5 Tips for How to be as Productive as Possible
If you haven’t noticed, productivity is a very important topic to me. Why? Because I don’t like to spend all of my time working. I, like most people I would assume, would prefer to spend my time relaxing, hanging out with friends and family or pursuing my favorite hobbies. We all have to work to live, that’s an essential fact of life, but working doesn’t have to take up all of your time. Through the study of productivity I have learned ways to get more done in less time, how to streamline my tasks and work smarter, not harder. If this is a concept that you can relate to and want to learn more about, I have a few of my favorite productivity tips to share with you, plus a great online resource that you can use to continue learning about the subject!
My top 5 productivity tips
1. Set your top 3 for the day
With multiple tasks on your to do list, you may find it hard to choose which items you need to start with. In order to simplify this process for myself, I identify the top 3 tasks on my list to be my priorities. These are items that are either time sensitive and must be done today, or items that need to get done before other items can be accomplished. When working on my task list, I try to get my top 3 done as soon as possible so I know I have made important progress for the day.
2. Create routines for everyday processes
I’ve read a few different books that discuss the importance of controlling your daily habits and from them I have learned the importance of creating routines for your day. When you create a routine and build it into a daily habit, you are able to auto-pilot your choices which leads to greater self control at a lower cost. People only have a certain amount of self control to make positive choices, so when you can relieve your mind from this burden my instating routines, you are able to use your will power on more important tasks!
3. Say no to the non-essential
One of the major killers of productivity as I see it is the wasting of time by taking on non-essential tasks. So many of us struggle to get the big, important things done in a day, and that’s likely because we have a lot of little, non-important tasks to weed through. The best way to stop wasting your own time with non-essential tasks is to learn to say no to anything that isn’t the best use of your time. This is easier said than done, especially if you are a people pleaser, but I can’t tell you how many people I talk to who are unable to spend their time on things that matter to them because they are overwhelmed with tasks that just don’t matter, but they feel obligated to perform.
4. Batch and delegate work
Now, if you have been a student of productivity as I have for some time, you may feel like this tip is the equivalent of beating a dead horse. It’s the one productivity tip people refer to over and over again, but for good reason; it works! If you think you are batching a delegating your work as much as possible and yet you still feel overwhelmed with your tasks, you are doing something wrong. There is some place you are missing an opportunity to save yourself time by either batching like tasks together and finishing them at one time, or you aren’t delegating enough to others. You need to constantly evaluate your systems in this case, so I suggest checking out this post on how to stop over scheduling your day if you need additional tips to overcome this common issue!
5. Build white space into your day
When I say white space, I am referring to free time. The concept of adding in free time into your busy day may seem counterproductive to productivity efforts, but I promise you, when faithfully implemented, white space can actually lead you to greater productivity. Not only does white space give you time for self care and to calm your mind by spending time not working, but it’s actually been proven that by working free time into your day, you actually perform at a higher level. White space fosters time for your brain to process new information, and to think creatively because it’s not being forced to work. Give it a try and build some white space into your day as soon as possible.
If these 5 productivity tips have you curious about the different strategies you can use to work smarter, not harder, or if you want to learn more about implementing these tips, I am very pleased to announce that I have reopening my Productivity & Planning Master Class. If you aren’t already aware, back in August, I held a live Master Class webinar event where I shared my best productivity tips and strategies. The class was a massive success, but ever since I held it, I have been asked by numerous people to open access to the replay for the event to the public so that more people can access the information and the exclusive printables and resources I provided to attendees. So, that is exactly what I am doing now! If you missed out on my Master Class live, you can still access the replay as well as all the class materials. Just head on over to my shop and purchase your ticket to the Master Class replay and get started learning even more great tips and strategies for being more organized and productive!