are you ready to experience more from your life?

• Get More Time From Your Day

• Get More Done for Yourself and Your Priorities

• Get More Organized and In Control of Your Life

Join the premier online community for ambitious women, ready to become high achievers designing a balanced, successful life through research backed productivity strategy & tools!



There is a version of yourself that you truly desire to be. 

Your future self. 

She’s who you are working on becoming every day in the hopes that one morning you will wake up and see her looking back at you in the mirror.

She’s the best version of you in every way.

Her days are well planned.

Her home is organized.

She is the wife, daughter, mother, sister and friend that is loved and appreciated.

She is well dressed.

She has great habits.

She takes care of herself.

She is well read, she works out, she cooks home made meals that everyone enjoys.

She is brilliant and successful too. She does amazing and meaningful work and is well compensated for it.

She is growing her wealth and assets everyday.

She has every aspect of her life under control and progressing in the direction she has outlined.

She isn’t a dream or a delusion.

She is your ideal self.

And becoming her isn’t something that happens effortlessly overnight.

She is someone you need to choose and build and show up as and create every day.

To do that takes commitment, boundaries, personal development and accountability.

It’s not the easiest work but it is the most rewarding and satisfying work to realize your power and potential in life.

And despite the challenge, it is work that can be fun, especially when you are surrounded by other women on the same journey who support who you are now and who you are also becoming.

This is the work we do inside the Charmed Life Master Mind.

It’s the private club and inner circle for ambitious women creating their best selves and striving to live their Charmed Lives.

And we are holding space for you to show up and do the same.


the charmed life Master mind

An Accountability & Personal Development Coaching Membership Community 
for Ambitious Women Designing their Best Lives! 

Here's what you'll get

Each month Alexis hosts three live calls for members of the Master Mind:

#1. A Master Class on a new Productivity, Planning or Personal Development topic. During these Master Classes, you will have the opportunity to chat with other attendees and ask Alexis open Q+A to make sure you are learning and integrating the information in a way that makes sense to you. Each Master class includes an accompanying workbook and/or additional resources intended to help you apply the lessons you learn to your life. ** Live Master classes are held the 1st Saturday of the Month at 2pm ET/11am PT

#2. A live 60 minute Office Hours call to answer questions, coach and socialize with the group. These calls are scheduled each month on a varying date and time to give members more opportunities to join from around the globe. These calls are also recorded and their replays are organized on a dedicated page of the master mind website. ** Live Office Hours Calls are held the 20th of the month at varying times. If the 20th is a Monday-Friday the call is scheduled for 7pm ET/4pm PT and if the call falls on a Saturday or Sunday it’s scheduled for 11am ET / 8am PT.

#3. A live CEO Power Hour- Monthly Planning and Business Coaching session for the business owners within the Master Mind. But you don’t need to be a business owner to attend! This is a great opportunity to sit down and plan the month ahead with Alexis and your fellow Mastermind sisters! These calls are also recorded and organized on a dedicated page of the membership website. ** Live Power Hours are held the Last Saturday of the Month at 11am ET/8am PT

>>> To help you keep track of the live class schedule we have a dedicated Google Calendar that you can connect to so you always know when we are going live next!

Get instant access to 100+ Masterclass, Office Hours and Power Hour Replays, plus 100+ planning, personal development and productivity tools. Things like: Guided Meditations, Planning Inserts, Guided Workbooks, Dashboards, Planner Cards, Mindset Work, and More. Many resources are print at home or comparable with digital planning apps for tablets so you can use the format the works for your needs.

Not only does the Master Mind have its own dedicated membership website where all our downloads and resources are housed, but we also have our own Private Slack Forum where I post daily accountability prompts and do additional coaching outside of class. I share extra content on the Slack channel and you can use it to share content as well, chat with your fellow Master Mind members and ask me additional Q+A!

unlock unlimited access to premium on-demand tools


























2024 Class Schedule


Master Class | Quarter 1 Plan

Office Hours | 2024 Vision Board Party

CEO | Executive Summary

Book | FutureBoards by Sarah Cantrella 


Master Class | Functional Planning

Office Hours | Galentine’s Social

CEO | Strategic Objectives

Book | The Functional Planning Handbook by Alexis Giostra


Master Class | Systems of Time Management and Personal Organization

Office Hours | Mindset Work

CEO | Qtr 2 Biz Plan

Book | The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi 


Master Class | Quarter 2 Plan

Office Hours | Book Discussion

CEO | Marketing Plans

Book | Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before by Dr. Julie Smith


Master Class | Personal Finance & Money Mindset

Office Hours | Strategy Swap (Productivity in the Workplace)

CEO | Content Creation

Book | We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers


Master Class | Habits & Routines

Office Hours | Tools + Resources

CEO | Qtr 3 Biz Plan

Book | Good Habits, Bad Habits by Wendy Wood 


Master Class | Quarter 3 Plan

Office Hours | Inside Your Planner

CEO | Marketing Assets

Book | Don’t Overthink It by Anne Bogel 


Master Class | Living a Charmed Life

Office Hours | Book Discussion

CEO | Biz Finances

Book | Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein 


Master Class | Cultivation a Growth Mindset

Office Hours | Self-Care Ritual

CEO | Qtr 4 Biz Plan

Book | Change Your Questions, Change Your Life by Marilee Adams, Ph.D 


Master Class | Quarter 4 Plan

Office Hours | Halloween Party

CEO | Planning a Holiday Promotion

Book | Clearer, Closer, Better by Emily Balcetis 


Master Class | Annual Review + Goal Prep

Office Hours | Practicing Gratitude

CEO | Annual Business Review

Book | Weird by Olga Khazan 


Master Class | YOU GOT GOALS

Office Hours | Planner Setup Party

CEO | CEO Retreat

Book | It’s On Me by Dr Sara Kuburic 



If you are familiar with my work, you may already know about the Productivity Assessment- a 50 question assessment designed to help you identify the core productivity issues keeping you from getting more done. The Productivity Assessment is a free resource I make available to my greater community, however, inside the Charmed Life Master Mind I have developed the ultimate tool for addressing and correcting any productivity issue you uncover through the assessment. For each question of the Productivity Assessment there is a corresponding resource and strategy to help you build new skills to improve that specific area of your productivity. Whatever area you struggle with, the Productivity Assessment Resource Guide will help you build core productivity skills you need to accomplish all you want to do in life!

12 week productivity + planning course

When you join the membership, you get instant access to my 12 week productivity + planning course that will help you learn the essential strategies I teach for functional planning and achieving success. This course is packed with 12 video classes, printable worksheets and class materials to help you set goals, make plans, master habits and much more!

Productivity book club

For years my community has been asking me to start a book club and I am pleased to announce I will be hosting one from within the Master Mind. I'll be sharing all my favorite books, plus choosing a title each month to read together and share key lessons from so we are continuing our education on productivity and success together! For those of you interested in Metaphysics + Alchemy topics, don't you worry- I've got you covered too!

Meal Planning Support

It is no secret that women spend a significant portion of their time each week thinking about, preparing, and cleaning up after meals for themselves and their families. We all gotta eat, and how you fuel your body plays a major role in your energy, success and overall quality of life. Meal planning and meal prep are a major element of my productive lifestyle because it saves you time, money and calories when you cook and eat at home. Inside our Slack, we have a dedicated channel where we share it all!

annual pay in full bonus

2025 Master plan system

When you enroll with the annual pay in full option, you will get a full year membership to the master mind PLUS the complete 2025 Master Plan System, a $120 value, FREE! This is the best value to ensure you have the right tools and ongoing support you need to keep accountable to your goals!

Join the master mind today for the support you need to live your best life!

It’s the BEST INVESTMENT you can make for your successful and fulfilling life!

This is for you if...

This is not for you if...

Success stories

Discovering the Magic of Manifestation with Jenn

Meet Jenn, a medical transcriptionist from Gulf Shores, Louisiana. Like many others, Jenn faced financial uncertainty when the pandemic hit, and her work hours decreased. Unsure of how she would make ends meet, she turned to the Charmed Life Master Mind for guidance.

Within the Master Mind’s resource library, Jenn discovered a wealth of tools and classes designed to help her reevaluate her time management and financial situation. With determination, she began to reshape her approach, aiming to create additional income streams to support herself.

One of the key practices Jenn adopted was using affirmations to expand her money mindset. As she immersed herself in these mindset practices, something remarkable started to happen. Jenn manifested a pay increase at her job, a welcomed surprise that helped alleviate some financial pressure. Moreover, she started gaining traction in her freelance business, securing side work that bolstered her income further.

In a short span of time, Jenn transformed her financial outlook. From feeling uncertain about her future, she found herself with enough resources to meet her needs and more. The mindset practices she learned in the Master Mind empowered her to attract opportunities and take control of her financial destiny.

Jenn’s story is a testament to the transformative power of the Charmed Life Master Mind. Through its comprehensive resources and supportive community, individuals like Jenn can not only overcome financial challenges but also thrive in creating the life they desire.

Join Jenn and others like her in the Charmed Life Master Mind, and discover how you too can manifest abundance and unlock your full potential.

Learn more about Jenn and her experience in this interview.

Engaging in Community as an Introvert with Indie Author Brandi

Meet Brandi, an indie author seeking connection and support in her writing journey when she joined the Charmed Life Master Mind. As a self-proclaimed introvert, Brandi often found herself struggling to promote her work and connect with other authors online.

Despite her reservations, Brandi quickly found herself at home within the Master Mind’s community of female authors. With their encouragement and support, she embarked on a journey to discover marketing strategies that resonated with her introverted nature.

Drawing on the wisdom and experience of the group, Brandi explored techniques that allowed her to promote her work authentically, without compromising her personality. She learned to leverage her strengths as an introvert, focusing on genuine connections and meaningful interactions with readers and fellow authors.

Through the Master Mind, Brandi found her voice in the online world, connecting with readers and building her author platform in a way that felt natural and true to herself. She discovered that being introverted didn’t have to be a barrier to success; instead, it became her unique advantage in a crowded marketplace.

With her newfound marketing strategies in place, Brandi now sets her sights on tackling her next productivity challenge: her sleep schedule. Recognizing the importance of restful sleep for her creative energy, Brandi has been experimenting with new nighttime routines to ensure she wakes up refreshed and ready to write.

Brandi’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of finding strategies that align with your personality. Join Brandi and a community of supportive women, and discover how you too can achieve your goals authentically, without compromising who you are.

Learn more about Brandi and her experience in this interview.

Fighting perfectionism and limiting beliefs as a Female Entrepreneur with Dorri

Meet Dorri, a budding entrepreneur grappling with self-doubt and overwhelm when she joined the Charmed Life Master Mind. Struggling with limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome, she found herself paralyzed by the sheer volume of tasks on her to-do list. With a job to manage alongside her new business venture, Dorri felt like she was drowning in responsibilities and lacked the structure to manage her time effectively.

Entering the Master Mind, Dorri found a sanctuary where she could confront her inner barriers and unlock her full potential. Immersing herself in the guided meditations, journaling, and mindset resources provided, she began a journey of self-discovery and growth.

One of the biggest obstacles Dorri faced was her perfectionist mindset, which often hindered her from taking action. However, through the Master Mind’s resources and supportive community, she learned to challenge these limiting beliefs. With newfound clarity and confidence, Dorri embraced practical planning strategies and incremental goal-setting techniques available in the resource library.

By breaking down her goals into manageable steps, Dorri gained a sense of control over her tasks and priorities. Armed with a clear plan of action, she no longer felt overwhelmed by the demands of her business and job. Instead, she found herself taking decisive steps forward, one task at a time.

Dorri’s transformation is a testament to the power of mindset and practical planning. Through her journey in the Charmed Life Master Mind, she shattered the barriers holding her back and embraced a proactive approach to achieving her goals.

Join Dorri and a supportive community of women in the Charmed Life Master Mind, and unlock your potential to turn your dreams into reality.

Learn more about Dorri and her experience in this interview.

The Structure for Accountability and Success with Ximena

Meet Ximena, a former English teacher turned entrepreneur, hailing from New York by way of Mexico. Struggling with perfectionism and accountability, Ximena found herself stuck in a cycle of planning without action when she joined the Charmed Life Master Mind.

As an Enneagram One personality type, Ximena’s penchant for perfection often hindered her progress. Despite her love for planning, she struggled to translate those plans into consistent action steps for her business.

Enter the Charmed Life Master Mind, where Ximena discovered a supportive community and structured accountability systems designed to help her overcome her challenges. Through the Master Mind’s live calls and weekly accountability check-ins, Ximena found the support she needed to break free from her perfectionist tendencies and take meaningful action.

With the encouragement of her peers and the accountability structures in place, Ximena began to implement routines and strategies to move her business forward. She started sharing valuable content and engaging with her audience on platforms like Instagram and Substack, steadily building her online presence and growing her following.

Through consistent action and the support of the Charmed Life Master Mind, Ximena transformed from a perfectionist planner into a proactive entrepreneur. By embracing accountability and taking decisive steps, she began to see tangible results in her business.

Ximena’s journey is a testament to the power of community and structured accountability in achieving entrepreneurial success. Join Ximena and a community of driven women in the Charmed Life Master Mind, and start turning your business dreams into reality today.

Learn more about Ximena and her experience in this interview.

A Community of Like Minded Women There When You Need Them with Irene

Meet Irene, a genetic genealogist from California, who sought a community of like-minded women to connect with when she discovered the Charmed Life Master Mind. Having followed my work and content for some time, Irene resonated with the productivity and planning strategies I advocate, and she believed the Master Mind would be the perfect fit for her.

Upon joining, Irene found herself surrounded by a community that exceeded her expectations. Not only did she appreciate the ease of accessing direct coaching from me (Alexis, the host of the Master Mind), but she also discovered a group of supportive women eager to collaborate and share their expertise.

What stood out to Irene was the genuine willingness of the community to help each other. Whether it was answering questions, offering advice, or brainstorming solutions, Irene found a wealth of support and camaraderie within the group.

Furthermore, Irene was delighted by the diverse range of topics covered in the Master Mind. From practical strategies for functional planning to explorations of metaphysical concepts like astrology and energetic work, the content resonated with her multifaceted interests and intellectual curiosity.

The holistic and multifaceted nature of the Charmed Life Master Mind perfectly reflected Irene’s own breadth of interests and values. Through our collaborative efforts, Irene found herself not only enhancing her productivity and planning skills but also delving into new areas of personal growth and exploration.

Join Irene and a community of dynamic women in the Charmed Life Master Mind, and experience the power of connection, collaboration, and personal growth.

Learn more about Irene and her experience in this interview.

Productivity and Planning Systems that Work with Karmon

Meet Karmon, a technology team manager who recently relocated to Virginia amidst the challenges of the pandemic. Seeking a planning and productivity-focused community with a strong sense of camaraderie, Karmon found exactly what she was looking for in the Charmed Life Master Mind.

Already familiar with planning, time management, and my work, Karmon felt drawn to the Master Mind’s resources and community. Little did she know that she would soon experience a transformative shift in her approach to productivity.

Attending a class on Vision Boards within the Master Mind, Karmon decided to give it a try, filling her board with ambitious goals for the year. Initially skeptical, she integrated the practice of visualizing her goals into her routine, not expecting immediate results.

To her surprise, Karmon found herself achieving all the goals on her vision board with months to spare in the year. This eye-opening experience left her amazed by the power of mindset and energetics in productivity.

As a practical-minded manager, Karmon had initially approached productivity from a logical standpoint. However, her success with the vision board practice opened her eyes to the holistic approach advocated by the Charmed Life Master Mind. Embracing the mindset and energetics of this wholistic productivity strategy, Karmon became a convert.

Karmon’s journey is a testament to the transformative impact of the Charmed Life Master Mind. Join Karmon and a community of driven individuals, and discover how you too can achieve your goals with ease and grace.

Learn more about Karmon and her experience in this interview.

Productivity Strategies that Work for ADHD with Kimberle

Meet Kimberle, a dedicated mom of three and respiratory therapist living in California. Like many adults diagnosed with ADHD, Kimberle faced the daily struggle of balancing multiple priorities while battling a lack of focus. Feeling overwhelmed by the demands of her busy life, she sought a solution in the Charmed Life Master Mind.

Upon joining the group, Kimberle was pleasantly surprised by the breadth of strategies and topics related to productivity covered in the content. Immersing herself in the work, she began to experience profound mindset shifts that changed her perspective on organizing her time and life.

Through the practice of affirmations and mindset work, Kimberle gained valuable insights into how her ADHD was affecting her focus and productivity. She learned to identify and prioritize high-impact tasks, rather than getting bogged down by insignificant details.

Armed with newfound strategies and shifts in mindset, Kimberle started to create productive routines for her day. Despite her unpredictable work schedule and the challenges of motherhood, she found herself getting more done and feeling more in control.

But Kimberle’s transformation didn’t stop there. Empowered by the Charmed Life Master Mind, she set her sights on manifesting her next home through ongoing mindset practices. With each day, Kimberle is one step closer to realizing her dreams.

Kimberle’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of the Charmed Life Master Mind. Join Kimberle and a supportive community of women, and discover how you too can overcome challenges, increase productivity, and manifest your dreams.

Learn more about Kimberle and her experience in this interview.

A big thank you goes out to each of my master mind sisters who was gracious enough to share their stories with us! Your support and belief in our group means the world to me!

Alexis is Your Virtual Coach & Charmed Life Guru

Imagine that smart, funny and super successful friend who is always sharing the most life-changing tips and time management hacks. The one everyone goes to for advice because she just makes life look so effortless. Yea, that’s Alexis, and she’s your new on-demand coach ready to help you bring your Charmed Life to fruition!

Alexis is a successful online entrepreneur who designs strategic tools to help ambitious women plan for a balanced life and business. She is a blogger, YouTuber and productivity thought leader with a following of over 150,000 and annual views into the millions. 

Alexis is the creator of the Functional Planning Methodology, the Master Plan and CEO Strategy systems, and her work is designed around proven productivity, time management and neuroscience research to help you organize and motivate yourself to achieve your goals and objectives with ease. 

are you ready to experience the life you were meant for?

Join now for classes, resources, and coaching at your fingertips!

Frequently Asked Questions

The Charmed Life Master Mind is an ongoing monthly membership with no end date in sight. 

When you enroll your membership will automatically renew for you on the payment frequency associated with the membership tier you choose, so you never need to worry about loosing access.

You will have access to the master class replays, class materials, resources, inserts etc for as long as you are a member of the Master Mind. You will have unlimited access to the complete library of content and resources shared and produced ongoing as a member.

The Master Classes each month will be held via Zoom. If you have ever been to one of my live workshops on YouTube you know what to expect in terms of my style and the way I structure my classes!

Currently, the monthly Master Classes are held on the first Saturday of the month at 2pm ET/11am PT.

Our monthly Office Hours call is scheduled for the 20th of the month, and if that date lands on a weekday (Mon-Fri) it is held at 7pm ET/4pm PT. If the 20th is a weekend (Sat-Sun), the call is held at 11am ET/8am PT!

Finally, our CEO Power Hour call is scheduled for the last Saturday of the month @ 11am ET/8am PT!

The Charmed Life Master Mind has three subscription options. Pay $396 every 365 days, $120 every 90 days or $44 every 30 days.

After you join the Master Mind, if you don’t enjoy the content, you are more than welcome to cancel your subscription at any time, no questions asked.

Due to the nature of this experience, no refunds will be given once a payment has been made. It is up to you to cancel your membership to prevent a new payment from processing.

No problem! If you miss a class, you will have access to the replay plus all the class materials as soon as it has been uploaded to the course website. If you have questions after viewing the replay- that’s what the Slack community is for, to ask me questions and get answers and resources as necessary to learn and integrate the information.

More from my master mind sisters!


Choose the Membership that Fits Your Budget!


$44 / month

Good Value

$120/ quarter

Better Value
Best Value!

$396/ year