As you probably already know, tomorrow Apple begins selling their new, slimmer, sleeker, faster, dual core, dual camera iPad 2! I, like most Apple fanatics, was in awe of the new model as I watched the event online, but as an owner of a first generation iPad, I had to think long and hard about whether I wanted to shell out another $500 for the newest model, or sell my original iPad to offset the difference. Inevitably, however, I decided that the new iPad 2 was not for me because there was nothing new being offered that I would actually use.
The cameras, while a great addition, are not something I need in my tablet. I have a digital camera that also does great HD video, and a MacBook Pro with iMovie for video editing and Photo Booth for self portrait taking. What I love about my current iPad is that it does everything I need it to do when I am on the go, which means web surfing, emailing, reading, writing, and app use. I can’t say that I have been in a situation yet where I thought to myself, I could really use a camera in this iPad. That doesn’t mean others haven’t been in that situation, but it just isn’t one of my needs and it certainly doesn’t warrant me spending another half a grand at least on a new model.
My opinion of the iPad has always been thus: the device will become what you need it to become, if your willing to open your mind to it. The tremendous success of the iPad has come from the fact that various individuals have been able to use the machine to do a variety of tasks that it was probably never originally expected to do. Since I am already beyond thrilled with the tasks I am able to accomplish with my iPad, I have no use for a new model with a few extra features, and that is that!
Now, to the second part of this post, why I think anyone holding out on the iPad should take the plunge on the iPad 2. Simply put, this new model is the best its going to get in terms of features. Now that the iPad has two cameras and an even faster processor (on top of the fact that the first iPad is still pretty darn fast) there isn’t much more anyone would need that would realistically be put in future models. It’s not like next year Apple is going to install a DVD drive in the machine, thats not the direction tablets are going in. Maybe, just maybe the iPad will get a retina display, but the quality of the current screens is nothing to complain about. The iPad probably won’t get an SD card slot, because it’s not a device centered around expandable memory, but rather ‘in the cloud’ memory.
There is a laundry list of features people think they want in the iPad, but honestly, I don’t see Apple expanding much more. So for anyone who is holding out, all I have to say is to go for the iPad now, and to buy a model with the specs you may need in the future. Max out on internal memory if you think you may need it, and go for then 3G if you can afford it, because their is nothing worse than regretting your purchase and forcing yourself to upgrade sooner than you need. Apple may wish all it’s customers would upgrade their devices every year, but in reality those apple fanatics are few and far between.
Now to go back to something I mentioned earlier, my opinion of the iPad is that it is what you make of it. If you know you want an iPad or think it may be useful to you in some way or another, my best advice is to go with the iPad 2 and begin using and enjoying the device sooner rather than later. I bet you will surprise yourself with the use you get out of it once you have it in your life. It has been such a great device for myself and for so many people that I think it is worth the risk to go for it now!