Using my new Clear iSpot at work today with my iPad. It is actually pretty fast here, despite having only a mid level signal. Although I don’t get good reception with it at my apartment, this will really come in handy at work and while I am out and about. Stay tuned for a full review of the product coming soon!
Back to School Tech Tips
Feeling Blue*

Out of all the cases out there, Speck was the one that fit my needs perfectly. I needed a strong, durable case to keep my Macbook Pro protected from daily use and I needed a case with a smooth finish because I hate the feeling of the bare aluminum unibody Macbook. It feels too fragile and rough to the touch. Speck hardshell cases give me a smooth plastic finish that I like. Now while this hard-shell will be more prone to showing scratches and scuff then Speck’s satin cases, it is a sacrifice I am okay with because in the end those scratches are on a plastic case, not my Macbook Pro which is still spotless after nearly a year of use.Now sadly Speck no long carries the blue case in their lineup. But you can still get a few of Amazon or MyGearStore but be sure you are getting a case for the exact model your laptop is since they cases will vary for each one. And one point about the blue cases is in the pictures online the case appears to be a baby blue, but in person its much darker and even teal. It is an amazing and unique color perfect for women and men.
The only downsides to the Speck case are every now an again tiny particle or dirt, dust, ect can gen in between the case and the laptop. This is especially true with the bottom as it has openings for cooling. And if you don’t take off the case every week or two and clean this out you can get tiny tiny black marks which I assume are scratches. I have a few of these on my laptop and they are hardly noticeable so I’m not too worried. Also, since I’ve had this happen to me, I wish the bottom was secured by more or bigger clasps as they seem a little on the small side. Hopefully with a little more TLC this case will stay on better than the last. Still despite these two downfalls if your in the market for a rock solid case that has a smooth hardshell finish, Speck is the way to go hands down.
iPad Cases in Review and a GIVEAWAY!
Philadelphia Apple Store Grand Opening!
A new Apple Store has just opened 1.3 miles away from my apartment. Yay! So of course the bf and I are here. I’m so impressed with the turnout- the line goes down the block and around the corner!
Ladies, Win an iPad!
SGP Argos Images
My iPad Case: SGP Argos
As soon as I placed my order for the iPad, I realized the hunt had begun to find the perfect case for it. I had seen a lot of what the major brands had to offer, and although I initially settled on a few different choices from the usual selection of Apple case makers, I wasn’t entirely pleased, until I found the SGP Argos. In all fairness I owe it to my wonderful boyfriend, who occasionally contributes to this blog, for the find. He found in 5 minutes, what I was unable to locate for weeks.
5 Reasons Why the iPad is a Magical and Revolutionary Device.
1. Battery Life
When Apple said the iPad could go 10 hours on a charge, they weren’t kidding. In a world were so many of our wireless devices can only go a few hours before requiring an outlet, its mind blowing to have a device that you can use heavily for a matter of days without needing to refuel its energy supply. I have surfed the web for hours, watched a movie, read ebooks and played with multiple apps, all without having to stop and recharge. Its funny because I will frequently find myself looking up at the battery indicator, sure that its time to plug in, but find I still have plenty of life left on the device.
2. 9.7 inch back-lit multitouch display=WOW
The screen is the life of any device, and although we have gotten used to our small touch screens in our phones and iPod touches, there is nothing to compare to the iPads screen. It may not be high def, but it certainly seems that way. I have been keeping the screens brightness at about 33% because the screen is just so vivid and honestly, my eyes are just not used to soo much bright color. The multitouch is amazing, similar to its smaller siblings, but soo much more sensitive with the 360 degree rotation, the device is simply speedy. It makes games that much more enjoyable, browsing a breeze and reading more relaxing.
3. Virtual Keyboard
Although there is a bit of a learning curve with the virtual keyboard, it truly sets the device apart from the iPhone/iPod Touch lines. Where once the virtual keyboard was an element useful only for short messages, texts, and tweets, the full size version on the iPad is a productivity tool. Although it lacks the tactile touch sensations we are all used to with a full sized computer, once you get used to the adjusted layout and begin to trust yourself and the amazing auto-correct, you will be on your way to getting things done with your iPad.
4. Portability
The iPad is certainly the most portable computing device I have ever owned. It may not cover 100% of my needs and replace a laptop or desktop computer, but it does cover a good 90% of them. It certainly covers everything I use my laptop for when I am taking it out of the house. Word processing, internet browsing, organization, entertainment, and then some, all in a lightweight, slim package that fits even in my smaller purses- and thats a place my 13″ Macbook Pro could never go.
5. Apps, Apps and More Apps
Its no secret that the key to your computing experience is in the applications you use, whether you be using an iPad, smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer, Mac, PC, or Linux, your device can only take you as far as your application will permit. Right now, I have 82 items in my applications folder on my Macbook Pro, of those items, I use about 10-15 of them on a regular basis. My iPad in comparison has maybe 50 applications that I have downloaded for it since I purchased the iPad, and I use most of them everyday. On top of that, there are a plethora of applications out their for the iPad that I haven’t even seen yet, and God knows how many more applications will be added to the App Store by the end of this year, let alone the rest of this month! There is no hiding the fact that the apps make the device, and when the sky is the limit to what developers will create for the iPad, the sky is the limit for what the iPad can become. To me, that feels like magic!
{Oh, and if those weren’t enough reasons… I blogged this from my iPad.}