to come.

Fall Braindump Prompts

What are all the expected events you can think of for Q4?

  • Holiday Gatherings
  • Seasonal Events
  • Travel
  • EOY Conferences
  • Campaigns/Promotions
  • Events for your spouse/partners work
  • Events for your children
  • Community events
  • Sports events
  • List each event and the associated dates/times

What are all the fun seasonal activities and memories you want to make time for in Q4?

  • Apple/Pumpkin Picking (Which farm and have you consulted their schedule?)
  • Family Photos + Holiday Cards (don’t forget to book the photographer)
  • Movie nights (which movies did you want to watch?)
  • Reading (list the books)
  • Hiking/Camping (campsites or trails you want to try)
  • Cooking/Baking (list the recipes you want to make)
  • Visiting friends and family (who do you want to see and what will you do together?)
  • Vacation/Travel/Exploring (where do you want to go?)
  • Visiting gravesites for loved ones (where are they, what will you bring)
  • List each activity and the frequency or date you want to set aside for each.

How to Start Your Fall Braindump

1. Find a quiet space and gather your favorite writing tools – a notebook and pen or your digital device.

2. Reflect on the prompts provided, letting your mind wander and jotting down any ideas that come up.

3. Organize your thoughts into categories – events, activities, family, self-care, etc.

4. Create a timeline for each activity or event, marking specific dates and times.

5. Prioritize your list based on what aligns best with your goals and desires for the season.

By doing your Fall Braindump, you’re not just planning; you’re setting the stage for a season filled with purpose and joy. Your plans and memories will be as vibrant as the autumn leaves, making Q4 a truly magical time.

Happy Braindumping!


Founder, Strange & Charmed 🍂✨

P.S. If you struggle with planning, time management and personal organization, I have the perfect planner for you! The Charmed Life Master Planner is a Functional Planning System that includes all the inserts you need to generate ideas, formulate plans and schedule the time to execute successfully on it all! Click here to purchase your copy now.