Functional Planning

Why YOU Should Purchase the 2020 Master Planner!

About two weeks ago I launched the 2020 update to the Charmed Life Master Planner! Thank you to all those who have supported the planner over the years and have already purchased your 2020 editions, I’m thrilled to have you as part of my #MasterPlanFam! But, for those of you who have not yet purchased, or aren’t sure about whether the Charmed Life Master Planner is right for you, today I wanted to give you some insight into what I believe makes the planner special and why you should seriously consider purchasing your copy for the sake of your productivity, organization and time management in 2020!

So many options or same old same old?

I realize that when it comes to choosing a planner for yourself for the New Year, the options are seemingly endless. Now more than ever we have so much choice for how to plan, what our planners look like and the price point that works for our needs. You can buy a planner in nearly every paper size you can imagine. You can buy a planner with every binding option technology allows. You can buy a planner in your favorite color, pattern, personalized with your name, refillable or disposable, you are drowning in a sea of options. Or so it seems on the surface. If you take some time to break open most of the options out there you come to find that although many planners seem different because they look different on the outside, once you get inside everything is the same but in different packaging!

This is the illusion of choice brought to you by the genius of marketing; selling you the same old planner in a pretty new package! I can remember a few years back before the boom of planning when planners came in two options, a professional gender neutral black cover and a pink cover for the ladies because all we were to planner marketers at the time were a default color. There were never major differences between the black and pink planners, but marketers at the time knew that women were interested more in style so they made a version of their planner just for us to meet our needs; pink was apparently the need of women.

If you think things have gotten much better for women in the planner world, look again. Yea, now we have more options than pink or black, we now have identical planners updated with more feminine font selections (less business formal, more fun and script fonts) and instead of just a pink cover, we now have many many stylized cover options intended to speak directly to the personal identity of all the different types of women. Such styles of women include; The Boss, Girly, Cat Lady, Fashion Icon, Boho, Unicorn, Brainy, Goal Digger, Tom-boy, Foodie, Kawaii, Sleepy, llama and Mom! If you think I’m being overdramatic about this, I’m not- take a trip over to Michael’s Arts & Crafts and you can view on one shelf planner covers that speak to each of these caricatures of women and more- they discover and add new styles of women everyday!

Again, when you open these different planner “options” you quickly find that everything is the same, or variations on the same few styles of planners. Month on two pages, week on two pages, contacts and notes. Month on two pages, day on one page, and less notes. The options across many different planners and across many different brands boil down to styles that result in one of two major planning and productivity issues. Either they are too basic in terms of what they give you, so if you aren’t a seasoned planner or naturally highly organized your plans become a mess that lack focus (monthly, weekly). Or they are too focused on the daily planning aspect which reinforces the trope of busy = productive and prevents the user from getting a big picture view of their lives and results (monthly, daily). So, essentially, the vast majority of planners out on the market are glorified overpriced calendars! Dated or undated, all these “planners” give you are spaces to write in what you are doing on which day. No true space to make your plan, just enough space to write down the tasks, appointments and meals that fill your days. No wonder so many within the planner community switch from planner to planner looking for a system that works for them- they are simply switching from one version of the same to another!

The Charmed Life Master Planner Breaks the Mold

The Master Planner isn’t like any other planner on the market because it’s not just a calendar. The Master Planner is intentionally designed to be a Functional Planning System and incorporates scientifically researched productivity principles to ensure you are keeping organized, getting that big picture view to track the direction of your efforts, but also giving you the flexibility to drill down to your day to find focus on the task at hand. The Master Planner isn’t just a planner, it’s a productivity tool that when you commit to using it, will help you learn to plan better, manage your time more efficiently and achieve more of what truly matters to you.

Within the planner you actually have three productivity tools in one as the planner is broken into three distinct planning sections. The first section is the calendar, which is ostensibly what you are purchasing when you buy most of the other planner options on the market, but with the inclusion of dedicated space for monthly task lists and tracking in line with well researched best practices for productivity!

Next, you have a dedicated yearly project planning section which is the second tool within the Master Planner. Within this section you have the space to truly map out your objectives and goals for the year and to track them so you always know where you and can actually see the results of your progress at a glance inside your planner.

The third and final section and planning tool is the Brilliant Ideas spreads. In this section of the planner you have the dedicated space to clear you mind of ideas, thoughts and plans to organize and act on them, and you have the ability to brainstorm new plans and ideas before you schedule them into your calendar. Imagine that, a planner that gives you the space to plan what you are going to do and capture all your ideas so that you are doing your best work before you schedule those individual tasks into your calendar! Truly, in soo many ways the Charmed Life Master Planner is head and shoulders above other planners and is unrivaled in it’s ability to help you focus on and improve your productivity!

I created the Master Planner because other “planners” on the market were not only failing to improve people’s productivity but they were also sending women the wrong message about their productivity. The message sent to women by most planners is that busy = productive and that the measure of your value as a woman, wife, mother, student, daughter and friend boils down to how many things you can check off a to do list in a day. I’m continuously alarmed by the number of women within my community who come to me asking me which of my products, classes or courses will help them complete a full days worth of work in just an hour or a weeks worth of tasks in a day. Of course the answer to this question is none of them will. Instead what my products, classes and courses strive to do is to give you strategy, intention and clarity to get into alignment so that you know what tasks are truly going to move the needle in your life towards the goals you want to achieve. No one can accomplish 40 hours worth of tasks in just 8 hours, but through strategy and focus you can certainly achieve the most impactful results of 40 hours of work within a single work day. But this idea that we need to check off all the tasks, do all the things and be all the things to everyone in our life as women is a detrimental state encouraged by society and perpetuated by the planner market that leaves women with a blank calendar spread and no direction or indication that she should not strive to fill up each empty space. If the point of a planner is so I don’t forget another mundane and uninspiring task that truly won’t impact my life one way or another, then I need a planner like I need a hole in my head. No, thank you!

Stop using a planner that makes you a slave to your schedule or endless to do list. Start using a planner that works with you towards the goals and dreams you want to achieve, because to me, that’s the point of having a planner and a worthy reason for prioritizing it’s use everyday! People often ask me how I remember to stick to using my planner, and honestly, if your planner was filled with the goals and objectives that light you up with passion and excitement for your life, you wouldn’t be able to forget about it!

If you’re ready for a better way of planning, get your Charmed Life Master Planner now and start seeing the difference in your days, weeks, month and year because I have seen the impact in my life and the lives of many within my community and I know you will too!

Wishing you the best for a Productive Week & Life!


The Productivity Edit | FREE Seasonal Planning Class

This past Saturday I hosted the most AMAZING live planning class called THE PRODUCTIVITY EDIT! I really believe this may have been one of my absolute best live classes! Not only did I share some really great information to put your planning into perspective, but I also heard from so many of you that the content and energy of the class was very inspirational in helping you to step into the role of Editor-in-chief of your life, energy and time!

Those of you who have followed me for some time may remember that I am a great lover of magazines and each September I go out and get the “September Issues” of fashion magazines as an annual tradition to help feed my creativity. September is considered the New Year’s of the fashion world and so the very best and most up-and-coming content, design, photography and style is integrated into these key issues. It was with this inspiration in mind that I walk you through the very creative and original content of the class to help you think outside the box at how you can approach your planning and productivity this season!

So, the content of the nearly 3 hour class was definitely on point! And to add some extra icing on the cake, we also walked through some POWERFUL activities for getting focused on curating the next season of our year intentionally!

Those activities came in the form of guided worksheets from the workbook that accompanies the class, called THE PRODUCTIVITY EDIT Workbook. This valuable workbook is a must for anyone who wants to get the most out of the activities and planning strategies we walked through in the class.

THE PRODUCTIVITY EDIT Workbook is a 46 page PDF workbook that you can get in my shop, print out and use to creatively curate and plan the next quarter or season of your life!

• Do you struggle with traditional planning because you consider yourself more visual or creatively focused?

• Do you have goals or a vision for the direction of your life that you struggle to prioritize alongside life’s more urgent tasks?

• Do you find that you have different priorities or objectivess to manage through different seasons of your year?

• Could you benefit from a streamlined process for planning on a seasonal basis that can then be used in conjunction with any planner or time management system?

THE PRODUCTIVITY EDIT Workbook is a Seasonal Planning Guide for Curating & Editing Your Life that walks you through the 5 activities we performed within the class that follow along with the concept of stepping into the role of Editor-In-Chief of your life.

THE PRODUCTIVITY EDIT Workbook will help you:

✔︎ Learn to approach each new season of your year with a fresh vision and inspiration for the life you are intentionally curating!

✔︎ Align they key people in your life with your objectives and expectations to get the support you need to bring your goals to fruition.

✔︎ Set clear intentions for what you will achieve each season and use passive manifestation techniques to help you find the solutions, people, and resources you need along the way.

✔︎ Edit down your objectives into manageable plans that you can easily track and accomplish.

✔︎ Turn the everyday tasks and expectations of daily life into a streamlined plan with clear responsibilities and defined schedules.

So, what are you waiting for?

Check out the FREE class and get your copy of THE PRODUCTIVITY EDIT Workbook because this new approach to planning might be exactly what you need to blend inspiration with action for a successful season ahead!

I can’t wait to see what you accomplish with the help of the workbook, so please do keep in touch and share the progress you make designing your personal magazine for the season!




The Charmed Life Master Planner is a 12 month planner designed by Productivity Guru Alexis Giostra to help you Manifest Success with Less Stress! Plan your month, organize your tasks for the week, manage your projects for the year and work out all your brilliant ideas with this unique all-in-one planning solution!

What’s Inside | The 12 Spacious and Intentionally Designed Planning Spreads Backed by Research and Time Management Science to help you Plan, Organize & Execute:

• 1 Yearly Tracker
• 1 Yearly Overview
• 12 Monthly Calendars
• 12 Monthly Task & Trackers
• 52 Weekly Planners
• 1 Yearly Goal & Project Tracker
• 40 Project Planners
• 20 Brain Dump Worksheets
• 20 Brainstorm Worksheets
• 30 Lined Notes Pages
• 8 Index Pages

DESIGNED FOR FUNCTIONAL PLANNING: This planner is designed to be a powerful analog tool to help you identify your priorities, manage your time and complete your tasks with three divided sections for your calendar, projects and ideas!

MORE THAN JUST A TO DO LIST: The purpose of planning and productivity is NOT to fill your days with endless tasks and meetings getting done more work in the same amount of time. Instead it’s about breaking down your thoughts and ideas into manageable plans that you can focus on to create the life you want to live. The Charmed Life Master Planner gives you ample space to explore your ideas, create your plan of action and then FOCUS on the tasks that will truly impact your life and bring value to your day.

ONE LIFE. ONE YEAR. ONE MASTER PLAN: Alexis firmly believes that you don’t need multiple planners, schedulers and notebooks to organize your life- just one single book dedicated to creating your master plan for your year! The Charmed Life Master Planner has been designed to be a single book solution for all of your planning needs.

JOIN & LEARN WITH OUR COMMUNITY: Your productivity and planning journey doesn’t need to end with the purchase of The Charmed Life Master Planner. Join Alexis on her blog Strange & Charmed, her YouTube Channel, and on Instagram to learn more about how to use your planner and different productivity philosophies! Alexis has also designed other great productivity and planning resources to educate and enhance your daily experience that you can purchase on!

Let’s take a look into the planner and all of the Functional Planning Spreads!

The Charmed Life Master Planner begins with a series of 5 Functional Planning worksheets for you to learn the basics of the Functional Planning Philosophy and then the planner moves into a series of 12 unique functional spreads to help you find clarity, organize your ideas and take action on your plans.

Plan out blocks of time for work, vacations, holidays and travel, or track reoccurring events with the yearlyTRACKER.

Create a more in depth planning overview for your year including school, work, or family schedules with the help of the four page yearlyOVERVIEW.

Map out your monthly schedule and 3 priorities for each week on the monthlyPLAN.

List out your master monthlyTASKS and create a personalized tracker perfect for expenses, habits, or additional task tracking with the monthlyTRACKER.

Create your daily plans, block of time and your top 3 tasks in the weeklyPLAN. (A5/Half Letter weeklyPLAN spread shown here, see alternate digital layouts below).

Map out your goals and projects for the year on the Yearly Project Tracker!

Codify your projectPLANs and Project Notes so everything is in one place for you to get organized and take action!

Get your ideas and plans out of your head and on to paper so you can prioritize them with the brainDUMP spread!

Generate your brilliant ideas and the rouge outlines of projects with the brainSTORM spread.

Keep additional information and notes stored in your planner in these lined takeNOTE pages.

Keep track of the contents of your planner thanks to the numbered pages and these Index sheets.

Next, choose the Master Planner format that is right for you!

The Charmed Life Master Planner comes in two formats, book bound and printable PDF.

The Bound Master Planner

If you are looking for a compact all-in-one planner, the bound format of The Charmed Life Master Planner is for you. You can choose between the Matte Black Undated Bound version of the planner, or the 2020 Dated Bound version with a color blocked Matte Marble cover.

Both of these bound versions are half letter dimensions (5.5″ x 8.5”) and only 1” thick making them very compact and lightweight options you can carry with you in most bags. The paper is approximately 26lb or 90gsm in weight and 98 bright white in color, which makes it excellent to use with a variety of pens, inks and highlighters with minimum bleed and ghosting.

This binding and size was specifically chosen for a number of reasons to make The Charmed Life Master Planner as functional and flexible a tool as possible. The soft cover book binding makes the planner a discreet and portable tool that you can confidently carry along with you in even the most professional of settings to keep all your plans and ideas organized together. The planner is sized to fit comfortably into a variety of everyday handbags or briefcases. The universal half letter size also accommodates a variety of notebook or compendium style covers available on the market for added protection and functionality as desired.


The minimalistic matte cover was designed specifically to make this planner timeless and elegant. You will find no external branding of the creator on the cover because this is your planner not a billboard for a personal brand. In order to minimize the look of fingerprints a matte cover was chosen over glossy, however oils from your hands will still accumulate on the cover and to clean these, all you need is a simple wet wipe. Keep in mind, this is a paper planner, so you don’t want to use anything too wet that might damage pages, but the careful and controlled use of a wipe or moist towelette followed by a dry microfiber cloth is sufficient to remove any visible oil spots without damaging the cover.

The Bound Charmed Life Master Planner is proudly printed and shipped from the United States.

Why a book bound format?

When I first began the project of creating this planner I had three non-negotiable values that I committed myself to.

Price, Aesthetic and Accessibility.

I had a specific price point that I wanted to stick to for the retail of this planner. I know there are many planners on the market that retail from as low as $1 to as high as $100+ but I had an idea in my mind for where I wanted my planner to be priced in the mix.

I also had a specific aesthetic I wanted to stick to. I knew I wanted the planner to be as streamlined and universal as possible, something that anyone could carry into any meeting discreetly, could pull out of a bag and take notes in comfortably without feeling out of place or self-conscious and was inconspicuous enough to just sit out on a desk without feeling like it was drawing unnecessary attention.

Finally, I wanted this planner to be as accessible as possible for my community, just as easy to access as my print on demand planners and tools sold within my digital shop. I personally hate to wait for things, I know patience is a virtue but when it comes to planners, I don’t want to wait for a pre-order of a product, and then wait for that period to be over and then wait some more for my product to be manufactured before it even ships out to me. Let’s not even get into how annoying it can be to want to order something and this it’s out of stock! I have been down that road before with products I wanted and it is not an experience I want to give my community. I want people to be able to see my planner, be able to order it as soon as they decide they want it, and then receive it within a reasonable period of time.

So, as I was evaluating options for binding and design for this planner with those three key values in my head, it became clear to me that the best way to achieve what I set out to do was with a book bound planner. But this wasn’t a situation where I was settling on the binding either, I am very thrilled that my planner is a bound book. I know in recent years you have seen me with ring or discbound planners, but before I formally joined the planner community, I used a softcover moleskine as my planner and I loved it. There is a part of my sentimental heart that romanticizes books on a level like none other and so for me personally, I am in love with the concept of a soft cover book bound planner. It comes with so many positives to me that it outweighs those few negatives that I know you all want me to address, so let’s talk about it!

Let’s start with the few negatives of a book binding as I see it!

1st NO SPIRAL. Yep, this is the one major negative of a book, it doesn’t spiral BUT let me remind you that a soft cover book CAN flip pages over on themselves and with no coil, spiral or rings or discs to content with, it’s actually a very comfortable experience writing in this planner whether you are left or right handed on either side of the spread!

2nd This actually leads in perfectly to the next drawback of a book bound planner, which is that it doesn’t lay flat on your desk. That’s true, this isn’t like a binder or spiral style planner that lays flat, however, again, you can keep a book bound planner open by flipping pages back and as any avid reader knows, you CAN train a book to lay open by breaking in the spine which is doable with this planner. Another easy solution for this would be to use a paper weight to keep your planner open OR to put it in a book stand. So there are some easy solutions to this problem as well!

3rd and final obstacle of a book bound planner is no reordering or personalization of pages. This is an issue any bound planner would face of course but we have found hacks around that in spiral bound planners haven’t we? Well, we don’t have many clever hacks for book bound planners yet but, remember, you can always add to a book bound planner with sticky notes, paper clips and loose sheets of paper, but there is one thing you still can’t do with a book bound planner: reorganize pages!! This is why The Charmed Life Master Planner comes with an index in the back and numbered pages. For those who are familiar with the bullet journal method you will be familiar with the concept of using an index to help you organize your book and quickly find and reference information.

So those are the three obstacles I see with a book binding, but we all know its not just book bound planners that have obstacles, no planner binding is a perfect solution, it’s just about finding the planner and binding that has the issues you are willing to deal with and the benefits you are looking for!

So, let’s talk about some of the benefits of a book bound planner and why I am so thrilled about The Charmed Life Master Planner.

1st It’s securely bound with your entire year and all your plans, projects and ideas in one place! Yes, I LOVE planners that you can customize and add and remove pages, but that’s only because in most customizable systems you need to constantly adjust and allocate space because they can’t hold everything you need. Well, The Charmed Life Master Planner is everything I will need in a year for managing my time, planning my projects and coming up with ideas! So there is nothing I need to add to this because, I have everything in one place!

2nd NO bulky cover or binding! So this is something you are going to have to see to really understand how excited I am about this binding. When I compare The Charmed Life Master Planner with the discbound planning system I was using before, it’s clear which option I would prefer to tote around. The discbound system is much bulkier! I cannot fit my discbound planner in my everyday handbag, BUT I can fit The Charmed Life Master Planner comfortably! Now, it’s important to note that the pages within each planner are the exact same, half letter sized 26lb paper, and yet I can only fit half a year of inserts, and a smaller project planning and notes section in my discbound. Again, The Charmed Life Master Planner is the full year and enough project plans, brainstorm and notes sheets for a year of ideas. Even if I were to switch this leather cover with a thin plastic option, the discbound is still bulkier and contains only half a year of inserts at one time.

3rd It’s sophisticated yet discreet! Can you think of anything more discreet and unassuming than a book? You can literally take a book with you anywhere you go and it draws almost no attention to itself. It’s not a cell phone or tablet that might need to be turned off or handed over in delicate situations. It’s not a leather planner that might be mistaken for a wallet and stolen. It fits seamlessly into nearly any work situation or life scenario without screaming “look at me- there is private information in here!” I love that this planner is so versatile, portable, gender neutral and yet elegant and sophisticated all at the same time.

The Printable PDF Master Planner

The Charmed Life Master Planner is also available in a Printable PDF option as well, for those who prefer the flexibility and personalization of printing and organizing their own customized system.

The printable PDF option comes bundled with 3 sizes of the Master Planner optimized for the various sizes of popular planner binders on the market and includes a full year of dated inserts.

Those sizes are Personal, A5/Half Letter and A4/Letter.

Other than their size, each PDF version of the Master Planner is nearly identical, except that they each have a unique weeklyPLAN spread design in order to optimize daily and weekly planning across the various sizes.

Above is the weeklyPLAN spread found in the A5/Half Letter Size.

Above is the weeklyPLAN found in the Personal size.

And, finally, above is the weeklyPLAN found in the A4/Letter size.

So, those are all of the current options for The Charmed Life Master Planner! I think you can tell for yourself that this isn’t your run of the mill paper calendar, but truly a complete functional planning system with the dedicated space and spreads to ensure you are making, organizing and executing on plans productively!

While other planners might be known for their variety of cover designs or the use of specialty materials that can leave the end user paying premium prices for ink and paper, The Charmed Life Master Planner has been intentionally designed through years of research to reflect the latest understanding of productivity science. Your planner should be more than a pretty accessory! It’s a tool that when designed properly and used regularly has the power to help you reach your goals and manifest your dream life into reality.


What are you waiting for? Start creating your Master Plan today!

Want to see the planner in action? Check out this video for a quick review on the planner spreads and how to use each as part of my Functional Planning System!

What people are saying about The Charmed Life Master Planner!

“I use the Master Planner every day, it seriously has been an essential tool to help me go from feeling completely overwhelmed to feeling in control of my life. The plan and prep section in particular, I am shocked to find, I love the most.

Initially when I got the planner, I had no idea what I would do with that section. About a week or so ago, I was feeling overwhelmed and decided I needed to dissect the various components of my life that was making me feel this way. I made each box a component (e.g. work, wellness, personal goals etc.). I was shocked to find that I had three boxes dedicated to my work, and my personal goals that I needed to achieve (e.g. getting into grad school) was far too low on my priority list, based on how I was living my day to day life. That exercise alone really helped me to see how I needed to change the way I organized my life on a daily basis.

I am happy to say only one box stands for work now, and I have a lot more boxes dedicated to my long-term goals. I now try to make sure my work stays within work hours and not weekends. I’m a recovering workaholic, is what I’m trying to say! I also have an hour carved out every day to work on things like grad school applications. And in this short time, I have completely re-vamped my CV, gathered all of the pieces I need for the application. The last step is to write the cover letter, and I’m done! All within about a 10 day span. Plus I had a glorious weekend where all I did was relax.”
– Sam R

How would YOU like to transform from overwhelmed to in-control? Sounds amazing! Let’s hear from another Master Planner user…

“Good morning, Alexis—

I simply want to take a moment to thank you. I have noticed a significant change in my mental health and overall attitude towards productivity since following you and your advice the past few years. Since April, my CLMP has served me well– even through the birth of my first child! Undoubtedly, my time for prioritization has arrived. Accepting the fact that I can NOT get 100+ or even 6 things done in a day has brought me a certain peace. (Top 3: tasks, not projects!)

My “projects” range from apartment upgrades, to maintenance for the commercial building that I help manage, to hosting large familial celebrations… I could not have remained SO organized without your thoughtful outlines! While I often resort to post-its and random lists for my brain dumps, the CLMP has become a safe nest for all of my plans. I will soon apply for graduation (A.A.S.) and begin work for my Master’s. Required courses, advising appointments, assignments, even thank-you notes for my professors!.. ALL managed with my planner. ♡ Not to mention my newborn’s doctor visits, my work schedule, etc.

I almost can’t wait to repurchase the planner… but I still have pages to fill! 🙂
Please know that you are greatly appreciated, Miss Trenchcoat. So many of us find inspiration and empowerment with your tools and shared wisdom!”

– Jenalysa from TX

So, what are you waiting for? I would LOVE for you to purchase one of my Charmed Life Master Planners because it truly is a unique planner system that is designed for functional planning and productivity.


2020 Master Planner Printable Bundle


If you struggle with planning, time management or organization and want to finally get your life together for a productive and successful year, the 2020 Master Planner Bundle will help you reach your objectives!

This is NOT JUST A PLANNER! The Master Planner is a complete Functional Planning System intentionally designed to incorporate multiple scientifically proven planning, time management and personal organization strategies into one print on demand tool!

Do any of these questions feel familiar to you?

• Do you have a hard time sticking to using a planner, or find yourself switching from planner to planner looking for a system that works for you?

• Do you write things down in your planner but then still forget to execute on them?

• Do you take on so much at work and with your family that your personal tasks and goals constantly get pushed off to another day?

• Do you have a lot of different priorities and projects you are working on constantly and feel like it’s a struggle to make a solid plan that gives you peace of mind?

These are just a handful of the most common planning and productivity issues that the Master Planner was designed to solve.

Overcome overwhelm, streamline a scattered brain, and finally find focus to get out of your own way and get things done with the Master Planner!

The Master Planner Bundle comes with ALL 3 sizes of the Charmed Life Master Planner:

Personal: Designed at 3.75″ x 6.75″.

A5/Half Letter: Designed at 5.5″ x 8.5″ but can be printed properly onto A4 paper and cut in half to true A5 dimensions.

A4/Letter: Designed at 8.5″ x 11″ but can be printed properly onto A4 paper as well.

Each Master Planner includes 12 unique planning spreads dated for 2020 (image gallery above)!

• Yearly Calendar

• Yearly Tracker

• Yearly Overview

• Monthly Plans

• Monthly Tasks & Tracker

• Weekly Plans

• Yearly Project Tracker

• Project Plans

• Brain Dump

• Brainstorm

• Notes

• Index

Please note that 11 out of the 12 spreads are the same across all three sizes of the printable PDF planner, but each size has their own unique layout for the Weekly Plan. All three are week on 2 pages, but optimized for each planner size, as you can see in the image gallery.

The Personal Size Weekly Plan is a vertical week on two pages with 2 days sharing each column.

The A5/Half Letter Size Weekly Plan is a vertical week on two pages with only the weekend sharing one column.

The A4/ Letter Size Weekly Plan is a unique two page spread with one page dedicated to tasks and one page dedicated to a customizable scheduler, market list and meal planner!

With your purchase of the Master Planner Printable Bundle you will receive the following PDF files:

• Personal Size 2020 Master Planner

• A5/Half Letter Size 2020 Master Planner

• A4/Letter Size 2020 Master Planner

• Personal Size Project Plans with Notes Refill

• Personal Size Brilliant Ideas Refill (Braindump, brainstorm, notes & index).

• A5/Half Letter Size Project Plans with Notes Refill

• A5/Half Letter Personal Size Brilliant Ideas Refill (Braindump, brainstorm, notes & index).

• A4/Letter Size Project Plans with Notes Refill

• A4/Letter Size Brilliant Ideas Refill (Braindump, brainstorm, notes & index)

• 2019 Dated Files for each size planner

Refill pages have no pagination so you can add to your planner as needed!

These inserts are all print-on-demand PDF files for use at home or feel free to bring them to your favorite office supply store to have them professionally printed! Although these inserts will print on standard printer/copier paper, for best printing results, I highly recommend using 98 bright 28-32lb paper.


Important Additional Information

Refund Policy: Due to the nature of these items as digital downloads, no refunds will be accepted, so please make sure to check all images and read through descriptions carefully before making your purchase.

Copyright information: The copyright to all digital download pdf files remains with the designer, Alexis Giostra. Files are intended for personal use by the single purchaser within the year they are dated for and may not be copied, shared, distributed, resold or reused outside of the dated time frame.

Customer satisfaction is of the utmost important to me, and although I do not issue refunds on digital downloads, if you are experiencing any unforeseen issues with your purchase, please notify me immediately via email and I will work with you directly to resolve your issue!

How to Meal Prep!

Today I want to share with you another of my most productive habits that saves me time, energy, money you name it!

Meal planning!

I’ve had many requests to do a dedicated video on this topic, so I am going to share with you all my thoughts and strategies for mastering this essential habit.


In the video, I explain:

• What meal planning is!

• My process and strategy for meal planning & prep

• Answer FAQ’s about meal planning- Lots of tips & gems you might be curious about

• The EXACT tool I use to help me stay on track and create a regular habit of meal planning & prep- THE MASTER MEAL PLANNER!

CLICK HERE to get your copy of THE MASTER MEAL PLANNER: a 52 Week Meal Planner & Recipe Organizer!

Enjoy the video!


Plan With Me February

In today’s video I’m walking you through my monthly review process and showing you all the secret planning tips I use to keep myself focused on my most important tasks for the month.






USE CODE : PLANWITHME for $100 off the Master Mind







SMART Goal Setting 101 | How to Set & Achieve Your Goals This Year!

Today’s video is a Goal Setting Mini Class where I walk you through setting SMART Goals and creating action plans to achieve them during the year! Access the FREE PDF Workbook to accompany this video here:




✔︎ 2019 Bound Master Planner:

✔︎ 2019 Printable Master Planners:

✔︎ Undated Master Planner:

✔︎ YOU GOT THIS! Workbook + Video:



How I’ve Organized My Planner for 2019!



This year actually marks my 5th anniversary of sharing my planner setup with you all, so I decided it would be fun to do a little walk down planner memory lane together and talk about the different setups I’ve used over the years and what I’ve learned from them. Many of us within the planner community go through a bit of a planner evolution through the years, and I think it’s important before choosing your new planner for 2019, to take some time to look at the patterns that keep coming up with your planners year over year to see what you really like, what you actually use in your planner and what issues you struggle with. Hopefully, this video should give you some inspiration for how to review and analyze the planners you’ve used in the past to see what might work best for the future.

→ P.S. I didn’t mention this in the video, however, there are just a few days left to sign up for my New Year Goal Setting Workshop, here is the link:

→ Or, if you want my full Goal Setting Process to help you map short term to longer term goals, definitely purchase my YOU GOT THIS Workbook + Video Intro Course because it teaches you all the practical aspects of goal setting as well as provides tons of activities and worksheets to help you get clear on your goals and how to achieve them:



✔︎ 2019 Master Planner Book Bound:

✔︎ 2019 Master Planner Printable PDF:

✔︎ Build Your Own Planner Systems:

✔︎ Printable Planner Labels:

✔︎ FREE Planner Toolbox (with new trackers):

✔︎ 2018 Planner Setup Video:

✔︎ 2017 Planner Setup Video:

✔︎ Gigi New York Covers:

✔︎ 2016 Planner Setup Video:

✔︎ DIY Spiral Bound Planner Video:

✔︎ 43 Folders System DIY:

✔︎ 2015 Planner Setup Video:



These two hours will save you from a years worth of stress!

Hello My Charmed Ones!

With the year end fast approaching, I know this tends to be the time when I am focused on two things!

The first is getting my home ready for the arrival of holiday guests. Cleaning and prepping, making lists of groceries and meals for holiday gatherings. Wrapping last minute gifts and baking a lifetime worth of cookies!

The second is sitting on the couch watching every holiday themed movie I can possibly find! There is no better way during this time of year to end a long day than by plopping on the couch with a cup of tea or cocoa, a cozy blanket and renting every holiday classic that I can remember from my childhood. Ahh! It’s the holidays and can you think of any better way to spend your time?

Haha, well, I KNOW there are better things for me to do, which is why I am sending you this email! Because this year, I have also been spending my time doing one more very important task…

Outlining and recording my yearly goal setting process and turning it into a streamlined system for my upcoming New Years Goal Setting & Planning Workshop!


We are just about a week away from the Live Workshop which is scheduled for Saturday, December 29th @ 11am EST and I honestly can’t think of a better way to spend a few hours in an afternoon than sitting and planning the year ahead!

So, for the time and cost of going to see a movie, you can join me in a workshop that will literally save you a years worth of stress and get you prepared to walk into the New Year with a practical plan of action. Here’s what we’re going to do in the workshop:

✔︎  Analyze and review your progress from 2018: I bet you got more accomplished in this past year than you are giving yourself credit for, and because of that, you are much closer to achieving your goals in 2019! I’ll walk you through a set of activities to help you see your progress and also identify were you struggled and why so we can make plans to avoid those same pitfalls in 2019.

✔︎  Align your actions to your results: So often we start the year with the best of intentions to execute on our plans but an inability to change patterns of action or though keep us achieving the same results year over year. I’ll help you get into alignment with your habits so that reaching your goals becomes a forgone conclusion.

✔︎  Create a balanced plan to manage our goals in 2019: I’ve designed a new set of worksheets to help you set your goals for 2019, break them into manageable projects, and then balance the workload across the year so you don’t burn out or get over whelmed before the goal is achieved!

Wanna take a peek at the new worksheets exclusively available with this workshop?

Aren’t they beautiful?!? I think you are going to love using these worksheets and reviewing them regularly to ensure you are making progress on your goals over the course of the year because they are simple and elegant!

So, what are you waiting for? CLICK HERE to sign up for the workshop because I know that if you spend a few hours of undivided time with me that you will be able to create a practical plan to organize your goals for the year that will leave you feeling ready to take on 2019 and will save you unnecessary stress throughout the year!

Oh, and if you can’t make it on Saturday, don’t worry! You will receive a replay of the workshop that you can enjoy for 30 days.

So, don’t let the stress and excitement of the holidays derail you from taking a little time this year to prepare for an even better year ahead! Join me for the New Year Goal Setting and Planning Workshop!

See you there! And if you have any questions, hit reply to this email and let me know how I can help you!


2018 Holiday Sale Preview!

Hey Productivity Buddy!


Thanksgiving Day is tomorrow and The Charmed Shop’s BIGGEST ANNUAL SALE is about to begin.


NOW IS THE TIME to start making your holiday shopping list for the special friends and family in your life that you will be gifting to this year AND don’t forget #1, YOURSELF!

While you are out shopping this weekend and over the next few weeks generously thinking of others, you don’t want to forget about picking up a few essentials for yourself. The end of the year is always a stress-filled, action-packed season, and it’s so easy to loose track of time and your own priorities when you are feeling the weight of a never ending to-do list on your back. Commit to Working Smarter, Not Harder this season and give yourself the GIFT OF PRODUCTIVITY with some of these planning essentials!

Here is a Special Preview of what you can expect from The Charmed Shop’s Annual Holiday Sale that starts Thursday November 22nd and ends Monday November 26th! Make sure to read this email all the way through because I have a special Freebie for you at the bottom!


The Master Planner

The Charmed Life Master Planner is a 3-in-1 Functional Planning System that includes all the inserts you need to generate ideas, formulate plans and schedule the time to execute successfully on it all!

The Print on Demand Charmed Life Master Planner now comes in 3 different size options:

Each planner includes:
  • Creating Your Master Plan (How to Use the Planner
  • 5 Functional Planning Worksheets
  • 12 Month on 2 Pages Calendars
  • 12 Monthly Master Task Lists
  • 12 Monthly Tracker
  • Vertical Week on Two Page Planning Pages for each week of the month
  • Yearly Project Tracker
  • 40 Project Planning Spreads
  • 20 Braindump Spreads
  • 20 Brainstorm Spreads
  • 30 Notes Pages
  • 8 Index Sheets
Build Your Own Planner Inserts

If you already have a calendar system you use and love but would like to add the functional planning inserts necessary to properly plan an execute on everything in your life, then the Build Your Own Planner Insert options are for you!

Choose from the following options, that come bundled with all 3 insert sizes for your convenience:


Master Planning Master Class

The Master Planning Master Class is a Digital Video Lecture intended to accompany The Charmed Life Master Planner. If you are struggling to with one (or more!) of the 3 Most Common Planning Mistakes and would like to Learn the Complete Strategy for Using your Charmed Life Master Planner Effectively, this class will teach you exactly what you need to know to overcome:

#1: Overplanning OR Underplanning!

If you are struggling to understand exactly WHAT TO PLAN in your Charmed Life Master Planner, this Master Class will help you identify the key priorities you should be planning around to find success in your life.

#2: Focusing on Daily Tasks but Ignoring the Big Picture

If you are someone who focuses their productivity on their daily task list, but doesn’t spend enough time mapping out their plans for the week, month, quarter, or year, the Master Planning Master Class will show you how you should be approaching your planning so that you can do it all in due time!

#3: Following Thru with Essential Planning Processes

If you are not currently executing on essential planning processes for the day, week, month, etc you are ultimately going to fail to complete the major objects you have for your year. The Master Planning Master Class will teach you the essential planning processes you should be using to make sure you have a line of sight to your most important tasks each day!

What You Get with The Master Planning Master Class:

  • 2 hour video lecture with slides & notes handout to follow along with the class* (digital printable)
  • BONUS What to Plan Worksheet (digital printable)
  • BONUS Monthly Habit Tracker Sheet (digital printable)
  • BONUS Resource Guide (digital links on master class page)
You Got This Workbook + Video Series

For 2019, The Charmed Shop’s Bestselling You Got This Workbook is getting a MAJOR upgrade! You Got This is a Strategic Goal Setting and Planning Guide to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Organize Your Life that is going from 30+ pages to over 100! With more lessons, activities and worksheets for you to complete you’ll dig deep to identify your goals and get practical strategies for achieving them!

The You Got This Workbook is current on Pre-Order for just $29, so don’t miss out and make sure to snag your copy during Holiday Sale!

New Year Goal Setting Workshop

You are not going to want to miss out on securing your ticket to my New Year Goal Setting Workshop! Scheduled for Saturday December 29th at 11am Eastern Time, this workshop is expected to be a 3 hour event where I am going to walk you through my New Year Goal Setting and Planning Process. Complete with activities, strategies and worksheets to help you get organized for the New Year, this is one Live event you won’t want to miss, but don’t worry, you will also get the replay as well, so if you can’t make it live, you will have the replay to enjoy!


Productivity & Planning Master Mind

The Productivity & Planning Master Mind is a 6 Module On Demand Video Course designed to help you finally overcome your productivity issues and learn a complete skill set for life-long productivity!

What You Will Learn:

• MODULE #1 GOAL SETTING FOR SUCCESS: ID your goals and convert them into actionable projects so you are working towards what matters to you
• MODULE #2 FUNCTIONAL PLANNING PROCESSES: A streamlined method for planning accurately and with time to spare
• MODULE #3 PRODUCTIVE EXECUTION TECHNIQUES: Understand your work style and which productivity techniques will help you Work Smarter, Not Harder
• MODULE #4 MASTERING HABITS AND ROUTINES: Overcome bad habits and replace them with routines for a successful life
• MODULE #5 INSPIRATION THROUGH INTERFERENCE: Learn how to overcome set backs and push through daily issues and interference through inspired action
• MODULE #6 THE PERSONAL GROWTH MINDSET: Continue your personal growth and skill set building for a long lasting positive change to your quality of life

What is included in The Productivity & Planning Master Mind:

  • 6 Video Modules
  • 6 On Demand Discussion Lectures
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Printable course materials, activities and workbooks
  • Access to the program and support for 365 days!
During the Sale, the Master Mind is going to be only $149- it’s LOWEST PRICE EVER! So, if you are ready to up level your productivity by focusing on the essential skills and strategies that will turn productivity into a habitual practice in your life, definitely take advantage of this excellent price while it lasts!

Empire Building Online Business Program

Are you ready to get started building your own online business using the marketing strategies I used to grow my brand and business from 0 to 100,000+? If so, Empire Building is your all-in-one on-demand solution! Empire Building is a 5 Pillar Method for Building a Business Online using tried and true methods and principles that I have learned as I have built my own media business over the past 10 years. Whether you are looking to start a Blog or YouTube channel to earn an extra income, or want to start your own Online Shop that gives you the flexibility of working from home, Empire Building is your guide to setting up and maintaining a successful business online!

During the Sale, Empire Building is going to be just one easy payment of $199, an amazing value for a limited time to help you get a jump on your Online Business Goals for the New Year! Empire Building rarely goes on sale, so if you are interested in securing your access to the program, private course website, all 6 video modules, bonus workbooks and so much much, take advantage of the special pricing during the sale!


As a subscriber to my Charmed eMail list, you will also get EXCLUSIVE insider discount codes for additional savings on the products in the The Charmed Shop! Those codes will be emailed out to you on Thursday morning and each day of the sale, I’ll email you a little reminder with the codes so you don’t misplace them!


The Sale is still a few days away, but I don’t want you to miss out on these great discounts because they are seriously a once a year occurrence. So, to help you prepare for your busy week ahead, I have some helpful tips for getting yourself prepared, plus a FREE Printable Bonus for you.
  1. Make a note about the sale in your planner, it starts 11.22.18!
  2. Check out this video, My Seasonal Stress Survival Guide, to get some great tips and strategies for finding peace during the busy holiday season
  3. Print out this FREE Holiday Shopping Check List to keep track of everything you need to purchase for yourself and others this holiday season!

I hope you have enjoyed this Holiday Sale Preview! Don’t forget to print out your FREE Holiday Shopping Check List and start making your list of must-have items to snag during this once a year sale!
