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Spring Cleaning Your Planner: Clean or Replace Your Binder

Spring Cleaning Your Planner: How to Safely Clean Your Binder or Replace It!

Spring Cleaning Your Planner

Happy April Planner Friends! Well- I am officially back from my Entrepreneurial Spring Break and now that it’s over all I want to do is fill my planner with new ideas and inspiration to carry me through the summer. While I was on spring break, I did some decluttering around my home, sent a bunch of clothes to goodwill, and gave away some of my unused accessories to family members. I really wanted to do what I could to make room and pass on what I could from my life, primarily to show gratitude for many wonderful blessings that have come into my life recently, but also to keep myself in balance. Balance for me is one part streamlining of what I already have, and another part planning for what’s to come. So, in that spirit, the time has come to Spring Clean my planner as well! While I am going through this process, I thought that I would share some ideas to help you spring clean your planner as well! So, this topic is going to be a 10-part series during the month of April, BUT you can come back to this series or use these ideas year round to help you reset your planner when you need it. I hope you enjoy the series and that you will come back to my site often this month to see it unfold! Feel free to share and posts you particularly enjoy as well- that would be lovely!

Part 1: Clean or Replace Your Binder

Depending on the age and wear of your planner, one of the quickest ways to spring clean it is to literally give it a good scrub or replace it altogether. Many of us in the planner community see our planners as an accessory, not just a productivity tool, so keeping our binders in good condition or swapping them out for the season is reasonable. Here are some helpful tips to get you started.

How to Safely Clean Your Planner

Correctly identify the fabric of your planner: Depending on the type of fabric or material used for the interior and exterior of your planner, you will use different cleaning products. Make sure to identify each material by checking and labels or paperwork that came with your planner, or by contacting the retailer directly. If you aren’t 100% sure of the material, I wouldn’t risk damaging it by using a product made for a specific material, however, a mixture of warm water and mild soap are a safe bet if you just can’t find the information. For any product you use, make sure to spot check the formula in a small, hidden area of your binder to ensure it does not do any damage or cause the color to run or fade.

Find the trouble spots: Before you begin cleaning your binder, I recommend assessing the damage and determining if there are any trouble spots. Cleaning up your binder is one thing, but dealing with specific stains is another. Don’t proceed with cleaning your binder until you have given it a once over and checked or any trouble spots like pen marks, stains or areas of rust/oxidation on any metal pieces. You will want to address these issues first with spot treatments specifically tailored to your binder material and the trouble spot. There are many different stain specific products available to help you spot treat your binder, like these.

Empty your planner: This may seem obvious to some, but remember to empty out your planner before you begin cleaning it. Check through and pockets and zippered areas and ensure everything is removed so you can get down to work!

Use a light touch: Whenever I’m cleaning any of my accessories, even my planners, I like to use a light touch so I don’t damage the item. You can always go back over areas with heavy build up if you are too gentle on a first pass, but if you are too rough you can do irreversible damage. Just be smart, work gently in small sections and don’t rush!

Let it dry: Once you’re done cleaning your binder, make sure to give it time to dry. Leather and faux leather binders tend to dry in a few hours, but if you have a cloth planner that required more product to clean, let it dry overnight before returning paper to it just in case! We wouldn’t want to ruin our inserts now would we?

If you’d like to watch my cleaning process, check out my 2017 Planner Setup Video where I give my leather binder a thorough clean at the start!

Replacing Your Binder

Of course, if you don’t simply want to clean your planner and want to replace it altogether- that’s a legitimate option. If you’re looking for something new, think about whether you want to swap your style or your entire system! It’s easy enough to swap one 6 ring planner for another in a coordinating size, but its a little more involved if you want to change from a ring bound to a travelers notebook style, for example. To get some great inspiration for your next planner purchase, check out my Planner Resource Guide Post on Picking a Planner! It covers some great basics for what’s available planner-wise to get you thinking about your needs.

I’d love to hear about your experience with cleaning your planner or picking out a new one for the season! Feel free to share your favorite products or planners down in the comments and be sure to share this post if you found it helpful!


{You Missed a Spot} Spring Cleaning your Makeup Collection

You Missed a Spot is a new Spring Cleaning feature for the month of April focusing on the not so obvious places you will want to tidy up for the season! Each Thursday visit us for a new installment that goes beyond the how to’s of vacuuming, window washing and laundry!

{Spring Cleaning your Makeup Collection}

Ladies, I know we love our makeup and all, but many of us have too much and worse, we are probably keeping and/or using items that may be expired!  Seriously, mascara has an expiration date and its not when it dries out. Think about it, makeup goes on your face and is reused multiple times so from the very first use you are certainly contaminating it! As time progresses, the bacterial multiplies until your makeup in riddled with it which means when you use it, your applying the bacteria back onto your face, lips, around your eyes etc! Gross, I know! Since makeup isn’t an a completely organic substance, you often can’t even tell that the makeup is filled with bacteria so the best indicator of whether or not you should keep or toss your makeup is time! It doesn’t matter if you bought the makeup a year ago but used it twice, from day one it was contaminated with bacteria and over the last year it has been multiplying. So, here are some tips on when to keep and when to toss.

  • First check your makeup labels and look for what appears to be a small pot of makeup with the lid coming off. That little symbol will indicate how long you can use the product before needing to discard it. Inside the pot will be printed a number and then either a letter M for months or Y for years. For example, right now I am looking at an eyeshadow that shows the pot and it says 6M inside, which means this eyeshadow will last 6 months before I need to discard it. Since I purchased this last month, I have about five more months of use before I should get rid of it. Good to know!
  • Powder makeup usually last about 2 years if not specified on the container itself. Make sure you use clean brushes to avoid adding new bacterial over time.
  • Liquid face makeup like foundation or concealer lasts about a year, and again, if you can use fresh applicators like clean sponges, you will reduce the risk of bacteria spreading to your face. To ensure freshness of liquid makeup, keep it in the refrigerator to stay fresh!
  • Lipsticks can last from 12-18 months, but a good thing about lipstick is that you can keep it in the refrigerator or put it in the freezer to kill bacteria.
  • Liquid eye products like mascara or liquid eyeliner only last 2-3 months, again, keeping them stored in the fridge will help reduce bacteria, but after 3 months you need to toss it!
  • Nail polish is a tricky subject because it goes on your nails, not your face so its not so much a risk for bacteria, but the sure sign that it is going bad is when you start to see the liquid separate. That goes for liquid makeup as well, separation means the makeup is breaking down and you need to toss it.  Sometimes, however, you will find that your nail polish is clumping or drying out, but there is a way to revive it. Stop at your local beauty supply store and get some nail thinner and add a few drops to your nail polish. Shake it up and it should even out the consistency of the polish so its usable again.
  • Finally, another sign that your makeup has gone bad is the smell. Make sure to keep an eye, or a nose, on the odor of your makeup. A lot of times fragranced makeup won’t smell bad, but it can start to smell stale which is a sign its ready to go!

One final tip I have is to really limit your spending habits when it comes to your makeup! Buy only what you know you will use and for any extras, try picking up a drug store brand instead of a high end name so that its easier to part with your makeup once the expiration date has passed. If you can, try to label your makeup with a small sticker or keep a list of when you purchased each item in your makeup bag and leave it in there so you can keep and eye on when you need to get rid of an item.

{You Missed a Spot} Spring Cleaning your Car

You Missed a Spot is a new Spring Cleaning feature for the month of April focusing on the not so obvious places you will want to tidy up for the season! Each Thursday visit us for a new installment that goes beyond the how to’s of vacuuming, window washing and laundry!

{Spring Cleaning your Car}

I always find that women have the weirdest clutter in their cars. Tubes of lipstick and pallets of makeup crammed into cup holders, extra shoes and clothing decorating the floors and back seats, trunks filled with bags of items to be returned to various stores and boxes with discarded mail, not to mention the variety of catalogs and magazines and half empty coffee cups that are just there, for really, no good reason! Us ladies certainly find the most extraordinary uses for our vehicles, and I think its because we like to be prepared… for anything! A high-heel breaks at work, no problem, I have a spare pair in the car! A guy calls for a last minute date, no problem, I have some dinner clothes in a bag in the back! I ran out of the house without makeup on, not a problem because I can apply my makeup in the car on the way to work! I think you know what I am getting at and I am sure we have all been in one or all of those situations before. The other thing about ladies and their vehicles is that they are often not always clean, and I think this is because women aren't so into their cars, so they don't think about taking it to the auto wash to vacuum out the caked on eyeshadow covering their passenger seat (am I right?). So, to help a sister out, I have put together a how- to on cleaning your car, yourself, and keeping it organized and clean as part of an ongoing effort.

Step 1. Remove everything from your vehicle.

If you haven't cleaned your car out in a while, its time to do so. You won't be able to vacuum it out or properly detail it unless its empty so go ahead and take some bags out to your car and start removing everything. As you remove items, trash the trash (it should be obvious what trash is), and toss any broken makeup or melted lipsticks that really aren't useful anymore (seriously, if you liked them that much, why did you subject them to such bad living conditions as though you didn't know lipstick would melt on your dash board in direct sunlight). Obviously, anything you need, or anything not broken does not need to be trashed, but I bet the extra clothes should be washed if they have been in your vehicle for a while.

Step 2. Take your car to the local car wash.

Most towns have a car wash where you pay with quarters for foamy water and brushes and industrial strength vacuums to self clean your car. Better yet, most large towns also have drive thru car washes where they take your car and wash the exterior and interior for you and you can watch them on a conveyor belt as three men vacuum, Amor All and Windex your car inside and out. If you don't have the cash for that, definitely stop by your local gas station, as one will usually have at least those large vacuums outside for you to use for fifty cents to a dollar. Plus there are lots of household items you can use on your car, like carpet stain remover that will work on auto carpet and if you have a steam cleaner for your house you can use that on your vehicles carpets or upholstered seats as well.

Step 3. Time to organize.

Once your car is clean inside and out its time to start putting things back inside it, but you must do this with organization in mind! First, think about what you really need in your car and what you don't. Yes, having extra clothing and shoes in your car is a good idea, but lets limit how much we leave in the car and better yet, lets make sure its organized inside a travel bag so that they clothes are contained and not all over the place. If you definitely need to keep some makeup in your car, I suggest getting a decent quality makeup bag and putting inexpensive makeup items in it. You don't want to ruin a YSL lipstick, but I am sure you won't be heartbroken if a Wet & Wild melts or breaks. Better yet, try to use all liquid makeup for the car so you don't have to worry if the item melts, and that way you also avoid the issue of powered makeup making a mess of your seats and dashboard.

Step 4: Put together a car emergency kit.

I highly suggest that you also put together an emergency kit filled with everyday items you may need on the road so that you don't end up taking items from your house with you and then leaving them in the car. Fill a small travel bag with packets of tissues, hair brushes, band aids, tampons, travel sized lotion and hair sprays. If you want to see what I keep in mine for inspiration, click here. Also, if you live or travel to questionable areas, it would be good to keep some sort of weapon like a taser or at least pepper spray in your car just in case. (P.S. Learn how to use the pepper spray first and the proper places to use it- like don't spray it while your in your car because ventilation and all!)

Step 5: Get a roadside emergency kit.

One other thing that a lady should always have in her car is a roadside emergency kit. You can buy these at local auto stores or put one together yourself, but buying them at the store is generally easier and cheaper than a DIY. These roadside emergency kits will include things like jumper cables, an electronic jumper (for times when no one is around to help you, think night time on a side street), flares, a flashlight, a blanket, hand warmers, batteries, some first aid items and other useful times you wouldn't even think of needing in your car. Check the contents of the premade kit before you buy it so you know you are getting everything you may need, and compare kits because some have items that you may prefer if you are not so hands on with your vehicle.

Step 6: Check your chargers.

The last thing I suggest is to make sure you have the proper chargers for your phone, gps, and other gadgets you may need in the car. Call me a worry wort, but I am often afraid of my car breaking down and my cell phone dying all at the same time while I am alone at night in an unfamiliar area (I do a lot of driving for work and my GPS likes to get me lost sometimes so this scenario could totally happen to me). Its better to be safe than sorry, so make sure you have what you need to prevent a bad situation from getting worse.


{You Missed a Spot} Spring Cleaning your Handbags

You Missed a Spot is a new Spring Cleaning feature for the month of April focusing on the not so obvious places you will want to tidy up for the season! Each Thursday visit us for a new installment that goes beyond the how to’s of vacuuming, window washing and laundry!

{Cleaning and Organizing your Handbags}

If your the average woman, you have about 10 handbags in your collection and the average price of those bags is about $150 each. So, I am going to walk you through keeping your handbags clean and properly stored so that you are taking care of your rather large investment because you may not even know your not caring for your handbags properly!

Step 1: Dump the contents of your bag!

You are going to need to make sure your handbag is empty so that you can properly organize it and identify any areas of concern that may need attention.

Step 2: Check the exterior of your bag for tears or stains.

You will want to evaluate your bag to make sure its in good condition. If you find any stains, you will want to address them based on the fabric of your purse and try to get them cleaned off. If you find tears and the bag is expensive, contact the manufacturer to see what can be done.

Step 3: Check the interior lining of the bag for tears.

Make sure the interior lining of you bag is intact. Often times, it can tear causing bits of dirt or even whole objects to disappear into the lining. In most instances you can probably repair the lining safely enough on your own, but if you have questions and the bag is pricey, again, speak to the manufacturer.

Step 4: Organize your bag with care.

At this point, if you bag is clean and in good condition and you want to continue using it (remember, its probably one of ten and you may want to rotate!) make sure to be deliberate with the objects you carry inside it so it is not too heavy or filled with useless items. Also, make sure your makeup is contained in a makeup bag so that powders and lipsticks don’t break or melt on the interior of your bag causing stains or damage to the bag in the future.

Step 5: Properly store your bag(s).

If your bags were designer made, they may have come with a dust bag to use for storage, you should be using these but a dust bag alone doesn’t cut it as a storage solution! You must also make sure to stuff your unused bags with bubble wrap or tissue paper so that the bags keep their shape. You may not think this is necessary, but especially with leather bags, its easy for them to ‘deflate’ in storage, causing the leather to crack due to the lack of structure. Also, make sure to keep the bags in a cool, dry, and dark place. This will preserve color and give the bag longevity.

I guess I will leave you to it! Good luck and happy cleaning!

{You Missed a Spot} Spring Cleaning your Lingerie Drawer

You Missed a Spot is a new Spring Cleaning feature for the month of April focusing on the not so obvious places you will want to tidy up for the season! Each Thursday visit us for a new installment that goes beyond the how to’s of vacuuming, window washing and laundry!

{Organize your Lingerie Drawer}

Your lingerie or underwear drawer is probably the last place you would think to organize, so I figured we should start there! Its not uncommon for people to hoard bras and panties thinking, ‘you can never have too many’ but the truth is, you should be filtering through your underclothing at least twice a year.

Bra’s: You should get fitted annually to make sure you are the correct size or anytime your weight changes significantly. Since we wear bra’s daily for hours at a time, they wear out quicker than you would expect, and you need to know what to look for in order to determine if you should keep or toss one!

Signs you need to toss your bra

  • Warped or protruding under wire
  • Limp appearance to cups
  • Stretched out straps and elastic
  • Rough or matted appearance to fabric

Panties: Like bra’s your panties are worn everyday (hopefully!) and worn for nearly 24 hours in most cases! You should make sure to regularly check your underwear to make sure it is in good condition and immediately toss any undesirable pairs and replace them with a few new ones.

Signs you need to toss your panties

  • Excessive stains (blood, sweat, etc)
  • Stretched out
  • Holes or runs
  • Lining in crotch is ripping

Stockings: Stockings may not be worn as often as your bra’s or panties, but they are significantly more delicate in most cases. Its not rare for someone to put a run or a hole in a pair of sheer stockings the moment they put them on, which is pretty upsetting because no one wants to toss something that’s new, but keeping stockings with imperfections, especially those in visible areas, is just not good sense.

Signs you need to toss your stockings

  • Ill fitting, either too loose or tight
  • Holes, runs, tears, etc
  • Fabric is matting up
  • Discoloration from stains or sweat
I guess you’ll want to get to work now! Good luck and happy cleaning!

My Entrepreneur Spring Break Playlist {March 2017 Productivity Playlist}

Entrepreneur Spring Break Playlist

My Entrepreneur Spring Break Playlist {March 2017 Productivity Playlist}

I don’t think I mentioned this, but yesterday was my birthday (yay for me!) and I’ve decided that I am taking the rest of March as my own personal business Spring Break! I always remember in college that my spring break fell around my birthday which was awesome, but ever since then, I’ve failed to really take time off to rest and relax during this pivotal time of year for myself. Well, now that the launch of Empire Building is done, I’ve cleared my schedule and plan to spend a dedicated amount of time focusing on myself and my personal interests. I’m not going to pull back 100% from my business, but I do want to devote most of the hours of the day to doing my own thing. I’m not entirely sure how my days will be spent, but I can say that I really want to focus on meditation, physical activity and reading. I also have some personal home projects I want to accomplish, like organizing and decluttering some spaces that have been neglected. I’m thinking a life purge is in order and I’m looking forward to doing some spring cleaning and letting go of the old to make room for the new!

Of course, I’ll need some great tunes to listen to while I work on these projects, so today I’m sharing my Entrepreneur Spring Break Playlist with some of the songs I’ve been loving lately that seem to always empower me to get up and moving!

I hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy this playlist! Even though you may not be able to take a Spring Break, I’d love to know how you’d spend some extra personal time and maybe even how you can incorporate some simple activities into your days this week to take advantage of the Spring Break energy in the air! Let me know in the comments!


Letter from the Editor: Welcome to Spring

Starting a #sidehustle

Hello my Strange & Charmed Ones! April is here which means the first quarter of the year has come to a close. I’m not sure about you, but I had a wonderful start to the year and I am feeling energized for the Spring. The weather in the Northeast of the U.S. where I live has been slowly starting to turn from blistering winter to a much calmer spring like season, which I’m looking forward to! I can’t wait to go on daily walks with Starbuck around our neighborhood and finally leave the house without my winter coat and lots of layers. Although this winter was pretty brutal, I would say that it was still very productive for me. I was able to accomplish many of the goals I laid out for myself at the start of the year, which makes me proud! I hope you as well were able to make some headway on your goals as well, and if your start wasn’t as successful as mine, I hope you are able to regroup with the change of season and get down to work!

In case you haven’t seen it yet, my April free printable is up over on my shop. It is a Spring Cleaning Essentials Checklist with 30 commonly overlooked tasks to help get your home clean and in order this season! Tackle one task per day or spread it out over the next few months to get a fresh start feeling in your home!

Another piece of fun news I wanted to let you all know about is that today actually, an interview is going live with me on the Fearless Launching Show Podcast with Anne Samoilov! Anne is a business launching guru whom I have been getting to know very well this year, and she had me on her show to discuss how I was able to successfully launch my business using my social media community and no email list- which is something of an online marketing faux pas! I would love it if you would check out the episode of the podcast and let me know what you thought! I’m still getting used to doing live interviews so your feedback would be awesome for me!

Also speaking of live interviews, in case you missed it, you definitely need to check out the hour and a half long Google Hangout that Lisamarie from Paper & Glam and I had last night. We have started a series called “Glampire Chat” where we talk about building a business and firing it all in with a busy life, and last night was the first episode where we discussed starting your #sidehustle. If you are not familiar, the #sidehustle is a term for a side business that you may start as a passion project or with the hopes of building it up into your main job one day, but in the meantime you still have a traditional 9-5 or other full time job that is your main source of income. Both Lisamarie and myself started our businesses as a side hustle and while I was able to take my business full time, Lisamarie is currently rocking the side hustle as she works by day for a Fortune 500 company. If you are interested in starting a business and would like our advice, definitely check out the video!

So, I think that is everything new with me! Now I want to hear what has been going on with you! How did Q1 of 2015 pan out for you? Did you feel productive and energized or did you fall short on some of your goals? How can I help you to achieve your goals through blog posts and content in the future? I would love to know so leave me a comment down below!




Hello My Charmed Ones!

In today’s video I am sharing a tour of my business planner setup. Now, spoiler alert, this isn’t just my business planner. This is the planner I use to plan everything for my life and business.

That’s right! I’m a one planner, one person kind of a gal.

BUT, I know that doesn’t work for everyone! Some people have very legitimate reasons to keep their work or business planner separate from personal and if that is you, or if you are struggling to make one planner work for you- YOU DO YOU!

However, I do have some helpful tips in this video for how you can more easily achieve a one planner lifestyle.

You’ll see by watching this video that I keep a lot of inserts in my planner to organize different areas of my life. I am absolutely a minimalist when it comes to my planning style- meaning that I don’t overplan. I keep my planner focused on items or tasks that I need to remember. For that reason, you won’t see a ton of chores or personal care items in my planner. I am pretty good at keeping up my chores at home without the reminder of my planner. But I do use lots of different inserts to keep the essentials of my life organized.

If you are interested in anything you see in my planner, I will link as much as possible from the video below!


2020 Dashboard
Ideal Day Insert
Self Care Routine
2020 Master Planner Inserts
• 3/4″ Black Aluminum Discs
Project Plan Inserts (a la carte)
Brilliant Ideas Inserts (a la carte)
Meal Planner Inserts
Spring Cleaning Checklist
• Celebration Tracker
CEO Strategy Planner Inserts
High Vibe Bible Inserts


Check my live event calendar to see my next live event so you don’t miss it & make sure to get on my email list for email reminders and links!


April Free Planner Insert

What a difference a month can make!

As we now enter the month of April and come to the close of March, so much has transpired in the world over the past month that I am sure most of you reading this are living a much different life than you were only 30 days ago. With the spread of the COVID-19 virus, much of the world has completely shut down and encouraged us all to remain safe inside. I’ve been in complete awe seeing how the pace of the world has slowed as we all retreat into the safety of home.

Since the pandemic has hit, I have been reaching out to those of you in my community looking for inspiration and ideas for content to create for you during this uncertain time. My lifestyle has truly seemed to be spared during this crisis so far- I mentioned in a video last week that I’m not feeling the affects many around the globe are feeling, and because of that I want to do whatever I can to help those of you feeling the real burden of all this.

I definitely encourage you to keep up with the content I am producing across my platforms. Here on my blog, over on my YouTube channel and also on Instagram! But for today, I wanted to share with you a special FREE Planner Insert that I’ve designed with this trying time in mind.

As we are moving into the Spring in the northern hemisphere and soo many of us are unexpectedly stuck at home, I have created a Spring Cleaning Checklist. Just a simple insert to help you keep on track with any home cleaning and organization you might be doing, especially since home has become the center of the universe for each of us.

Click here to get your FREE Spring Cleaning Checklist in my shop, and take a look around to see if there are any other productivity tools, workbooks or classes you might be interested in trying out now that we all seem to have much more time on our hands at home!

And of course, if there is anything you need from me, any questions you have for dealing with your productivity or life during this challenging time, please let me know how I can support you and bring you the solutions or resources to make things a little easier for you!

Stay safe, healthy & productive at home!


April 2017 Free Planner Inserts and Tech Wallpapers!


April is right around the corner and so it’s time for another Free Filofax Printable Insert! Since Spring is about to be sprung, this is a great time to focus on a little spring cleaning! This month’s printable is a checklist of all the essential spring cleaning items that are usually forgotten, so challenge yourself to complete one task a day in the month of April and once you are done, you should have a completed refreshed view of your life! Of course, as I did last month, this printable will be available in both A5 + personal size Filofax equivalents! Of course, I also have your April 2017 Dashboard ready to go as well and when you download the Spring Cleaning Checklist, the Dashboard comes with it!


So if you would like to download these free inserts, click here to hop on over to my Shop where you can access and print them immediately!


AND- Don’t forget your FREE Tech Wallpapers for your computer, tablet and smartphone! This month’s design is all about April showers with a mod raindrop design in my signature turquoise! Click here to enjoy the digital wallpaper designs!

If you do download these free inserts or tech wallpapers, please let me know about it by taking a picture and tagging me on Instagram with the hashtag #StrangeandCharmed so I can see how you are making use of these goodies. I love seeing your pictures, and I can’t wait to like them and interact with you on IG! Make sure you’re following me @MissTrenchcoat!!

