Perhaps I like this style: Hello Lulu 10+.
On the Case: Incase Nylon Sleeve Plus.
The Search Begins: Knomo.
Pink Out.
Tick Tock!
Hyper Drive.
A Slight Addiction.
First of all, in mid January I started my new job. Really, it was my first real job out of college with benefits and office hours and all that jazz. It was really exciting but of course it drains much time out of my previously wide open schedule and on top of that, although I do have access to internet at work, it is very difficult to blog while I am here (I am blogging this from work right now because I snuck in the time for it!)
Second, I spend way too much time with my boyfriend. I know that sounds pathetic, but when I get home from work I am always talking to him, and although he is a blogger as well, we both have neglected our duties recently and are well aware that we need to change our ways!
Finally, and really the biggest reason I have avoided blogging lately is because of my new found addiction that I am finally willing to own up to. I am now a World of Warcraft addict and it is pretty bad! I guess I could blame my bf for this one as well since he was the one who got me into it by inviting me to download one of those 10 day free trials of the game, of course after only a few days I was hooked and ran out to the store to get the full version of the game. My addiction has recently escalating though, as just last week I went out to the store and bought Burning Crusade and Lich King so that I could do more things with my character. Honestly, I was a little surprised at myself for liking the game this much. I know there are soo few girls that play WoW and I had always thought it humorous that anyone would spend such an exorbitant amount of time and effort on a computer game, but that all changed very quickly in my mind and now I have a level 48 human warlock along with a myriad of other alternative characters. I guess since WoW is tech related I should really be covering my experience with it on this blog, and so hopefully if there are other female tech geeks who like World of Warcraft and want to bond over it I would love to hear from you!
So hopefully this is my leap back into blogging after being so far away from my blogs for the past few weeks. I look forward to hearing from any ladies out there who play WoW and want to share their experiences with me and this blog!