Guess what time it is? Time for a new monthly feature! Since this site was founded on my love for technology and its ability to make our lives easier, I thought it would be fun if I started a new feature where I review awesome apps that I like and that you may enjoy as well! I am calling this feature, Apptastic, and I hope you enjoy it!
For my first installment of Apptastic, I want to talk about a free app that, so far, has been something of a lifesaver for me, and I foresee that it will continue to be of use to me in the weeks and months to come! It is called TV Show Tracker, and I think you can take a good guess from the name what the app does. Yep, it’s Fall and all our favorite TV Shows are premiering left and right! Since I don’t watch much TV on a daily basis, I’m always absentminded when it comes to tracking show schedules. With the help of TV Show Tracker, I can save my favorite shows, see when they are airing and set an alarm to remind me when episodes are coming up! That way I never have to miss a show!
So, what show’s am I watching this fall? Well, first and foremost, Once Upon a Time just restarted a few weeks ago and I have been obsessed with the addition of our favorite Frozen characters! Ghost Adventures, my favorite paranormal travel documentary series is also back with new episodes that just started up last weekend! What can I say… I love scaring myself with ghost stories just in time for Halloween! This week, another modern classic, American Horror Story also premiers with their 4th season, and I cannot wait to learn more about the freak show! Also premiering this week is probably one of my absolute favorite shows, The Walking Dead! Who else is excited to see what Rick and the gang are up to?!? Do you think they will all make it out of Terminus alive? And where the heck is Beth? Last but certainly not least, in another few weeks my final favorite fall show premiers, Grimm! I can’t wait to see what happens with Nick and the new grimm after Monroe’s wedding. In case you can’t tell, my favorite shows are clearly fairy tale and horror related!
Okay, now it’s your turn! What shows are you looking forward to this season? Have you been watching any of my favorite shows? Will you be using the TV Show Tracker App to keep all your shows straight? Let me know in the comments below!
On my iPhone is a new monthly feature on Strange & Charmed where I give you a peak into what I have been loving on my iPhone for the month! Covering topics like apps, games, podcasts, music, websites, books and more, I hope this series helps you all discover new and exciting content out there that can be enjoyed from your iPhone! To stay up to date with this series, make sure to follow the On My iPhone tag!
September came and September went, or really it just flew by pretty much unnoticed. From the weather we have been having in PA, you would think that September was just an extension of August and not the transitional month that heralds us into the fall. I did do some typical “September” things this month. I went apple picking with Mike, enjoyed my first official #PSL, and made some other pumpkin spiced treats! I spent some time outside under the trees, reading on blankets and learning more about photography on my DSLR. But September was a pretty productive month for me. I finally buckled down and opened up my Shop! I also spent a decent amount of time searching for inspiration for future projects and collaborations that will hopefully be coming down the pike soon! As I am apt to do, I spent a good amount of time searching for new digital content to share with you as well, so here is what I have been loving On My iPhone for the month of September!
Currently Playing, Lumosity:I have seen ads for Lumosity for years and years now, but I never actually bothered downloading their free app until (surprise, surprise!) it was offered as part of Starbuck’s Pick of the Week program via my Starbuck’s App! I will say though, that even though I am constantly online and in the know, I have been feeling a little mentally sluggish for some time now, and I decided to give the app a go in an attempt to see if I could sharpen my mind a bit! I was actually quite shocked with how I scored on my first attempt at the game, but I am getting better. I feel like this must be a struggle with most people, because ever since I graduated, I have felt my brain slowly softening, and I’m glad I finally decided to give this game a try because I’m hoping it will help improve my memory in the long run!
Currently Reading, Chesapeake by James Michener: Okay, by reading I mean listening to the book on tape via my iPhone! Chesapeake isn’t a new book for me. In fact, I first listened to the book on tape years ago after it was recommended to me by a friend who knew I grew up sailing with my family on the Chesapeake. Lately, I have been thinking about that time of my life a lot and have really been missing it. For some reason, when I was younger, I firmly believed I would have a sail boat of my own one day, and now I find myself contemplating it seriously for the first time in a while. But back to the book- for anyone out there who loves historical fiction, and maybe grew up in the mid atlantic or enjoys American History and/or boating, you need to read this book! Michener is a complete genius at historical fiction and I am absolutely enamored with this lengthy tale that spends decades of history surrounding the Chesapeake Bay and Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
Currently Watching, Frankenstein MD: I feel like a broken record when it comes to these digital short series’ based on classic novels, but I found another one, and I bet you can’t guess which book this one is about? It looks like this time around Pemberly Digital (of Emma and The Lizzie Bennett Diaries) has teamed up with PBS to produce this new series which follows the video diary of medical student, Victoria Frankenstein, as she guides her viewers through the mysteries of the human body! This series is awesome because so far there is a lot of extra content outside of the show that really add dimension to the story. So if you’re a Shelly fan, you may want to check it out!
Currently Surfing, Mermaid Gossip: I have been following Bristol based alternative fashion blogger and Photo Booth maven Emily Fisher for some time now. We were acquainted through mutual friends/bloggers via the Blogcademy and I was instantly taken with her colorful hair and personality! She recently launched her new style blog, Mermaid Gossip, which chronicles her colorful lifestyle and awesome nails!! She also wins a special place in my heart for also being a YouTuber, and you know how much I love bloggers who make the transition over to video! If you love colorful clothing, unique accessories, rainbows and unicorns, I would go check her out!
Oh and that one final thing of course- the iPhone case I have been using this month! Well, to be completely honest, I have been switching it up between a few different cases in September. Something about wanting it to be fall but it still feeling like it was summer had me all over the place with my case choices, but I did pick up this new case this month from Garance Dore for Rifle Paper Company and have been loving how super protective it is!
So, now it’s your turn! What have you been loving on your iPhone or iPad this month? Any great new apps that have caught your attention? Let me know in the comments or better yet, leave me a comment over on Facebook!
True story- these quarterly wallpapers are some of my favorite posts to do for many reasons! First off, I love design, and any excuse to make something pretty and fun in photoshop, well, I’m all over that! Next of course, is the fact that I love my gadgets and enjoy dressing them up in new wallpapers (and cases!) to give them a fresh new wardrobe every once in a while. Lastly, and probably less obviously, I really take creating these wallpapers seriously because I feel as though they can act as a daily reminder, even affirmation, for our lives. I don’t know about you, but the images and messages I choose to create through this wallpapers are pretty powerful to me, and when I think about the fact that my readers are using these and putting them on their phones and laptops and seeing the messages that I have crafted for them, it really makes me feel like I have done something special!
I know I normally like to theme each of these wallpapers to the season, and I thought about doing something with more of a fall color scheme, but in all honesty, I am not into fall colors so much. I find the browns, dark reds and burnt oranges a little uninspiring, so I went rogue and went for a full on color burst this time around, centered around the image of a multifaceted diamond! I feel like I have been seeing diamonds and diamond imagery all over the place lately, and I feel like diamonds can represent so much. I have seen a few quotes about diamonds all over the place also, not just the quote I use “you’re a diamond dear. They can’t break you,” but also “A diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well.” I think these are really wonderful quotes with very powerful metaphors that we can use to inspire us in our own lives. So, I sincerely hope you enjoy these wallpapers and that you use them to remind you everyday that you have more strength than you even know, and that it is only with great pressure and under great stress that we can truly transform into something brilliant!
For iPad and iPad Mini {right click to save image}For iPhone {right click to save image}For Laptop and Desktop Computers {right click to save image}
These wallpapers do take quite a bit of effort to put together, so if you enjoy this post and like to use these little freebies that I make for you from time to time, please make sure to share this post with your friends via Twitter or Facebook! Also, if you have any suggestions for future tech wallpapers, please feel free to leave them in the comments!
As you may already know, I heart Instagram! This really shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, especially if you do follow me on IG! So, like a love letter to my favorite app and pastime, I have decided to put together my own TAG on the subject! This is how it’s going to work people, I have 10 questions below, I will answer my own questions and when I am going to TAG 3 people via Twitter to also complete this TAG and in turn, they must TAG 3 more people! Of course, since I can’t stop at a blog post, I also made a YouTube video for the TAG that I will link below. I go into a little more depth in the video and its always much more entertaining to watch someone answer questions than just read their responses, so yea, check that out! If I don’t TAG you and you love Instagram as well, consider yourself TAGGED! Oh and make sure you send me a link to your blog post or video so I can see it!
What’s your instagram handle? @misstrenchcoat
How many people do you follow? 258
How many followers do you have? 2,222
What are your favorite hashtags? #filofax #filofaxers #instageek #katespade
What is your favorite genre of pictures? Celebrity, fashion, lifestyle, food, design or cute? I love desk photos and styled shots of accessories, so I would say lifestyle, design and sometimes food!
How often do you post? I try to post everyday!
How often do you check ig? Every 15-30 minutes, is that a lot?!?
What’s your favorite filter? Valencia and LoFi, although I used to love Nashville, but not so much currently!
iPhone only, purist or rebel? I am most definitely a rebel! I use my digital camera and now my new DSLR to take the best pictures I can and then I share them on IG. I believe people appreciate the extra effort!
Three favorite IG accounts currently? @stephsterjovski, @blushshop, and @plannerdarling!
On my iPhone is a new monthly feature on Strange & Charmed where I give you a peak into what I have been loving on my iPhone for the month! Covering topics like apps, games, podcasts, music, websites, books and more, I hope this series helps you all discover new and exciting content out there that can be enjoyed from your iPhone! To stay up to date with this series, make sure to follow the On My iPhone tag!
To be completely honest, I look forward to putting together this post, each and every month! I love giving you my recommendations for digital content, while also sharing with you my online favorites in such a format! August has been a hot month, and I have to say, I am so looking forward to fall being here already. Summer is nice, don’t get me wrong, but when you’re no longer in school, it sometimes feels meaningless. I am a grown up now and I can go on vacation whenever I want! I’m not on anyone else’s schedule, thank heavens! But the end of August always makes me miss going back to school, whether or not you agree, I believe it was one of the best times of my life, although at the time I would have said otherwise! So, for me, August is like a transition month between summer fun and buckling down, a mix between trying to enjoy what’s left and looking forward to the future. I’ve been doing a lot of that this month, and perhaps, in some way, that’s reflected in the items I am about to share!
Currently Playing, Splode: Splode has been one of my favorite iPhone/iPad games for a while now, but one that I often forget about when I am downloading the latest and greatest! I rediscovered it this month while doing some much needed organization in a few different areas of my life! It’s a quiet, calming game that reminds me of summer and always manages to put me in a good mood! And for only a buck, it’s worth a try!
Currently Watching, DigitalRev TV:Ever since I bought my new Canon DSLR, I have been an absolute photography junkie! In my quest to learn as much as I could about my camera and its functions, i came across this awesome, and very popular photography channel on YouTube and I have been laughing and learning ever since! If you’re a photography geek or just want to learn more about how to take better pictures, you should definitely check out some videos from these guys!
Currently Surfing, BlogLovin: My blog has been on my mind a lot this month. How to make it the best it can be, which sort of content I should be focusing on, and just the best ways to get myself and my writing out there! So, it’s important for me to make sure I am reading as many other blogs as possible! If you also use BlogLovin as your default blog reader, make sure to follow my blog as well!
Oh, and one last thing, in case you were curious as to which iPhone case I have been loving at the moment, check out this link! She’s a beauty, ain’t she?!? Oh, and want a closer look at these apps including a little play through of the game, Splode? Check out my YouTube video below!
On my iPhone is a new monthly feature on Strange & Charmed where I give you a peak into what I have been loving on my iPhone for the month! Covering topics like apps, games, podcasts, music, websites, books and more, I hope this series helps you all discover new and exciting content out there that can be enjoyed from your iPhone! To stay up to date with this series, make sure to follow the On My iPhone tag!
I had such a great time putting together my first installment of On My iPhone last month that this month I was pumped for this post! This month has been a lot of fun for me and I have been trying to make the most of my summer while it still lasts. I’ve been watching more TV than I think I ever have (thanks to a cable upgrade) and I feel more creative and inspired than I have in a long time. So, without further ado, here is what I have been loving on my iPhone this month!
Currently Playing, LYNE: Puzzle games are some of my favorites, especially when they are meant for a relaxed, enjoyable pace of play like LYNE. The basic premise of the game is to create an unbroken line from start to finish on the triangular tiles of the game board. With no annoying timer and a mellow soundtrack of ambient sounds, this app is a nice way to pass some extra time. I was lucky enough to get this app for free from Starbuck’s Pick of the Week, but you can grab it for $2.99 on the app store!
Currently Reading, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1:In July, I finally got my act together and watched Game of Thrones on HBO. All four seasons in two weeks (I know, I’m hardcore!). Now that I am all caught up, I want for more! So, I started reading, err, listening to the audiobook of Game of Thrones on my iPhone. I know this is sort of cheating since I am not actually reading it, but I thought it would be more enjoyable for me if I listened to the audiobook instead of reading it since it is a rather lengthy series. You can pick up the audiobooks via iTunes, but I will warn you, they don’t come cheap!
Currently Watching, Nicole Matthews: Recently, I have been watching a lot of videos from my new favorite YouTuber, Nicole Matthews, and I have really been enjoying her channel. She has only been making videos for about a year and has a little over a thousand subscribers, but she has great quality videos and I can really see her channel going places! So, if you are interested in fun beauty videos, tutorials, OOTDs, hauls and the occasional TAG video, you should head on over to Nicole’s channel and subscribe!
Currently Surfing, Yoga Studio: Okay, so again, I cheat, this is an app, not a website, but I have been pretty obsessed with Yoga lately and I am really into this app! I have a few Yoga apps, but this one is by far my favorite. Again, I got this one for free from Starbuck’s Pick of the Week (seriously, they give away some of the best apps ever!). It’s basically like having a yoga instructor on your iPhone/iPad with pre made routines as well as an option to design your own. It’s a clean, easy to use app with wonderful step by step instructions and soothing narration. If you are into yoga or would like a great app to help you get started at home, pick it up for $3.99 on the App Store!
Currently Listening, Lana Del Rey: There is something about Lana Del Rey and her album, Born to Die that is so quintessentially summer to me! I am a major fan of hers year round, but I get get enough of her music lately. Something about her sultry voice and suggestive lyrics has me listening to her songs on repeat, so if you haven’t checked her out yet, I suggest you check her out or pick up her album on iTunes!
So, how have you been liking my new On My iPhone Series? Have you been looking forward to it as much as I have? Let me know what you think about this month’s picks, and of course, let me know what your tech and web favorites have been this month!
So, in all honesty, I cannot believe I have never done a post like this before!
I love geeky clothing and accessories and I am always on the hunt for them wherever I go! I have a specific “geek uniform” that I like to wear around which consists of a black blazer, geeky tank top and leggings/skinny jeans. Of course I’m partial to geek glasses, which I do already wear, and its not uncommon for me to wear multiple accessories that include glasses on them like my glasses bangle and iPhone case from Kate Spade. No geek ensemble would be complete, however, without a pair of awesome headphones and some wearable tech. I love the rose gold Frends Layla headphones and I have been thinking about getting a smart watch of some sort, although I’ll admit, I’m waiting for Apple to make one that is killer!
So, I’m wondering, are their any other geek gals out there who like to dress the part? What sorts of clothing and accessories do you prefer? Tweet me some links for some items I should check out or leave me a comment below letting me know your geek chic style! I’m thinking about doing this as some sort of regular feature, so if you like this, make sure to let me know!
I think anyone and everyone who reads this blog pretty much knows and understands that I am a self-proclaimed geek/nerd/tech obsessed femme. Although I talk about tech much more than the average human, I don’t necessarily think that liking my iPhone or Macbook is precisely what makes me a geek, or is anywhere close to scratching the surface of my nerddom. So, today I’m starting a series where I am going to talk to you about an obsession of mine that really starts to crack open my mind and the way I think that actually earns me these titles. I’m calling this series Geek Speak because that’s exactly what it’s going to be, me talking to you about whatever Geeky obsession is currently captivating my mind and today we are going to start with a topic that really begins to put that whole Strange and Charmed thing into perspective.
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about aliens. No, not the movie, and no, not foreigners that immigrate to a new country. I am talking ET’s, flying saucer driving, little green men, aliens! Have I lost you yet? Well, if you made it past that part get ready for some mind-blowing theories to be thrown at you.
I think about aliens a lot. I think it’s pretty normal for humans to be curious about the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe, but I guess for most people it’s just a passing thought. Lately I have been theorizing about the possibility of alien invasions. I think I’ll blame July 4th for this since it always makes me think of the movie Independence Day, but if you think about it, much of the time we as humans are thinking about alien life in the universe, it’s usually because we are watching some show or movie that is preying on some deep dark fear we have that aliens are going to come in the middle of the night and kill us all and we will be forced to nuke the planet in order to make it all stop! If this is a fear that you share, I am here to tell you that there is no need to worry! I have given it a lot of thought but alien’s will not ever come to our planet and try to destroy us.
How do I know this? I have a theory based on the behavioral patterns of humans as residents of the universe. In order for an alien species to get to Earth from their point in space, I think we can all agree that it would take a significant amount of technological advancement and knowledge. So many resources and scientific advancements would be required for such an endeavor that in order for such a feat as intergalactic travel to occur, this species would have to have come to a higher consciousness and collectively work together for the greater good of space travel.
Take a look at humans and our current situation on Earth as an example. We have the ability to go into space, and we have for decades, however, partisan politics even within the U.S have effectively shut down our space program because we can’t get along enough to commit to prioritizing our scientific knowledge above allocating resources to wars among ourselves. Imagine if the U.S suddenly decided that we were going to get over our own issues and prioritize the search for knowledge, even then we would still need the cooperation of other nations to get an intergalactic space mission from science fiction to science fact. So, okay, we do it, we get the whole world involved in a global mission to search for life outside of our solar system. The amount of trust and cooperation that would require would be such a powerful force upon our collective consciousness as humans that by the time we successfully launched a fleet or even a single ship to search the universe for signs of intelligent life, the last thing on our minds would be to throw it all away and destroy whatever life we found.
Theoretically, this sort of collective consciousness and communal work ethic would mean that the species would have learned to be inherently good, unselfish and understanding of the importance of putting the needs of others before their own. In a way, they would have to embody certain values and ethics that we as humans on Earth associate with some of our greatest religious icons and because of this spiritual enlightenment, the species would then be unable to actually cause harm to any other species they encountered in the universe. Seriously, imagine if Jesus was driving around the Millennium Falcon and came across an alien race. He absolutely wouldn’t have it in him to kill them off, his only desire for space exploration would be to learn and understand more about the needs and lives of his intergalactic neighbors.
So, the next time you’re watching some ridiculous movie about alien’s bringing our world to an end, remember that any species with the amount of technological and scientific advancement to actually do this would also have a higher consciousness that would give them an inherent respect for life in any and all forms, and would prevent them from executing such a selfish and horrendous act.
So, what do you think? Do alien’s exist and if so, do you think they are going to come to earth to enslave us? Or, do you think one day humans would leave Earth for the purposes of raping and pillaging an alien species? Let me know in the comments or send me a tweet to share your opinion!
It’s that time of year again and I have some new tech wallpapers for you! This Summer Fun edition is dedicated to my mantra for the summer months, “Work Hard, Play Hard” and I designed these with some fun summer colors, neon pink and gold glitter! Hope you enjoy them and feel free to leave me any ideas for future tech wallpapers down in the comments! I love hearing your feedback and getting new inspiration from you so that I make these wallpapers as custom as possible for you!
On my iPhone is a new monthly feature on Strange & Charmed where I give you a peak into what I have been loving on my iPhone for the month! Covering topics like apps, games, podcasts, music, websites, books and more, I hope this series helps you all discover new and exciting content out there that can be enjoyed from your iPhone! To stay up to date with this series, make sure to follow the On my iPhone tag!
To kick off this new series, I have a bunch of wonderful content to share from my iPhone to yours! I have spent a lot of time this month focusing on inspiration for my business and consuming as much fresh, new content as I can!
Currently Playing, Lost Yeti: This adorable 32-bit puzzle game is all about helping your little Yeti friend navigate his way to a delicious frozen dessert while dodging obstacles like ice and enemies. I actually got this game for free from the Starbucks Pick of the Week in-store promotion cards, so if you are stopping by a Starbucks, take a look and see if you can grab this cute but casual game for free, or download it from the app store for $1.99!
Currently Reading, #GIRLBOSS:There has been a lot of hype about this book around the internet lately, so I decided to download the sample from the iBooks Store and see what it was all about. This frank, funny and admittedly vulgar memoir is a must read for any female online entrepreneurs and internet lovers alike. Although I download and read the sample on iBooks, I already went ahead and bought the hardcover of the book to own, if only for the awesomely empowering cover!
Currently Watching, Emma Approved: If you enjoyed the incredibly popular YouTube series, The Lizzie Bennett Diaries, you will love Emma Approved. Another timeless Austen tale told via the modern medium of internet and video, Emma Approved is a fashionable, technologically clever web series based off Emma, aka Clueless for those of you who are more familiar with film titles than paper ones! And if for some reason you missed Lizzie Bennett back in the fall when I told you to watch it, you seriously need to catch up on both of these series asap- seriously better than anything else on TV!
Currently Surfing, My Life as a Teacup: My good blogging buddy Kristin recently sat down for a Google Helpout session with me to help revamp her wonderful blog! Although Kristin has a lot going for her on her site currently, we were totally able to brainstorm some awesome new features and content for her site that is seriously going to bring so much more fun and whimsy to her corner of the internet. If you don’t already read Kristin’s awesome blog, I hereby give you permission to click out of this post and click onto her site, immediately! Oh, and if you have or are looking to start a blog but need some guidance from a blogging pro, head on over to my Empire Building coaching page and sign up today for one-to-one blog and business consulting with me!
Currently Listening, The Lively Show: I have been following Jess Lively for a few years now and I have loved her new podcast “The Lively Show!” Although it’s geared towards female bloggers and online entrepreneurs, I think it’s an inspiring Podcast for any woman who is looking to bring meaning and “intention” in their life! If you are a reader of my blog, you will most definitely love this podcast, so go ahead and subscribe to it now and hear the stories behind some of your favorite, and soon to be favorite, bloggers and business owners!
I hope you all truly enjoyed this first installment of my On my iPhone series! It will be a monthly feature posted the final Tuesday of each month, so make sure to keep you eye out for it! Also, let me know in the comments what you have been loving, content wise, on your iPhone this month! I love new content, so keep your recommendations rolling in!