10 Habits of Women Who Get What They Want in Life
Women who get what they want in life are easy to spot.
They move differently.
They exude a certain energy and confidence that sets them apart.
And we admire them for it. We want to be like them.
We want to have some of the things they have, or at least understand how they always seem to get the things they want.
Seriously, how does she do it?
Why does life seem so much easier for her?
Why doesn’t she have the problems I have?
We inevitable compare ourselves to women like this and feel like we come up short.
We think that if we had her looks, her body, her money, her partner, her kids, her opportunities, that our lives would magically morph into something greater. Maybe?
Of course, the effect of privilege is real. Our looks, our religion, our gender, our skin tone all impact the way the world interacts with us.
But if all we have control over is ourselves, then there must be things we can do to improve the way we interact with the world, and ultimately impact the results we see around us.
John C. Maxwell said, “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
I think the secret to success for women who get what they want in life is hidden in their daily routines.
It’s their habits that are different than ours, and if we can start adopting some of these better habits and ways of being and living, ultimately, it will change our situation in life as well.
This concept is at the heart of the work we do together in the Charmed Life Master Mind.
The Master Mind was designed and built to be a place where we as women could come together to build new habits into our lives and develop our mindset and skillset to be able to face and overcome the challenges of life.
And there are ten habits that we focus on continually inside the Master Mind that I have learned and borrowed from women who get what they want in life.
I want to share these ten habits with you now.
10 Habits of Women Who Get What They Want

1. She sets goals that align with her life vision: Women who get what they want in life are excellent goal setters. They can take the vision for what they want their life to look like and translate that into strategic objectives to take action on. These women are often dreamers who allow themselves to imagine a better life for themselves, and they can paint a mental picture for themselves that is so rich and vivid. At the same time, they know that they need to do the work to turn those dreams into reality and that having that vision is worthless without taking action.
2. She knows her priorities and doesn’t try to do it all at once: Women who get what they want in life know that you can have it all but not all at once. In order to keep focused on their immediate goals they are very clear on their priorities for their current season of life and they take care of their priorities first. They are patient knowing that in the end they will get what they want, as long as they do the work
3. She does daily mindset work: Women who get what they want in life know that the quality of their life is a direct reflection of the quality of their minds. They do what they can each day to ensure their head is in the right place, that they are thinking positively and creatively about their challenges for the day, and they keep their self-talk as positive and uplifting as possible. They know they need to be their own cheerleader in order to create discipline and consistency in their life and get the things they want.
4. She has a growth mindset: Women who get what they want in life understand that the universe is always expanding and therefore so must they! They value knowledge and strive to learn new things as often as possible. You won’t hear them complain that they don’t know how to do something, instead, they will say they don’t know how to do it yet! They read, watch documentaries, listen to podcasts, join courses and more to keep their minds sharp, and most importantly, they strive to act on the information they learn. They aren’t simply passive learners, they desire to act on the brilliant ideas they expose themselves to, in order to improve their life.
5. She knows what her ideal day looks like: Women who get what they want in life clearly understand what their perfect daily routine should look like and they strive to stick to that schedule as much as possible. They know that not every day can be perfect, they understand that life happens and interruptions are part of life. But no matter what takes them off course for a day, they always come back to their daily routine because in their routine they feel a sense of comfort and control.
6. She strategically organizes her week into themed days and time blocks: Women who get what they want in life know they can’t do it all in 24 hours a day. So they organize their life across the 168 hours of a week instead! In order to do their best work, they theme their days and they create recurring blocks of time in their week to take care of the minutia of life. They set aside time for their work, errands, meal planning + prep, self-care, family time and more. That way there is a time for everything and everything can be completed in time when they stick to their schedule.
7. She has a consistent planning routine: Women who get what they want in life know that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. So, they have a simple planning routine that helps them track their goals down into individual actions to take at specific times. These women know everything that is on their plate in a given period of time, because they have carefully and intentionally selected what gets on their plate, and they know when they follow through with these plans that they are making important progress towards their dream life.
8. She knows how to motivate herself: Women who get what they want in life don’t wait for motivation to strike, they know how to motivate themselves to start and follow through on their plans. They have specific practices, self-talk or rituals they use to shift their personal energy so they want to show up to do their work each day. And as much as possible they make this process fun and enjoyable. They aren’t pushing themselves to do things they aren’t interested in, instead, they achieve a level of mastery where they feel a pull to complete their tasks because they are in alignment with them.
9. She has many healthy habits and routines: Women who get what they want in life have reached their success with the help of many healthy habits that keep them balanced and productive. Habits such as regular movement, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, planning and prepping their meals, having a daily uniform, and of course, their beauty routine. Completing these tasks isn’t a chore for these women, they see these habits as a way to care and invest time and energy back into themselves, so they look, feel and perform at their highest capacity each day.
10. She surrounds herself with like-minded women: Women who get what they want in life know that if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together! These women don’t isolate themselves, but instead, they cultivate community around them for mutual success, accountability and development. Of course, they don’t allow just anyone into their circle, because they know that the mindset and energy of others can impact themselves, but they find like-minded women with growth mindsets to master mind with regularly which keeps them at the top of their game and constantly evolving!
Adopting all ten of these habits is no small feat. It takes consistency and accountability to build these disciplines into your life.
But this is the work we do in the Charmed Life Master Mind.
So, if you want to build these habits and become a woman who gets what she wants in life, I invite you to join the Master Mind now!
Enrollment is currently open, there are three subscriptions options available so you can choose the payment structure that works for you.
Imagine where you will be 3 months, 6 months or even a year from now! Your future is built by the decisions and actions you take today, so start building a better future for yourself, your family and your community by joining the Charmed Life Master Mind now.

Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed