When I was younger, I had high hopes for what life would be like when I was an adult. I was pretty sure that by the time I graduated college, the human race would have colonies on far away planets (or at least the moon), we would all wear clothing that slightly resembled a space suit and we would drive electric-powered flying cars. You can blame Disney World, television, and books for my overactive imagination, but I am beginning to realize that the reason none of those things exist is because, we, as the population of Earth, haven’t prioritized those sorts of endeavors. The technology exists or it could exist if we actually started demanding it from our leaders and businesses. Technology currently has the power to solve many of our day-to-day problems, but most of us don’t realize it’s out there. Heck, I really thought that by now we would all be driving around Electric Vehicles to save our wallets and the planet from the dependence on gas!The truth is though, there are plenty of people who are living this dream right now and we all could be if we just educated ourselves to the presence and growing popularity of Electric Vehicles aka EV’s!
That is why I have partnered with the Edison Electric Institute (or EEI for short) to help raise awareness for the EV Movement. Whether or not you realize it now, EV’s are everywhere! And I’m not just talking about the glamorous Tesla Motors Model S that has been making headlines lately, but a variety of other manufacturers now make EVs as well! There is the Honda Fit EV, Nissan Leaf, Toyota Rav4 EV, Mitsubishi e-MiEV, Electric Ford Focus, Fiat 500e, Smart fortwo Electric Drive, BMW i3, and the Chevrolet Spark EV to name a few of the most popular. That’s a lot of Electric Vehicles available on the market, so why don’t more of us drive them? Price can’t be the issue because most of these vehicles are actually competitively priced with other similar sized gas-powered vehicles, not to mention the amount of money you would save on gas over the life of the vehicle is nothing to roll your eyes at. Okay, what about charging stations, the electric equivalent to gas stations? Surely, those must be few and far between or you would need to pay an arm and a leg to install some special charger for your vehicle? Nope. Charging stations are actually more prevalent than you might know. I have no less than four within a 5 mile radius of my home. Use the PlugShare website to see how many are near you. Speaking of home, you don’t need to install any high-tech, high dollar charging unit in your garage to fill up your electric tank overnight, because most EVs can charge off a standard household outlet! Seriously, that’s even more convenient than having a gas station down your block, when was the last time you were able to gas up in your own driveway? Hmm, so we’ve covered that EV’s aren’t prohibitively expensive, and that charging them is more convenient that you may have original guessed, so what else is stopping you from switching out your gas guzzler for an EV? What about maintenance costs? An Electric Vehicle sounds pretty high-tech, maintenance is probably going to cost an arm and a leg, right? Wrong! Think about it, without a gas engine, an EV doesn’t need things like oil changes or tune ups, they don’t need fluids drained or gas filters replaced. They just don’t have most of those parts that routinely break! What they do have, however, are tires just like other cars that need to be replaced similarly to gas-powered cars and they have brake pads that actually ware down at half the rate of a gas vehicle.

Alright, I know what you’re thinking, I have drunk the Kool-Aid and I am seeing the EV world through rose-colored glasses. You’re right, it’s not all roses with owning an EV. The truth is, like with every different type of car out there, EVs aren’t going to be the right fit for everyone, but they are definitely a great option for certain people. So, who could benefit from owning an EV? First and foremost, commuters. If you use your car most of the time to drive back and forth to your job and then maybe a little around town to do errands, than an EV may be the vehicle for you! EV’s are low powered vehicles so they aren’t the right car for people who drive heavily throughout the day or for people who travel a lot via car, because they need to be charged more frequently than a gas powered car needs to be filled up. Now, even if you’re a commuter who does occasionally need to drive long distances, an EV could still be the right second car for you if you belong to a two car household! Many couples and families own more than one vehicle, and if one of those vehicles were to be an EV, all the bases are covered and money is definitely being saved in the long run!
Okay, so this was a lot of talk but when it comes down to buying a new car, some good information and a positive review aren’t all it takes to make such a big decision! That’s why I am going to be taking a test drive of an EV and sharing my experience with you guys here on my blog and on my YouTube Channel! That’s right, I am going to get behind the wheel of one of these and let you know if I could see myself in an EV one day! Now, I challenge all of you to open your mind and your eyes to the world of EVs around you!

The Electric Generation is hosting a contest through their Facebook Page called the #EVSelfie Contest! What is an #EVSelfie? Glad you asked! An #EVSelfie is just like a normal #Selfie but it incorporates either an EV or some element of the EV world in the image! Take a picture or video of yourself with an actual Electric Vehicle, a Charging Station or other icon of the EV Movement, post the photo to Twitter or Facebook with the #EVSelfie hashtag and tag @Elecgen for a chance to win one of four $250 gift cards! Also make sure to “Like” The Electric Generation on Facebook and follow them on Twitter! Head on over to their Facebook page for more examples of the #EVSelfie and complete rules and details! Make sure to keep your eyes open to the EV world, you never know where you may see an EV, a charging station or even an EV related sign or bumper sticker, so take as many photos as you can before the contest ends on June 26th, 2014! You get up to 20 entries!
Good Luck Everyone and I can’t wait to see your #EVSelfie on Twitter & Facebook!
How neat! Now I’m curious to see how many charging stations are in my area…hmm. Verdict: Pittsburgh is weird, and while there’s only one near where I actually live, there’s usually at least one in the areas I drive to frequently. Still makes me nervous, I think!
The more urban areas seem to have more of them! There was also an app I found called “ChargePoint” that locates EV charging stations and that app showed more than weren’t on that website. I’ve very surprised at how many are near me!