High Vibe

A Quick & Simple Mindset Practice to Kick Your Year Off for Success

A Quick & Simple Mindset Practice to Kick Your Year Off for Success

Hello, goal-getters! As we embark on a new year, it’s the perfect time to align our mindset with success. Today, I’m sharing a quick and straightforward mindset practice that will set the tone for a year of achievement and fulfillment. Get ready to supercharge your goals with the power of affirmations.

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive, present-tense statements that reflect the reality you want to create or reinforce in your life. By repeating these statements regularly, you harness the power of positive thinking to influence your subconscious mind and, subsequently, your behavior and outcomes.

The Purpose of Affirmations

1. Overcoming Negative Self-Talk:

Affirmations serve as a counterforce to the often-negative chatter that plays in our minds. They challenge and replace self-doubt, criticism, and limiting beliefs with uplifting, empowering thoughts.

2. Shaping Your Reality:

Affirmations operate on the principle that your thoughts shape your reality. By consistently focusing on positive statements, you guide your mind towards manifesting those positive outcomes in your life.

3. Building Confidence and Self-Belief:

Regular exposure to affirmations fosters a sense of confidence and self-belief. As you repeat affirmations that affirm your abilities and worth, you build a foundation of self-assurance that can withstand challenges.

4. Creating a Positive Mindset:

Affirmations contribute to cultivating a positive mindset. By rewiring your thought patterns, you naturally develop a more optimistic outlook on life, enabling you to approach challenges with resilience and creativity.

Why Affirmations Work: Rewiring Your Mind for Success

Affirmations are more than just positive statements; they are a powerful tool for rewiring your mindset. By actively challenging and changing limiting beliefs, you create a mental landscape that fosters success. Here’s why this practice is so effective:

  1. Positive Reinforcement: Affirmations provide consistent positive reinforcement, counteracting the negativity that may arise when facing challenges.
  2. Mindset Shift: This practice encourages a shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, where challenges are viewed as opportunities for learning and growth.
  3. Increased Confidence: Regular exposure to positive affirmations boosts confidence and self-belief, key ingredients for achieving ambitious goals.
  4. Visualizing Success: Affirmations help you visualize your success, making your goals more tangible and attainable.

How to Use Affirmations Effectively

1. Be Specific:

Craft affirmations that are specific to your goals or areas of improvement. Specificity enhances the effectiveness of the affirmation and provides clarity on what you’re working towards.

2. Use Present Tense:

Frame your affirmations in the present tense as if you’re already experiencing the desired outcome. This helps align your subconscious mind with the belief that these positive statements are your current reality.

3. Include Emotional Connection:

Infuse your affirmations with emotion. Connect to the feelings associated with achieving your goals. The emotional charge behind affirmations makes them more potent and memorable.

4. Consistency is Key:

Repetition is fundamental to the success of affirmations. Incorporate them into your daily routine, making them a consistent part of your morning, evening, or work rituals.

Create Affirmations for Your Goals: A Transformative Mindset Practice

Creating and using affirmations for your goals is a power and transformative practice that will help you achieve more goals this year. Here is how to create goal affirmations for the most effective and impactful results!

Step 1: Set Your Goals for the Year

Begin by defining your goals for the year. Whether they are career milestones, personal achievements, or health and wellness objectives, lay them out clearly. Having a clear vision of what you want to accomplish is the first step toward success.

Step 2: Identify Limiting Beliefs

For each goal, delve into the deeper layers of your mindset by asking yourself why you might not be able to achieve it. Uncover those sneaky limiting beliefs that lurk beneath the surface – the excuses and reasons you might use to let yourself off the hook.

Step 3: Transform Limiting Beliefs into Affirmations

Take each limiting belief and flip it on its head. Transform it into a positive affirmation that empowers and uplifts you. These affirmations should counteract the negative thoughts and create a mental environment conducive to success.

Step 4: Compile Your Affirmations

Once you’ve crafted affirmations for each goal, compile them into a comprehensive list. This list will serve as your daily dose of positivity, reminding you of your capabilities and reinforcing your commitment to achieving your goals.

Step 5: Define Your Daily Mindset Practice

Incorporate your affirmations into a daily mindset practice that suits your routine. Whether it’s part of your morning ritual, a pre-work motivation boost, or an evening reflection, make it a consistent habit. The key is to feel into the affirmations, allowing them to uplift your spirits and instill confidence in your ability to succeed.

Step 6: Feel the Affirmations

As you go through your affirmations, truly feel the positivity and power behind each statement. Visualization can be a potent tool here – imagine yourself achieving your goals, feel the excitement, and let the affirmations resonate deep within you.

Join the Charmed Life Master Mind for Ongoing Mindset Mastery

Ready to take your mindset practice to the next level? Join our Charmed Life Master Mind for a wealth of resources and tools designed to enhance your mindset work. Surround yourself with a supportive community and gain access to exclusive materials that will empower you on your journey to goal achievement.

Click here to join now!

Here’s to a year of conquering limiting beliefs, embracing positive affirmations, and achieving every goal you set your sights on. Your success story starts with your mindset – make it a charmed one! 🚀✨


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

Why You Need a Daily Uniform in 2024 and Winter Uniform Ideas

Why You Need a Daily Uniform in 2024 and Winter Uniform Ideas

Welcome, style enthusiasts! As we step into 2024, let’s talk about a game-changer that can simplify your mornings, save you time, and elevate your style: the daily uniform. Today, we’ll explore the compelling reasons behind adopting a daily uniform and delve into chic winter uniform ideas that prioritize comfort, warmth, and timeless elegance.

Why You Need a Daily Uniform

1. Effortless Mornings:

Picture this: a closet filled with pieces that effortlessly complement each other. That’s the beauty of a daily uniform. Selecting your outfit becomes a breeze, allowing you to start your day with ease and clarity.

2. Time and Energy Savings:

By eliminating the decision fatigue that comes with choosing from a myriad of options, you reclaim precious time and mental energy. A daily uniform streamlines your morning routine, leaving you with more bandwidth to conquer your day.

3. Comfort and Confidence:

Comfort and confidence go hand in hand. When you feel good in what you’re wearing, your confidence soars. A daily uniform ensures that every piece aligns with your style and comfort preferences, making you feel your best every day.

4. Efficient Shopping:

Know exactly what pieces you need to complete your daily uniform template, making shopping a breeze. With a clear vision, you can invest in higher quality items that stand the test of time, steering clear of fast fashion pitfalls.

5. Investment-Worthy Pieces:

With a daily uniform, you buy less variation, allowing you to invest in better quality pieces. Focus on timeless items made with superior materials that not only look polished but also last longer, reducing your environmental footprint.

Winter Uniform Ideas

Winter brings its own set of challenges and opportunities for style. Let’s explore some winter uniform ideas that prioritize comfort, warmth, and sophistication.

1. Material and Texture Take Center Stage:

Winter is the season to let material and texture shine. Embrace wool, silk, and cashmere for their luxurious feel and superior warmth. Quality fabrics elevate your winter wardrobe, ensuring durability and a polished appearance.

2. Layering Magic:

Layering is the key to staying warm in winter. Whether it’s blazers over sweaters or cardigans paired with blouses, layering adds depth to your outfit. Opt for natural fibers to ensure comfort and avoid overheating.

3. Neutral Palette for Versatility:

Stick to a neutral color palette that complements your natural coloring. Neutrals are timeless, making it easier to mix and match your winter wardrobe. This approach allows you to invest in higher quality pieces that outlast seasonal trends.

Winter Uniform Templates

1. Business Formal to Business Casual:

  • Lightweight Turtleneck Sweater
  • Slightly Oversized Wool Blazer
  • Trousers to Match

Image One | Image Two | Image Three | Image Four

This versatile “suit” template can be dressed up or down with different blouses or sweaters. Choose slightly oversized or looser fits for both the blazer and trousers, ensuring business appropriateness without sacrificing comfort.

2. Work from Home Comfort:

  • Oversized Cashmere Sweater
  • Wool Cardigan
  • Wool Joggers

Image One | Image Two | Image Three | Image Four

Embrace comfort without sacrificing style with this work-from-home template. Opt for slightly more fitted wool joggers to maintain a polished look. The cardigan can be swapped for a fleece jacket for a casual touch.

Join the Charmed Life Master Mind

Ready to enhance not just your style but your overall lifestyle? Join the Charmed Life Master Mind for more productivity systems and personal organization tips that will elevate your quality of life. Surround yourself with a community dedicated to mastering the art of living a charmed life.

Click here to join now!

Here’s to a year of effortless mornings, stylish comfort, and the joy of embracing a daily uniform that reflects your unique essence. Cheers to a charmed life! ✨👗


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

Image from IKEA Pax System


24 High Vibe Habits for Your 2024 Glow Up: A Blueprint for Ambitious Women

Welcome, queens! If you’re ready to radiate confidence, manifest success, and glow from within, you’re in the right place. In 2024, it’s all about cultivating high vibe habits that nurture your body, mind, and soul. These habits not only make you feel fantastic but also elevate your standards, turning you into a magnetic force that effortlessly attracts the life you desire. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-love and transformation with these 24 high vibe habits for your ultimate glow up.

1. Sipping Success: Drink a Half Gallon of Water Daily

Start your day by hydrating your way to vitality. A well-hydrated body is a confident body. Sip your way to success and let your skin thank you for it.

2. Skincare Sanctuary: Establish a Skincare Routine

Your skin deserves some TLC. Build a skincare routine that leaves you feeling pampered and radiant. Cleanse, tone, moisturize – let your skin glow like the queen you are.

3. Hair Majesty: Prioritize Your Haircare

Crowning glory needs royal treatment. Invest time in nourishing your locks with the care they deserve. Regular trims, deep conditioning, and love – because your hair is your ultimate accessory.

4. Wardrobe Revival: Refresh Your Wardrobe

Amp up your confidence by rocking outfits that make you feel unstoppable. Refresh your wardrobe with pieces that scream ‘success’ and showcase your unique style.

5. Mani Magic: Get Regular Manicures

Your hands are your power tools. Keep them polished and on point. Regular manicures aren’t just about nails; they’re about embracing the polished woman within.

6. Pedi Elegance: Add in Monthly Pedicures

Treat your feet like the queens they are. Monthly pedicures are the secret weapon to feeling elegant and put-together from head to toe.

7. Glam Goddess: Do Your Hair + Makeup Regularly

Unleash your inner goddess by embracing your beauty routine. Whether it’s a full face or a natural glow, taking time for hair and makeup enhances your self-confidence.

8. Mindset Mastery: Daily Mindset Work + Meditation

A high vibe woman starts her day with a positive mindset. Daily mindset work and meditation set the tone for success and invite abundance into your life.

9. Educational Empowerment: Weekly Educational Content

Feed your mind with knowledge. Weekly educational content keeps your intellect sharp and empowers you to conquer any challenge that comes your way.

10. Dazzling Smile: Regular Teeth Whitening

A confident smile is your superpower. Shine bright with regular teeth whitening – because a dazzling smile is never out of style.

11. Sweet Smell of Success: Find a Signature Scent

Let your scent linger in the minds of everyone you meet. Finding your signature scent is a personal statement that leaves a lasting impression.

12. Elevated Dining: Use the Good China

You’re worth it. Elevate your dining experience by using the good china daily. Because every meal is a celebration of your fabulous life.

13. Daily Stretch Ritual: Stretch Daily

Flexibility is a sign of strength. Incorporate daily stretches into your routine to keep your body agile and your spirit free.

14. Fitness Finesse: Exercise 3x a Week

Sweat out the stress and embrace your strength. Exercise three times a week to keep your body and mind in peak condition.

15. Veggie Victory: Eat Veggies Daily

Nourish your body with the goodness of greens. Daily veggies are your secret weapon for a healthy, glowing complexion.

16. Silky Slumber: Sleep on a Silk or Satin Pillowcase

Upgrade your beauty sleep. Silk or satin pillowcases reduce friction on your skin and hair, leaving you waking up looking and feeling like royalty.

17. Beauty Sleep Priority: Prioritize Your Beauty Sleep

Sleep is a non-negotiable part of a high vibe lifestyle. Prioritize your beauty sleep for enhanced energy, focus, and overall well-being.

18. Affirmation Alchemy: Use Affirmations Regularly

Speak success into existence. Affirmations are a powerful tool to manifest your desires and build unshakable confidence.

19. Glowing Exfoliation: Body Exfoliation Weekly

Smooth, radiant skin is always in. Incorporate weekly body exfoliation to unveil the glow that lies beneath.

20. Dry Brush Elegance: Dry Brush After Showering

Boost circulation and invigorate your skin by dry brushing after your shower. It’s a luxurious habit that leaves you feeling pampered.

21. Facial Serenity: Gua Sha or Facial Massage Often

Release tension and promote youthful skin with regular facial massages or Gua Sha rituals. Elevate your skincare routine to a whole new level.

22. Dreamscape Ritual: Daily Visualization or Vision Board Time

Create the life of your dreams in your mind’s eye. Spend time daily visualizing your goals or curating a vision board that reflects your aspirations.

23. Vitamin Vitality: Take Your Vitamins

Fuel your body with the nutrients it craves. Taking your vitamins daily ensures you’re operating at your peak performance.

24. Protein Power: Eat Protein First

Start your meals with protein to fuel your body and maintain steady energy levels throughout the day.


Ready to elevate your life even further? Join the Charmed Life Master Mind for ongoing support in building positive habits and routines. Surround yourself with like-minded women committed to their glow up journey. Together, let’s make 2024 the year you become the unstoppable force you were always meant to be.

Click here to join now!

Cheers to your glow up, queens! 🌟


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

Choosing Your Word of the Year: Why You Need One, How to Use It, and 25 Word Ideas to Consider

Hello My Charmed Ones!

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, the air is filled with the promise of fresh beginnings and untapped potential. It’s a time when many of us set resolutions, goals, and intentions for the months ahead. Amidst this annual ritual, there exists a powerful practice that transcends traditional goal-setting – choosing a “Word of the Year.” In this blog post, we’ll explore what the Word of the Year is, why you need one, how to use it effectively, and provide a list of 25 impactful words to consider for your journey ahead.

What is the Word of the Year?

Your Word of the Year is like a guiding light, a focal point that sets the tone for your experiences and endeavors throughout the next twelve months. It’s a carefully chosen word or phrase that encapsulates the essence of what you want to cultivate in your life. Think of it as the title of the chapter you’re about to write in the book of your life.

Why Do You Need a Word of the Year?

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, having a Word of the Year provides a compass for your actions and intentions. It serves as a simple yet profound reminder of your overarching focus and desired outcomes. This intentional choice helps you align your decisions with a central theme, creating a sense of purpose and clarity that can guide you through the inevitable twists and turns of the year.

How to Use Your Word of the Year:

1. Set the Word: Choose a word or phrase that resonates deeply with your aspirations and aligns with the direction you want your life to take in the coming year.

2. Define Your Intention:  Once you’ve selected your Word of the Year, take the time to define what it means to you. Consider how embodying this word will manifest in your daily life.

3. Create Actionable Steps:   Break down your word into actionable steps. Determine how you can actively incorporate this word into various aspects of your life, including work, relationships, and personal growth.

4. Reflect Regularly:   Regularly reflect on your chosen word. Assess how well you’ve embodied it in your actions and decisions. This reflection can provide valuable insights and keep you on track.

25 Word Ideas for Your Year

  1. Abundance
  2. Clarity
  3. Courage
  4. Balance
  5. Joy
  6. Resilience
  7. Adventure
  8. Connection
  9. Simplicity
  10. Growth
  11. Presence
  12. Gratitude
  13. Harmony
  14. Focus
  15. Empower
  16. Renewal
  17. Kindness
  18. Freedom
  19. Inspire
  20. Mindfulness
  21. Nourish
  22. Optimism
  23. Empathy
  24. Explore
  25. Serenity

As you embark on the journey of a new year, consider embracing the transformative power of a Word of the Year. This intentional practice can shape your experiences, guide your choices, and lead you towards a year filled with purpose and fulfillment. Choose wisely, set your intentions, and watch as your selected word weaves its way into the fabric of your life, creating a narrative of growth, joy, and meaningful accomplishments.


Founder, Strange & Charmed

The Numerology of 2024 and How to Harness its Energy for Productivity and Success

Hello My Charmed Ones and Welcome to 2024!

How exciting is it that 2024 is kicking off on a Monday? You know I love a Monday Start!

I definitely feel like this is a positive omen for the year and is giving me good vibes for all of our productivity! This was making me wonder about the overall energy that forecast for 2024 in numerology. 2024 is a year 8 and I know that 8 is a very divine and powerful number representing infinity. So, I thought I would do some research on this topic to understand more about the unique vibrational frequency of 2024. Let’s jump in to what I learned and the energetics of the year ahead for our productivity and success!

The Numerology of 2024: Year 8

In numerology, each number is believed to possess its own distinct energy and characteristics. The year 2024 adds up to the number 8 (2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8), making it a Year 8 in numerology. The number 8 is often associated with attributes such as power, authority, balance, and abundance. Understanding the unique qualities of the number 8 can provide valuable insights into the overarching themes and opportunities that may unfold in 2024.

Key Traits of the Number 8 in Numerology

1. Abundance and Prosperity

   The number 8 is frequently associated with material and financial abundance. It symbolizes success, prosperity, and the rewards that come from disciplined and hard work. In 2024, individuals may find themselves presented with opportunities for financial growth and stability.

2. Balance and Harmony

   The symmetrical shape of the number 8 represents balance and harmony. In the year 8, there is a potential for achieving equilibrium in various aspects of life, including work, relationships, and personal well-being. It’s a year to assess and recalibrate priorities for greater stability.

3. Leadership and Authority

   The number 8 exudes a sense of leadership and authority. Individuals may find themselves in positions of influence, whether in their professional lives or personal relationships. Embracing leadership opportunities with integrity and responsibility can lead to significant accomplishments.

4. Manifestation and Achievement

   2024 is a year ripe for turning dreams into reality. The energy of the number 8 supports focused and determined efforts, leading to the manifestation of goals and aspirations. This is the time to set ambitious targets and work diligently toward their attainment.

Harnessing the Energy of the Number 8 for Success

1. Set Clear Goals

   The clarity of purpose is essential in a year governed by the number 8. Define your short-term and long-term goals, both in your professional and personal life. This will serve as a roadmap for your actions and decisions throughout the year.

2. Embrace Discipline and Hard Work

   The number 8 rewards those who are willing to put in the effort. Embrace discipline, stay focused, and work hard towards your objectives. Consistent, diligent efforts are likely to yield tangible results and open the door to success.

3. Build Strong Foundations

   Just as the number 8 symbolizes balance, it’s crucial to build strong foundations in all areas of your life. This includes nurturing your relationships, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and ensuring financial stability.

4. Exercise Leadership with Integrity

   If opportunities for leadership arise, approach them with integrity and a sense of responsibility. The number 8 values ethical leadership, and individuals who lead with honesty and fairness are likely to enjoy the support and respect of those around them.

5. Visualize Success

   Visualization is a powerful tool when working with numerological energies. Take time to visualize your goals and aspirations coming to fruition. This practice can help align your thoughts and actions with the positive energy of the number 8.

Maximizing the Energy of 2024: Tools for Success

As we embark on a journey through the numerological landscape of 2024, it’s essential to equip ourselves with tools that can amplify the positive energies associated with the number 8. Here are three powerful tools that can help you maximize the potential of this dynamic year:

1. Functional Planner

   In the fast-paced world we live in, a functional planner becomes an indispensable companion on the journey to success. Look for a planner that goes beyond basic scheduling and offers the space to translate your ideas from the realm of thoughts into actionable plans. A planner that allows you to articulate your goals, break them down into manageable tasks, and schedule strategic objectives is a valuable asset. This not only keeps you organized but also ensures that your efforts are aligned with the overarching vision for a productive and successful year.

Recommended Tool: The 2024 Charmed Life Master Planner

2. Manifestation Journaling Practice

   Harnessing the energy of the number 8 involves not only strategic planning but also a mindful focus on your aspirations. A manifestation journaling practice, such as the High Vibe Bible, can be a transformative tool. This 90-day loosely guided journaling practice provides a structured yet flexible framework to explore your desires, set intentions, and track your progress. By consistently engaging in manifestation journaling, you align your thoughts with your goals, fostering a positive mindset that complements the energy of abundance and achievement associated with the number 8.

Recommended Tool: High Vibe Bible

3. Join a Tribe of Like-Minded Women:

   The power of community cannot be overstated, especially when pursuing ambitious goals. Consider joining a tribe of like-minded women who are on a similar journey of personal and professional growth. The Charmed Life Master Mind offers a supportive environment where you can gain valuable insights, receive strategic guidance, and benefit from mutual accountability. This tribe becomes your source of inspiration, encouragement, and shared wisdom, enhancing your ability to navigate the complexities of 2024 with confidence and purpose.

Recommended Tool: Charmed Life Master Mind

Incorporating these tools into your routine can enhance your ability to harness the energy of 2024. A functional planner provides structure and organization, a manifestation journaling practice cultivates a positive mindset, and a supportive tribe ensures you have the strategic guidance and accountability needed to live your best life. By combining these tools with the inherent strengths of the number 8, you’ll be well-equipped to make 2024 a year of unprecedented productivity, success, and personal fulfillment.


Founder, Strange & Charmed

Well Planned & Productive Gift Guide for Busy and Ambitious Women

Well Planned & Productive Gift Guide for Busy and Ambitious Women: Elevate Your Productivity in Style!

The holiday season is upon us, and what better way to celebrate the ambitious, go-getter women in your life than with gifts that enhance their productivity and add a touch of elegance to their daily routines? Whether they are entrepreneurs, professionals, or simply masters of multitasking, these thoughtful presents are designed to make their lives more organized, efficient, and stylish. Here’s a handpicked selection of 20 gifts that are sure to delight the busy and ambitious women in your circle:

1. 2024 Master Planner: A digital planner system to help them plan, prioritize, and achieve their goals in the upcoming year.

2. Mug Warmer: Keep their favorite beverages warm while they conquer their tasks.

3. Wireless Charging Mouse Pad: Charge their devices seamlessly while working with this multitasking mouse pad.

4. Cork Board: A stylish cork board to pin important notes, inspirations, and goals.

5. High Vibe Bible: Give the gift of a strong mindset with this 90 day manifestation journal.

6. Amazon Jeggings: Comfortable and versatile jeggings for a chic yet relaxed style.

7. Nespresso Vertuo Next Coffee and Espresso Machine: Fuel their day with the perfect cup of coffee or espresso.

8. Functional Planning Handbook: A comprehensive guide to mastering functional planning techniques.

9. Hatch Alarm Clock: Wake up gently with this smart alarm clock that simulates sunrise.

10. White Board Dry Erase Sticker: Transform any surface into an erasable whiteboard for brainstorming and planning.

11. Apple Watch: Stay connected and organized with the latest Apple Watch, a perfect blend of style and functionality.

12. Multipurpose Storage Boxes: Keep their space clutter-free with these stylish and versatile storage boxes.

13. Shark Flexstyle: Make their morning beauty routine quick and easy with this easy to use hair styler.

14. Skintone Hanging Files: Organize important documents in style with these skintone hanging files.

15. Crock Pot: Prepare delicious and healthy meals with minimal effort using a high-quality crockpot.

16. Printer: A reliable printer for all their professional and creative needs.

17. Marshall Emberton Speaker: Enjoy their favorite tunes with this portable and stylish Bluetooth speaker.

18. Rotating Desk Organizer: Keep their workspace tidy and efficient with this sleek rotating desk organizer.

19. Simple Modern 40oz Water Bottle: Stay hydrated in style with this chic and functional water bottle.

20. Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo: Effortlessly maintain a clean home with this intelligent robot vacuum and mop combo.

This holiday season, empower the ambitious women in your life to conquer their goals with these well-planned and productivity-boosting gifts. Wrap up the essence of productivity, style, and functionality, and make their holiday season truly exceptional!


Founder, Strange & Charmed 🌟

P.S. If you’re looking for more support in living your best, most organized and successful life, consider joining my inner circle private group coaching community called The Charmed Life Master Mind. Each month we meet for live classes, Q+As and monthly planning sessions, plus you have access to an on-demand resource library with dozens of classes, workbooks, planner inserts and other tools to help you craft the life you want to live. Click here to learn more and enroll today for instant access to all my best content and tools!

Embrace the Harvest: Cultivating Balance and Renewal in the Autumn of Life

Hello, Beloved Community!

As the vibrant hues of autumn paint the world around us, nature whispers a profound truth: this is the season of harvest. In the same way trees gracefully shed their leaves, we too can release the burdens of the past and focus on the bountiful harvest of our efforts. The fall season serves as a poignant reminder that life operates in cycles, and now is our time to reap the results of the seeds we sowed in the earlier chapters of the year.

Embracing the Harvest

Consider this moment a pause, a chance to reflect on the journey so far. Every goal achieved, every hurdle overcome, and every lesson learned is a testament to your resilience and determination. Just like a farmer tending to their crops, you have nurtured your dreams and aspirations. Now, it’s time to acknowledge and celebrate the abundance you’ve cultivated.

Letting Go

Much like the trees gracefully release their leaves, it’s time for us to let go of what no longer serves us. Just as nature sheds its weight to prepare for renewal, we too can release the unnecessary expectations and burdens that weigh us down. Acknowledge that it’s okay to let certain things go – whether they are unattainable goals or external pressures. The true essence of autumn lies in surrender, paving the way for new growth in the future.

Prioritizing Your Focus

Autumn teaches us the art of prioritization. Just as nature sheds its leaves but retains its core strength, we too can focus on what truly matters. Take a moment to identify the key areas of your life – your relationships, your passions, your well-being. These are the roots that sustain you. Nurture them. Pour your energy into the people and pursuits that bring you genuine joy and fulfillment.

Finding Balance

In the pursuit of balance, understand that it’s okay to relinquish control over things beyond your reach. Autumn is a season of acceptance, of acknowledging the natural ebb and flow of life. As you release the need for perfection, you create space for serenity. Balance isn’t about doing everything; it’s about doing what matters most with unwavering focus and intention.

Renewal Awaits

As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, remember that within this natural cycle of life lies the promise of renewal. The energy you invest in what truly matters will bear fruit, fostering new growth and opportunities. By embracing the harvest, you not only honor your past efforts but also set the stage for a vibrant, fulfilling future.

Dear friends, as you stand amidst the golden tapestry of autumn, let this season be a gentle reminder that you are enough as you are. Your worth isn’t determined by the unrelenting pursuit of perfection, but by the love you give, the passions you pursue, and the authenticity you embody.

With a heart full of gratitude for the journey we share,

Founder, Strange & Charmed 🍂✨

P.S. If you’re looking for more support in living your best, most organized and successful life, consider joining my inner circle private group coaching community called The Charmed Life Master Mind. Each month we meet for live classes, Q+As and monthly planning sessions, plus you have access to an on-demand resource library with dozens of classes, workbooks, planner inserts and other tools to help you craft the life you want to live. Click here to learn more and enroll today for instant access to all my best content and tools!

Embrace the Autumn Glow: A Simple Morning Mindset Practice to Elevate Your Day

Hello, Wonderful Souls!

As the autumn leaves paint the world with warm hues, it’s the perfect time to infuse your mornings with a touch of mindful serenity. Embracing a morning mindset practice can set a positive tone for your day, enhancing your gratitude, focus, and overall well-being. Today, let’s explore a simple autumn morning routine that incorporates gratitude, mindful planning, empowering mindset shifts, and a grounding mindfulness mantra. By dedicating a few moments to this practice, you can step into the day with intention and grace.

1. Gratitude Journaling

   Begin your morning by acknowledging the blessings in your life. Grab your journal and write down three things you are grateful for. It could be the crisp morning air, a supportive friend, or a comforting cup of tea. Focusing on gratitude instills positivity and sets the stage for a day filled with appreciation.

2. Daily Planning and Intentions

   Take a moment to outline your priorities for the day. Jot down the tasks you need to accomplish and set clear intentions for each of them. Reflect on how accomplishing these tasks will contribute to your overall goals. Planning your day mindfully enhances focus and ensures you’re aligned with your aspirations.

3. Mindset Shifts to Empower Your Day

   Challenge any negative thoughts that may be lingering in your mind. Replace them with positive affirmations or empowering beliefs. For example, if you’re feeling apprehensive about a meeting, shift your mindset by affirming, “I am confident, capable, and well-prepared. I approach challenges with grace and intelligence.” Embrace the power of positive thinking to empower your day.

4. Simple Mindfulness Mantra

   Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Inhale the crisp, autumnal air and exhale any tension or worry. As you breathe, repeat a grounding mantra silently to yourself. For instance, you can use the mantra, “I am present, I am calm, I am capable.” Let these words wash over you, grounding you in the present moment.

By incorporating this autumn morning mindset practice into your daily routine, you cultivate a sense of mindfulness, gratitude, and empowerment. As the season changes, so too can your mindset, allowing you to embrace the beauty of each moment with open arms. Remember, your mornings set the tone for the rest of your day. By nurturing your mind and spirit, you create a foundation for a day filled with purpose, joy, and contentment.

Wishing you a season of mindful mornings and abundant blessings!

With Warmth and Presence,

Founder, Strange & Charmed 🍁✨

P.S. If you’re looking for more support in living your best, most organized and successful life, consider joining my inner circle private group coaching community called The Charmed Life Master Mind. Each month we meet for live classes, Q+As and monthly planning sessions, plus you have access to an on-demand resource library with dozens of classes, workbooks, planner inserts and other tools to help you craft the life you want to live. Click here to learn more and enroll today for instant access to all my best content and tools!

7 Ways to Use Your Planner to Manifest Your Best Year!

7 Ways to Use Your Planner to Manifest Your Best Year!

Today I am sharing 7 ways to use your planner to manifest your best year ever!

If you think your planner is simply a tool for time or task management, you are missing a tremendous opportunity to use your planner to help you manifest and realize the life of your dreams. For years I have been using my planner a little different than the average person might, because a significant portion of my planner is more than just calendars and agenda inserts. I customize my planner to include spiritual elements that truly help me stay in alignment with what I want for the year. So, here are my best tips for how you can set up your planner to help you manifest success this year.

Strategy #1: Make it a mindset shift

My first tip here is that you need to make the mindset shift for yourself that your planner and planning isn’t just about keeping track of what to do and where to be, instead its about setting the intention that your planner is going to be an energetic placeholder for your goals and that whatever you write inside it is like placing an order with god/spirit/or the universe. So that is step one- deciding and setting the intention and shifting your mindset- that your planner is more than mere paper and metal and leather or whatever material it’s made out of- this is now a mystical energy generator that’s holding the power and potential for you to take action on building your dream life. 

Strategy #2: Choose your word for the year

The second strategy or activity I want you to do with your planner is to create a word for the year and write it somewhere inside your planner. Your word for the year is meant to be a theme for what you want to manifest this year, and along with the word, think about and list out inside your planner what that word means to you and how you intend for that word to manifest for yourself. If you want, I have a template over on my Instagram account that I was sharing for creating your word of the year- you can totally screen shot that and print it for your planner if you’d like. My word for this year is brilliance and my intention for that word is that i want to manifest more creativity and wonderful ideas for my life and business this year. I also want to manifest brilliance in the form of light and beauty. I want to bring more light to my community and uplift them, and I also want to work on my physical body to make myself look and feel more beautiful and brilliant that way. For example, I literally bought Crest White Strips for the first time in years because I want my teeth to be whiter and more brilliant. So thats an example of how my word of the year is aligned with my intentions and ultimately my actions!

Strategy #3: Set your goals

Strategy three is that you need to set your goals and keep them listed out in your planner. Many people goal plan but they keep their goals elsewhere to reference, but that makes no sense to me. I want my goals front and center in my planner- and in fact my goals are one of the first pages of my planner, because these are things I actually want to happen, not just things it would be nice to get if and when I have the time. 

For me, the vast majority of my plans and objectives for the year revolve around these goals and making them happen. And if you’ve been a member of my community for a while, you have likely seen that I am someone who gets a lot accomplished and makes her life happen, and I attribute this to the fact that my goals are the keystone to the way I live and work and move through life. So, set your goals for the year- if you want to set your goals the way I do, you can purchase my THIS IS YOUR YEAR bundle with my You got goals workbook and workshop as well as the CEO Retreat classes where I walk you through my goal setting process for both my life and my business.

Strategy #4: Create a vision board for your planner

Next, strategy number four is to create a vision board for inside your planner. I have a whole video on how to create a vision board for your planner that I’ll leave linked for your reference, but you essentially want to take those goals you set and turn them into images that evoke the feeling of achieving that goal. To do this, I search images online, most come from pinterest but anytime I see an image that evokes a strong emotional reaction for a goal I generally save them to my phone or computer. So, I will assemble all these images and print them out and create a collage with them. This year I ended up created the collage on photoshop and then printing it out on sticker paper and then stuck it to the dedicated vision board spread in my Master Planner. But however you want to do it- as long as you have goals turned into images, and those images make you feel good about the goals- and you put them in a central location in your planner to review daily- you are set. And that reviewing of the vision board daily is an essential part of this strategy as well. We aren’t just going to make the vision board and leave it there- instead we are going to spend a few minutes looking at it everyday as part of our daily planning routine! That’s how we can use the vision board to activate the receiving of the goals in our subconscious.

Strategy #5: Keep lists of affirmations in your planner

Strategy five is to keep lists of affirmations and positive self-talk in your planer as well. So, in my planner I have a divided section called Mindset and in this section I keep lists of affirmations that I’ve written out that inspire me to get in alignment with my goals. Generally, what I do with these lists is after I hang out with my vision board, I turn to these pages and read them out to myself and they make me feel super positive and inspired to create my plan and complete my work each day. If you struggle to keep motivated and inspired, a practice like this of using a vision board and affirmations will help you remain self-motivated consistently.

Strategy #6: Write a list of things you want to manifest each month

Strategy six is, every month, write yourself a list of things you want to happen and things you want to manifest and keep it in your planner. Another section of my planner is my Manifest section, and here I just have some simple notepaper, and what I will do every month is write out a complete list of all the things I’d love to happen and I write them out as though they have happened. 

So, I might write “This month I earned $20,000. This month I reached x weight, This month I gained 1 million new followers” And sometimes I switch it up and I will say something like “I am so happy and grateful that this month I was featured in a national magazine.” Or “I quickly and easily gained 1 million new followers this month.” So, for every line I write I am writing in an affirmative that the thing has already happened. I already received it, it’s already done energetically.

This technique is also known as scripting and some people say you should do this every day, but I like to do it like a big wish list at the start of the month and then mentally let it go. I don’t micromanage this list by any means, and it’s okay to me if the things I write down don’t happen in the month- the interesting this is that I sometimes get what I ask for but in a different month. So this becomes like a landing page for what I want and my intentions beyond just achieving my goals because on a day to day basis I may think of new things I want to manifest so this is how I open myself up to receiving it.

Strategy #7: Use your best planner supplies and stationery

Last but not least, strategy seven. I know this is a strategy that you did not see coming but I promise you, it’s so important for your mindset and getting more of what you want this year using your planner. Strategy seven is you need to use all of your best planner supplies and stationery that you’ve been hoarding away and waiting to use for a special occasion. Guess what? Today is the day you are going after you goals and manifesting your best life, so it’s definitely a special occasion kind of a day! Got it! Stop holding onto your favorite pens, highlighters, sticky notes, inspo cards- whatever stationery supplies you’ve been hoarding- you need to use them and know that you are worth it, your plans are worth it and there is always more where that came from! Using those supplies you’ve been saving it going to unlock new levels of productivity and abundance and receiving for you because you are showing up and saying okay, today is worth me investing in, what I’m doing today no matter how big or small is worth the expense or sacrifice of some pretty planner things. I am worth it, my planner is worth it, my goals are worth it, my to do list is worth it!

So, those are seven strategies to manifest your best year ever using your planner. I want to hear which of these strategies you are going to integrate. I recommend them all but I don’t think you necessarily need to do all of them at once. Don’t overwhelm yourself, choose whatever seems the most practical for your life and see how it makes you feel and the results you end up getting when you start doing things a little differently than before.

Watch the Video 7 Ways to Use Your Planner to Manifest Your Best Year



High Vibe Garden Party Soundtrack for Relaxation, Self-Care & Your AM Routine

I have a new productivity resource I’d like to share with you!

This past weekend on Youtube, I published a lovely soundtrack of classical music with a nature ambience that is perfect for you to play if you need to relax, do some much needed self-care, perform your morning routine and do some quiet reading or journaling.

I call it the High Vibe Garden Party because that is the energy I get from the music and ambience I’ve layered together in this soundtrack. Click here to listen to the soundtrack now!

Music has such a powerful effect on our minds, our bodies and our productivity, because it can very quickly shift us into feeling a specific way. So, do yourself a favor and use this soundtrack this week as the background music to your life to start leaning into a more relaxed an intentional energy.

I’m going to be creating more of these soundtracks this month to help support the energy you need to embody at specific points in your day, so I sincerely hope you enjoy them!
