
#ICYMI May 2020

Hello My Charmed Ones!

How was your May?

I have to admit, this month was something of a struggle for me. Being at home on lock down since my birthday in March, it’s been a mental battle staying productive and positive for so long in such unusual circumstances. So, if you have also been struggling, my heart goes out to you as well and just know you are not alone. So many people are struggling right now in so many different ways, but just know that your feelings and experience are valid and worth taking the time to acknowledge and understand.

Despite the mental anguish May brought to me, I have to admit, creating content for you was certainly a welcome outlet and reprieve from my own mind. This month I created 12 pieces of content for you that I hope you were able to enjoy and learn from, but if you missed something, don’t worry, I have catalogued it all for you here in this post for your quick reference.

As always, I do hope this post is useful to you, and I do find that for those who like to share my content, this is always a great post to share with friends, family and co-workers because it gives a nice overview of a months worth of content on various topics with easy links to everything new! So, don’t hesitate sharing this post above all because it really is a nice bit of reference for all the content and information I publish in a month.


My Home Office Tour
Entrepreneurial: My Formula for Consistent Action
10 Things Creative Entrepreneurs Should Keep in their Planner
10 Books that Changed My Life
How to Plan a Marketing Campaign for Your Business
6 Assets that are More Important than Your Business Plan
How to Find Balance as a Small Business Owner
How I Built My Business Website | Blog, Shop & Membership/Course Sites
5 Mistakes I Made In My First Year of Business
FREE Television & Movie Tracker Printable Planner Insert *

*Indicates an associated download

I hope this roundup helps you locate any content of mine you may have missed this month. I’d love to hear which content was your favorite from the month and what you’d like to see more of from me in the future. Please leave me a comment below and share your thoughts!


FREE Television & Movie Tracker Printable Planner Insert

Hello my Charmed Ones!

June is right around the corner, so you know what that means? Time for another fun monthly freebie!

When I was outlining the designs I wanted to create for my new round of freebies this year, I original had listed that I wanted to create a printable travel packing list for June just in time for summer in the northern hemisphere. However, things change of course, and with most of the world still on lockdown and social distancing, I thought that insert design wouldn’t be the most applicable. Instead, looking at my own life for inspiration, I realized I was watching a lot more shows and movies now and that I needed a little tracker to help me remember all the titles I wanted to watch and their schedules. So, that is what I decided to create for us for June. A Television and Movie Tracker insert!

The Television & Movie Tracker Insert is a FREE Planning Printable you can use to keep track of all the television shows, series and movies you want to watch. The versatile design makes it easy to list out the title of your show or movie, then circle the day of the week the show airs and below that the time. You have room to denote the network or channel for reference, whether you have your DVR set to record the show and finally if you have watched it. Simple as that- now you have one simple insert to use as reference when you are planning out your week so you make time for all the shows, movies and series you are interested in!

The insert is delivered as a printable PDF file sized for half letter 5.5″ x 8.5″ without cut lines when printed at 100% scale, but feel free to print in larger or smaller scale as needed.

Click here to download your copy of the FREE Television & Movie Tracker from my shop, and while you are there take a little look around and see if there are any other inserts, tools or classes you might be interested in. I have been spending a lot of my time during quarantine researching and taking classes myself, so now it a great time to improve your productivity skills or brush up on your goal setting process to help keep your mind active and your intellect increasing.

And of course, if there is anything you need from me, any questions you have for dealing with your productivity or life during this challenging time, please let me know how I can support you and bring you the solutions or resources to make things a little easier for you!

Stay safe, healthy & productive at home!



Hello My Charmed Ones!


I have been reevaluating my plans for the rest of May and have decided to cancel the two live streams I had scheduled for this month. I would like to establish a new schedule starting in June once I have my thoughts in order, but for now I just need some time and space to work on things behind the scenes. Thank you so much for your interest in my live events and I hope to have you join me for another in the future!

Today, I just wanted to quickly update you on the next two live stream classes I will be holding for May. I know for the past few weeks my schedule was up in the air, but things have calmed down now and I have set my final two live classes for the month.


• Saturday May 30th, 2020 @ 2PM EDT: JUNE PLAN WITH ME

I would love for you to join me live for these events, so please do mark your calendar and set a reminder. If you are on my email list, as always, you will receive an email from me before class begins with the link and reminder. I may begin sending these reminder emails a little earlier than I have just to ensure everyone has a chance to join on time!

See you live on Saturday!


How to Find Balance as a Small Business Owner

How to Find Balance as a Small Business Owner

In about a week my business will be celebrating its sixth year in existence! First of all, I would just like to say how proud I am that it surpassed the dreaded five year mark of failure, wherein a vast majority of businesses close up shop within the first five years. So, I guess we could say I have a good grip on what it takes to run a business online, successfully. Has the road been perfect? Certainly not. I know I have made mistakes along the way and although I don’t like to have regrets, I certainly am aware of business decisions I made that didn’t turn out the way I wanted. All of this experience over the past six years has made me stronger though. From trial and error I know more of what I want from my business and what I am trying to create with it. I’ve also learned a lot about what it takes on a personal and energetic level to establish and remain balanced as a business owner. Managing my time, energy and expectations so that I can achieve my business goals right alongside my personal life goals, and still be moving my life forward in all the areas that matter to me. So, if you would like to know more about some of the insights I’ve gleaned on this topic, this is what I would like to share with you today.

If you are trying to find balance as a small business owner, there are three main objectives you have to learn and make routine priorities in your life:

✔︎ You have to learn to Manage Your Time

✔︎ You have to learn to Focus Your Energy

✔︎ And you have to learn to Balance Your Expectations

Manage Your Time

The first aspect you must learn into order to find balance as a small business owner is to manage your time. This is one of the most practical lessons you must learn because running a business is a different kind of demanding job than other careers. Yes, time management is key for everyone to learn, but when you are running a business and you are both the boss and the employee, the visionary leader and the practical worker, priorities are everywhere and their is always more work to do then you can actually get done.

In order to get really good at time management, I think the best place to start is by getting crystal clear on your priorities and create a system for prioritizing tasks. As you will be doing the difficult task of defining the direction for your business, breaking it down into objectives and project plans, and then executing on the work, knowing what work is the priority is always important.

As a solo business owner, I wear a heck of a lot of hats and I move between a lot of different types of work. So to keep this organized, I like to manage my work time on a themed workday schedule. Every day of the week is earmarked for different types of work so that I can be as efficient as possible when switching between different types of tasks.

I also tend to operate my personal daily schedule based on the concept of the top three list. Meaning, everyday I define my work, but I create priorities from my to do list by highlighting three tasks that are the most important to achieve that day. The prioritization aspect of how I choose my top three is defined based on my personal system of prioritization, but generally speaking, I have predefined what my creative output will be for a week and those items become the most important work to finish, followed by scheduled projects and then general business housekeeping tasks.

Now, to ensure that I establish balance with my time each day, I do also stick to a daily schedule that makes time for me to complete my personal routines and tasks throughout the day along side my work tasks. I like having a defined daily routine for my workday because seeing my tasks laid out on an hourly schedule keeps me motivated to stick to it, as I can clearly see that following such a schedule gives me ample time to achieve my personal and business objectives for a single day.

Focus Your Energy

There is a quote I love that states “where attention goes, energy flows” and that has come to be something of a motto that I live by. For me, I have seen how that statement is completely accurate. When I give my time and attention to to topic, I am sending my energy to it, whether I intend to or not, which is why I find it very important that I use my morning routine to set my mind and focus for the day so that I minimize mental distractions.

I achieve this with my morning meditation and journaling practice. After I awaken in the morning, I am in the habit of turning on a meditation and laying in bed, clearing my mind and elevating my personal energy to a state of relaxed bliss. Once I get up out of my meditation and deal with my personal hygiene tasks, I then head to my office where I spend no more than 10 minutes journaling in my High Vibe Bible inserts. On these inserts I have a place to list out my daily gratitude, which again adds to that blissful emotional state. Then, I also have a space to journal my thoughts and plans for the day. Once I am in a positive headspace I find that its much easier for me to create my daily to do list and get excited about the tasks I have to accomplish that day. Going through this daily energetic process even makes me more motivated to undertake tasks that I might normally want to avoid, because instead of approaching them from a place of anxiety or worry, I am approaching them with a mindset of possibility and determination. When I start my day like this, happy and content, I am infinitely more productive, and distractions have a harder time breaking through the energetic boundary I have set for myself.

But, of course, a happy disposition alone isn’t always enough to keep distractions at bay. This is why I do my best to set my work area up to minimize distractions. I am very lucky that right now I don’t have many distractions at home, but I do take steps to ensure I remain focused with my work. I don’t watch tv during the day, I keep my phone on silent and I usually even mute my computer sounds so that email notifications don’t disturb my work. I don’t like to read the news while I’m working because that can often shift my emotional and mental state in a direction I don’t want it to go. But, I do sometimes enjoy listening to music, specifically classical music that keeps me uplifted and productive while I perform certain tasks. Sometimes, depending on the work I am doing, I will even listen to a book on tape. All these actions help me to minimize distractions that might leech my attention and energy away from my work.

Balance Your Expectations

The third and final element of finding balance as a creative business owner is balancing your expectations. On one hand this concept compliments the idea of priorities discussed under managing your time, but it really goes beyond that. Balancing your expectations is more about understanding your limitations and knowing how much you can accomplish realistically. I think a lot of times creative entrepreneurs have such big visions that they try to do too much too soon. They take on a lot of work and then work becomes their entire life, or work drains them to the point of failure and burnout. I know it is a challenge living in the digital age and seeing all the possibilities of how you can build a business and market online, but you need to draw the line at what works for you and what is realistic for you to achieve.

Taking myself for instance. I know that something that works for me is writing, so I write three blog posts a week. I don’t think I could do more than three outside of an occasional extra update and remain as productive as I am, however. Same thing goes with my video creation. I used to make two videos a week, but I burned out of enthusiasm for that after a few years, so now I stick to one. I might see other businesses posting more, or in different ways. I am often asked to start a podcast, but with what time and energy because I am booked up at the moment.

You need to get clear with yourself on the expectations you are setting for yourself and your business to manage your workload on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, as well as to understand the signs of when you need to refill your energy and in what ways to do that. I do a lot of self-care on a daily basis. I have self-care routines starting from the moment I wake up and start meditating, to weekly meal preparations, and even regular quiet time alone. I know the amount of self-care I need to take on in order to properly fill my cup so that each day and week I have the energy to take on my realistic workload. It’s a balance, energy in and energy out. Burnout comes from too much energy out and not enough energy back in.

Well, that is how I balance my energy as a creative business person, focusing on how I manage my time, focus my energy and balance my expectations. This productivity triangle of sorts is the key to how I manage to get so much done, even as a solopreneur. Now, if you would like some additional help on this topic of finding balance as a business owner or entrepreneur, I would also recommend that you check out my CEO Strategy Day Concept and FREE Template. You can read all about it here, but briefly, my CEO Strategy Day Concept is a routine I use to keep myself operating efficiently and ensure my life is balanced without any important items slipping through the cracks. I hope the CEO Strategy Day Template helps you to plan and execute a day for you to get into alignment with your highest self and goals for your best life!

I’d love to hear what you thought of this information, so please do share your feedback and opinions in the comments. I’d also love for you to share any additional tips you use to keep yourself balanced as a creative entrepreneur or business person!


#ICYMI April 2020

Hello My Charmed Ones!

How was your April?

I had a pretty productive month all things considered, and I shared 16 awesome pieces of content, mostly business related, that you should really check out. So take a look at the titles below, what did you already see, what did you miss, and what you did you absolutely love?

I create this monthly recap of content to ensure that each and every one of you within my community do not miss out on the strategy, insight and advice I have to share because you never know when a blog post or a video is going to give you that one little element that will help you make tremendous connections with your ideas. That happens to me a lot actually, so I just want to make sure you don’t miss out on any topics that would be of value to you.

Also, just a thought- if you enjoy any of this content or want to help spread the word about my content because its been helpful or valuable to you in your life or business, than I highly recommend sharing any of my posts, of course, but sharing these recaps is a great way to let your friends, family or coworkers see a sampling of my content at one time! It’s like a smorgasbord of content to choose from and sharing is caring!


ENTREPRENEURIAL: Executing My CEO Strategy
PERSONALITY TESTS | Enneagram, Myers-Briggs & Four Tendencies (video)
2 Simple Strategies to Grow Online Sales
My Upcoming Live Class Schedule
IDEAL CUSTOMER AVATAR | For Business & Marketing Plans (video)
7 Foolproof Strategies for Growing a Follow on Any Platform
# 1 Marketing Element Your Business Needs
This is Why You Are Not Seeing Your Work Pay Off
SEO Keyword & Content Planning Workshop (video)
5 Reasons Why Reusing Old Content is Great for Your Business
How I’ve Been Spending My Time Productively During the Pandemic
36 Business or Sidehustle Ideas You Can Start from Home Today!
4 Ways to Upgrade Your Digital Marketing
CEO Strategy Day Free Insert & Template*

*Indicates an associated download

I hope this roundup helps you locate any content of mine you may have missed this month. I’d love to hear which content was your favorite from the month and what you’d like to see more of from me in the future. Please leave me a comment below and share your thoughts!


CEO Strategy Day Free Insert & Template

Can you believe it’s nearly May?

Wow, time sure does fly, even in quarantine!

Well, I hope the last month has been productive for you and your goals. I know I have certainly had a jam packed month especially with my weekly live business classes happening on Saturdays. If you haven’t been following along with them, essentially, each Saturday I have been going Live on my YouTube channel and hosting a class covering an essential business topic. I know these classes aren’t for everyone, although all certainly are welcome, but I felt like sharing regular insight on business was something I could do during this challenging time to help ensure that those of you within my community with businesses or who aspire to run their own business, stay on track.

I myself have been very focused on my business as of late, as I am personally taking this unusual period of time to also buckle down and get clear on my path. Even though I have been in business for, wow, six years this month, I still don’t have it all figured out and need time to focus and plan and go over fundamental questions for my business foundation.

Since there do seem to be many of you who are following this path with me, I thought this month it would be great for me to give you a free download that helps make this process of managing our lives and our business objectives a little easier.

My CEO Strategy Day Template!

Now, I know this template isn’t exactly new, however, I have taken the template and turned it into downloadable inserts, so if you want to use the template in your planner to map our your own CEO Strategy Day, this freebie will help.

Click here to download your FREE copy of the CEO Strategy Day Template in graphic and printable insert form!

I’ve discussed the CEO Strategy Day concept before, so instead of regurgitating that here, I will just link you to an earlier post if you want to learn more about it!

And of course, if there is anything you need from me, any questions you have for dealing with your productivity or life during this challenging time, please let me know how I can support you and bring you the solutions or resources to make things a little easier for you!

Stay safe, healthy & productive at home!


How I’ve Been Spending My Time Productively During the Pandemic

As I am writing this post, I have now spent over five weeks in social isolation at home due to the recent world pandemic, and I know each of you are likely in the same situation. At this point, it looks like some countries might begin loosening social distancing regulations soon, but we’re still going to be inside for a while longer and I wanted to share with you how I’ve been spending my time at home productively, to give you some ideas or inspiration for how you also could make good use of this time.

First let’s talk about my mindset during this pandemic, because I think its good to start with your head in the right place. I know there is a lot of anxiety going around, and fear for our health, safety and future economic security, but I pretty much refuse to give into that fear and lack mentality. Things aren’t perfect right now, thats true, and it feels like there is a lot of uncertainty in the world, sure, but honestly, life itself is a lot of uncertainty. Nothing has really changed about that, anyone could leave us at any moment, we could loose our financial security because of a job loss or downturn in an industry or market, really the only thing that has changed is that we are now seeing the truth. The world was never a certain place. I get that can be frightening for people. Humans have what is called a cognitive need for closure, which means we like to know what’s going on, we like to understand situations, good or bad, we don’t like to be left hanging with unknowns. Right now, the world seems like a big unknown, but I promise you, just as life is filled with uncertainty, it also has a persistent way of fighting on. When we look at history we know this is true. After world wars and pandemics in the past, we have been faced again with prosperity. Things will get better, they will go back to normal, nothing lasts forever. Because every time we overcome a hurdle, we are better for it.

So, I’m not feeding into the false idea that we should be afraid or worried- all of that is a waste of time and energy. Honestly, if we really did have significant cause for worry, worrying would be the absolute worst use of our energy in that situation. We need to keep calm cool heads. Which is why I’ve been doing a lot of meditation during this time. To keep myself calm and focused, and grounded in my knowing that this is just a temporary situation, a construction that is going to lead to new expansion.

Task #1: Meditate daily
Spending just 30 minutes a day in the morning when you wake up or just before you fall asleep relaxing to a meditation track will do wonders for managing any anxiety or stress that you might be experiencing during this time. YouTube has free meditations for every situation, so I recommend using one of those to start.

Now that we have our heads in the right place, let me explain a bit about my strategy during this period of time. Strangely enough, I truly believe that this reordering of the world is an opportunity for each of us to take our focus off the outside world and outer expectations, and start focusing inward. How many times have you or I said “I wish I had more time for x?” X being some long held personal goal, project or objective that you just didn’t have time for in the busy-ness of our former lives. Well, guess what? Now, stuck at home all day, we have an opportunity to focus on those other goals. While the past five weeks haven’t been an all expenses paid vacation, the new challenge of making life work from home has also come with great new opportunities. The vast majority of us now no longer have a commute, regular social obligations, events or other distractions on our time. So, if you are home feeling a little stir crazy running out of ideas of things to do, it’s time to put your energy into that project you’ve been putting off. I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking that this is the perfect time for me to focus on my health and the back end of my business. I can’t go out to eat, I’m not distracted by dinners or brunches with friends who might derail a diet, so I should focus on sticking to my meal plan and getting in shape. With the economy taking a hit, although I am very blessed that my business hasn’t been affected, I should take this opportunity to take a step back and work on those lingering tasks and upgrades I’ve been putting off for too long. Focus less on selling and more on what I can do to create better systems that will eventually make my life easier in the future. That would really be a productive use of time right now for me, so determine what would be a productive use of time for you. How can you use this time to set a goal, map out a plan and track an objective that will make your life better once we are on the other side of this pandemic?

Task #2: Set a goal to hit at home
Choose something you can do at home with an outcome that would make all this time inside seem worth it. Organize elements of your life to work around this goal so you give yourself time each day to move the needle on it. Your future self will thank you. If you need a great project planning tool to help you with this, check out my 2020 Project Planning Insert Bundle!

The final thing I’ve been doing during this pandemic to help me stay motivated and productive is having video dates with friends and family. I don’t know about you, but before the pandemic hit I remember shaking my head at all the memes that would go around poking fun at how people would make plans with friends but then either cancel or prefer to stay home. I know you have seen at least a few of these graphics yourself, and I have definitely been on both sides of that situation. Having friends cancel on me at the last minute because they don’t want to go out or personally feeling too drained to get myself up and ready for a night out. I feel like what is happening with social distancing is almost like all those memes have finally come to fruition. All our social calendars are clear, we are all spending quiet evenings at home. As much as I would say I have been taking well to the social isolation, I know that I do need social interaction to keep sane. For the first few weeks this wasn’t a priority, but after a friend invited me to my first pandemic girls night via zoom, I realized that I had been sorely missing social activities. So, I have been prioritizing them now. It really has made such a difference just to see and talk to people, and scheduling a date out ahead of time gives you something to look forward to in a time when all the days of the week start to blur together.

Task #3: Schedule a weekly video date with a friend or family member.
Don’t just play this by ear, set a scheduled day and time to devote to this so you have something to look forward to and to get ready for. Put a but of effort in getting ready, especially if you haven’t had many reasons to get yourself dressed up to be on camera.

CLICK HERE to download your FREE Productivity Toolbox and make the coming week your best week ever!

So, that is how I have been spending my time productively during the pandemic. I hope this post gave you some inspiration for things you could do while you are stuck at home to continue living your best life! I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to, so leave me a comment below, and check out my Live Events schedule and consider joining me for my next free class to hang out and learn together!


5 Reasons Why Reusing Old Content is Great for Your Business

Recently, as part of my content marketing strategy, I’ve been reaching back into the archives for my platforms to identify and reuse some older pieces of content. If you are an OG follower, perhaps you noticed this, but my guess is that most of you had no clue I was doing this and have done this from time to time. So, today I wanted to explain more about this strategy to you by sharing 5 reasons why reusing content is great for your business!

Reason #1: Reusing old content saves you time and energy on content creation

I don’t know about your editorial calendar but mine is back on a pretty tight schedule. Three blog posts, a new video, and at least one email a week. That’s a lot of content to produce on a weekly basis. And of course, that’s not even bringing social media posts into consideration. Of course, not each and every piece of content is wholly unique. I have some consistent messages that I reiterate, but the truth is much of my content is created the week it goes out and that takes a lot of time, creative ideas and energy to make happen. So, when I can find and reuse an old piece of my content, it conserves some of that energy for higher priority work. This may look like reposting an old blog post, using a blog post as an outline for a video script (or visa versa) or reworking a blog post for an email and although I don’t replace 100% of my content creation with old posts, just integrating one old piece a week into my calendar is a major time saver!

Reason #2: Most of your audience isn’t seeing everything you’ve created

Believe it or not, as much as your current audience may love what you produce, the vast majority of them aren’t seeing everything you create. That means, they likely missed some older posts that you worked really hard on at the time, so serving them up some older ideas will still seem new and fresh to the majority of your following. This is especially true if you’ve been creating for years and have a backlog of old content just sitting their unloved. Yes, thanks to SEO those great posts aren’t completely covered in cobwebs, but by reposting or repurposing that content you will get extra life out of it.

Reason #3: Reposting is a great way to update content or test out different keywords

Although a majority of my content is evergreen, meaning that it is applicable to the right audience at any time of the year and doesn’t necessarily show it’s age, it is still a good idea to keep some key content up to date. This is something I like to do with old blog posts that may walkthrough older versions of my inserts. The post itself may perform well in terms of SEO but old pictures or examples can date the content, and older links can be broken or lead to no where. Reposting is a great way to keep valuable content up to date and at the same time, test out new keywords on your content as well. This is a strategy you will often see me use on post or video titles. I will change the title of a blog post during an update and post the new information, then see if the new title with slightly different keywords performs better or worse than the original title.

Reason #4: If content didn’t perform well on one platform it may do better on another

Sometimes we work hard to create valuable content but it flops. One reason that may have happened is because the content itself wasn’t right for the platform. Perhaps you created a youtube video that would have done better on Instagram, or recorded a podcast that should have been a blog post. Factors across platforms vary and some content just performs better in certain settings. So, if you took the time to create some great content, but you don’t see it getting the attention you believe it deserves, repurpose it to another platform and see if it does better somewhere else. Although most of my content and platforms are pretty consistent, I find that I have a slightly different audience on my Instagram, Blog and YouTube. It doesn’t matter how much I cross promote my platforms, different people will prefer different styles of content, and perhaps that underperforming post can be quickly repurposed and shared elsewhere to a warmer reception.

Reason #5: If content performed well, repurpose it on other platforms

Likewise, sometimes we create content that does very very well on a platform. In which case we know we hit the nail on the head with the topic and value and there is really no reason not to share it on other platforms. Don’t worry about cannibalizing SEO, overall it’s always better to share a message that resonates with your audience as much as possible. Plus, you don’t have to reuse the entire piece of content. If you have a video or blog post that does well, take the main message and share it on social or another platform. Consider summarizing longer content and then redirecting your audience to view the full content elsewhere. You just want to get as much mileage out of the successful content as possible because it is marketing gold!

So, those are five very excellent reasons why I like to reuse or repurpose old content from my archives and why I think this is a strategy you should consider as well. Of course, I’m not talking about making all your content ongoing a repost of something old, but reusing some old pieces in new ways along with new original ideas can be a great way to manage your time, energy and expectations as a content creator! I’d love to hear how this strategy works for you, so do leave me a comment below with your thoughts!


This is Why You Are Not Seeing Your Work Pay Off

This is why you are not seeing your work pay off!

Today I want to talk to you about a very common situation that people face when they are setting and working towards their goals. The situation is this: you are busy, doing the work, executing, but you’re still not hitting your goal. You are trying, their is effort and organization, but the results aren’t coming.

I know when I talk about setting goals and working towards objectives, it can seen overly simplified sometimes. See the goal, set the precise objective, make sure it’s a SMART goal, and then do the work, but sometimes we can go through that process in earnest and it gets us no where.

So, I wanted to share with you my take on why this happens.

From experience with hundreds of productivity students, I have seen first hand that when we are taking action but not seeing the results, the primary issue is that your plans were made on expectations not actions.

What do I mean by this?

Sometimes we can set goals against outcomes that we can affect, but don’t have complete control over. We believe if we do x we can achieve y result. And while that may be true, when we set goals against our expectation of results and not against the precise actions we will take, we can find ourselves in situations where we don’t meet the result.

Let’s consider an example.

You would like to grow your following on a social platform, let’s say Instagram. So, you set the goal to hit your first 1,000 followers in 90 days. Now, realistically, that’s feasible. Someone getting started with Instagram right now could reach a following of 1,000 subscribers in a 90 day period for sure. However reasonable this expectation is, though, it’s not actually a good objective to set. The reason being, you can’t control whether 1,000 people hit follow. All you can do is post great content in order to attract those followers. So, really the proper objective to set in this situation is something like “post daily to a specific niche on IG for 90 days.” That is something you can do and you have control over, you don’t have control over whether people follow you or not.

Let’s try another example.

This time, you set the goal to sell 100 copies of your ebook this month. Again, you’re not the one controlling the outcome here. So you work and you work, write blog posts, make content, send emails, all that jazz, and at the end of the month, your sales goal comes up short. It’s a disappointment for sure, doing all that work and not hitting the target, but that’s because your target was for an outcome you didn’t control. So, next time, you choose a different target. Make a sales pitch to 100 target customers in your audience. As they say in sales, “if you want to make a million dollars, seek first to help a million people.” This is practical advice, because you can’t control how many people purchase your product but you can control how many people you reach out and pitch to. What this might look like practically would vary depending on your business. For someone it may be sending DMs to followers on IG, for another it may mean hosting some live streams where you can talk to followers on an individual level. Yet another business owner might open their schedule to free 15 minute consults. There is certainly work involved in each of these situations, but the objective is within your control and focused on the actions you will take, not the actions others will take.

Do you see the shift in approach necessary here? That we are going to change the objectives we set to be based on our own actions and not based on the expected or anticipated actions of others. We can’t control other people, but we can control ourselves. Once you make this shift you will see more and more than your work pays off. And when it doesn’t you can see where your shortcomings directly led to your results.

No more guessing or wondering what went wrong. When you set objectives against your own actions, you will know exactly what went right and what went wrong. You will either meet your own expectations or you will not, but you will see how your choices impact your results.

So, I hope you found this article enlightening, especially if you are someone who struggles to meet their objectives. I would love to hear how this advice and information helps you change your personal productivity strategies, so please do leave me a comment and share your thoughts.


My Upcoming Live Class Schedule

Hello My Charmed Ones!

In case you didn’t know, for the past two Saturdays, I’ve been hosting live-streamed workshops on various business and personal development topics over on my Youtube channel. Initially, I started these workshops as a fun outlet and way for the community to come together during an uncertain time. With so many people stuck inside in their homes, either working remotely, or on furlough during this world-wide pandemic, I wanted to do my part in creating content that might be useful and inspiring. But now, with extensions on shelter in place guidelines reaching out to the end of April and likely facing additional extensions after that, I have decided to extend these workshops and make them a weekly fixture for the foreseeable future.

So, today I wanted to make you aware of my Live Class Schedule to ensure you don’t miss the opportunity to join one of these info packed, motivational classes yourself!

• Saturday April 11th, 2020 @ 2PM EDT: IDEAL CUSTOMER AVATAR | Defining Your Ideal Customer for Business Planning

• Saturday April 18th, 2020 @ 2PM EDT: CONTENT KEYWORD RESEARCH | How to research and use the best SEO Optimized Keywords for your Brand & Business

• Saturday April 25th, 2020 @ 2PM EDT: INSIDE MY PLANNER LIVE | How I Plan for Home & Business in One Planner

As you will notice from the titles, most of these topics are business related and that is entirely intentional. With so many people loosing their jobs or the security of a stable income, now is the time to put our creative ideas to work in the form of a business or side hustle. What better way to use this time stuck inside than by building income streams through the power of digital marketing systems.

I am so extremely lucky that this pandemic has not jeopardized my personal lifestyle or business, but then again, luck really had nothing to do with it, did it? I have been intentionally crafting a business based on multiple passive income streams for years now to fulfill my vision of having ultimate time and location freedom. Little did I know at the time that this business model I worked so diligently to establish would also protect my income and stability during a time of international crisis.

In fact, in the last month, as hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens have filed for unemployment due to job changes from this pandemic, my income in the last month actually increased. I don’t say this to boast, but rather to highlight the value of entrepreneurship. Yes, we are living in uncertain times that most of the population of the world will economically struggle through, but that isn’t the only reality right now and there are steps you can take and income streams you can establish to protect yourself and your families stability through future crisis’ as well.

That is why I am committed to hosting these weekly classes and teaching valuable content I have never shared before- because I want to inspire and motivate you to get to work on your own business goals! The next two classes specifically are going to review essential business planning topics pivotal to the success and growth of businesses in online markets. And, it won’t be focused only on information and strategy- I’ll also be using these workshops as an opportunity to share valuable tools and resources that you can use to assist you in proper business planning processes.

Specifically, I am going to go in depth in walking you through inserts inside the CEO Strategy Planner. So, if you have not yet purchased your copy, I highly recommend making your purchase as soon as possible, and printing and binding your copy into the system of your choice before these classes begin.

For those of you who have already purchased, I hope you will join me for each of these upcoming classes and learn more about the essential business planning strategies illustrated through the inserts of the business planner! But I do want to encourage anyone who is interested in learning more about online business topics to join whether they purchase the planner or not! The planner is the tool, I’ll be teaching the strategy to all who want to learn it!

So, I hope you will schedule the upcoming workshops into your planner or calendar system of choice, and if you want future updates on my Live Event Schedule, please do reference the Live Events Page of this site because I will be updating it as often as necessary. For those of you who do intend to join me for the events live, I will be sending out emails to my list on Saturday morning an hour or so before class begins with a direct link to the workshop, but if you visit my Youtube Channel at the prescribed time, you should see the workshop link to join as well, and I do often share the link on my Instagram Story if you are following along there!

Hope to see you on Saturday at 2pm EDT for my next Live Streamed Workshop!
