Month: February 2024

A Valentine’s Themed Mindset Practice to Cultivate Self-Love

Valentine’s Day is often associated with expressions of love for others, but this year, let’s shift the focus inward. Cultivating a mindset of self-love is a profound practice that extends beyond romantic relationships. In this blog post, we’ll explore a Valentine’s themed mindset practice designed to foster a deeper connection with yourself, allowing you to embrace love in its purest form—self-love.

Step 1: Set the Scene for Self-Love

Begin by creating a cozy and inviting space. Light candles, play soothing music, and surround yourself with things that bring you comfort. This sets the stage for a mindful and heart-centered practice.

Step 2: Center Yourself through Breath

Take a few moments to connect with your breath. Inhale deeply, feeling your lungs expand, and exhale fully, releasing any tension. As you breathe, imagine inhaling love and exhaling any self-doubt or negativity.

Step 3: Affirmations of Self-Love

Write down three affirmations that resonate with you in the context of self-love. For example:

1. “I am deserving of love and kindness.”

2. “I cherish and honor the person I am becoming.”

3. “My worth is inherent, and I am enough just as I am.”

Repeat these affirmations aloud or in your mind, allowing their positive energy to permeate your thoughts.

Step 4: Gratitude for Yourself

Shift your focus to gratitude. List three things about yourself that you appreciate. These could be qualities, achievements, or even small victories. Embrace a sense of gratitude for the unique and wonderful individual that you are.

Step 5: Visualization of Self-Love

Close your eyes and visualize yourself surrounded by a warm, pink light—the color associated with love. Picture this light permeating every cell of your being, filling you with a profound sense of love and acceptance. Visualize yourself smiling, radiating with self-love.

Step 6: Letter of Love to Yourself

Write a heartfelt letter to yourself, expressing love, admiration, and encouragement. Acknowledge your strengths, celebrate your achievements, and offer words of kindness. This letter serves as a reminder of your own capacity for love and support.

Step 7: Release and Let Go

Identify one self-limiting belief or negative thought pattern that no longer serves you. Write it down on a piece of paper and, as a symbolic act, burn or shred it. This ritual represents a conscious choice to release self-limiting beliefs and make space for love and positivity.

Embracing a Year-Round Practice

As you conclude this Valentine’s themed mindset practice, carry the warmth of self-love with you throughout the year. Embrace the idea that love for oneself is not confined to a specific day but is a continuous, evolving journey. By incorporating these simple yet powerful steps into your routine regularly, you’re nourishing the roots of self-love, fostering a mindset that supports your well-being and personal growth.

This Valentine’s Day, and every day, may you find joy, acceptance, and an abundance of love within yourself. Happy self-love journey!

Nurture Your Self-Love Journey with the Charmed Life Master Mind!

Ready to deepen your self-love practice this Valentine’s season? Join the Charmed Life Master Mind—a nurturing space where your journey to self-love is enriched with valuable resources, guided meditations, journaling prompts, and empowering practices.

In the Charmed Life Master Mind, unlock access to a treasure trove of mindset resources specifically curated to cultivate self-love and acceptance. Dive into guided meditations that soothe your soul, explore journaling prompts that unravel your innermost thoughts, and embrace practices that elevate your self-love journey to new heights.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to infuse your life with love and acceptance.

Click here to join the Charmed Life Master Mind today and embark on a transformative adventure toward a mindset filled with self-love. Your empowered, love-filled journey awaits!


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

29 Ways to Love Your Planner in February

February, the month of love, is the perfect time to infuse your planner with creativity, intention, and self-love. Here are 29 delightful ways to express love for your planner throughout the month.

1. Heart Washi Tape Bliss: Decorate your planner pages with heart-shaped washi tape for a lovely touch.

2. Custom Dividers: Personalize your dividers with custom designs or themes that resonate with your February mood.

3. February Self-Love Mood Board: Create a mood board within your planner that reflects your self-love goals for the month.

4. Set Daily Intentions: Dedicate a section of your planner to set daily intentions, fostering a positive mindset.

5. Favorite Quotes Galore: Infuse inspiration by adding your favorite love quotes throughout your planner.

6. Romantic Color Palette: Choose a color palette that mirrors the romantic vibes of February for your planner decor.

7. Love-Infused Stickers: Use stickers featuring hearts, love notes, and romantic symbols to embellish your pages.

8. Monthly Love Log: Create a “Love Log” to document daily moments or things you love throughout February.

9. Gratitude Journaling: Dedicate a section to express gratitude daily and acknowledge the things you love.

10. Date Night Planner Page: Plan and decorate a special page for your February date nights.

11. Love for Hobbies: Incorporate sections for your favorite hobbies or activities that bring you joy.

12. Festive Monthly Cover Page: Design a festive February cover page using love-themed illustrations.

13. Heartfelt Doodles: Add small doodles of hearts, arrows, and other love symbols throughout your planner.

14. Love Letter to Yourself: Write a heartfelt love letter to yourself in a dedicated section of your planner.

15. Mindful Daily Affirmations: Embed daily affirmations that focus on self-love and positivity.

16. Photo Collage Page: Create a collage page with photos of loved ones or favorite memories.

17. Pamper Planning Session: Treat yourself to a planning session accompanied by your favorite tea or snacks.

18. Celebrate Achievements: Set aside space to celebrate and document your achievements, big or small.

19. Create a Love Goals Tracker: Track your progress on personal or professional love-related goals.

20. February Bucket List: Craft a February bucket list within your planner with activities you love.

21. Dress Up Your Lists: Turn ordinary to-do lists into aesthetically pleasing sections with decorative elements.

22. Weekly Affirmation Cards: Design and incorporate weekly affirmation cards to uplift your spirits.

23. Color Code for Emotions: Assign specific colors to represent different emotions or moods throughout the month.

24. Love for Wellness: Devote sections for wellness routines, reflecting your love for self-care.

25. Random Acts of Kindness Tracker: Create a tracker for the random acts of kindness you perform or receive.

26. Dreamy Playlist Page: Design a page dedicated to your favorite love songs or a dreamy playlist.

27. Mindful Meal Planning: Plan nutritious and self-loving meals and document them in your planner.

28. Weekly Reflections: Reserve space for weekly reflections on moments of love, joy, or personal growth.

29. Self-Care Challenge: Challenge yourself to a self-love task each day and track your progress.

Infuse your planner with love this February by incorporating these creative and intentional ideas. Let your planner become a reflection of your self-love journey and a cherished space that celebrates the joys of the month.

Elevate Your Planner Love with the Charmed Life Master Mind!

Ready to take your planner love to the next level this February? Join the Charmed Life Master Mind—an exclusive community where your planner becomes a canvas for inspiration and success.

In the Charmed Life Master Mind, gain access to a curated library of planner resources, including functional decor items that will transform your planner into a personalized sanctuary of motivation. Elevate your planning experience with unique tools designed to amplify your productivity and infuse creativity into your routine.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make your planner an empowering space for success.

Click here to join the Charmed Life Master Mind today, and unlock the key to a planner that not only organizes your days but also inspires your dreams. Your journey to a more empowered, organized, and inspired life starts here!


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

February 2024 Monthly Planning Guide

February 2024 Monthly Planning Guide

Welcome to February! If you haven’t taken the time yet to make your February Monthly Plan, this monthly planning guide is here to help. In this monthly planning guide, we’ll explore events and holidays, key astrological transits, and insightful planning prompts to enhance your organizational strategies. Embrace the cosmic energies and festivities as you plan for a transformative and productive month.

February 2024 Events & Holidays

Groundhog Day (February 2nd)

   – Embrace the folklore and consider it a reminder to reassess your goals mid-winter.

   – Reflect on the shadows in your life—what do you need to shed to move forward?

Functional Planning Masterclass (February 3rd @ 2pm EST)

   – Learn essential functional planning routines plus tips for planning and living your ideal life.

   – For members of the Charmed Life Master Mind, enroll here to join us!

Lunar New Year (February 10th)

   – Celebrate the Year of the Dragon with intentions for courage and resilience.

   – Set goals inspired by the tiger’s attributes, such as determination and strength.

Ash Wednesday (February 14th)

   – Commence the season of Lent with self-reflection and introspection.

   – Consider what habits or attitudes you can release for personal growth.

Valentine’s Day (February 14th)

   – Cherish love in all its forms—romantic, platonic, and self-love.

   – Plan meaningful gestures and expressions of love for yourself and others.

Presidents Day (February 19th)

   – Reflect on leadership qualities and how they align with your personal and professional goals.

   – Use the extended weekend to plan and rejuvenate for the weeks ahead.

GALentine’s Party (February 20th @ 7pm EST)

   – Manifest self-love, self-care and success for 2024.

   – For members of the Charmed Life Master Mind, enroll here to join us!

CEO Power Hour (February 24th @ 11am EST)

   – Perform your monthly planning routine for March and get live business coaching with Alexis.

   – For members of the Charmed Life Master Mind, enroll here to join us!

February 2024 Astrological Transits

Mercury Enters Aquarius (February 5th)

   – Open your mind to unconventional ideas and communication styles.

   – Explore innovative solutions and approaches in your endeavors.

New Moon in Aquarius (February 9th)

   – Harness the innovative energy of Aquarius for fresh beginnings.

   – Set intentions for collaborative projects and community engagement.

Mars Enters Aquarius (February 13th)

   – Channel the assertive energy of Mars in Aquarius for forward-thinking action.

   – Tackle challenges with a strategic and progressive mindset.

Sun Enters Pisces (February 18th)

   – Transition into a period of intuition, empathy, and creativity.

   – Allow your imagination to guide your goals and decisions.

Mercury Enters Pisces (February 23rd)

   – Tap into the intuitive and compassionate energy of Mercury in Pisces.

   – Communicate with empathy and explore creative solutions.

Full Moon in Virgo (February 24th)

   – Embrace the meticulous and analytical energy of Virgo for detailed planning.

   – Evaluate your progress and refine your goals with precision.

Monthly Planning Prompts

  • What thoughts, plans, dreams and ideas do I need to get out of my head and onto paper?
  • What were my victories or wins from the prior month?
  • What are my objectives this month?
  • What important dates do I need to be aware of this month?
  • Who or what am I celebrating this month? List the tasks and time blocks associated with these celebrations.
  • What projects do I need to move forward this month and when can I reasonably expect to work on them?
  • What incomplete tasks from last month do I need to prioritize for completion this month?
  • Who else needs my help this month and what time and actions am I willing to offer? Set firm boundaries for expectations and give yourself time to reflect before you make commitments.

Organization Tips for a Balanced February

1. Utilize a Planner or Calendar:

   – Keep track of important dates, deadlines, and goals.

   – Break down larger tasks into manageable steps with deadlines.

2. Prioritize Your To-Do List:

   – Identify top-priority tasks and focus on completing them first.

   – Use tools like the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks by urgency and importance.

3. Review and Reflect Weekly:

   – Set aside time each week to review your progress and adjust your plans if needed.

   – Celebrate achievements and learn from challenges.

4. Digital Detox Days:

   – Designate specific days for a digital detox to recharge and refocus.

   – Use this time for reflection, mindfulness, and non-digital activities.

Navigate February with Intention

As you navigate the celebrations and energetic influences of February, let these planning prompts guide you toward intentional and purposeful actions. Whether setting new goals, celebrating victories, or embracing cosmic energies, may your February be a month of growth, productivity, and self-discovery. Happy planning!

Create Your Functional Monthly Plan Now

Introducing the MonthlyPLAN Functional Planning Routine PDF Workbook

Are you tired of the endless to-do lists that leave you feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and ultimately unfulfilled? Do you find yourself randomly picking tasks off a list without a strategic approach, only to end your day without the satisfaction of meaningful accomplishments?

Say goodbye to the chaos and hello to a new era of productivity with our MonthlyPLAN Functional Planning Routine PDF Workbook. Crafted with precision and backed by years of research, this digital workbook is not just a set of pages; it’s your key to unlocking a more organized, balanced, and fulfilling life through Functional Planning.

The Power of Monthly Functional Planning:

In a world where time is our most precious resource, the MonthlyPLAN empowers busy, overwhelmed women to take control of their tasks and achieve true productivity. This isn’t just another to-do list; it’s a comprehensive system designed to transform the way you approach your daily life.

What’s Inside?

The MonthlyPLAN consists of 8 meticulously crafted pages, with 7 dynamic worksheet pages that guide you through the process of creating a monthly functional plan. Each page is a step toward reclaiming your time, energy, and sanity.

Key Features:

1. Strategic Organization: Tired of chaotic to-do lists? Our MonthlyPLAN Workbook ensures your tasks are prioritized, organized by objective, and aligned with your goals, allowing you to work smarter, not harder.

2. Realistic Expectations: Bid farewell to the never-ending cycle of unmet expectations. This workbook helps you set achievable and balanced goals, fostering a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

3. Overcoming Overwhelm: Research shows that traditional to-do lists contribute to overwhelm. The MonthlyPLAN Workbook is the antidote. By following the guided steps and utilizing the worksheets, you’ll break free from the chains of chaos.

4. Increased Productivity: Watch as your productivity soars to new heights. The MonthlyPLAN isn’t just a tool; it’s a transformative experience. By dedicating time to your monthly plan, you’ll witness a positive shift in your ability to get things done.

5. Buy Once, Plan Forever: The MonthlyPLAN Workbook is undated and can be used month over month to guide you through your monthly functional planning routine. Make your plan inside the Workbook and then transfer the tasks to the planner of your choice. The instant download PDF can be printed or used in a digital notebook app on your tablet device. 

Why Wait? Start Your Transformation Today!

Our MonthlyPLAN Functional Planning Routine PDF Workbook isn’t just a product; it’s a promise of a more organized, balanced, and rewarding life. Take the first step toward a brighter future – purchase your MonthlyPLAN Workbook now, download the workbook instantly and embark on a journey to reclaim your time, achieve your goals, and live a life filled with purpose and accomplishment. 


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed