Month: January 2024

Love Your List: Content Ideas for February and Valentine’s Day Season for Female Entrepreneurs

February, with its romantic ambiance and Valentine’s Day festivities, provides a unique opportunity for businesses to engage and connect with their audience. Crafting content that resonates with the season can not only boost engagement but also foster a deeper connection with your customers. Here are some popular content ideas tailored to help you make the most of February and the Valentine’s Day season.

1. Share the Love: Customer Appreciation

  • Content Idea: Express gratitude to your customers with a heartfelt thank-you post. Consider featuring customer testimonials, success stories, or creating a customer appreciation video.
  • Caption: “Our business is sweetened by your support! Thank you for being the heart of our success. 💕 #CustomerAppreciation #Gratitude”

2. Valentine’s Day Specials and Promotions

  • Content Idea: Highlight special offers, discounts, or exclusive products/services for Valentine’s Day. Create eye-catching visuals and share the details across your social media platforms.
  • Caption: “Love is in the air, and so are our Valentine’s Day specials! Treat yourself or your loved ones to something special. ❤️ #ValentinesDayDeals #SpreadTheLove”

3. Behind-the-Scenes Romance

  • Content Idea: Give your audience a peek behind the scenes of your business, showcasing the people and processes that make everything possible. Share stories that resonate with the theme of love and dedication.
  • Caption: “Our team is the heart of our operation! Here’s a glimpse behind the scenes of the love and hard work that goes into making your favorite products/services. 💖 #TeamLove #BTS”

4. DIY Valentine’s Day Ideas

  • Content Idea: Offer your audience do-it-yourself ideas related to your products or services. Whether it’s crafting, cooking, or decorating, provide easy-to-follow guides that align with the Valentine’s Day theme.
  • Caption: “Get creative this Valentine’s Day with our simple DIY ideas! Share your creations with us using #DIYLove. 💝 #ValentinesCrafts #DIYInspiration”

5. Love-Infused Product/Service Spotlights

  • Content Idea: Showcase specific products or services that align with the Valentine’s Day theme. Highlight their features, benefits, and how they can add value to your customers’ celebrations.
  • Caption: “Introducing our Valentine’s Day Collection! From romantic essentials to thoughtful gifts, find the perfect way to express your love. 💘 #ValentinesSpecials #ProductSpotlight”

6. Valentine’s Day Giveaways

  • Content Idea: Run a Valentine’s Day-themed giveaway or contest. Encourage audience participation by asking them to share love stories, photos, or tag someone special for a chance to win.
  • Caption: “Spread love and win! Participate in our Valentine’s Day giveaway for a chance to win [prize]. Share your love story below or tag someone special to enter! 🎁💕 #ValentinesGiveaway #SpreadTheLove”

29 Social Media Prompts to Spark Love for Your Brand in February

February is not just about chocolates and roses; it’s a fantastic opportunity for businesses to infuse love into their social media presence. To help you engage with your audience and spread the love for your brand, here are 29 creative prompts for your social media posts throughout the Valentine’s season.

1. #SelfLoveSunday

Share a self-care tip or highlight how your product/service promotes self-love.

2. Throwback Love

Share a memorable moment from the past that holds a special place in your business journey.

3. Valentine’s Day Countdown

Start a countdown to Valentine’s Day with daily posts featuring different aspects of your brand.

4. Meet the Team Monday

Introduce your team members and share what they love most about working for your business.

5. Love-Infused Product Showcase

Spotlight products or services that make the perfect Valentine’s Day gift.

6. Customer Love Stories

Feature customer testimonials or stories that showcase their love for your brand.

7. Valentine’s Day Wishlist

Share a curated list of your favorite products/services for the season.

8. Behind-the-Scenes Love

Give followers a sneak peek behind the scenes, showing the love and effort that goes into your business.

9. #TransformationTuesday

Share a business transformation or success story that inspires love and growth.

10. Love Quotes Inspiration

Share uplifting and love-themed quotes related to your business values.

11. Valentine’s Day Poll

Engage your audience with a poll asking about their Valentine’s Day plans or preferences.

12. Showcase Love for Local Businesses

Collaborate with local businesses and share posts that promote mutual support.

13. Valentine’s Day DIY Tips

Provide DIY tips related to your products or services that followers can try for Valentine’s Day.

14. Spread the Love Giveaway

Host a giveaway and encourage followers to share what they love most about your brand.

15. Fan Feature Friday

Feature user-generated content, showcasing how your products are loved by your audience.

16. Share the Love Playlist

Create a Valentine’s Day playlist that aligns with your brand and share it with your followers.

17. Valentine’s Day Memories

Share a memorable moment from a past Valentine’s Day celebration at your business.

18. Love Your Community

Highlight community involvement or charitable efforts your business supports.

19. Valentine’s Day Discounts

Announce exclusive discounts or promotions for the Valentine’s season.

20. Ask for Recommendations

Seek recommendations for favorite love-themed books, movies, or activities from your audience.

21. Love-Inspired Blog Post

Share a blog post or article that aligns with the Valentine’s season.

22. Valentine’s Day Trivia

Engage your audience with fun Valentine’s Day trivia related to your business.

23. Love Language Quiz

Encourage followers to discover their love language and how your brand caters to it.

24. Valentine’s Day Decorations

Showcase how your business is decorated or themed for the season.

25. Valentine’s Day Recipe

Share a love-themed recipe that your audience can try.

26. Love for Your Industry

Share your passion for your industry and why you love being a part of it.

27. Valentine’s Day Challenges

Create challenges related to your products or services and encourage followers to participate.

28. Heartfelt Thank You

Express gratitude to your followers for their continuous support.

29. Future of Love

Share exciting plans and developments for your brand in the upcoming months.

Remember to tailor these content ideas to your brand’s personality and values. Personalization and authenticity are key to creating meaningful connections with your audience during the romantic vibes of February.

Elevate Your Business with the Charmed Life Master Mind!

Ready to take your content, marketing, and business strategy to new heights this season? Join the Charmed Life Master Mind—a community of ambitious women and female entrepreneurs committed to growth and success.

In the Charmed Life Master Mind, you’ll unlock exclusive insights, strategies, and a supportive network to help you flourish in your entrepreneurial journey. Elevate your brand, enhance your content, and conquer your business goals with the collective wisdom of like-minded women.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your business into a thriving, charmed venture.

Click here to join the Charmed Life Master Mind today and embark on a journey of empowerment, collaboration, and business brilliance. Your success story begins here!


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

Transform Your Finances: The Journey to Abundance Begins with the Money Manifestation Techniques Activity Workbook

Transform Your Finances: The Journey to Abundance Begins with the Money Manifestation Techniques Activity Workbook

Do you find yourself trapped in a cycle of living paycheck to paycheck, with a nagging feeling that your relationship with money is holding you back from the abundance you desire? If you resonate with the struggles of financial limitations and negative stereotypes surrounding money, it’s time for a mindset upgrade. The signs are clear, but the good news is that change can happen swiftly when you embark on a journey of specific mindset work practices.

Signs You Need a Money Mindset Upgrade: Breaking Free from Financial Limitations

  1. Living Paycheck to Paycheck:
    • If the end of the month brings more stress than relief, and you constantly find yourself counting down the days until your next payday, it’s a sign that your current money mindset needs a shift.
  2. Inherited Money Beliefs:
    • Growing up in an environment where money was tight might have instilled beliefs that earning a living requires constant struggle. Recognizing and challenging these inherited beliefs is the first step to transforming your financial reality.
  3. Negative Stereotypes About Money:
    • Associating money with negative stereotypes such as greed, corruption, or a lack of values can create subconscious barriers to abundance. Identifying and reframing these associations is crucial for fostering a healthier relationship with wealth.

Change Can Happen Quickly with Mindset Work Practices

The good news is that your current financial situation and mindset are not permanent. With specific mindset work practices, you can break free from limiting beliefs, redefine your relationship with money, and start manifesting more abundance into your life.

Introducing the Money Manifestation Techniques Activity Workbook: Your Path to Financial Freedom

The Money Manifestation Techniques Activity Workbook is a transformative tool designed to guide you through a four-step manifestation process. This 32-page PDF includes 20 worksheet pages, offering a comprehensive guide to upgrading your money mindset and manifesting abundance. Here’s a glimpse of what the workbook entails:

Step One: Decide What You Want – Abundance Budgeting

  • Learn the art of abundance budgeting to align your financial goals with your desires. This activity sets the foundation for a mindset shift towards prosperity.

Step Two: Identify and Replace Limiting Beliefs – Raising My Energetic Income Level

  • Dive deep into identifying and replacing limiting beliefs around money. The accompanying activity, “Raising My Energetic Income Level,” empowers you to elevate your energy and attract higher financial vibrations.

Step Three: Raise Your Vibration to Feel Abundant – Manifestation Journaling

  • Elevate your vibrational frequency with manifestation journaling. This activity helps you tap into the emotions of abundance, aligning your thoughts and feelings with your financial desires.

Step Four: Hold Space for the Manifestation to Arrive – Checkbook from the Universe

  • Embrace the power of holding space for your manifestations. The “Checkbook from the Universe” activity acts as a symbolic gesture, allowing you to welcome the abundance you’ve attracted.

Bonus Tools and Activities to Accelerate Your Transformation:

  • 50 Powerful Money Affirmations:
    • Reprogram your mind with affirmations that overcome limiting beliefs and attract abundance.
  • Daily Income Tracker:
    • Monitor your daily income to witness the progress in overcoming money boundaries.
  • Manifestation Resource Guide:
    • Dive deeper into money manifestation with recommended books, tools, and apps to enhance your journey.

Why You Need the Money Manifestation Techniques Workbook: A Call to Transform Your Reality

The Money Manifestation Techniques Workbook isn’t just a set of activities; it’s your roadmap to financial freedom. It provides you with:

  • A simple, four-step manifestation process for continuous financial growth.
  • Techniques to manifest money and abundance on-demand.
  • Powerful affirmations to reprogram your money mindset.
  • Daily trackers to monitor your progress and celebrate victories.
  • A resource guide to further your understanding and mastery of money manifestation.

Ready to transform your finances and manifest the abundance you deserve? The Money Manifestation Techniques Activity Workbook is your key to unlocking a wealthier, more abundant future. This digital gem, optimized for printing, is your tangible guide to a year of money manifestation. Embrace the journey – your charmed financial life awaits!

Click here to embark on your transformative journey with the Money Manifestation Techniques Workbook! 🌟💸


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

Unlocking Your Inner Oracle: A Guide to Developing Psychic Abilities for Success

Unlocking Your Inner Oracle: A Guide to Developing Psychic Abilities for Success

Embarking on a journey to develop psychic abilities is an exploration of your inner wisdom, a compass that guides you towards success. In this post, we’ll delve into the practical strategies that can help you tap into your intuition and align with your goals, transforming your life into a charmed journey.

Understanding Psychic Abilities: Your Inner Guidance System

What are Psychic Abilities? Psychic abilities are the inner feelings or knowings that act as guiding forces, helping direct you through life’s complexities. This inner guidance system is a subtle, intuitive knowing that transcends the limitations of the logical mind. It’s about recognizing and trusting the signals from within that guide you toward success.

Practical Strategies to Develop Psychic Abilities: Your Path to Success

1. Cultivate Self-Awareness:

  • Begin your journey by cultivating self-awareness. Understand your emotions, thoughts, and reactions. The more aware you are of your inner world, the easier it becomes to discern intuitive nudges from mere noise. Take breaks throughout the day just to check in with yourself and see how you are feeling. When we move to quickly through life, we often miss important signs our body is giving us that can provide important insight and guidance.

2. Practice Mindfulness Meditation:

  • Engage in mindfulness meditation to quiet the chatter of the mind. Creating moments of stillness allows your intuitive insights to rise to the surface. Focus on your breath, observe thoughts without attachment, and let your inner guidance emerge. Try integrating a simple practice like the Box Breath in the morning and evening. The Box Breath is a technique where you breath in through your nose for 4 seconds, then you hold your breath for 4 seconds, then you exhale from your mouth for 4 seconds, and then hold your breath again for another 4 seconds. That is one round of the Box Breath, and you can start and end your day with 10 rounds of this technique to help you get into the present moment and let go of racing thoughts and powerful feelings.

3. Keep a Intuition Journal:

  • Create an intuition journal to record your inner feelings, hunches, or knowings. Regularly review your entries to identify patterns and connections between your intuitive insights and subsequent events. This practice enhances your recognition of psychic signals. Just make sure you have a dedicated space to record your intuitions like a specific notebook, journal or a notes app on your phone. The key to success with an Intuition Journal is to use it consistently. Try using the following prompts as a guide for what to write in your journal.

    Q1: What is the current situation you are facing?

    Q2: What is your intuition telling you to do?

    Q3: Do you feel safe taking this action now? If not, explain what is holding you back and what you think you need to do instead.

4. Clarify Your Goals:

  • Develop clarity about your goals. Clearly define what success means to you in different areas of your life. The more specific you are, the easier it becomes for your intuition to guide you toward actions aligned with your objectives. You can’t expect to reach success if you don’t know what success looks like to you, so if you have a hard time setting your goals on your own, here is my goal setting method that will help you set the right goals this year.

5. Trust Your Feelings:

  • Pay attention to your inner feelings or instincts. When faced with decisions, notice the immediate, subtle reactions within your body. Trusting these visceral responses often leads to choices in alignment with your higher purpose. Intuitive nudges generally come in one of three forms. The first is a sudden idea or clarity that hits inside your mind. The second is an emotional hit or intuition that you may feel in your heart center. The third is the gut feeling that hits in your abdomen (solar plexus) and makes you feel like you’re being pulled to take some action. Each of us are different so you may get intuitive nudges from just one of these areas or up to all three. They don’t generally all hit at once however. Sometimes you may get a gut feeling, other times you may feel a sudden sense of clarity, or have an emotional response to a situation that is informing you of what you need.

6. Engage in Creative Practices:

  • Participate in creative activities such as drawing, writing, or dancing. These activities help bypass the analytical mind and connect with your intuition on a deeper level. The more you engage in creative practices, the more attuned you become to your inner guidance.

7. Connect with Nature:

  • Spend time in nature to ground yourself and amplify your intuitive connection. Whether it’s a walk in the park, hiking, or simply sitting in a garden, nature has a way of quieting the mind and enhancing your receptivity to intuitive insights.

8. Practice Gratitude:

Embracing Success Through Psychic Development

Developing psychic abilities is not about predicting the future; it’s about aligning with your inner wisdom to navigate life successfully. As you embrace these practical strategies, you’ll find yourself tapping into your intuitive guidance system more effortlessly. To further support your journey toward success, consider joining the Charmed Life Master Mind for additional tools, resources, and a supportive community dedicated to holistic success.

🚀 Take the Next Step: Join the Charmed Life Master Mind

Ready to elevate your psychic development and align with the success you envision? Join the Charmed Life Master Mind – a community committed to your growth and transformation. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey toward a charmed life.

Your success story awaits, guided by the wisdom within. Trust your intuition, embrace the journey, and let success unfold. 🌌✨


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

An Easy Mindset Hack for Overcoming Bad Habits This Year

An Easy Mindset Hack for Overcoming Bad Habits This Year

Embarking on a journey to break free from bad habits often involves a battle of the mind. We all know the struggle – the internal debate, the fleeting guilt, and the constant negotiation with ourselves. What if we told you that there’s a simple mindset hack that can empower you to overcome these habits effortlessly? It’s time to change the narrative and make your bad habits unimportant in your mind.

The Mindset Shift: Redefining Importance

1. Acknowledge the Habit:

  • The first step in this mindset hack is to acknowledge the habit without giving it undue importance. Acceptance is key. Recognize the habit for what it is, and refrain from attaching excessive significance to it.

2. Challenge Its Appeal:

  • Take a moment to challenge the habit’s appeal. If it’s eating candy, for example, question its true worth. Remind yourself that it’s not as enjoyable as you once thought. Challenge its taste, its cost, and its availability. By downplaying its allure, you weaken its grip on your routine.

3. Shift Your Narrative:

  • Change the story you tell yourself about the habit. If you’re attempting to curb excessive spending, tell yourself that those impulse purchases are not as exciting as they seem. The thrill is short-lived, and the long-term consequences far outweigh the fleeting pleasure.

4. Create Mental Distance:

  • Introduce mental distance between yourself and the habit. Instead of viewing it as an integral part of your identity, see it as a temporary and unimportant aspect of your daily life. The less weight you give it in your mind, the easier it becomes to let go.

5. Focus on Alternatives:

  • Redirect your focus to healthier alternatives. If the bad habit is mindless snacking, emphasize the joy of nourishing your body with wholesome snacks. By highlighting positive alternatives, you naturally diminish the perceived importance of the undesired habit.

Applying the Mindset Hack to Common Bad Habits

1. Breaking the Candy Craving:

  • Instead of succumbing to the allure of candy, convince yourself that it’s not as delicious as you once believed. Remind yourself of its ubiquity, cost, and the fact that you can indulge whenever you choose. Suddenly, the urgency to consume it daily diminishes.

2. Curbing Impulse Spending:

  • If impulsive spending is your challenge, alter your mindset. Tell yourself that those spontaneous purchases rarely bring lasting joy. Shift your focus to mindful spending on items that truly enhance your life, making the habit of impulsive buys seem less appealing.

3. Overcoming Procrastination:

  • Procrastination often thrives on a sense of urgency. Challenge this by convincing yourself that the distracting task isn’t as critical as it seems and can be addressed later. By downplaying its importance, you reduce the mental barriers that hinder your progress.

The Power of Making It Unimportant

Transform your year by adopting this simple yet potent mindset hack. By making your bad habits unimportant in your mind, you reclaim control over your actions. This approach empowers you to break free from the shackles of routine and redefine your relationship with habits that no longer serve you.

Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and positive change? Challenge the importance of your habits and witness the transformative power of a shifted mindset. Your charmed life awaits, free from the constraints of habits that once held you back.

Click here to join the Charmed Life Mastermind for more strategy, implementation and accountability to remove the bad habits holding you back from reaching your goal!

Make the shift today – declare your independence from unimportant habits and embrace the positive changes that follow. The journey to a better you begins with a change in perspective. 🚀✨


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed


10 Habits of Women Who Get What They Want in Life

Women who get what they want in life are easy to spot. 

They move differently. 

They exude a certain energy and confidence that sets them apart. 

And we admire them for it. We want to be like them.

We want to have some of the things they have, or at least understand how they always seem to get the things they want. 

Seriously, how does she do it?

Why does life seem so much easier for her?

Why doesn’t she have the problems I have?

We inevitable compare ourselves to women like this and feel like we come up short.

We think that if we had her looks, her body, her money, her partner, her kids, her opportunities, that our lives would magically morph into something greater. Maybe?

Of course, the effect of privilege is real. Our looks, our religion, our gender, our skin tone all impact the way the world interacts with us.

But if all we have control over is ourselves, then there must be things we can do to improve the way we interact with the world, and ultimately impact the results we see around us.

John C. Maxwell said, “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”

I think the secret to success for women who get what they want in life is hidden in their daily routines. 

It’s their habits that are different than ours, and if we can start adopting some of these better habits and ways of being and living, ultimately, it will change our situation in life as well.

This concept is at the heart of the work we do together in the Charmed Life Master Mind. 

The Master Mind was designed and built to be a place where we as women could come together to build new habits into our lives and develop our mindset and skillset to be able to face and overcome the challenges of life.

And there are ten habits that we focus on continually inside the Master Mind that I have learned and borrowed from women who get what they want in life. 

I want to share these ten habits with you now.

10 Habits of Women Who Get What They Want

1. She sets goals that align with her life vision: Women who get what they want in life are excellent goal setters. They can take the vision for what they want their life to look like and translate that into strategic objectives to take action on. These women are often dreamers who allow themselves to imagine a better life for themselves, and they can paint a mental picture for themselves that is so rich and vivid. At the same time, they know that they need to do the work to turn those dreams into reality and that having that vision is worthless without taking action.

2. She knows her priorities and doesn’t try to do it all at once: Women who get what they want in life know that you can have it all but not all at once. In order to keep focused on their immediate goals they are very clear on their priorities for their current season of life and they take care of their priorities first. They are patient knowing that in the end they will get what they want, as long as they do the work 

3. She does daily mindset work: Women who get what they want in life know that the quality of their life is a direct reflection of the quality of their minds. They do what they can each day to ensure their head is in the right place, that they are thinking positively and creatively about their challenges for the day, and they keep their self-talk as positive and uplifting as possible. They know they need to be their own cheerleader in order to create discipline and consistency in their life and get the things they want.

4. She has a growth mindset: Women who get what they want in life understand that the universe is always expanding and therefore so must they! They value knowledge and strive to learn new things as often as possible. You won’t hear them complain that they don’t know how to do something, instead, they will say they don’t know how to do it yet! They read, watch documentaries, listen to podcasts, join courses and more to keep their minds sharp, and most importantly, they strive to act on the information they learn. They aren’t simply passive learners, they desire to act on the brilliant ideas they expose themselves to, in order to improve their life.

5. She knows what her ideal day looks like: Women who get what they want in life clearly understand what their perfect daily routine should look like and they strive to stick to that schedule as much as possible. They know that not every day can be perfect, they understand that life happens and interruptions are part of life. But no matter what takes them off course for a day, they always come back to their daily routine because in their routine they feel a sense of comfort and control.

6. She strategically organizes her week into themed days and time blocks: Women who get what they want in life know they can’t do it all in 24 hours a day. So they organize their life across the 168 hours of a week instead! In order to do their best work, they theme their days and they create recurring blocks of time in their week to take care of the minutia of life. They set aside time for their work, errands, meal planning + prep, self-care, family time and more. That way there is a time for everything and everything can be completed in time when they stick to their schedule.

7. She has a consistent planning routine: Women who get what they want in life know that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. So, they have a simple planning routine that helps them track their goals down into individual actions to take at specific times. These women know everything that is on their plate in a given period of time, because they have carefully and intentionally selected what gets on their plate, and they know when they follow through with these plans that they are making important progress towards their dream life.

8. She knows how to motivate herself: Women who get what they want in life don’t wait for motivation to strike, they know how to motivate themselves to start and follow through on their plans. They have specific practices, self-talk or rituals they use to shift their personal energy so they want to show up to do their work each day. And as much as possible they make this process fun and enjoyable. They aren’t pushing themselves to do things they aren’t interested in, instead, they achieve a level of mastery where they feel a pull to complete their tasks because they are in alignment with them.

9. She has many healthy habits and routines: Women who get what they want in life have reached their success with the help of many healthy habits that keep them balanced and productive. Habits such as regular movement, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, planning and prepping their meals, having a daily uniform, and of course, their beauty routine. Completing these tasks isn’t a chore for these women, they see these habits as a way to care and invest time and energy back into themselves, so they look, feel and perform at their highest capacity each day.

10. She surrounds herself with like-minded women: Women who get what they want in life know that if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together! These women don’t isolate themselves, but instead, they cultivate community around them for mutual success, accountability and development. Of course, they don’t allow just anyone into their circle, because they know that the mindset and energy of others can impact themselves, but they find like-minded women with growth mindsets to master mind with regularly which keeps them at the top of their game and constantly evolving!

Adopting all ten of these habits is no small feat. It takes consistency and accountability to build these disciplines into your life.

But this is the work we do in the Charmed Life Master Mind.

So, if you want to build these habits and become a woman who gets what she wants in life, I invite you to join the Master Mind now!

Enrollment is currently open, there are three subscriptions options available so you can choose the payment structure that works for you.

Imagine where you will be 3 months, 6 months or even a year from now! Your future is built by the decisions and actions you take today, so start building a better future for yourself, your family and your community by joining the Charmed Life Master Mind now.


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

A Quick & Simple Mindset Practice to Kick Your Year Off for Success

A Quick & Simple Mindset Practice to Kick Your Year Off for Success

Hello, goal-getters! As we embark on a new year, it’s the perfect time to align our mindset with success. Today, I’m sharing a quick and straightforward mindset practice that will set the tone for a year of achievement and fulfillment. Get ready to supercharge your goals with the power of affirmations.

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive, present-tense statements that reflect the reality you want to create or reinforce in your life. By repeating these statements regularly, you harness the power of positive thinking to influence your subconscious mind and, subsequently, your behavior and outcomes.

The Purpose of Affirmations

1. Overcoming Negative Self-Talk:

Affirmations serve as a counterforce to the often-negative chatter that plays in our minds. They challenge and replace self-doubt, criticism, and limiting beliefs with uplifting, empowering thoughts.

2. Shaping Your Reality:

Affirmations operate on the principle that your thoughts shape your reality. By consistently focusing on positive statements, you guide your mind towards manifesting those positive outcomes in your life.

3. Building Confidence and Self-Belief:

Regular exposure to affirmations fosters a sense of confidence and self-belief. As you repeat affirmations that affirm your abilities and worth, you build a foundation of self-assurance that can withstand challenges.

4. Creating a Positive Mindset:

Affirmations contribute to cultivating a positive mindset. By rewiring your thought patterns, you naturally develop a more optimistic outlook on life, enabling you to approach challenges with resilience and creativity.

Why Affirmations Work: Rewiring Your Mind for Success

Affirmations are more than just positive statements; they are a powerful tool for rewiring your mindset. By actively challenging and changing limiting beliefs, you create a mental landscape that fosters success. Here’s why this practice is so effective:

  1. Positive Reinforcement: Affirmations provide consistent positive reinforcement, counteracting the negativity that may arise when facing challenges.
  2. Mindset Shift: This practice encourages a shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, where challenges are viewed as opportunities for learning and growth.
  3. Increased Confidence: Regular exposure to positive affirmations boosts confidence and self-belief, key ingredients for achieving ambitious goals.
  4. Visualizing Success: Affirmations help you visualize your success, making your goals more tangible and attainable.

How to Use Affirmations Effectively

1. Be Specific:

Craft affirmations that are specific to your goals or areas of improvement. Specificity enhances the effectiveness of the affirmation and provides clarity on what you’re working towards.

2. Use Present Tense:

Frame your affirmations in the present tense as if you’re already experiencing the desired outcome. This helps align your subconscious mind with the belief that these positive statements are your current reality.

3. Include Emotional Connection:

Infuse your affirmations with emotion. Connect to the feelings associated with achieving your goals. The emotional charge behind affirmations makes them more potent and memorable.

4. Consistency is Key:

Repetition is fundamental to the success of affirmations. Incorporate them into your daily routine, making them a consistent part of your morning, evening, or work rituals.

Create Affirmations for Your Goals: A Transformative Mindset Practice

Creating and using affirmations for your goals is a power and transformative practice that will help you achieve more goals this year. Here is how to create goal affirmations for the most effective and impactful results!

Step 1: Set Your Goals for the Year

Begin by defining your goals for the year. Whether they are career milestones, personal achievements, or health and wellness objectives, lay them out clearly. Having a clear vision of what you want to accomplish is the first step toward success.

Step 2: Identify Limiting Beliefs

For each goal, delve into the deeper layers of your mindset by asking yourself why you might not be able to achieve it. Uncover those sneaky limiting beliefs that lurk beneath the surface – the excuses and reasons you might use to let yourself off the hook.

Step 3: Transform Limiting Beliefs into Affirmations

Take each limiting belief and flip it on its head. Transform it into a positive affirmation that empowers and uplifts you. These affirmations should counteract the negative thoughts and create a mental environment conducive to success.

Step 4: Compile Your Affirmations

Once you’ve crafted affirmations for each goal, compile them into a comprehensive list. This list will serve as your daily dose of positivity, reminding you of your capabilities and reinforcing your commitment to achieving your goals.

Step 5: Define Your Daily Mindset Practice

Incorporate your affirmations into a daily mindset practice that suits your routine. Whether it’s part of your morning ritual, a pre-work motivation boost, or an evening reflection, make it a consistent habit. The key is to feel into the affirmations, allowing them to uplift your spirits and instill confidence in your ability to succeed.

Step 6: Feel the Affirmations

As you go through your affirmations, truly feel the positivity and power behind each statement. Visualization can be a potent tool here – imagine yourself achieving your goals, feel the excitement, and let the affirmations resonate deep within you.

Join the Charmed Life Master Mind for Ongoing Mindset Mastery

Ready to take your mindset practice to the next level? Join our Charmed Life Master Mind for a wealth of resources and tools designed to enhance your mindset work. Surround yourself with a supportive community and gain access to exclusive materials that will empower you on your journey to goal achievement.

Click here to join now!

Here’s to a year of conquering limiting beliefs, embracing positive affirmations, and achieving every goal you set your sights on. Your success story starts with your mindset – make it a charmed one! 🚀✨


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

Why You Need a Daily Uniform in 2024 and Winter Uniform Ideas

Why You Need a Daily Uniform in 2024 and Winter Uniform Ideas

Welcome, style enthusiasts! As we step into 2024, let’s talk about a game-changer that can simplify your mornings, save you time, and elevate your style: the daily uniform. Today, we’ll explore the compelling reasons behind adopting a daily uniform and delve into chic winter uniform ideas that prioritize comfort, warmth, and timeless elegance.

Why You Need a Daily Uniform

1. Effortless Mornings:

Picture this: a closet filled with pieces that effortlessly complement each other. That’s the beauty of a daily uniform. Selecting your outfit becomes a breeze, allowing you to start your day with ease and clarity.

2. Time and Energy Savings:

By eliminating the decision fatigue that comes with choosing from a myriad of options, you reclaim precious time and mental energy. A daily uniform streamlines your morning routine, leaving you with more bandwidth to conquer your day.

3. Comfort and Confidence:

Comfort and confidence go hand in hand. When you feel good in what you’re wearing, your confidence soars. A daily uniform ensures that every piece aligns with your style and comfort preferences, making you feel your best every day.

4. Efficient Shopping:

Know exactly what pieces you need to complete your daily uniform template, making shopping a breeze. With a clear vision, you can invest in higher quality items that stand the test of time, steering clear of fast fashion pitfalls.

5. Investment-Worthy Pieces:

With a daily uniform, you buy less variation, allowing you to invest in better quality pieces. Focus on timeless items made with superior materials that not only look polished but also last longer, reducing your environmental footprint.

Winter Uniform Ideas

Winter brings its own set of challenges and opportunities for style. Let’s explore some winter uniform ideas that prioritize comfort, warmth, and sophistication.

1. Material and Texture Take Center Stage:

Winter is the season to let material and texture shine. Embrace wool, silk, and cashmere for their luxurious feel and superior warmth. Quality fabrics elevate your winter wardrobe, ensuring durability and a polished appearance.

2. Layering Magic:

Layering is the key to staying warm in winter. Whether it’s blazers over sweaters or cardigans paired with blouses, layering adds depth to your outfit. Opt for natural fibers to ensure comfort and avoid overheating.

3. Neutral Palette for Versatility:

Stick to a neutral color palette that complements your natural coloring. Neutrals are timeless, making it easier to mix and match your winter wardrobe. This approach allows you to invest in higher quality pieces that outlast seasonal trends.

Winter Uniform Templates

1. Business Formal to Business Casual:

  • Lightweight Turtleneck Sweater
  • Slightly Oversized Wool Blazer
  • Trousers to Match

Image One | Image Two | Image Three | Image Four

This versatile “suit” template can be dressed up or down with different blouses or sweaters. Choose slightly oversized or looser fits for both the blazer and trousers, ensuring business appropriateness without sacrificing comfort.

2. Work from Home Comfort:

  • Oversized Cashmere Sweater
  • Wool Cardigan
  • Wool Joggers

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Embrace comfort without sacrificing style with this work-from-home template. Opt for slightly more fitted wool joggers to maintain a polished look. The cardigan can be swapped for a fleece jacket for a casual touch.

Join the Charmed Life Master Mind

Ready to enhance not just your style but your overall lifestyle? Join the Charmed Life Master Mind for more productivity systems and personal organization tips that will elevate your quality of life. Surround yourself with a community dedicated to mastering the art of living a charmed life.

Click here to join now!

Here’s to a year of effortless mornings, stylish comfort, and the joy of embracing a daily uniform that reflects your unique essence. Cheers to a charmed life! ✨👗


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

Image from IKEA Pax System

7 Home Management Systems to Put into Practice Now for an Easier and More Organized Year Ahead

7 Home Management Systems to Put into Practice Now for an Easier and More Organized Year Ahead

Welcome to a new year, where a fresh start and an organized home await you! If you’re ready to make 2024 your most streamlined and stress-free year yet, it’s time to implement some home management systems. These practical and effective systems will not only simplify your daily life but also pave the way for a more harmonious and balanced household. Let’s dive into seven essential home management systems to put into practice now for an easier and more organized year ahead.

1. Autopilot for Bills: Autopay Your Way to Financial Ease

Say goodbye to bill-related stress by setting up autopay for your recurring bills. Automating your payments ensures that your financial commitments are met on time, giving you peace of mind and saving you the hassle of manual payments.

Pro Tip: Schedule a monthly reminder to review your account statements. While autopay is convenient, it’s crucial to stay informed about your financial transactions.

2. Culinary Harmony: Master the Art of Meal Planning and Prep

Take the chaos out of mealtime with a well-thought-out meal planning and preparation system. Devote a bit of time each week to plan your meals, create a shopping list, and prepare some ingredients in advance. This not only saves time but also promotes healthier eating habits.

Pro Tip: Consider theme nights for meals, making planning even more enjoyable. Taco Tuesdays, anyone?

3. Sparkling Spaces: Establish a Cleaning Routine

Maintain a clean and organized home effortlessly by establishing a cleaning routine. Break down tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly chores. This not only keeps your home tidy but also ensures that deep cleaning doesn’t become an overwhelming task.

Pro Tip: Get the whole family involved by assigning age-appropriate chores. Cleaning can be a team effort, fostering a sense of responsibility in everyone.

4. Family Bonding Time: Schedule Regular Quality Family Time

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s essential to prioritize quality family time. Set aside dedicated moments for bonding – be it a weekly game night, a Sunday brunch, or a family outing. These moments strengthen family bonds and create cherished memories.

Pro Tip: Rotate the responsibility of choosing the family activity each week to keep things exciting and inclusive.

5. Health Matters: Schedule Doctor Appointments in Advance

Stay on top of your family’s health by proactively scheduling doctor appointments. Mark key dates for check-ups, vaccinations, and any necessary medical visits. This system ensures that your loved ones receive the care they need, without the stress of last-minute appointments.

Pro Tip: Create a family health calendar to centralize all medical appointments and make it easily accessible to everyone.

6. Home TLC: Prioritize Home Maintenance

A well-maintained home is a happy home. Create a schedule for routine home maintenance tasks, such as HVAC system checks, gutter cleaning, and pest control. Regular maintenance prevents small issues from turning into costly repairs.

Pro Tip: Use technology to set reminders for maintenance tasks. Apps and digital calendars can be excellent tools to keep you on track.

7. Financial Zen: Monthly Financial Review

Secure your financial future by implementing a monthly financial review system. Set aside time each month to review your budget, track expenses, and assess your financial goals. This proactive approach allows you to identify areas for improvement and celebrate your financial wins.

Pro Tip: Use the monthly financial review as an opportunity to set goals for the upcoming month and adjust your budget accordingly.

Join the Charmed Life Master Mind

Ready to elevate your home management systems and create a life of ease and organization? Join the Charmed Life Master Mind for ongoing support in building personalized systems that align with your unique lifestyle. Surround yourself with a community committed to mastering the art of personal organization and make 2024 your most charmed year yet.

Click here to join now!

Embrace the beauty of an organized home and enjoy the abundance of time and energy it brings. Here’s to a year filled with ease, harmony, and the joy of a well-managed home! 🏡✨


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed


24 High Vibe Habits for Your 2024 Glow Up: A Blueprint for Ambitious Women

Welcome, queens! If you’re ready to radiate confidence, manifest success, and glow from within, you’re in the right place. In 2024, it’s all about cultivating high vibe habits that nurture your body, mind, and soul. These habits not only make you feel fantastic but also elevate your standards, turning you into a magnetic force that effortlessly attracts the life you desire. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-love and transformation with these 24 high vibe habits for your ultimate glow up.

1. Sipping Success: Drink a Half Gallon of Water Daily

Start your day by hydrating your way to vitality. A well-hydrated body is a confident body. Sip your way to success and let your skin thank you for it.

2. Skincare Sanctuary: Establish a Skincare Routine

Your skin deserves some TLC. Build a skincare routine that leaves you feeling pampered and radiant. Cleanse, tone, moisturize – let your skin glow like the queen you are.

3. Hair Majesty: Prioritize Your Haircare

Crowning glory needs royal treatment. Invest time in nourishing your locks with the care they deserve. Regular trims, deep conditioning, and love – because your hair is your ultimate accessory.

4. Wardrobe Revival: Refresh Your Wardrobe

Amp up your confidence by rocking outfits that make you feel unstoppable. Refresh your wardrobe with pieces that scream ‘success’ and showcase your unique style.

5. Mani Magic: Get Regular Manicures

Your hands are your power tools. Keep them polished and on point. Regular manicures aren’t just about nails; they’re about embracing the polished woman within.

6. Pedi Elegance: Add in Monthly Pedicures

Treat your feet like the queens they are. Monthly pedicures are the secret weapon to feeling elegant and put-together from head to toe.

7. Glam Goddess: Do Your Hair + Makeup Regularly

Unleash your inner goddess by embracing your beauty routine. Whether it’s a full face or a natural glow, taking time for hair and makeup enhances your self-confidence.

8. Mindset Mastery: Daily Mindset Work + Meditation

A high vibe woman starts her day with a positive mindset. Daily mindset work and meditation set the tone for success and invite abundance into your life.

9. Educational Empowerment: Weekly Educational Content

Feed your mind with knowledge. Weekly educational content keeps your intellect sharp and empowers you to conquer any challenge that comes your way.

10. Dazzling Smile: Regular Teeth Whitening

A confident smile is your superpower. Shine bright with regular teeth whitening – because a dazzling smile is never out of style.

11. Sweet Smell of Success: Find a Signature Scent

Let your scent linger in the minds of everyone you meet. Finding your signature scent is a personal statement that leaves a lasting impression.

12. Elevated Dining: Use the Good China

You’re worth it. Elevate your dining experience by using the good china daily. Because every meal is a celebration of your fabulous life.

13. Daily Stretch Ritual: Stretch Daily

Flexibility is a sign of strength. Incorporate daily stretches into your routine to keep your body agile and your spirit free.

14. Fitness Finesse: Exercise 3x a Week

Sweat out the stress and embrace your strength. Exercise three times a week to keep your body and mind in peak condition.

15. Veggie Victory: Eat Veggies Daily

Nourish your body with the goodness of greens. Daily veggies are your secret weapon for a healthy, glowing complexion.

16. Silky Slumber: Sleep on a Silk or Satin Pillowcase

Upgrade your beauty sleep. Silk or satin pillowcases reduce friction on your skin and hair, leaving you waking up looking and feeling like royalty.

17. Beauty Sleep Priority: Prioritize Your Beauty Sleep

Sleep is a non-negotiable part of a high vibe lifestyle. Prioritize your beauty sleep for enhanced energy, focus, and overall well-being.

18. Affirmation Alchemy: Use Affirmations Regularly

Speak success into existence. Affirmations are a powerful tool to manifest your desires and build unshakable confidence.

19. Glowing Exfoliation: Body Exfoliation Weekly

Smooth, radiant skin is always in. Incorporate weekly body exfoliation to unveil the glow that lies beneath.

20. Dry Brush Elegance: Dry Brush After Showering

Boost circulation and invigorate your skin by dry brushing after your shower. It’s a luxurious habit that leaves you feeling pampered.

21. Facial Serenity: Gua Sha or Facial Massage Often

Release tension and promote youthful skin with regular facial massages or Gua Sha rituals. Elevate your skincare routine to a whole new level.

22. Dreamscape Ritual: Daily Visualization or Vision Board Time

Create the life of your dreams in your mind’s eye. Spend time daily visualizing your goals or curating a vision board that reflects your aspirations.

23. Vitamin Vitality: Take Your Vitamins

Fuel your body with the nutrients it craves. Taking your vitamins daily ensures you’re operating at your peak performance.

24. Protein Power: Eat Protein First

Start your meals with protein to fuel your body and maintain steady energy levels throughout the day.


Ready to elevate your life even further? Join the Charmed Life Master Mind for ongoing support in building positive habits and routines. Surround yourself with like-minded women committed to their glow up journey. Together, let’s make 2024 the year you become the unstoppable force you were always meant to be.

Click here to join now!

Cheers to your glow up, queens! 🌟


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

11 Questions to Ask Yourself before You Create a Business Plan for 2024

11 Questions to Ask Yourself before You Create a Business Plan for 2024

Hey there, ambitious and empowered women! Are you ready to conquer 2024 with your entrepreneurial spirit? Before you dive headfirst into the year, let’s take a moment to reflect and plan. Creating a business plan is the cornerstone of success, providing direction and purpose for your journey. In this blog post, we’ll explore 11 crucial questions that will guide you in shaping a strategic roadmap for your business. So, grab your favorite notebook and let’s embark on this empowering journey together!

1. What is your business name and tagline?

Your business name and tagline are the first impressions you make on the world. They should encapsulate the essence of your brand and resonate with your target audience. Take a moment to evaluate if your business name and tagline effectively convey your vision and values.

2. What are your business values?

Values are the compass that guides your decisions and actions. Clearly defined values help you build a strong and authentic brand. Reflect on the values that matter most to you and how they align with your business. Integrating your values into your business practices creates a genuine connection with your audience.

3. What is your business Manifesto

Crafting a manifesto allows you to articulate your mission and purpose. It’s a powerful tool that communicates your brand’s identity and motivates both you and your customers. Share your passion and vision through a compelling manifesto that inspires others to join your journey.

4. What does your business offer or sell?

Define your product or service and understand its unique value proposition. How does it solve a problem for your customers? Knowing what sets your offerings apart will help you stand out in the crowded market and attract the right audience.

5. Who are your customers?

Understanding your target audience is crucial. Identify the demographic, psychographic, and behavioral aspects of your ideal customers. This knowledge will enable you to tailor your marketing strategies to effectively reach and resonate with your audience.

6. What outcomes do you produce for your customers?

Shift your focus from features to outcomes. What transformations or solutions do your products or services provide? Clearly defining the benefits your customers receive will enhance your marketing messages and foster customer loyalty.

7. How do you market to your customers?

Explore various marketing channels that align with your audience’s preferences. Social media, content marketing, and influencer collaborations are just a few options. Tailor your marketing approach to your ideal customers, ensuring your messages resonate and create meaningful connections.

8. Where do you see your business in the next year?

Paint a vivid picture of where you want your business to be in the short term. Set realistic and measurable goals that align with your broader vision. This will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the year.

9. Where do you see your business in the next three years?

Look beyond the immediate horizon and envision the growth and evolution of your business. What milestones do you aim to achieve in the next three years? This forward-thinking approach will guide your long-term strategy.

10. Where do you see your business in the next 5 years?

Dream big! Consider the major milestones and achievements you want to reach in the next five years. This perspective will shape your strategic decisions and provide a roadmap for sustained success.

11. Where do you see your business in the next 10 years?

As you look a decade ahead, envision the legacy you want to leave with your business. What impact do you hope to have on your community or industry? This long-term perspective will fuel your determination and passion.

Congratulations! You’ve just laid the foundation for an incredible year and beyond. Now, to make this planning process even smoother, we’re excited to introduce the CEO Strategy Planner—your ultimate business planning companion on your entrepreneurial journey.

Our planner includes over 60 elegantly designed inserts to help you map, plan, and organize every aspect of your business. Whether you prefer a print-at-home version or a digital interactive PDF, the CEO Strategy Planner is tailored to fit your planning style.

Don’t let overwhelm hold you back—take charge of your dreams with the CEO Strategy Planner. Your journey to success starts here!

Purchase your CEO Strategy Planner now!

Here’s to a year of growth, empowerment, and achieving the extraordinary! 🌟


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

P.S. If you’d like my help in answering these questions and creating your 2024 business plans, join me inside the Charmed Life Master Mind. Each month inside the Master Mind we meet for a CEO Power Hour with the other business owners in our group to make our plans for the month ahead and I can help you clarify your business plans live in class or one on one through our private messaging platform! But you have to be a Master Mind member to unlock this level of bonus coaching with me!