
How to Leave Room for Inspired Action in Your Plans

How to Leave Room for Inspired Action in Your Plans

In the intricate tapestry of goal pursuit, the intersection of meticulous planning and the mystical realm of inspired action unveils a dynamic dance that propels us towards our deepest aspirations. It’s a delicate balance, where the precision of our plans meets the spontaneity of the universe’s guidance. This blog post is an exploration into the art of harmonizing structured planning with the magical process of manifestation—how to weave a roadmap for your goals while leaving ample space for the universe to whisper its guidance through inspired action.

In the realm of goal achievement, it’s easy to be consumed by the allure of well-structured plans. Yet, true mastery lies not just in the art of planning but in the art of allowing—allowing the universe to weave its threads of serendipity, synchronicity, and inspired nudges into the fabric of our meticulously laid-out goals. Join us on this journey as we unravel the secrets of purposeful planning, visualization, setting intentions, and the graceful embrace of inspired action, all culminating in a harmonious symphony that transforms aspirations into reality. As we navigate the confluence of strategy and spontaneity, may you discover the magic that lies in leaving room for inspired action within the carefully crafted blueprints of your dreams.

The Foundation of Purposeful Planning

In the grand orchestration of goal pursuit, purposeful planning stands as the cornerstone—a foundation that sets the tone for the symphony of achievement. As you embark on the journey toward your aspirations, it’s essential to craft a roadmap that not only guides your steps but aligns with the very essence of what you seek to manifest.

Begin by clearly defining your goals. What is it that you yearn to bring into existence? Whether it’s a career milestone, a personal transformation, or a creative endeavor, articulate your aspirations with clarity. Break down these larger-than-life visions into tangible, actionable steps—milestones that serve as markers on your journey.

As you lay out your plans, think of them as the blueprint for your dreams. This meticulous structuring not only provides a clear path forward but also instills a sense of direction and purpose. Each task, each objective becomes a conscious choice, a commitment to the larger narrative you’re weaving.

Consider your plans as the compass guiding you through uncharted territories. In the realm of manifestation, precision in planning is akin to tuning an instrument before a symphony—it ensures that every note, every action resonates in harmony with the melody of your overarching vision.

Moreover, purposeful planning involves a realistic assessment of your current resources, capabilities, and timelines. Be mindful of what you can realistically achieve within a given period. Setting achievable yet challenging goals creates a balance that propels you forward without overwhelming the journey.

In essence, this foundational step in goal pursuit is about creating a roadmap that aligns with your vision while remaining adaptable to the ebb and flow of life. As you meticulously sketch out the steps toward your dreams, remember that your plans are not rigid laws but flexible guides—invitations for the universe to collaborate in the grand composition of your aspirations. With purposeful planning as your ally, you’ve set the stage for a journey that is not only intentional but also open to the magic of inspired action.

Cultivating Alignment through Visualization

In the realm of manifestation, visualization serves as the vivid palette with which you paint the canvas of your dreams. It’s not just about plotting points on a map; it’s about immersing yourself in the sensory experience of your desired destination. As you weave your plans, take the time to cultivate alignment through the powerful practice of visualization.

Begin by creating a mental image of your goals as if they were already a reality. Close your eyes and envision the details—see the vibrant colors, feel the textures, and immerse yourself in the emotions associated with the accomplishment of your aspirations. Visualization is more than a mental exercise; it’s an emotional and sensory journey that connects you deeply with the essence of your dreams.

As you integrate visualization into your planning process, you infuse your goals with intention. The act of seeing your success in your mind’s eye is a powerful affirmation, a declaration to the universe that you are ready to receive the abundance you seek. This intentional alignment between your plans and your visualized success creates a resonance that reverberates through your actions.

Think of visualization as the compass that aligns your inner world with the outer reality you’re seeking to create. The more vividly you can see and feel your success, the more you align your energy with the frequency of achievement. This alignment is a magnetic force that draws your goals closer to you, making each step in your plan a purposeful stride toward the manifestation of your dreams.

In the practical sense, incorporate visualization into your planning routine. Dedicate moments to close your eyes, quiet your mind, and project yourself into the future where your goals are not just possibilities but living, breathing realities. This intentional visualization becomes a North Star, guiding your actions and decisions with a clarity that transcends the limitations of mere strategic planning.

In the grand interplay between vision and planning, the art of visualization bridges the gap, transforming your roadmap into a living, breathing document—a testament to your belief in the manifestation of your deepest desires. As you cultivate alignment through the practice of visualization, you invite the universe to join you in the co-creation of a reality that mirrors the vibrant images you paint in your mind.

Setting Intentions in Your Plans

Intentions are the silent architects of your reality, shaping the energy that flows through every action and decision. As you embark on the journey of turning your goals into reality, infuse your plans with purposeful intentions. This deliberate act goes beyond the mere execution of tasks; it’s a conscious alignment of your actions with the vibrational frequency of your desires.

Each element of your plan should be adorned with intentionality. Consider not just what needs to be done but why it matters. Attach profound meaning to each task, transforming them from mundane actions into purposeful steps on your journey. For every goal you set, ask yourself: What is the underlying intention behind its achievement? How will it contribute to your overall vision?

Setting intentions in your plans involves weaving a narrative of success. Instead of merely listing tasks, accompany each item with a clear intention. For instance, if one of your goals is career advancement, your intention might be to contribute meaningfully to your field, inspiring others with your work. This intention transforms a job-related task into a purposeful contribution to your overarching goal.

Moreover, intentions act as guideposts, keeping you focused on the deeper significance of your actions. In moments of challenge or ambiguity, revisiting the intentions behind your plans provides clarity and motivation. It becomes a source of inspiration that propels you forward, ensuring that your journey is not solely about reaching destinations but about embracing the transformative power of the path.

Consider integrating a dedicated intention-setting ritual into your planning routine. Before diving into the details of your tasks, take a moment to reflect on the greater purpose behind your efforts. Whether through meditation, journaling, or a simple pause for reflection, this ritual becomes a conscious declaration of your commitment to infuse each step with intention.

In the dance of manifestation, intentions act as the melody—the soulful undertone that harmonizes with the rhythm of your plans. As you set intentions in your plans, you’re not just navigating the course of achievement; you’re conducting a symphony of purpose, weaving a tapestry where every note contributes to the beautiful composition of your manifested dreams.

Leaving Space for the Unexpected

In the orchestration of goal pursuit, the unexpected often emerges as the silent conductor, introducing nuances and melodies that add depth to the symphony of your plans. Recognizing the magic that can unfold when you leave room for the unforeseen is a crucial aspect of the manifestation process. Rigidity in planning may stifle the spontaneity and serendipity that can lead to inspired action.

As you meticulously outline your roadmap, deliberately leave breathing room within your schedule. Avoid overloading your agenda with a relentless succession of tasks, allowing for pauses and open spaces. It’s within these gaps that the universe has the opportunity to weave its surprises into the narrative of your journey.

Consider these moments of open space as blank canvases awaiting the strokes of inspiration. The unexpected may manifest as chance encounters, sudden realizations, or unforeseen opportunities. By creating a flexible framework, you invite the universe to collaborate, guiding you through twists and turns that may ultimately enhance the richness of your experience.

Leaving space for the unexpected is not a surrender of control but a conscious acknowledgment that there are forces beyond your immediate understanding. It’s an invitation for the universe to contribute its creative flair to the masterpiece you’re crafting. Embrace the uncertainty, for within it lies the potential for discoveries, connections, and breakthroughs that may surpass even your most intricately laid-out plans.

Moreover, these open spaces act as a safety net, providing resilience in the face of unexpected challenges. Life’s unpredictabilities are inherent, and by leaving room for the unexpected, you cultivate adaptability. This adaptability becomes a powerful asset, allowing you to navigate detours with grace and turn unexpected twists into opportunities for growth.

In the dance between structure and spontaneity, leaving space for the unexpected ensures that your plans are not rigid scripts but dynamic narratives. As you embark on your journey, be open to the surprises that may unfold, for it is often in these unscripted moments that the universe whispers its guidance, leading you toward the serendipitous magic of inspired action.

The Dance of Inspired Action

Inspired action, like an ethereal dance partner, joins the symphony of structured plans, infusing your journey with spontaneity and magic. This dynamic interplay between strategic planning and the impromptu whispers of the universe transforms your aspirations into a living, breathing experience. The dance of inspired action is not a deviation from your plans but a harmonious improvisation that enhances the melody of your goals.

Recognize that inspired action often arrives as intuitive nudges, sudden insights, or an unexplained desire to pursue a specific course. These gentle whispers from the universe may not always align with your preconceived plans, and that’s the beauty of the dance. It’s in these moments of spontaneous guidance that you may find a shortcut, a novel approach, or an unexpected connection that propels you closer to your goals.

To fully engage in the dance of inspired action, cultivate mindfulness. Be present in the moment, attentive to the subtle cues that may direct your next steps. As you move through your planned tasks, remain open to the possibility of deviation—trust that these deviations may lead to the most profound discoveries.

Moreover, inspired action often unfolds in the spaces between tasks. While planning provides structure, it is within the gaps that the universe may introduce its most profound guidance. Allow these moments of stillness to be fertile ground for inspiration to bloom. Whether it’s during a quiet walk, a meditative pause, or a moment of reflection, let the dance of inspired action find you in the serenity of these interludes.

Incorporate flexibility into your plans to accommodate the spontaneous twists that inspired action may introduce. Consider your plans as a choreography that allows for improvisation, making room for the unexpected dance moves that may arise. By maintaining a balance between structure and spontaneity, you invite the universe to co-create with you, transforming your journey into an enchanting dance of synchronicity.

Ultimately, the dance of inspired action is a celebration of the dynamic relationship between your intentions and the subtle guidance of the universe. As you engage in this rhythmic interplay, relish in the joy of spontaneity, for it is within the dance that your goals come to life with a vibrancy that transcends the limitations of meticulous planning. May each step, whether planned or inspired, contribute to the enchanting choreography of your manifested dreams.

Embracing Synchronicity

Synchronicity, the artful alignment of meaningful events, often unfolds as the universe’s way of affirming your path. Embracing synchronicity within your plans is an acknowledgment that there is a higher order at play—one that weaves a tapestry of interconnected moments and serendipitous encounters. As you navigate the journey of manifestation, remain open to the signs, people, and opportunities that may cross your path, for within these moments lie the subtle whispers of the universe.

Incorporating synchronicity into your plans involves developing a heightened awareness of the meaningful coincidences that unfold around you. Pay attention to recurring themes, symbols, or unexpected encounters. These may serve as guideposts, directing you toward a more aligned and purposeful course.

As you engage in the dance of manifestation, invite synchronicity to be an active participant in your journey. Trust the unfolding of events, even if they deviate from your initial plans. Sometimes, what may seem like a detour is, in fact, the universe’s way of guiding you toward a more direct and fulfilling route to your goals.

Cultivate mindfulness in your daily life to fully embrace synchronicity. It may manifest in the form of a timely conversation, a chance meeting, or a serendipitous opportunity that aligns perfectly with your aspirations. Be present, and allow these synchronistic moments to be more than mere coincidences—let them be the threads that weave seamlessly into the fabric of your plans.

Consider keeping a synchronicity journal, where you document meaningful occurrences and the insights they bring. This practice not only reinforces your connection to the unfolding magic of your journey but also serves as a reflective tool for recognizing patterns and themes that may guide your future actions.

Embracing synchronicity is an invitation to co-create with the universe, acknowledging that your plans are not solely crafted in isolation. By allowing meaningful coincidences to influence your path, you infuse your journey with a sense of divine orchestration, transforming your goals into a harmonious symphony where each note resonates with purpose and meaning. As you navigate the dance of manifestation, welcome synchronicity as a trusted companion, for it is often in the alignment of these beautiful moments that the universe whispers its guidance most profoundly.

A Harmonious Symphony of Plans and Inspiration

In the grand finale of your journey toward manifestation, behold the culmination of your efforts—a harmonious symphony where meticulously crafted plans waltz gracefully with the enchanting melodies of inspired action and synchronicity. This dance is a testament to the dynamic interplay between structure and spontaneity, strategy and serendipity.

As you reflect on the path traveled, acknowledge the role of purposeful planning as the architect of your aspirations. Your roadmap provided direction and intention, grounding your dreams in actionable steps. Yet, in the intricate choreography of your journey, the universe stepped in, leading you through the unpredictable rhythm of inspired action and the meaningful cadence of synchronicity.

This harmonious symphony is not just the realization of goals; it is a celebration of co-creation with the universe. Your plans were not static blueprints but living documents, open to the magic of unforeseen twists and turns. In this realization, you find the true essence of manifestation—a collaborative dance where the universe conspires with your intentions to compose a masterpiece of dreams turned into reality. As the final notes linger in the air, may your heart resonate with gratitude for the orchestration of your journey—a harmonious symphony where plans and inspiration dance together in perfect unity.

Planning + Manifestation = Effortless Success

Are you ready to embark on a journey of intentional manifestation, where meticulously crafted plans harmonize effortlessly with inspired action and synchronicity? Join us in the Charmed Life Mastermind, where you’ll discover how to leave room for the magic of the universe to unfold within your carefully laid-out plans.

In our community, you’ll connect with fellow seekers who understand the delicate balance between structure and spontaneity in the pursuit of dreams. Through guided discussions, personalized coaching, and shared experiences, you’ll learn how to infuse your goals with intention, cultivate mindfulness, and embrace synchronicity as a guiding force.

Don’t settle for a journey dictated solely by rigid plans—embrace the symphony of possibilities that arises when you invite the universe to co-create with you. Join the Charmed Life Mastermind and unlock the transformative power of aligning your intentions with the divine orchestration of your path.

Your dreams are waiting—let’s embark on this enchanting journey together. Join the Charmed Life Mastermind today and step into the flow of inspired manifestation.

Click here to join now!


Embracing Self-Love: A Valentine’s Themed Tarot Card Spread and Journaling Journey

Embracing Self-Love: A Valentine’s Themed Tarot Card Spread and Journaling Journey

As Valentine’s Day approaches, the air is filled with the essence of love, and while it’s often associated with romantic relationships, it’s equally crucial to celebrate the most important relationship of all— the one with yourself. In this blog post, we’ll embark on a heartwarming journey of self-discovery, using a Valentine’s themed Tarot card spread and journaling activity to explore the depths of self-love and understanding.

Materials Needed:

1. Tarot deck of your choice

2. Journal or notebook

3. Pen or pencil

4. Cozy and comfortable space

Step 1: Setting the Stage

Create a tranquil atmosphere for your tarot reading. Light a candle, play soft music, or incorporate any elements that help you feel relaxed and focused. Sit in a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

Step 2: Shuffle and Draw Your Cards

Begin shuffling your tarot deck while focusing on the intention of self-love and personal exploration. As you shuffle, ask the deck for guidance on different aspects of your self-love journey. Draw a total of six cards, laying them out in a spread that resembles a heart shape.

Step 3: The Valentine’s Themed Tarot Card Spread

1. The Root of Self-Love (Card 1): This card represents the foundation of your self-love journey. What is at the core of your relationship with yourself?

2. The Wings of Self-Expression (Card 2 & Card 3): These cards symbolize the aspects of yourself that you express to the world and the aspects that remain hidden. What parts of yourself are you ready to share, and what do you keep within?

3. The Cup of Emotional Nourishment (Card 4): This card delves into your emotional well-being and what actions or attitudes will nurture and fill your emotional cup.

4. The Flame of Passion and Purpose (Card 5): This card explores the passions and purpose that ignite your soul. What brings a sense of purpose and joy to your life?

5. The Arrow of Self-Reflection (Card 6): This final card encourages introspection. What messages from your higher self or inner wisdom can guide you on your self-love journey?

Step 4: Reflecting and Journaling

Now that your cards are laid out, take a moment to gaze at them. Notice any patterns, recurring themes, or specific symbols that catch your attention. Begin journaling your thoughts and feelings based on each card’s interpretation.

Journaling Prompts:

1. The Root of Self-Love:

   – What foundational aspect of self-love is calling for my attention?

   – How can I nurture and strengthen this core element of self-love?

2. The Wings of Self-Expression:

   – What parts of myself am I comfortable expressing to the world?

   – What aspects do I keep hidden, and why?

3. The Cup of Emotional Nourishment:

   – How can I better nurture my emotional well-being?

   – What actions or attitudes can fill my emotional cup with love and care?

4. The Flame of Passion and Purpose:

   – What brings a sense of passion and purpose to my life?

   – How can I incorporate more of these elements into my daily routine?

5. The Arrow of Self-Reflection:

   – What messages or insights from my higher self are guiding me?

   – How can I deepen my connection with my inner wisdom?

Step 5: Expressing Gratitude

Conclude your self-love journey by expressing gratitude for the insights gained during this tarot reading. Write down three things you appreciate about yourself and your journey toward greater self-love.

As you embrace the spirit of Valentine’s Day, remember that the most profound love you can experience is the one you have for yourself. This tarot card spread and journaling activity serve as powerful tools to delve into the depths of self-love, offering guidance, insights, and a nurturing space for personal reflection. May this Valentine’s Day be a celebration of the beautiful relationship you have with yourself—full of love, understanding, and growth.

Nurture Your Self-Love Journey with the Charmed Life Master Mind!

Ready to deepen your self-love practice this Valentine’s season? Join the Charmed Life Master Mind—a nurturing space where your journey to self-love is enriched with valuable resources, guided meditations, journaling prompts, and empowering practices.

In the Charmed Life Master Mind, unlock access to a treasure trove of mindset resources specifically curated to cultivate self-love and acceptance. Dive into guided meditations that soothe your soul, explore journaling prompts that unravel your innermost thoughts, and embrace practices that elevate your self-love journey to new heights.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to infuse your life with love and acceptance.

Click here to join the Charmed Life Master Mind today and embark on a transformative adventure toward a mindset filled with self-love. Your empowered, love-filled journey awaits!


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

Unlocking Your Inner Oracle: A Guide to Developing Psychic Abilities for Success

Unlocking Your Inner Oracle: A Guide to Developing Psychic Abilities for Success

Embarking on a journey to develop psychic abilities is an exploration of your inner wisdom, a compass that guides you towards success. In this post, we’ll delve into the practical strategies that can help you tap into your intuition and align with your goals, transforming your life into a charmed journey.

Understanding Psychic Abilities: Your Inner Guidance System

What are Psychic Abilities? Psychic abilities are the inner feelings or knowings that act as guiding forces, helping direct you through life’s complexities. This inner guidance system is a subtle, intuitive knowing that transcends the limitations of the logical mind. It’s about recognizing and trusting the signals from within that guide you toward success.

Practical Strategies to Develop Psychic Abilities: Your Path to Success

1. Cultivate Self-Awareness:

  • Begin your journey by cultivating self-awareness. Understand your emotions, thoughts, and reactions. The more aware you are of your inner world, the easier it becomes to discern intuitive nudges from mere noise. Take breaks throughout the day just to check in with yourself and see how you are feeling. When we move to quickly through life, we often miss important signs our body is giving us that can provide important insight and guidance.

2. Practice Mindfulness Meditation:

  • Engage in mindfulness meditation to quiet the chatter of the mind. Creating moments of stillness allows your intuitive insights to rise to the surface. Focus on your breath, observe thoughts without attachment, and let your inner guidance emerge. Try integrating a simple practice like the Box Breath in the morning and evening. The Box Breath is a technique where you breath in through your nose for 4 seconds, then you hold your breath for 4 seconds, then you exhale from your mouth for 4 seconds, and then hold your breath again for another 4 seconds. That is one round of the Box Breath, and you can start and end your day with 10 rounds of this technique to help you get into the present moment and let go of racing thoughts and powerful feelings.

3. Keep a Intuition Journal:

  • Create an intuition journal to record your inner feelings, hunches, or knowings. Regularly review your entries to identify patterns and connections between your intuitive insights and subsequent events. This practice enhances your recognition of psychic signals. Just make sure you have a dedicated space to record your intuitions like a specific notebook, journal or a notes app on your phone. The key to success with an Intuition Journal is to use it consistently. Try using the following prompts as a guide for what to write in your journal.

    Q1: What is the current situation you are facing?

    Q2: What is your intuition telling you to do?

    Q3: Do you feel safe taking this action now? If not, explain what is holding you back and what you think you need to do instead.

4. Clarify Your Goals:

  • Develop clarity about your goals. Clearly define what success means to you in different areas of your life. The more specific you are, the easier it becomes for your intuition to guide you toward actions aligned with your objectives. You can’t expect to reach success if you don’t know what success looks like to you, so if you have a hard time setting your goals on your own, here is my goal setting method that will help you set the right goals this year.

5. Trust Your Feelings:

  • Pay attention to your inner feelings or instincts. When faced with decisions, notice the immediate, subtle reactions within your body. Trusting these visceral responses often leads to choices in alignment with your higher purpose. Intuitive nudges generally come in one of three forms. The first is a sudden idea or clarity that hits inside your mind. The second is an emotional hit or intuition that you may feel in your heart center. The third is the gut feeling that hits in your abdomen (solar plexus) and makes you feel like you’re being pulled to take some action. Each of us are different so you may get intuitive nudges from just one of these areas or up to all three. They don’t generally all hit at once however. Sometimes you may get a gut feeling, other times you may feel a sudden sense of clarity, or have an emotional response to a situation that is informing you of what you need.

6. Engage in Creative Practices:

  • Participate in creative activities such as drawing, writing, or dancing. These activities help bypass the analytical mind and connect with your intuition on a deeper level. The more you engage in creative practices, the more attuned you become to your inner guidance.

7. Connect with Nature:

  • Spend time in nature to ground yourself and amplify your intuitive connection. Whether it’s a walk in the park, hiking, or simply sitting in a garden, nature has a way of quieting the mind and enhancing your receptivity to intuitive insights.

8. Practice Gratitude:

Embracing Success Through Psychic Development

Developing psychic abilities is not about predicting the future; it’s about aligning with your inner wisdom to navigate life successfully. As you embrace these practical strategies, you’ll find yourself tapping into your intuitive guidance system more effortlessly. To further support your journey toward success, consider joining the Charmed Life Master Mind for additional tools, resources, and a supportive community dedicated to holistic success.

🚀 Take the Next Step: Join the Charmed Life Master Mind

Ready to elevate your psychic development and align with the success you envision? Join the Charmed Life Master Mind – a community committed to your growth and transformation. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey toward a charmed life.

Your success story awaits, guided by the wisdom within. Trust your intuition, embrace the journey, and let success unfold. 🌌✨


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

The Numerology of 2024 and How to Harness its Energy for Productivity and Success

Hello My Charmed Ones and Welcome to 2024!

How exciting is it that 2024 is kicking off on a Monday? You know I love a Monday Start!

I definitely feel like this is a positive omen for the year and is giving me good vibes for all of our productivity! This was making me wonder about the overall energy that forecast for 2024 in numerology. 2024 is a year 8 and I know that 8 is a very divine and powerful number representing infinity. So, I thought I would do some research on this topic to understand more about the unique vibrational frequency of 2024. Let’s jump in to what I learned and the energetics of the year ahead for our productivity and success!

The Numerology of 2024: Year 8

In numerology, each number is believed to possess its own distinct energy and characteristics. The year 2024 adds up to the number 8 (2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8), making it a Year 8 in numerology. The number 8 is often associated with attributes such as power, authority, balance, and abundance. Understanding the unique qualities of the number 8 can provide valuable insights into the overarching themes and opportunities that may unfold in 2024.

Key Traits of the Number 8 in Numerology

1. Abundance and Prosperity

   The number 8 is frequently associated with material and financial abundance. It symbolizes success, prosperity, and the rewards that come from disciplined and hard work. In 2024, individuals may find themselves presented with opportunities for financial growth and stability.

2. Balance and Harmony

   The symmetrical shape of the number 8 represents balance and harmony. In the year 8, there is a potential for achieving equilibrium in various aspects of life, including work, relationships, and personal well-being. It’s a year to assess and recalibrate priorities for greater stability.

3. Leadership and Authority

   The number 8 exudes a sense of leadership and authority. Individuals may find themselves in positions of influence, whether in their professional lives or personal relationships. Embracing leadership opportunities with integrity and responsibility can lead to significant accomplishments.

4. Manifestation and Achievement

   2024 is a year ripe for turning dreams into reality. The energy of the number 8 supports focused and determined efforts, leading to the manifestation of goals and aspirations. This is the time to set ambitious targets and work diligently toward their attainment.

Harnessing the Energy of the Number 8 for Success

1. Set Clear Goals

   The clarity of purpose is essential in a year governed by the number 8. Define your short-term and long-term goals, both in your professional and personal life. This will serve as a roadmap for your actions and decisions throughout the year.

2. Embrace Discipline and Hard Work

   The number 8 rewards those who are willing to put in the effort. Embrace discipline, stay focused, and work hard towards your objectives. Consistent, diligent efforts are likely to yield tangible results and open the door to success.

3. Build Strong Foundations

   Just as the number 8 symbolizes balance, it’s crucial to build strong foundations in all areas of your life. This includes nurturing your relationships, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and ensuring financial stability.

4. Exercise Leadership with Integrity

   If opportunities for leadership arise, approach them with integrity and a sense of responsibility. The number 8 values ethical leadership, and individuals who lead with honesty and fairness are likely to enjoy the support and respect of those around them.

5. Visualize Success

   Visualization is a powerful tool when working with numerological energies. Take time to visualize your goals and aspirations coming to fruition. This practice can help align your thoughts and actions with the positive energy of the number 8.

Maximizing the Energy of 2024: Tools for Success

As we embark on a journey through the numerological landscape of 2024, it’s essential to equip ourselves with tools that can amplify the positive energies associated with the number 8. Here are three powerful tools that can help you maximize the potential of this dynamic year:

1. Functional Planner

   In the fast-paced world we live in, a functional planner becomes an indispensable companion on the journey to success. Look for a planner that goes beyond basic scheduling and offers the space to translate your ideas from the realm of thoughts into actionable plans. A planner that allows you to articulate your goals, break them down into manageable tasks, and schedule strategic objectives is a valuable asset. This not only keeps you organized but also ensures that your efforts are aligned with the overarching vision for a productive and successful year.

Recommended Tool: The 2024 Charmed Life Master Planner

2. Manifestation Journaling Practice

   Harnessing the energy of the number 8 involves not only strategic planning but also a mindful focus on your aspirations. A manifestation journaling practice, such as the High Vibe Bible, can be a transformative tool. This 90-day loosely guided journaling practice provides a structured yet flexible framework to explore your desires, set intentions, and track your progress. By consistently engaging in manifestation journaling, you align your thoughts with your goals, fostering a positive mindset that complements the energy of abundance and achievement associated with the number 8.

Recommended Tool: High Vibe Bible

3. Join a Tribe of Like-Minded Women:

   The power of community cannot be overstated, especially when pursuing ambitious goals. Consider joining a tribe of like-minded women who are on a similar journey of personal and professional growth. The Charmed Life Master Mind offers a supportive environment where you can gain valuable insights, receive strategic guidance, and benefit from mutual accountability. This tribe becomes your source of inspiration, encouragement, and shared wisdom, enhancing your ability to navigate the complexities of 2024 with confidence and purpose.

Recommended Tool: Charmed Life Master Mind

Incorporating these tools into your routine can enhance your ability to harness the energy of 2024. A functional planner provides structure and organization, a manifestation journaling practice cultivates a positive mindset, and a supportive tribe ensures you have the strategic guidance and accountability needed to live your best life. By combining these tools with the inherent strengths of the number 8, you’ll be well-equipped to make 2024 a year of unprecedented productivity, success, and personal fulfillment.


Founder, Strange & Charmed

7 Ways to Use Your Planner to Manifest Your Best Year!

7 Ways to Use Your Planner to Manifest Your Best Year!

Today I am sharing 7 ways to use your planner to manifest your best year ever!

If you think your planner is simply a tool for time or task management, you are missing a tremendous opportunity to use your planner to help you manifest and realize the life of your dreams. For years I have been using my planner a little different than the average person might, because a significant portion of my planner is more than just calendars and agenda inserts. I customize my planner to include spiritual elements that truly help me stay in alignment with what I want for the year. So, here are my best tips for how you can set up your planner to help you manifest success this year.

Strategy #1: Make it a mindset shift

My first tip here is that you need to make the mindset shift for yourself that your planner and planning isn’t just about keeping track of what to do and where to be, instead its about setting the intention that your planner is going to be an energetic placeholder for your goals and that whatever you write inside it is like placing an order with god/spirit/or the universe. So that is step one- deciding and setting the intention and shifting your mindset- that your planner is more than mere paper and metal and leather or whatever material it’s made out of- this is now a mystical energy generator that’s holding the power and potential for you to take action on building your dream life. 

Strategy #2: Choose your word for the year

The second strategy or activity I want you to do with your planner is to create a word for the year and write it somewhere inside your planner. Your word for the year is meant to be a theme for what you want to manifest this year, and along with the word, think about and list out inside your planner what that word means to you and how you intend for that word to manifest for yourself. If you want, I have a template over on my Instagram account that I was sharing for creating your word of the year- you can totally screen shot that and print it for your planner if you’d like. My word for this year is brilliance and my intention for that word is that i want to manifest more creativity and wonderful ideas for my life and business this year. I also want to manifest brilliance in the form of light and beauty. I want to bring more light to my community and uplift them, and I also want to work on my physical body to make myself look and feel more beautiful and brilliant that way. For example, I literally bought Crest White Strips for the first time in years because I want my teeth to be whiter and more brilliant. So thats an example of how my word of the year is aligned with my intentions and ultimately my actions!

Strategy #3: Set your goals

Strategy three is that you need to set your goals and keep them listed out in your planner. Many people goal plan but they keep their goals elsewhere to reference, but that makes no sense to me. I want my goals front and center in my planner- and in fact my goals are one of the first pages of my planner, because these are things I actually want to happen, not just things it would be nice to get if and when I have the time. 

For me, the vast majority of my plans and objectives for the year revolve around these goals and making them happen. And if you’ve been a member of my community for a while, you have likely seen that I am someone who gets a lot accomplished and makes her life happen, and I attribute this to the fact that my goals are the keystone to the way I live and work and move through life. So, set your goals for the year- if you want to set your goals the way I do, you can purchase my THIS IS YOUR YEAR bundle with my You got goals workbook and workshop as well as the CEO Retreat classes where I walk you through my goal setting process for both my life and my business.

Strategy #4: Create a vision board for your planner

Next, strategy number four is to create a vision board for inside your planner. I have a whole video on how to create a vision board for your planner that I’ll leave linked for your reference, but you essentially want to take those goals you set and turn them into images that evoke the feeling of achieving that goal. To do this, I search images online, most come from pinterest but anytime I see an image that evokes a strong emotional reaction for a goal I generally save them to my phone or computer. So, I will assemble all these images and print them out and create a collage with them. This year I ended up created the collage on photoshop and then printing it out on sticker paper and then stuck it to the dedicated vision board spread in my Master Planner. But however you want to do it- as long as you have goals turned into images, and those images make you feel good about the goals- and you put them in a central location in your planner to review daily- you are set. And that reviewing of the vision board daily is an essential part of this strategy as well. We aren’t just going to make the vision board and leave it there- instead we are going to spend a few minutes looking at it everyday as part of our daily planning routine! That’s how we can use the vision board to activate the receiving of the goals in our subconscious.

Strategy #5: Keep lists of affirmations in your planner

Strategy five is to keep lists of affirmations and positive self-talk in your planer as well. So, in my planner I have a divided section called Mindset and in this section I keep lists of affirmations that I’ve written out that inspire me to get in alignment with my goals. Generally, what I do with these lists is after I hang out with my vision board, I turn to these pages and read them out to myself and they make me feel super positive and inspired to create my plan and complete my work each day. If you struggle to keep motivated and inspired, a practice like this of using a vision board and affirmations will help you remain self-motivated consistently.

Strategy #6: Write a list of things you want to manifest each month

Strategy six is, every month, write yourself a list of things you want to happen and things you want to manifest and keep it in your planner. Another section of my planner is my Manifest section, and here I just have some simple notepaper, and what I will do every month is write out a complete list of all the things I’d love to happen and I write them out as though they have happened. 

So, I might write “This month I earned $20,000. This month I reached x weight, This month I gained 1 million new followers” And sometimes I switch it up and I will say something like “I am so happy and grateful that this month I was featured in a national magazine.” Or “I quickly and easily gained 1 million new followers this month.” So, for every line I write I am writing in an affirmative that the thing has already happened. I already received it, it’s already done energetically.

This technique is also known as scripting and some people say you should do this every day, but I like to do it like a big wish list at the start of the month and then mentally let it go. I don’t micromanage this list by any means, and it’s okay to me if the things I write down don’t happen in the month- the interesting this is that I sometimes get what I ask for but in a different month. So this becomes like a landing page for what I want and my intentions beyond just achieving my goals because on a day to day basis I may think of new things I want to manifest so this is how I open myself up to receiving it.

Strategy #7: Use your best planner supplies and stationery

Last but not least, strategy seven. I know this is a strategy that you did not see coming but I promise you, it’s so important for your mindset and getting more of what you want this year using your planner. Strategy seven is you need to use all of your best planner supplies and stationery that you’ve been hoarding away and waiting to use for a special occasion. Guess what? Today is the day you are going after you goals and manifesting your best life, so it’s definitely a special occasion kind of a day! Got it! Stop holding onto your favorite pens, highlighters, sticky notes, inspo cards- whatever stationery supplies you’ve been hoarding- you need to use them and know that you are worth it, your plans are worth it and there is always more where that came from! Using those supplies you’ve been saving it going to unlock new levels of productivity and abundance and receiving for you because you are showing up and saying okay, today is worth me investing in, what I’m doing today no matter how big or small is worth the expense or sacrifice of some pretty planner things. I am worth it, my planner is worth it, my goals are worth it, my to do list is worth it!

So, those are seven strategies to manifest your best year ever using your planner. I want to hear which of these strategies you are going to integrate. I recommend them all but I don’t think you necessarily need to do all of them at once. Don’t overwhelm yourself, choose whatever seems the most practical for your life and see how it makes you feel and the results you end up getting when you start doing things a little differently than before.

Watch the Video 7 Ways to Use Your Planner to Manifest Your Best Year


Why Each Zodiac Sign Starts a Business

Why each Zodiac Sign Starts a Business

Hello My Charmed Ones!

As you may already know, I consider myself to be something of a part time astrologer and full time mystic in addition to running my own business. I love digging into astrological placements to find patterns that can help give me a deeper understanding of myself and others.

One of the topics I’ve been very deep intro researching lately has been astrology and business. There are absolutely placements in your birth chart that can indicate entrepreneurial interest and skills, and although there are specific zodiac signs that are often associated with entrepreneurship, the truth is every sign has the ability to start their own business.

Each zodiac sign has their own motivations for starting a business, and the placement of specific signs in your chart can give you clues as to what your skills would be as a business owner.

So, without further ado, let’s jump into the 12 Zodiac Signs to Understand Why Each Sign Starts a Business and the areas they naturally excel at.

The 12 Zodiac Signs in Business

Aries: So they can be the center of attention, number one and no one can hold them back. They can be great innovators who are quick to bring ideas to market.

Taurus: For the stability of work and reward. The more they work, the more they receive keeps them motivated to build the business and life they desire.

Gemini: For the creativity and communication that comes from entrepreneurship. They excel at brand storytelling and sales as natural marketers.

Cancer: To be able to work from home and establish that nurturing safe space for themselves and their family. They love the work from home vibe and may run businesses that really lean into that lifestyle.

Leo: They love the idea of being an entrepreneur and how it makes them look and feel. Marketing themselves as an influencer is role of the lifetime for them.

Virgo: To get complete control over their schedule, routines and work. They are great planners and system builders.

Libra: For balance in their personal and work life and to cultivate the ultimate boss aesthetic for themselves. They can be meticulous with product details and design.

Scorpio: For the power and control. They want to be their own boss and they aren’t afraid to show up and do the work, which may include assuming a leadership position over others.

Sagittarius: For the expansion, skill development, travel, breadth and depth of knowledge. They desire to be seen as a thought leader and can create amazing content.

Capricorn: For the entrepreneurial status and the comfort that comes from the money and position of being a business owner. They are great with managing assets.

Aquarius: For the impact they are able to make on the world through their brand and work. Their business is also their greatest philanthropy.

Pisces: To be able to live and work through the complete expression of their souls purpose. They love holding the vision of the business they are manifesting.

How to use this information to Discover Your Unique Astrological Business Acumen

Reviewing this list, you may have naturally paused to take note of the zodiac sign that is associated with your Sun placement. When we normally discuss our zodiac signs with others, we often refer to our Sun sign which has to do with the placement of the Sun on the day we were born. I was born on March 13th, so I am a Pisces Sun. However, you have more than just one zodiac sign- in fact, based on your precise time and location of birth, you have many more zodiac signs and astrological placements that are incredibly unique to you.

So, the first thing I recommend you do to use this information properly, is to get a copy of your birth chart, also known as a natal chart. If you know the date, time, and location of your birth, you can create your birth chart for free online by clicking here.

Once you have your birth chart, there are three specific placements I recommend you check to understand your natural entrepreneurial gifts and motivations. Reviewing all three placements will help you get a more complete picture of your unique situation.

1: Check your Mercury sign as Mercury is the planet that corresponds to commerce and business

Your Mercury sign may give you excellent insight into your business strengths and particularly the energy you need when creating branding and marketing materials for your business.

2: Check your midheaven or 10th house cusp, this is your place in the world and what you bring to it

Your 10th house is really going to tap into your reputation and natural ability as a business owner as this placement is known for reflecting how you are meant to be viewed by the world.

3: Check the sign for your Moon

In astrology the Moon represents your passions and can give you insight into your motivations for creating your own business.

Start Your Money Making Business!

Hey Small Business Owner!

Everyday hundreds of great, creative, and innovative new online businesses are formed around the world, and then close their doors after a matter of weeks or months due to a lack of clear purpose or profit.

That does NOT have to be your business story!

After 8 years running an online business myself and working with hundreds of women in my community to get their business visions off the ground, I know first hand what it takes to lay the right foundation for a business that reflects your passions and fills your bank account.

Let me guide you through some simple activities that will help clarify your business vision and work you through early stage market research so you can move forward with confidence knowing that you have laid the foundation for a Money Making Business!

Click This Image to Get Your Free Copy of the Money Making Business Booklet!

I hope you enjoyed this mini Astrology lesson and that the insight you glean from digging into your own astrological and zodiac placements helps give you an additional boost of motivation and clarity to get your business started!

Let me know if you’d like more content like this and I’d be glad to chat more with you about Astrology!


7 Crystals to Supercharge Your Planner

Hello My Charmed Ones!

Today I want to share with you 7 crystals that you can use to supercharge your planner!

Many of you ask me about my crystals, which ones I have and what I use them for and I thought this would be a fun themed video for all my planner lovers.

If you are new to crystals, they are beautiful natural earth elements and stones that are believed to hold a specific energy based on their color and structure and therefore have metaphysical properties that may support you in different areas of life.

Any one crystal can be used a number of ways, but today I want to introduce you to seven that hold specific energies that I believe are helpful for planning and productivity.

Video: 7 Crystals to Supercharge Your Planner

I hope you’ve enjoyed this video and learning about how crystals can help support your planning and productivity needs.

Now I want to hear from you in the comments, which crystals or stones are you interested in picking up and using with your planner?


22 Things to Manifest in 2022

22 Things to Manifest in 2022

As you’re setting your goals and resolutions for the New Year, remember that there are more things to experience and bring to fruition in life than the immediate outcomes we may desire in our physical reality.

The dream job, the new home, the weight loss, the perfect wedding, these are all wonderful things to desire and manifest, but some of the best things in life, the things that really move the needle in our sense of happiness and connection in the world are things we will never be able to see or measure or create a step by step action plan for.

They are subtle energetic shifts, they are quantum leaps that hurdle our own limiting beliefs, they are immaterial and therefore often sorely overlooked and undervalued. 

So, I have compiled a list of 22 of these such things that you may want to consider manifesting in 2022. If you don’t set goals, these outcomes may be more your style, but if you do set goals, consider how impactful allowing these shifts into your life would be for your overall wellbeing and contentment. 

  1. A positive self image
  2. Confidence in your abilities
  3. Clarity on what you want for the future
  4. Perfect health and wellness
  5. Amazing soul mate relationships 
  6. A morning routine that gets you excited to jump out of bed
  7. A career that you love
  8. A practice for manifesting money
  9. Self care habits that energize you
  10. Great sleep on a consistent basis
  11. People who inspire you
  12. Supportive and encouraging self talk
  13. Books that change your view on the world 
  14. A sense of grounding and security in yourself
  15. A clear connection to your intuition 
  16. Forgiveness for yourself and others
  17. Deep conversations that increase your connection with others
  18. A community who sees and supports you
  19. Experiences that push you outside your comfort zone
  20. An unshakable connection to God/Spirit/Universe 
  21. The realization of your purpose
  22. Abundant gratitude for life

If you are looking for a tool to help you get crystal clear on what you are manifesting for 2022 consider the 2022 You Got Goals Planner + New Year Goal Setting Workshop. These are goal setting tools that go beyond the traditional goal breakdowns and New Years resolutions. Yes, they will help you breakdown your goals into step by step action plans, but they will also help you reframe your mindset around your goals so you can remove limiting beliefs and develop new positive beliefs that help support your motivation to make your goals a reality in 2022!

Let me know what you are planning to manifest in 2022 in the comments below!


The Crystals I Keep On My Desk

A number of you have reached out to ask me about my crystals and I wanted to share some thoughts on them with everyone!

Yes, I have a nice little collection of crystals in my office that are one part decor and one part metaphysical tool.

Why I Love Crystals

By no means do I believe that crystals have some magical properties but this is what I do believe about them:

❖ Like everything on earth crystals are made from the same energy we are. See Einstein E=MC2 energy creates matter.

❖ The most precious chemical element to human life, water, can take the form of crystal. Ice is a crystalline form of water, humans are made mostly of water, and therefore I believe it is possible that crystals can exert some influence on us.

❖ Quartz crystals are the technology that make timepieces possible. Your watch, if it’s not digital, likely has quartz elements because quartz crystals maintain a precise frequency standard which helps regulate the movement of a watch or clock. For this reason I think they have a unique way of storing a regulating energy.

❖ Crystals are a naturally occurring element and I love the idea of bringing nature into our lives as much as possible.

❖ Crystals come in a variety of colors which according to color therapy can shift our moods in different situations if used strategically.

❖ Crystals are lovely objectives to focus on during meditation and can help uplift the experience overall. For that reason I tend to collect stones that are easy to hold in the hand, but I would love to add some larger statement pieces to my collection as well.

For those reasons I am a great lover of crystals and do believe they offer some metaphysical benefits to our lives even if it’s just a beautiful element of home decor. I understand that science hasn’t been able to prove any definitive benefit to their use, but science can’t explain a lot of things that humans do or believe so it’s not the end of the world to me that I might think they have a special power or meaning beyond what can be measured or observed.

Where I get my crystals

I purchase a lot of my crystals on Etsy, but I also follow accounts in IG that sell them too. I highly recommend doing your research on the shops you purchase from, read reviews, etc, and I also recommend researching the meanings and usage of different crystals or stones before you buy them so you select pieces that are special to you.


How to Journal: 7 Strategies for Productivity, Manifestation & Self-Therapy

Hello my Charmed Ones!

If you have been curious about journaling, today I have some great information to share with you. In this post, I will explain:

  • Why you should start journaling
  • Strategies to consider for journaling
  • Tools to use when beginning your practice
  • Building the habit of daily (or regular) journaling

Why you should start journaling

There are plenty of reasons why someone would want to journal, and if you are reading this I assume you are trying to get some inspiration for yourself or you already know why you want to start in some form. I think it’s very important when you start a practice and regular habit like journaling that you know what you intend to get out of the experience. When you have that personal reason why or your intention for it set, it makes it much easier for you to decide the strategy you want to use, stick to the practice and remain accountable to it.

Documented Benefits of Journaling

  • Mental clarity
  • Improve your Productivity
  • Reduced Stress and anxiety
  • Increased Happiness
  • Identify and overcome limiting beliefs
  • Reprogram your mindset
  • Self-therapy and reflection for self-awareness
  • Manifestation of goals

Okay, now that you know why you want to journal, let’s discuss the common strategies that you can use to do so. I have seven to share with you and I want to make it clear that you can choose one or more of these types to use at once. I myself often switch between these different strategies of journaling often or I tend to do more than one in a single journaling session. 

Strategies to consider for journaling

  1. Brain-dump – write down all the things your holding in your mind to organize and prioritize them.
  2. Stream of consciousness writing – just writing out all your thoughts feelings emotions to release your thoughts and self reflect. See morning pages from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.
  3. Gratitude journaling – list out gratitude, good to set your mindset as it’s documented to make you 10% happier.
  4. Journal prompts – guided journaling for self reflection, great for people who get overwhelmed at the thought of having to fill a blank page.
  5. Affirmations – repeatedly writing out affirmations. Stick to 1-3 as to not overwhelm yourself.
  6. Scripting – writing out how you want your day to go for the purpose of manifesting it.
  7. Future writing – journaling as yourself but at a future date in time after some goal or achievement has been met and chronical everything that happened to bring you to that point

Tools to use when beginning your practice

For the most part you can get started journaling with just some blank note paper or even a note taking app on your phone or computer. There is some data that supports writing by hand rather than typing but that is really for specific benefits of stress reduction. So, what you intend to get out of your journaling is key to know when choosing the tools to use.

As an example, a notebook like the Stalogy Editor’s Series gives you a years worth of undated pages to really do any of the journaling strategies we discussed already.

For myself, personally, I get a little intimidated by a completely blank page with no structure or guidance so over the years as I’ve been journaling for various reasons, I’ve designed different inserts for journaling to accompany my planner.

Building the habit of daily (or regular) journaling

The final piece of the journaling equation is to actually build the habit. Now, it’s up to you to decide if you need journaling to be a daily practice, a weekly practice or just something you do sporadically when you need it. This links back to your why, and ultimately is your choice. You can’t mess up journaling and there are no rules that say you have to journal a specific amount of times or at a specific time of day to get benefit from it.

Is journaling a habit that the more you do, the more you improve… of course! But I want to remind you not to turn the idealization of a perfect journaling practice that is going to change your life forever, into an expectation that you struggle to meet and then end up beating yourself up about. As you get started with journaling, I’d advise you to invest in the tools that make you excited, and then set a reasonable schedule for journaling. Some people prefer journaling in the morning, some in the evening. I aim for the morning but when I forget I have no problem doing a midday reset or even a bed time journaling session.

Start slow, maybe one day a week. And then after a few weeks, build up to two days and so on. There is no reason to overwhelm yourself! Use journaling as a tool for your self improvement. And remember the affirmation I gave you last week what I decide gets to be the path for me this is definitely true of journaling!

Watch the video

I hope this information has been helpful for you in determining how to begin your own journaling practice. In the comments I would love to hear about which strategies you are interested in trying for yourself!
