I just created a simple little checklist that I wanted to share with 5 to dos that I strive to complete over the weekend. I know we don’t normal think of the weekends as a time to complete a to do list, but for me, I feel a sense of purpose when I can achieve some simple, intentional actions over the weekend that put my weekend to go use. These tasks not only help me enjoy the weekend, but also prepare me for a productive week ahead, so I highly recommend saving the list and giving it a try this weekend!
Just as a reminder, with the new month right around the corner, I have a live monthly planning workshop scheduled for Sunday September 30th @ 1PM EST over on my YouTube Channel. If you are on my list, you will be emailed the link Sunday morning before the event. If not, click here to get on my list and download your FREE Productivity Toolbox to help you get started Functionally Planning your month.
Hope to see you on Sunday and have a wonderful weekend!
Enter your information down below for my latest FREE Productivity Toolbox, which contains:
• A CHARMED LIFE MASTER PLANNER Printable Sampler: Test drive my Best Selling Planner by mapping out your monthly calendar, weekly plan, and projects with the help of 8 productivity focused planning spreads.
• MONTHLY DASHBOARD: Highlight your important goals and tasks for the month with this redesigned reusable monthly planner dashboard.
• TECH WALLPAPERS: Stay inspired to make the most of your days with your digital devices as well with this exclusive new wallpaper set formatted for smartphones, tablets and computers!
• YOUR BEST WEEK EVER Planning Guide: Get step by step instructions and strategies for how to use the printable and digital tools included in your Toolbox in this helpful guide.
Today I am sharing some of my Amazon Favorites for Amazon Prime Day! I have been obsessed with watching these videos because they have been giving me such great inspiration for items that I could be using to improve my life. I hope this video provides some awesome inspiration to you for getting your life organized and helps you feel more in control and productive in your daily life!
Wishing you all a wonderful March and if you want to know a little more about what I’ll be up to this month- check out my recent video on the Exciting New Chapter of My Life!
Well, now that 2018 is finally here I think it’s time we hit the ground running and set ourselves up for success for the month ahead. Of course I am continuing my monthly tradition of creating fun and helpful freebies for your planners and devices. My dashboards are going to continue in the style I designed last year because I LOVE THEM and apparently so do many of you! I am changing my monthly check list just a little by changing up the design. From now on these checklists will come in one size accompanied by instructions for printing them at various popular sizes.
The biggest change this year are my tech wallpapers, however, which I am totally redesigning! After a few years of doing the calendar style I decided to switch things up and make them more universal and inspirational with quotes or mantras. So January’s wallpaper says January! Got Goals? I’m sure many of you enjoyed the calendar wallpapers, but I needed a change and I hope you come to enjoy these just as much!
So, that’s it for my little update, check out the links down below to grab your monthly freebies!
I am here today to pull back the curtain, just a tad, on some upcoming plans I have for The Charmed Shop! If you have been eyeing a printable planner, business or productivity tool from my shop, today’s post is for you!
I’m having a Holiday Sale!
That’s right, but it’s not going on… yet! I’m planning a little holiday promotion over Thanksgiving Weekend and there will be some major discounts in the shop PLUS bonus discount codes on some of my best selling planners, classes, courses and more! BUT in order to get access to the bonus discounts, you need to be subscribed to my newsletter because I’ll be sharing those bonus codes with my inner circle.
If you aren’t subscribed yet, I’ll leave a sign up box below for you to add your name to my Nice List! If you are already subscribed and just forgot, you’ll get a notification that asks if you want to change or update your preferences (that means you are all good)!
So get yourself subscribed to be among the first to learn about the awesome offers and discounts I have coming for you in The Charmed Shop, and get exclusive access to bonus discount codes so you can pile on the savings and get your planner and productivity game strong just in time for the New Year!
If you joined me on Saturday for my 7 Deadly Sins of Productivity Workshop (or caught the replay) you heard all about my new Productivity & Planning Master Mind!
As a quick refresh, The Productivity & Planning Master Mind is a 90 Day Accountability Group PLUS 6 Module Video Course to help you identify and achieve your goals by the end of 2017!
The Master Mind Includes 2 Coaching Options:
OPTION #1: Group Coaching and Accountability within the dedicated Facebook Group PLUS the 6 Module CourseOPTION #2: Private Coaching via 3- 60 minute one on one calls with me PLUS everything included with option #1!
Here’s What You’ll Learn:
ID your goals and convert them into actionable projects so you are working towards what matters to you
A streamlined method for planning accurately and with time to spare
Understand your work style and which productivity techniques will help you Work Smarter, Not Harder
Overcome bad habits and replace them with routines for a successful life
Learn how to overcome set backs and push through daily issues and interference through inspired action
Continue your personal growth and skill set building for a long lasting positive change to your quality of life
If you’ve been contemplating the Master Mind, NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN before the Master Mind begins on October 1st!
If you have any questions or concerns about whether the Master Mind is right for you, don’t hesitate to email me asap and let me know what’s holding you back before this great price and opportunity EXPIRES!
Hope to be working with you soon inside the Master Mind!
First of all I wanted to say a very big THANK YOU for helping to make my latest workshop “The 7 Deadly Sins of Productivity” a success yesterday!
I know we had a little technical difficulty at the start, but we worked through it and the live stream went off without a hitch.
I LOVE doing these sorts of live events with you because it gives me a chance to really go deep on a specific topic in a way I wouldn’t be able to in a standard youtube video, and it was great to hear how informative, helpful and motivating you found the content of the workshop yesterday.
Now, if for some reason you weren’t able to make the live event yesterday,I want to make sure you get the link to the replay so you can watch it before it expires come October 1st.
Don’t forget to CLICK HERE to download the Workbook to accompany the event as well- it’s great for helping you take notes and organize your thoughts as you enjoy the lecture!
I also have to give a HUGE THANK YOU to those of you who have signed up to join my latest productivity project…
The Productivity & Planning Master Mind!
To refresh your memory, the Productivity & Planning Master Mind is a 90 Day Accountability Group and 6 Module Video Master Class that I will be hostingLIVE from October-December. I cant wait to get started helping each of you who joined identify your big goals for the end of the year, break them down into a solid plan of action and help you see it all through by New Years!
If you are still thinking about joining the Master Mind, the $100 discount will EXPIRE ON MONDAY EVENING, and then membership to the master mind closes completely at the close of September.
Or, if you are still on the fence and have specific questions, please SEND ME AN EMAILand let me know what’s on your mind so we can determine if the Master Mind is the right fit for you!
Thanks again for helping me make yesterdays event such a success and I can’t wait to start helping you achieve your goals for 2017 in our new Master Mind!
I hope you are having a wonderful week and close to your August.
I’m just popping in today to invite you to join me for my #Fall4Productivity Challenge that begins on September 1st!
#Fall4Productivity is going to be an interactive Instagram Photo-a-Day challenge mixed with giveaways, live streaming events and fun freebies!
After a long summer of fun in the sun, I’m ready to hustle hard for the last four months of the year and I designed this challenge for some personal and community accountability and motivation. Nothing gets me more motivated to work than YOU in my community, so if you are looking for some inspiration to get back to work and start working smarter, not harder this September, THIS IS THE PERFECT CHALLENGE FOR YOU!
Of course, it’s completely FREE and a sure-fire way to get you fired up for Fall Productivity, so…
I talk about productivity a lot- and I share a lot of different tips, techniques, strategies- you name it! For someone just starting out, however, I realize too much information can sometimes be a bad thing, which is why I gave it some thought and narrowed down my top productivity tips to these key 3 things you should do if you want to get more productive. So if you are someone, right now, starting at zero on the productivity scale, meaning you don’t actively think about or pursue ways to increase your productivity, these three tips are going to help you get started working smarter, not harder!
1. Use a Planner
Yep- of course this is my first tip! It doesn’t have to be a paper planner, use whatever system works for you, digital, physical, a filofax, your iPhone calendar. The point is that in order to be productive, you first need to get in the habit of planning. When we use a planner and think about our days, weeks and months ahead of time, we are able to be more effective and efficient with our work. That doesn’t mean all your days will always go according to plan- in fact, they most likely won’t- but having a general idea of what you need to do and have all your plans and ideas mapped out in a system can help you do more of what matters and spend less time on what doesn’t!
2. Set a Daily Top 3
The Daily Top 3 is a productivity concept I love because it’s all about getting focused. Essentially, each day (or evening before) you will choose three things on your to do list that are priority items. These can be items with a deadline, things that need to be accomplished before other sequential tasks or just something important to you personally. You list out these three individual tasks and try to finish all three during the day, the sooner the better! I know we all have more than three things to do in a day, but forcing yourself to choose just three that are priority for a single day forces us to focus in on what really matters and teaches us how to sort through our messy task list for items that will truly impact our days.
3. Create White Space
So this is probably a tip that you would never expect a productivity guru to share with you, especially not in a top three list of the most important strategies but creating white space, essentially planning to do nothing, is too important. When you create white space in your day by setting aside time in your schedule to do nothing, you end up becoming more productive in a few ways. First of all, if you plan for some white space in your day and you have tasks that end up taking longer than expected, that white space can be used to buffer other items on your list so you don’t end up with tasks that need to be carried over to the next day. Second, studies have shown that people who have free time are more creative and produce better work. Why? Because when you can give yourself time to just do nothing, think and relax, you are able to dive deeper on your thoughts and come up with more creative ideas and solutions for your work. When we are forced to quickly complete a task, we usually rush and create a less than desirable result, but if we had time in our day to think about our work, we can come up with better solutions and better outcomes!
If you enjoyed these tips and would like to learn more about planning and productivity, I highly recommend signing up for my FREE Planner Peace Master Class. This video class will teach you my fundamentals of planning and productivity so you can get started using your planner of choice to organize your life and work smarter, not harder!
I hope these three tips give you a good foundation for productivity in your life. I would love to hear how you are integrating these ideas currently into your daily routine or if you have other must-have productivity tips you think might be more important, I’d love for you to share in the comments!