Hello My Charmed Ones!
At this point I hope you’ve been able to watch my recent business training class, and you know enrollment is now open for the next live round of the EMPIRE BUILDING Business Accelerator 6 week coaching package!
If one of your goals for 2021 is to start an online business, and you’ve been thinking about it for a while, but haven’t yet taken successful action, this coaching package is intended for you.
So today, I want to break down the work we are going to do together in the 6 week program, and give you some reasonable expectations for what you can achieve in what may seem like a pretty short period of time.
This post is going to be a little long, but for those of you who are really curious about what we will do in the 6 weeks of the Accelerator, this information will bring you much clarity, so read it all, take your time, and email me if you have any questions when you are done!
What we can achieve together in just 6 weeks!
First and foremost, with this package, you get access to EMPIRE BUILDING which is a 6 module course that guides you through those 6 key business pillars you need to have in order to run a successful business.
Each module includes:
→ A Video Lecture that teaches you about each business pillar and introduces you to guided activities to complete that will become key assets for your business.
→ A Workbook that includes a written transcript of the lecture plus guided worksheets to complete the key business activities that you learned about in the module.
→ Links to tools and resources that supplement the lecture, like examples of completed worksheets, software and applications you may find useful to help you create specific business assets, and swipe copy examples for emails, content posts, and funnels.
→ A Guided Journaling Workbook that helps you get in touch with what you actually want to create in your business, so you are tapping into your own unique inner guidance to craft an intention business that meets your needs.
Now, the EMPIRE BUILDING course itself is completely on-demand, so when you enroll, I recommend you get started watching those lectures, taking notes and starting the guided activities. As you go through those activities, something wonderful is going to happen- you are going to hit roadblocks and have lots of questions that you will need clarity on because you are starting to learn and apply the lessons of the modules!
That’s where our Slack group coaching comes in. As you get your hands dirty and start doing the work building out the assets and structure for your business, you will take your questions directly to the Slack channel for the individual module they relate to and I will be there to give you guided advice immediately so you can get your answers quickly and move on to the next part of the process. And the great thing is, your questions are likely questions that other students in the course have and so we are going to be able to help each other by digging into these questions and issues deeply within the group.
You are going to get tremendous clarity from the simple act of going through the modules and bringing your questions to the group for us to dig into, and I find that having clarity and knowing what you need to do is incredibly motivating, but that isn’t all you get with this experience!
You will also have the opportunity to join me for 3 new live classes being added to EMPIRE BUILDING!
The first new class is the CEO Strategy Masterclass scheduled for 4.14.21 @ 7pm EST.
→ In this class I am going to guide you through creating the essential pieces of your business plan and help you map out your business plans for the rest of 2021. I’m also going to teach you how to plan your days moving forward so that you integrate work on your business with your many other priorities that need to be balanced at the same time.
The second new class is the CEO Mindset Mastery Class scheduled for 4.28.21 @ 7pm EST.
→ In this class I am going to set the stage for the mindset you need to hold as a business owner to ensure you are staying motivated and accountable to your business, especially in those tender moments when you don’t see your big picture vision coming together quite yet. I’m going to share my mindset mastery toolbox with you and teach you the ways I keep my mind in alignment with my business goals so that I hit them time and time again.
The third new class is the Killer Content Masterclass (title might change on that one, I don’t know if I love it… let me know what you think!) scheduled for 5.12.21 @ 7pm EST.
→ In this class I am going to teach you how to create a full editorial calendar of content for the year that strategically targets and grows your community filled with your ideal customers. I’m also going to share different time management strategies that you can use to really maximize your time so that content is easy and quick to create. Perhaps you’ve heard me mention this before, but I produce 3 Instagram posts, 2 blog posts, 1 video and 1 email for my community each week, and this process takes me no more than 10 hours per week. That’s a lot of content created in very little time, and so I have many time saving, content batching tips to share.
For each of these new master classes, you have the opportunity to join me live, face to face via Zoom, and of course at the end of each class the floor will open to Q+A so when you attend live you will get your immediate questions answered right then and there so you can start integrating what you learned into your business plans! Replays will be available after each live has ended if you cannot attend a class.
So, through this 6 week experience, if you are able to put in a good 2-4 hours a week to go through the content and start taking action, there is a lot you can accomplish.
→ You can have your business branding and online properties secured
→ You can have your content platforms and editorial schedule mapped out and filled with great content ideas
→ You can have your ideal customer and key messaging identified so you know how you’ll grow your audience
→ You can have a plan and ideas generated for content marketing, plus a head start on lead magnets and funnels that will help you grow your revenue
→ You can have your products and business models identified so you know what you’ll be selling and how you can easily add new revenues streams to your business to grow your revenue
→ You can have your goals set, your business legally incorporated and protected, have a clear idea of what aspects of your business you will be working on throughout the year and a simple system to move those plans forward on a daily basis
And I say can here intentionally because this process does require you to show up and do the work.
I promise, I have made things very clear and easy for you, and I will be with you each step of the way to ensure your questions or issues are resolved swiftly because that is what you are paying for in the experience.
You are paying for someone who has been there, done that to hold your hand, and let me tell you, I am soo helpful and attentive to my students! You are in such good hands with me, if you couldn’t already tell from all the help and insight and free value I add to my community each and every day!
But at the end of the day, you do the work.
This is your business
This is your dream
This is your time to shine!
I can tell you from experience, you can make building your business an uphill battle or you can make it the most fun and exciting thing that makes you jump out of bed in the morning.
So, if you can dedicate 6 weeks of your time to focus on your business, you will have plans in place and valuable assets created that will help you finally get your dreams in motion, can carry you through the end of 2021 and give you the resources to manage your business for years to come!
So, what do you say?
Are you ready to take my hand and let me guide you through this?
Remember, the Accelerator formally begins on April 1st, but as soon as you enroll, you will get access to the EMPIRE BUILDING course which you can start working through asap and have a head start for when group coaching begins!