No iPad for me!

So, I’m currently sitting on a Bolt Bus on the way home from NYC, totally devistated because there were no ipads at the 5th Avenue Apple store. I have concluded that I will just never get an ipad at this point, that is, until the 2nd gen model comes out and I preorder it like a sane person would!

Cousy’s Vid of the Week 6/11

As most of you that spend more than 3 seconds on the internet know, the web is a great place to find cool and funny videos of whatever your heart desires. The web as provided a great breeding ground for artists and comedians to share their work with the entire world. That’s why the Pink Mac wants to share with you some of our personal favorite videos we have found on the interwebs in the past 7 days.

No big intro here, just a video mocking the incompetence of BP. Enjoy.

Google Bans Microsoft Windows.

In a shocking blow for Microsoft, yesterday it was revealed that Google is now banning the use of Windows on office computers for security purposes. Apparently, Google believes that hackers in China were able to gain access to email accounts due to flaws in Windows security, and to prevent this from happening in the future have approved the use of Apple’s OS X and Linux OS only. Now, I realise this is only one company taking a drastic measure, but I have a feeling that this might cause a slight wave of change for some other tech companies as well. Google, after all, is a giant and if they have taken this step, to me the question is not who else will follow, but how soon?
{Image via Flickr}

Cousy’s Vid of the Week 5/28

As most of you that spend more than 3 seconds on the internet know, the web is a great place to find cool and funny videos of whatever your heart desires. The web as provided a great breeding ground for artists and comedians to share their work with the entire world. That’s why the Pink Mac wants to share with you some of our personal favorite videos we have found on the interwebs in the past 7 days.

Its a sad day in the Mac advertising world. The popular “Get a Mac” commecials, featuring John Hodges as the bumbling PC and Justin Long as the suave Mac, have finally ended. No longer will we hear the familiar “Hello, I’m a Mac” on our TV’s and computers as Apple has decided to move on. The ads have even been removed from Apple’s website. So this video is a tribute to some of the great laughs and lines this little mini-series has given us. Enjoy.


Bonus Video of the Week!

In honor of both the end of the “Get a Mac” series and the end of the trip for the Pink Mac staff to Europe, I wanted to share with you all the British version of the “Get a Mac” series. That’s right, Justin Long and John Hodges were not the ones seen around the globe. In England the stars of the ads were from the comedy duo Mitchell and Webb. David Mitchell plays the failing PC and Robert Webb is the ever cool Mac. Most of the commercials were used with the exact same scripts for the US and UK versions, just different actors. However, some were changed to fit in with some of the local lingo and sayings – as extremely evident in this commercial. Again, enjoy!

European Vacation!

As I said in my Vid of the Week post last Saturday, half of the Pink Mac staff has left the office for a week-long stay in Europe! I was not in that half unfortunately and I am currently still state-side. Its okay though… Anyway, turns out that this Friday, May 28th the iPad is being release in Europe! And how perfect is it that on Friday the Pink Mac will be in London! Perhaps we could see a post, pictures, or even a video from the launch event! No promises on that yet, because they are on vacation so it isn’t a top priority but lets hope they find the time to find an Apple store! Still they were nice enough to send us some photos they took around Europe of the ads Apple has placed in the cities. Very cool.

London (left) and Paris (right) ads for the May 28th launch of the iPad

Want a free iPod?

Every year Apple releases a promotion around this time to get college student’s to buy a Mac. This year is no different because I just received an e-mail from Apple announcing the return of the summer offer to students. Starting today, May 25th until September 7th if you buy any Mac computer you can receive any iPod product for free after a mail-in rebate.

Now the ad says iPod Touch but upon reading the terms and conditions it states rebates apply for iPod Touches, Classics, Nanos, and Shuffles. The only difference is the price of the rebate which will match the model you buy. Now while I would recommend getting the better $199 device for free as opposed to the $79 shuffle, its your call and either one will work for the rebate! Also, it turns out you don’t have to be a college student to get this offer. Here is how who is eligible breaks it down:

  • If you are an employee of a public or private K–12 institution in the United States. Also school board members who are currently serving as elected or appointed members, PTA or PTO executives currently serving as elected or appointed are eligible.
  • With higher education – faculty, staff, and students attending, or accepted into a higher education institution are eligible.
  • And even parents purchasing on behalf of their child, who is a student currently attending or accepted into a public or private higher education institution in the United States, are eligible.
So there are a lot of ways for anyone to get this offer, just be smart and bring some proof with you to the Apple store so they believe you. I know first hand as a college student myself that a simple College ID will work. For the rest of the info go here to the Apple Back to School site to find out all the additional information. Also if there are any questions on the right side of the page under the 1 2 3 steps, there is a link to the Terms and Conditions. Happy shopping!


The following takes place between 10:54pm and 10:56pm

This isn’t so much a post as it is a comment I feel compelled to type out right now. For the past 5 years my favorite show on TV has been 24. The thrilling show about a man fighting terrorism, corruption, and evil to make to world a better place. That show ended tonight after 8 seasons and it is sad to see it go. It was time though, no doubt about that. Ratings were dipping down a bit, the flow of Emmys stopped, and the story lines were starting to repeat every now and again (seriously how many moles did CTU have?). No, it’s time for 24 to go out while on top then slowly die out.

Tonight’s episode did not go the way I had predicted, and don’t worry there are no spoilers in this post! It seemed to perfectly encompass all the show has done and stood for for the past 9 years. From cheering people’s demise and fall, to crying over the emotions and feelings shown by true friends, this week’s episode was perfect. Every week the show has been a roller coaster of emotions throwing you down to crying back up to cheering in less then one hour. And in the show was a message that no matter what, good always one and honesty, integrity, and valor were the true good forces in the world and in ourselves that we all must strive to improve and participate in. I will truly miss it and I while I doubt anyone from the show would read this post – I must put it out there and thank all those who made this show possible. It was a masterpiece and I will miss it very much.

Now, all that’s left to do is wait for the 24 movie to come out. Until then I’ll be filling my Netflix queue with seasons 1-8 to see it again, and a few I missed along the way.


Cousy’s Vid of the Week 5/22

As most of you that spend more than 3 seconds on the internet know, the web is a great place to find cool and funny videos of whatever your heart desires. The web as provided a great breeding ground for artists and comedians to share their work with the entire world. That’s why the Pink Mac wants to share with you some of our personal favorite videos we have found on the interwebs in the past 7 days.

Okay yes, this post is one day late so it should really be the past 8 days. Sorry for the delay, but it’s been a little hectic around the Pink Mac Office with half of the staff going to Europe for the week. I hope when they get back they have some good post ideas for you all on Euro-tech. We’ll see. As for this week as per usual my attempts to post a video tech-related will probably fall flat on its face. (There is a Macbook in the video… does that count?) This video is from the web-sketch-series-show-thing The Key of Awesome! The Key of Awesome is a part of Barely Political, famous for Obama Girl and Auto-Tune the News. The Key of Awesome, now on its 20th episode (not including behind the scenes) brings us fun and creative parodies of songs, movies, and artists. Whether they are making fun of Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, or Batman, The Key of Awesome does an amazing job being creative, original, and down right funny. This week they parodied Owl City’s song “Fireflies”. Hope you enjoy and please visit their Youtube page to see more awesome videos!


Bonus Video of the Week!

Okay yes, like every week has a bonus video and the post should be called “Cousy’s Vids of the Week”. I’ll try to cut it down from now on. This week though I wanted to give you guys a song that I love and can’t stop listening to… and it relates to the video above. I love the Postal Service song “Such Great Heights” and was really impressed by the cover of the song by Iron & Wine. I think the Iron & Wine version is a little better in fact. So here is a fan made video using the movie “The Garden State”, which I the song is in (but I’ve yet to see that movie so please correct me if I am wrong). This guy’s video really captures the feeling of the Iron & Wine version and puts it perfectly with the imagery of the movie. Unfortunately the video ends for some reason at then end of the song – nothing really is cut off but it is missing a little. Here is a link of the full song with lyrics. But please enjoy this video too!


Google always has impressed me with the wide variety of logos they could make for their homepage. For the first day of summer, Halloween, or some obscure holiday, there is always something interesting spelling out G-O-O-G-L-E. A while back Google put a new twist on the logo for Issac Newton’s birthday. Google introduced their first animated logo with an apple falling from a tree and it was fun to see them do something different. Today’s logo does everything completely different and blows and every other logo away with how awesome it is.

Today is the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man, so to celebrate the game you get to play it. Google made a Pac-Man map to spell out Google, but if that wasn’t cool enough you can actually start the game and play it like a normal Pac-Man game. So okay, its a little buggy (ghosts seem to avoid me rather than attack me and I walked right into the Pink one and didn’t die) but it is still amazing that they did this. So please if you have a spare moment, get your self to and play today! Because it will only last a few more hours!!!

Oh and a little Easter Egg – Hit insert coin twice to add a second player with Mrs. Pac-Man!


And if you missed it here is a video of a person playing the game. Oh and the left button says – Google Search – like always, but the right one says instead – Insert Coin