I know you want to start your own online business, but you haven’t been able to make much progress. Here is why:

 You don’t believe you have the time to do the work.

 You are afraid or hesitant to do the work you know you have to do to make it happen.

 You have allowed other things in life to distract you from your business tasks.

 You are overwhelmed because of a lack of self-mastery and have all but given up.

There are certainly many times more people out there who are aspiring business owners than actual business owners. 

But the difference between one and the other is discipline.

• One showed up to do the work consistently and they got the results.

• The other let fear stop them from taking action, hit an obstacle or their live got busy and they stopped taking action.

No Action, No Business.

Here is were ambitious and well intentioned women go wrong when starting a business:

You’ve been romanticizing and dreaming about starting the business, but not doing much about it.

You’ve started planning (and over planning) your business but not taking action.

Or you started and built up some momentum in the past but life stuff popped up (as it does) and halted all action- and now you are struggling to get back to work on it.

If you are in a similar situation and want to make meaningful progress on your business, you need to get out of your head and start taking strategic action!

You do not need to have all the answers before you start.

And you certainly don’t need to have everything figured out on day one.

In fact, although I love a good plan, if you have never started a successful business endeavor online before, it’s likely that whatever in depth plan you start with will need to change very quickly as you learn from your own experience what actually needs to be done.

But so many women- myself included- feel like they need to have things figured out before they commit to their idea and take action to build the momentum in their business.

And the weight of this expectation usually keeps us from taking any action at all- hasn’t that been your experience?

It took me years of researching and dabbling with my business ideas before I actually let myself fully commit to it.

I spent years putting off making my business happen because I allowed other things in life to be more important than my own dream and ambition.

Because the truth was, I didn’t fully believe in myself and my ideas, so for a long time, from 2008 to 2014, I had a hobby, not a business. 

But after years of starting and stopping, years of half heartedly doing the work, I finally reached a point where I committed to my ideas and officially went IN BUSINESS!

My mindset had finally shifted and I decided that if anyone could do this- if anyone could start a successful business online, it would be me!

And from that moment everything changed, my business truly started, and I quickly had a profitable business that replaced the income from my 9-5!

For the last 8+ years, I’ve been working for myself full time, building an intentional business online that allows me to work from anywhere, to do work that I love and to help other ambitious women build their dream lives and businesses as well.

Now I want to help you to make the commitment to your business vision, the vision for your best life, and a future of financial stability by helping you get IN BUSINESS for yourself!



A New Live Business Program to Align with Your Vision, Overcome Inaction and Build Momentum in Your Business in less than a week!

the content of the program

It is my highest intention in creating this program that you will receive the clarity and strategy you need to firmly decide to start your business and begin taking action to build momentum immediately. The content of this program revolves around the major roadblocks new entrepreneurs often face that cause them to delay action. Such topics include:

What You Need to Start a Business: The strategy and mindset you must have to start a business and build momentum towards your goal. We’ll also discuss the steps you can take to prepare yourself to go full time for your business and the milestones to set to keep you on your path and know when it’s time to transition. This is a blend of practical instruction and personal development. 

What Business Should You Start: This question holds many ambitious women back from taking action and so we will discuss practical strategy for how to decide the business you will start, what you will sell, how to choose from among your many business ideas, and the easy way to do market research that I have used for years to quickly get my ideas up and running profitably.

What Skills and Tools You Need to Have: I believe anyone can start a business with what they have and know right now, but it takes the development of specific skills and the use of some popular tools to build a business that lasts. Not every business finds lasting success, but those that do have some very important elements in common and I want to discuss those with you and how to develop the knowledge, skills and toolbox that will support your success.

How to Attract Customers: There are a number of ways to attract customers to your business to ensure a consistent stream of sales, so this conversation will help you understand those methods so that you can clearly choose which you will utilize as you start your business, while planning to integrate other methods in the future to build your following and revenue.

How to Stand Out from the Competition: The average person may see competition from other similar businesses as a threat to their survival, but experienced entrepreneurs know that competition is a very good thing that can and should be harnessed for your own success. Once you know how to stand out from your competitors you will eliminate doubt and fear and confidently show up to master your industry.

Meet your instructor
Alexis @misstrenchcoat

Imagine that smart, funny and super successful friend who is always sharing the most life-changing business tips and time management hacks. The one everyone goes to for advice because she just makes life look so effortless. Yea, that’s me, and I’m your new on-demand bestie ready to help you get your life & business organized!

If you are not familiar with my story, I was a once upon a time sales and marketing manager for a Fortune 50 company that left my corporate 9 to 5 to start my own business designing productivity and business tools, classes and courses in 2014.

For the last 8 years I’ve grown my business into a 6-figure passive income generator, using nothing but great content and social media marketing. I have a following of over 150,000 awesome business and productivity buddies via my blog, YouTube, Instagram and Email List and I am so glad to be connecting with you for this amazing opportunity to help you grow your own business online!


How much would you pay to get the clarity and strategy necessary to stop planning and start taking action on your dream to run your own business?

Through my other business courses and programs I have worked with hundreds of other aspiring female entrepreneurs and business owners who were stuck in a cycle of indecision and inaction that caused them to put their dream on hold.

You are likely familiar with the adage “a year from now you’ll wish you’d started today” and you may already be kicking yourself for not taking action on your passion and vision sooner- but this program is here to help you course correct.

This is your opportunity to spend a short period of time focused on hurdling your mindset blocks and excuses to finally get down to business bringing your goal to fruition. 

Consider this program a kickstart, a bootcamp, an opportunity for you to create time and space to get clarity, strategy and motivation to build momentum on your business idea.

Truly an experience like this is worth more than money, because it’s giving you back time that’s been lost and helping you gain confidence to continue pursuing your goal.

Although my business programs generally start at the mid three figures, I want this opportunity to be an easy yes for the ambitious women in my community who have been putting off their dream business for too long.

That is why I have priced this program at just

>> $111 <<

add on option: empire building

As you now know, IN BUSINESS is going to help you find clarity and commitment around your passion so you can start taking confident action to create your business right now!

Once you have hurdled your own mental roadblocks and know the next actions you plan to take to build momentum with your business, you may find that you would like a more structured business program dedicated to the finer points of digital marketing, in which case you would benefit from enrolling in Empire Building.

Empire Building is my flagship digital marketing course designed to help you create your online business from the ground up, and I’d recommend completing IN BUSINESS and then keeping up your momentum by continuing working on your business with Empire Building.

Empire Building is for you if:

+ You have an idea for an online business and are looking for a blueprint to get your vision out of your head and into the digital marketplace quickly and correctly, Empire Building is your guide to creating your dream business step by step on your own terms. Whether you are looking to earn an extra income on the side or desire a life of time, location and financial freedom that online entrepreneurship can provide, the curriculum inside this best-selling digital program can help you establish and scale your idea from scratch!

Frequently Asked Questions

I can’t wait to get started with you! When you are ready to enroll, click any one of the ENROLL NOW buttons on this page to be transferred to the product page for this course in my shop. Simply add the product to cart as you would on any e-commerce website, and then checkout from the cart page. 

Upon checkout you will be send to complete payment via Paypal or Stripe. If you have a Paypal account, you can use that method to pay, or, there is a place on the checkout page to enter your credit card information.

Once the payment processes, you will be automatically redirected back to my shop where you can download the Welcome Letter PDF with instructions for registering for the course website and accessing all course materials. If you click off before you get to your download, don’t worry, you will also receive an email invoice from the shop that includes a link to download the PDF Welcome Letter again! Of course, if you have any issues, you can always email me for support directly via alexis@strangecharmed.com

This program is completely on-demand. All the modules and course materials are ready for your immediate use, no waiting, no live sessions to attend. Work at your own pace and review the content of the program as much as you’d like.

If you are in this position, you are precisely who I designed IN BUSINESS for! This program is meant for those who feel the pull to start their own business but for all their thinking and planning have not taken any substantial action. The program is going to help you address and overcome this issue so you can confidently move forward with your business idea as soon as possible!

That depends on you! While this program is designed to help new entrepreneurs take action on their business idea, confusion, overwhelm and inaction can still affect even an experienced business owner. If you feel disconnected from your business vision, if you feel like your actions haven’t yielded the results you expect, or you are having trouble building momentum for your next steps in business, this program can help you find clarity and confidence to act.

I am very familiar with this situation, it’s more common than you’d think! That’s why I have structured IN BUSINESS intentionally with engaging classes, action oriented homework and workbooks, and access to everything On-Demand 24/7  so you can learn at your own pace, when and where you have time!

This program is 5 modules, plus a bonus Q+A replay. You can watch one video a day, do the homework, and work through the workbook and then come back to the program the next day to do the following module. Think of it like a business bootcamp to jumpstart your momentum that you can do in under a week!

After that, you still have lifetime access to the modules and resources to review any time you need it again in the future.

Not to sound too sassy, but I know you must be new around here because my MO from day one of starting my business has been prioritizing value and customer service. With every product, class and service I offer, my main focus is to ensure I exceed the value that people are investing and that I give them the best service I can to ensure they love their purchase. OGs in my community will tell you, I give tons of value for free with my public content, and I go above and beyond with them when they invest in my offers. My courses have the meat to stand alone and are highly actionable so you can learn and implement strategies as you go.

are you ready to be in business?

Repeat after me: If anyone can do this, it’s me!

in business program



Best Value

in business + EMPIRE BUILDING
