5 Common Planning Mistakes to Avoid if You want to be #ProductiveAF
As much as I love and recommend using a planner, there are some very common planning mistakes I see people (including myself) make that can end up seriously derailing your time and task management.
The 5 Common Planning Mistakes Are:
Thinking your planner is your scrapbook or journal
Failing to use your check your planner
Using too few inserts for your needs
Writing down too many tasks for a day
Planning without pre-planning
To learn more about each of these issues and how to start solving them, check out my YouTube video on the subject!
It’s not easy being an ambitious working woman in today’s society. Women have more responsibilities on their shoulders now than they ever have that can make planning feel impossible and overwhelming, which is why goal getters like you and I need to stick together!
If you would like more guidance, support and inspiration for living your best life, I welcome you to join the Productivity + Planning Mastermind!
This is what I created the Mastermind for:
To be a safe space for women like you and I who see beyond the surface of our societal expectations, challenge the accepted norms, and know there is a better way to live.
It’s a place for support, encouragement, accountability and ongoing personal development for us to continue challenging accepted norms and choosing our own unique path to success.
→ The Mastermind includes so many resources to help you on your journey, from multiple live calls each month, to on-demand strategies, tools, and even a complete course on productivity!
→ We have our own private chat forum where we connect and discuss topics ranging from planning, metaphysics, mindset, and wellness.
→ We have a monthly book club to help nurture a growth mindset and continue to learn.
→ We even have a dedicated group for small business CEOs to learn and connect as well!
→ The best part is, when you join the Mastermind, you get immediate access to the entire library of resources, masterclasses and bonus materials that I have been creating since it’s launch.
→ There is no waiting, content isn’t dripped to you, it’s all there for you to explore and access on-demand as you please.
→ And of course I am there as well for guidance and to answer your questions along the way.
When you know better, you do better.
Are you ready to do better for yourself, your family and your future by committing to your personal development to become the best woman, mother, spouse, sister, daughter, aunt and friend that you can be?
When you work from home, the line between work and home begins to blur very quickly, and with it go many of our productive work habits that we had in place when we worked outside of the home.
There are plenty of different productive habits I hear about that are suggested for people who work from home, but much of the usual advice you hear is a lot of extra fluff that really just wastes our time. Sure, in a perfect world were we all have unlimited time, energy and willpower, we could all wake up early, go for a run, shower, cook all our meals from scratch, clean our homes, do it all and of course be super productive at the same time.
But the reality of the situation is that most of us need to prioritize and make hard choices throughout the day for how we will spend our time. It’s not that most of us don’t want to do it all, but it’s that we just don’t have the time and energy to get it all done.
Working from home presents a unique challenge to productivity because being at home gives you the illusion that you have more time or have the ability to do more for your personal and home life while you are at work than you might be able to do if you worked outside the home. But this mindset can get us into trouble with our time and energy management, stealing time from our work, and keeping us from truly feeling finished with our work at the same time.
So, I have landed on 7 Productive Habits that truly do make an impact on your work and quality of life when you are working from home.
Set a reasonable wake up time:Notice I didn’t say, set an early wake up time. Look, you work from home and you have no commute, so you can spend an adequate amount of time sleeping so that your energy is as high as it needs to be for the day. Don’t skimp on sleep, it’s one of the most productive things you do in a day.
Plan your day in the morning:Research shows that you make better plans when you plan in the morning rather than at the end of your workday for the following day. It’s because those who plan at the end of their days often have a lot of decision fatigue and they aren’t the best judge of their plans. So, make your plans in the morning before you get to work, set aside 15 minutes at about the same time each day (set an alarm if need be) and start establishing this productive habit.
Set a consistent work schedule: One of the major struggles of working from home is having a clear boundary around work time and home time. So, set a consistent work schedule for when you will begin working each day, when you will take breaks and when you will stop working each day.
Take regular breaks where you relax and recharge:Your work breaks should be focused on your rest and giving you a chance to recharge your energy so you can continue to do consistent work throughout your day. Don’t take your breaks to do personal tasks, your breaks need to be for you.
Set boundaries to limit the personal tasks you work on during your workday:Now, I understand that the convenience of working from home means you have the ability to work on some personal tasks throughout your day, but you need to keep these tasks to an essential minimum and plan them into your schedule separate from your breaks.
Organize your workspace at the end of your day: For those of us who work from home, it’s often hard for us to stop our work for the day even if we have a set end time. In order to trigger us to actually close up our work for the day, I like to use a cue like organizing my workspace and preparing it for the next days work to help me shift out of work mind and into home mind.
I hope you find these 7 Productive Habits to Establish if You Work From Home helpful!
There is ONE MORE THING I think you will find helpful if you are an at-home worker that isn’t a habit, but a resource!
If you work from home and you are missing the company and socialization of co-workers, I highly recommend joining an accountability group to act as your virtual work family. I know for some of us, we work solo without co-workers, but even if you work with a team virtually, it still isn’t always clear that these co-workers are available for socialization the same way they might be within an office setting.
So, for that reason, having a group of virtual on-demand accountabilities buddies is a guaranteed way to get the support and socialization you need during your workday and beyond!
It’s not easy being an ambitious working woman in today’s society. Women have more responsibilities on their shoulders now then they ever have, which is why goal getters like you and I need to stick together!
If you would like more guidance, support and inspiration for living your best life, I welcome you to join the Productivity + Planning Mastermind!
This is what I created the Mastermind for:
To be a safe space for women like you and I who see beyond the surface of our societal expectations, challenge the accepted norms, and know there is a better way to live.
It’s a place for support, encouragement, accountability and ongoing personal development for us to continue challenging accepted norms and choosing our own unique path to success.
→ The Mastermind includes so many resources to help you on your journey, from multiple live calls each month, to on-demand strategies, tools, and even a complete course on productivity!
→ We have our own private chat forum where we connect and discuss topics ranging from planning, metaphysics, mindset, and wellness.
→ We have a monthly book club to help nurture a growth mindset and continue to learn.
→ We even have a dedicated group for small business CEOs to learn and connect as well!
→ The best part is, when you join the Mastermind, you get immediate access to the entire library of resources, masterclasses and bonus materials that I have been creating since it’s launch.
→ There is no waiting, content isn’t dripped to you, it’s all there for you to explore and access on-demand as you please.
→ And of course I am there as well for guidance and to answer your questions along the way.
When you know better, you do better.
Are you ready to do better for yourself, your family and your future by committing to your personal development to become the best woman, mother, spouse, sister, daughter, aunt and friend that you can be?
Whether you know it or not, you have a morning routine.
We all do, no matter if we intentionally chose the steps we take in the morning to get ready for the day, or if we roll out of bed and haphazardly throw ourselves together before running out the door. The routine is there, I never said it had to be a good one.
There are many reasons why we would want to take the time to intentionally craft ourselves a rather nice morning routine, the most prevalent reason would be for the sake of productivity.
It is said that how you spend your mornings sets the tone for the day, and so filling this crucial time with important preparations and planning for the rest of the day seems very sensible. Get your day organized in the morning and the rest of the day will just flow according to plan, right?
That’s pretty much the idea.
And so, like most people, I took this morning routine advice seriously for a long time, until I began to feel like the energy of this advice was a little off.
You see, I understand the concept of a morning routine is to set yourself up for a successful day, to get yourself mentally, physically and strategically ready to hit the ground running on your day as quickly and efficiently as possible.
But this energy, to me, feels like we are saying that our day doesn’t start until after our morning routine is finished. Like the routine itself is a task to get through so you can then take on the real tasks and work that come next.
I really don’t like that vibe at all.
I want my day to feel like it’s starting from the moment I wake up. I want to feel like my morning routine is something I can look forward to. Important me time that I eagerly want to jump out of bed for!
And so I realized that the concept of a morning routine really wasn’t cutting it for me, and so I decided instead to upgrade my morning routine into a High Vibe Morning Ritual instead!
Doesn’t that just feel more intentional and magical than a bland morning routine?
Of course, practically speaking much of the activities are similar, but there are a few key distinctions that really make an impact on this shift.
#1. Look forward to your day:I want your morning ritual to be the first reason you’re excited to jump out of bed in the morning, so choose your morning activities based on how they energize and inspire you, not based on measures for productivity. Think about how you would spend your ideal morning if you were on vacation and adapt that idea for your morning ritual.
#2. Slow down your schedule:Normally, we are trying to push through our morning routine quickly to start our day, but to turn your morning in a ritual, you need to slow everything down. There is no rush. The day will come whether you move quickly or not, and although you may feel the pressure to move rapidly, that is only draining your energy more. Slow down, relax, and allow yourself to experience pleasure in your morning activities.
#3. Treat yourself like the number one priority:If you spend your morning doing more for other people or meeting external expectations than doing for yourself, no wonder you are exhausted before the day has even begun. You need to set yourself up for success in the morning in every way possible. Make your morning ritual about self-care in as many ways as you can. You are worth the time and effort.
#4. Upgrade your ambience:You deserve to spend time in a space that inspires and uplifts you and there are a number of ways you can achieve this. Light candles, diffuse oils, listen to relaxing music or an energizing morning rampage audio. Your outer environment reflects your inner environment, so make your morning space a place that reflects and supports the best of you.
#5. Make it about mindset:Everything you do as part of your morning ritual should reflect back on the mindset you want to cultivate for yourself. You are a smart, strong capable woman. You deserve to be prioritized. Your physical wellbeing is a top priority for you. You are eager to get started achieving your goals each day. You are worthy of everything you desire. That is just a little taste of the mindset you could be establishing and reflecting through your morning ritual. In order to build up a collection of personal beliefs like this, I think it’s great to journal each day as part of your ritual. Putting pen to paper and writing what you want to achieve and believe about the way the world gets to work for you in incredibly powerful.
Living your high vibe dream life isn’t always easy
It’s not easy being an ambitious high vibe woman in today’s society. Women have more responsibilities on their shoulders now then they ever have, which is why goal getters like you and I need to stick together!
If you would like more guidance, support and inspiration for living your High Vibe life, I welcome you to join the Productivity + Planning Mastermind!
This is what I created the Mastermind for.
To be a safe space for women like you and I who see beyond the surface of our societal expectations, challenge the accepted norms, and know there is a better way to live.
It’s a place for support, encouragement, accountability and ongoing personal development for us to continue challenging accepted norms and choosing our own unique path to success.
→ The Mastermind includes so many resources to help you on your journey, from multiple live calls each month, to on-demand strategies, tools, and even a complete course on productivity!
→ We have our own private chat forum where we connect and discuss topics ranging from planning, metaphysics, mindset, and wellness.
→ We have a monthly book club to help nurture a growth mindset and continue to learn.
→ We even have a dedicated group for small business CEOs to learn and connect as well!
→ The best part is, when you join the Mastermind, you get immediate access to the entire library of resources, masterclasses and bonus materials that I have been creating since it’s launch.
→ There is no waiting, content isn’t dripped to you, it’s all there for you to explore and access on-demand as you please.
→ And of course I am there as well for guidance and to answer your questions along the way.
When you know better, you do better.
Are you ready to do better for yourself, your family and your future by committing to your personal development to become the best woman, mother, spouse, sister, daughter, aunt and friend that you can be?
During my last live CEO Power Hour on YouTube, I mentioned that one of my major intentions for the month of June is to Rest + Manifest.
Rest + Manifest means that I am going to intentionally slow down each day, focus on self-care and the way I feel, and through the cultivation of more ease into my life, manifest more abundance, expansion, and opportunities.
Although I know I do a good job of keeping my business and daily tasks simple and streamlined, I have been feeling the desire to go bigger with my business this year. Bigger in terms of impact, but of course, bigger in terms of income as well.
My word for 2021 is E X P A N S I O N (written out that way for extra effect) and part of my expansion for the year was to go bigger with my business, to reach further, to grow in new directions, to take on more and show up more for my community.
I still hold true to my core desire NOT to hustle and work all day.
But, as of late, I’ve been feeling like I have to do more and work more to reach this level, and it’s causing me to feel burnt out by the end of the week.
I don’t like this feeling, I know it’s not necessary. I know I can have the expansion and continue to work at my usual leisurely pace, but I’ve been getting so caught up in doing that I continue to do more and more.
And something I’ve found to be very true, is that when we are focused on tasks and what we have to get done, tasks end up being a never ending source of work.
I hate planning based on tasks because whatever you focus on expands, so focusing on the tasks you have to complete each day just brings more and more tasks, which brings the need for more and more hustle.
I really need to slow down.
Hence Rest + Manifest.
Building Business Systems to Simplify Sales & Marketing
Slowing down doesn’t mean I won’t continue to expand, and it doesn’t mean I won’t continue to do my work, but I need to take the focus away from my tasks and start converting my work into building more systems.
Systems make tasks disappear, and when tasks disappear, I have less work for the same impact, which means I can expand away without needing to hustle.
So here are the systems I plan to put in place this month:
→ Live Launch/Promotion System: I am going to create a complete process for my live promotions or launches, including templates for marketing materials, emails, and content marketing.
Many businesses have a team or bring on specific support for launches and promotions. I don’t have or desire a team, and I’ve successfully completed many 5 figure campaigns without assistance. I just need to sit down and map a system for them with templates to help me batch this type of work in the future so I am not scrambling around doing extra work every time I decide to run a promotion.
→ Instagram Marketing: I am going to create a turn key system for creating content and also for marketing/selling via Instagram.
For years I’ve been pretty lax about my Instagram content creation. Having an editorial calendar with my ideas planned out was the extent of my Instagram strategy. Again, this served me well enough for a long time, but I think it’s time for me to start treating Instagram the way I treat my blog and have templates ready and a system for what I am going to post when.
→ YouTube Marketing:I am going to create some simple video ads to market specific products and opt-ins through my YouTube videos without having to record individual CTAs for each video.
YouTube is without a doubt my biggest source of sales when I actually take the time to sell in my videos. But, I don’t want all my content to revolve around selling per se. So, I think that by creating a few short video ads for products, it will make it easier for me to sell via YouTube more often without turning the entire video into a contrived sales pitch. I can just edit the ad into the video at the appropriate point without ruining the flow of my filming.
Rest & Manifest
Another element that will play a key role in my Rest + Manifest intention for June is to upgrade my Morning Routine into a Morning Ritual.
The two terms may seem interchangeable, but to me there is a significant difference in a routine and a ritual.
The intention of a Ritual is much more potent than a simple routine.
And for my new Morning Ritual, I will of course be focusing much more on my self-care and mindset work.
Now, I plan to outline my new Morning Ritual in a dedicated post on Thursday, so if you want to learn more about creating a high vibe morning ritual, you’ll have to come back then!
Do you every feel overwhelmed by all the tasks you have to manage for your business and personal life?
If you’re like me, you started your own business in order to live a different lifestyle than the norm. You wanted the flexibility of time and location freedom, being able to work when you wanted, where you wanted, so you would have time to prioritize other areas of your life. Breaking free of the 9-5 life was freeing until I realized without a solid time management strategy and strong prioritization skills I could easily work on my business 16 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Does simply looking at your to-do list give you anxiety? Like tasks are multiplying faster than you can complete them and you are continually sacrificing time with your family, self-care or sleep in order to simply tread water in your business. With so many tasks to finish, how do you what you should be working on each day?
Has the overwhelm of managing your business caused you to slow or completely stall progress on your business goals? You are afraid to take action on your projects because nothing works out the way you expected it would and all you see are problems that you don’t feel capable to address.
Are you constantly stuck on what types of content marketing you should be doing to grow your audience? Your content calendar is usually empty, you wait until the last minute to write your posts but come up blank or you completely skip out on content creation all together because the process is just too time consuming.
What if there was an easier way to run your business?
Imagine waking up in the morning after a full nights sleep, rested and ready to take on the day. You are excited to start work on your business because you are clear on your priorities and have systems in place that make your work much more manageable (and, dare I say, even fun?)
Imagine waking up to a business reality where you feel in control and in charge of your business, like the inspired and aligned CEO you always intended to be.
Your business is thriving, you have time to take your work slow and get the results you are looking for. Your home life is well-managed and your personal relationships are thriving.
At the end of the day, your head hits the pillow grateful and content, knowing that you created this reality and that you can create whatever else you desire tomorrow!
If you are struggling to plan and manage a balanced life and business, I have the solution for you!
Introducing the CEO Strategy Bundle:A three masterclass series covering time management, mindset, and marketing strategies to streamline your business, so you can finally live a balanced life!
The CEO Strategy Bundle is designed to equip you with the tools, strategies and lessons that you need to intentionally create a balanced and profitable life + business…
So you can:
✔︎ Take Charge of Your Time: Clearly understand your roles as a business owner, the specific tasks to focus on through each phase of your business and to set reasonable expectations to achieve true work/life balance.
✔︎ Master Your Mindset: Get into alignment with your purpose, identify and overcome limiting beliefs holding you back from showing up for your business, and master the energetic secrets of productivity that help you triumph over your to-do list once and for all.
✔︎ Expand Your Marketing: Develop your unique messaging to stand out in your niche, quickly create a full calendar of impactful content marketing that sells in just a few hours per week, and show up on purpose and on message to grow your brand and audience.
Here’s what you’ll get:
→CEO Strategy Masterclass: Learn how to manage your time, energy and expectations as a business owner so you can lead a balanced life.
→CEO Mindset Masterclass: Become a master of your own mindset, overcome and reprogram limiting beliefs holding you back from taking action on your desired life + business.
→CEO Content Calendar Masterclass: Streamline your content to keep your audience and revenue growing without overwhelming your schedule or spending money on ads.
Take back control of your life + business with proven strategies that will keep you balanced, focused and on track!
Stop choosing between your business and your personal life, and start embracing the strategies that can keep you balanced and successful in all areas of your life!
There are just a handful of days left in May before June begins and so now is the time to get started on your monthly business planning!
If you are like me, creating your monthly plan can take quite a bit of time over the course of a few days. During my monthly CEO Strategy planning session:
I schedule out my monthly events
Populate my editorial calendar with great content ideas across all of my platforms
ID and break down my objectives
Compile a complete list of tasks I need to work on
Allocate time for each of my objectives and all of my work across the month
So, it’s a lot of work that I often start on a few days before the new month begins. I realize, I could cut down on this work by planning out certain aspects of my monthly calendar on a quarterly basis, but with the way I run my business, I know I’d be making multiple changes to a more long term plan, so it’s better for me to stick to monthly planning.
CEO Power Hour: June Business Planning
In this workshop, I am going to walk you through a series of questions and activities to help you celebrate your wins, set intentions for the next month, and get clear on the objectives and tasks you need to work on in June to make progress on your annual goals!
We are going to be doing some goal setting and planning together for a more balanced life and business, following my CEO Strategy methodology.
At the end of the session, I even do some live business coaching!
If you already receive my weekly email, then no need to sign up again, you will receive an email the morning of the live Power Hour with the direct link + free worksheet.
You have a planner, you write things down and check things off, but you’re not seeing much of an improvement on your productivity.
You aren’t getting more done as far as you can tell.
You aren’t achieving more goals.
You still have the same struggles, distractions and obstacles.
Because as hundreds of planner babes in my community learned on Saturday in my Free Productivity Assessment Workshop, GOOD PLANNING DOES NOT EQUAL GOOD TIME MANAGEMENT!
There is more to productivity than having and using a planner.
In fact, there are 7 Core Productivity Competencies that actually affect various areas that we commonly measure our productivity by and skills to develop that will help you improve your planning, time management, boundaries, confidence and energy.
If you think you know what productivity issues you struggle with, or think you have good time management skills, prepare yourself for an eye opening experience.
Over a thousand women in my community have already taken the assessment and many of them reported their surprise at the results.
→ The Mastermind Membership is where you can work with me to get ongoing support, resources and tools to overcome your productivity obstacles and live your most successful life!
I’m excited for you to take the Productivity Assessment, learn what’s really holding you back from getting things done, and can’t wait to see you inside the Mastermind!!
Feel free to leave me a comment or shoot me an email if you have any questions!
Today, I want to give you a peak inside my planner to see how I track recurring monthly tasks, and the insert I use to keep this information organized for me.
Recurring monthly tasks are those items that we only need to do usually once a month or perhaps less frequently. They could be payments or bills, but they can also be life tasks that you only need to work on about once a month, and even in those cases, they may not happen on a specific set schedule.
I personally like to keep track of when I complete these sorts of recurring tasks on their own tracker for piece of mind that I know things are getting done and so that I have a reference of what date each month I did the task, if it’s important to keep that information.
Here are some examples of the Recurring Monthly Tasks that I track:
Dog grooming, nails, teeth: I do my dog grooming myself, which consists of bathing, cutting nails, brushing teeth etc but I don’t always do these tasks together or on a set date.
Dog Food: I make my dogs wet food, and one batch usually lasts me around 6 weeks, so I like to track the last time I made the food to help me anticipate when I may need to do it next.
Business Finances: This means going through and totaling up all my income and expenses to make tax time a little easier. It’s something I try to get to once a month.
Washing my car: I don’t have a set schedule for washing my car, but I do like to track the last time I did it so I know how long it has been.
Posting new freebies: This is a task I do each month but the day I do it may vary, so I track it for my own peace of mind.
Manual payments: Most of my bills are on autopay or have a specific due date that I am aware of, but I do currently have one bill that is a one off-manual payment where the due date varies and I like to track that I paid it each month and the date I did so.
Now, the specific insert I use to track these recurring monthly tasks is a Yearly Task Tracker of my own design. It has space to write out the task and then large boxes for each month of the year so that you can either check off the task the months they have been completed or write in the date you completed the task.
As you can see from the image above, I do a mix of checking off tasks and writing in the dates. If I feel like it’s necessary to have the date for reference I like to write it in. I find that particularly helpful for certain tasks and bills.
To be a safe space for women like you and I who see beyond the surface of our societal expectations and know there is a better way to live.
It’s a place for support, encouragement, accountability and ongoing personal development for us to continue challenging accepted norms and choosing our own unique path to success.
→ The Mastermind includes so many resources to help you on your journey, from multiple live calls each month, to on-demand strategies, tools, and even a complete course on productivity!
→ We have our own private chat forum where we connect and discuss topics ranging from planning, metaphysics, mindset, and wellness.
→ We even have a monthly book club!
→ And the best part is, when you join the Mastermind, you get immediate access to the entire library of resources, masterclasses and bonus materials that I have been creating since it’s launch.
→ There is no waiting, content isn’t dripped to you, it’s all there for you to explore and access on-demand as you please.
→ And of course I am there as well for guidance and to answer your questions along the way.
When you know better, you do better.
Are you ready to do better for yourself, your family and your future by committing to your personal development to become the best woman, mother, spouse, sister, daughter, aunt and friend that you can be?
Did you know that reading is considered to be one of the most universally acknowledged success habits?
Statistics are thrown around all the time about how many books millionaires and CEOs read in a year. It’s always something crazy like 4+ dozen!
I know for some people, that number seems intimidating. They say the average American reads less than one book per year.
But personally, I don’t believe that it’s the exact number of books read that really makes someone successful. What I think is a more accurate predictor of success is that you are someone who values ongoing education and the way that is most commonly and easily practiced is by reading.
That is why as part of the Productivity + Planning Mastermind Membership that I host, we have a bookclub where each month the members who are interested are able to read along with a book chosen by me that addresses an important productivity or personal development topic.
(If you are interested in being part of our bookclub and getting ongoing support from me to help you live out your own personal vision for success, I would love to have you join the Mastermind and my inner circle, so please do click here to learn more!)
So, I decided that in order to share the love of books and truly, the success habit of continuing your education through the enjoyment and curiosity of reading, I am starting a series here on the blog where I will share one of the books we have read in the Mastermind and provide my summary/feedback on the book.
Big changes have small beginnings: Small incremental changes are what lead to success more than large sweeping changes. Example, British Cycling Team became world champions through small 1% improvements. This makes sense to me because it’s harder to actually sustain large sweeping changes and small things can domino into larger outcomes. Any change in the right direction, is change in the right direction that ripples outward. However, with the example of the British Cycling Team, and truthfully, with any and all changes people make, I question from a metaphysical point of view, whether the small changes really did add up OR if the focus and dedication to making small incremental improvements made them believe they had done enough to win? As someone who does believe everything happens in the mind, I just wonder if it was the focus on the changes itself that caused their expansion.
Trajectory as a productivity concept vs having solid objectives: Where you put your focus and having a goal in and of itself is what supports our productivity. You don’t necessarily need a solid objective, and in fact, sometimes having an objective actually halts progress once you hit said objective. So, you can just choose a direction and overarching goal to go for and make those small incremental changes to establish an ongoing pattern of improvement and success.
The tipping point: As with many things in the world, there is a point where our effort isn’t seen, until it is seen. Example of the Ice Cube melting once the temp raises beyond 32 degrees. This is a perfect example of why we shouldn’t give up on ourselves and the changes we want to make because we may have made unseen progress and then hit a tipping point where all the results of our effort are evident.
Don’t set goals, create systems: I understand this point, I really do, because with many things in life, the outcome you want isn’t just a one and done situation. Examples- weight loss isn’t just reach a desired weight and your done, you also need to maintain. Same with income goals, etc lots of goals we have require maintenance. However, I would adjust the authors words to say, Don’t just set goals, create systems. Because I DO think having that hard concrete goal is important if for nothing more than visualization because it’s hard to hold an idea in our minds of what constant improvement means to us. Until we hit the next level we often don’t know what the next level after that looks like. So for me, I think that hard objective is important to get started, but developing systems as a strategy for goal planning is necessary. I believe this echos my philosophy well of having habit based goals. Goals where the outcome isn’t dependent on a limited sequence of actions, but the outcome requires ongoing work and establishing new habits.
If you’ve read Atomic Habits by James Clear I would love to know what your big takeaways were from the book, so please leave a comment and share your thoughts!
If you struggle to remain focused on your work and have a hard time completing tasks because you are constantly inundated with interruptions, I have a mindfulness practice to use to keep interruptions at bay.
First, you need to understand that like most things in life, interruptions only have the power to disrupt our flow if we react to them.
You hear some alert, you stop what you are doing to check it, then you end up responding and sidetracked from your important task. But it wasn’t the interruption itself that sidetracked you, it was that you reacted to it.
Of course, some interruptions do warrant our attention, but I never want you to take action from a reactive place, you will always have far better results if you take action from a responsive place.
Reactive means you jump in to take action. Responsive means you pause, observe the situation and choose a measured action in proportion to the situation.
But, with a mindfulness practice, you can shift from Reactive to Responsive.
Try this:
Pause + Observe the stimulus: Is the phone ringing? Is someone knocking on your office door? Is that an email that just came through? Let it happen without reacting.
I want you to get comfortable not reacting.
It’s okay for an email to sit for 30 mins, for a call to go to voicemail, or for someone looking for your help to come back later.
And this works outside the office as well.
Your partner or kid needs something. Don’t just stop your important work to react to them. Tell them you will be glad to help in 30 minutes.
Start putting those boundaries and expectations up all over your life where interruptions really throw you off.
And use that mindfulness practice to start getting comfortable being uncomfortable because you aren’t reacting anymore!
If you’d like some help, I’m here for you too!
If this message today resonated with you and you want to start taking actions to shift into a reality of alignment with your goals, I would love to invite you to join me inside the Productivity and Planning Mastermind Membership.
This is what I created the Mastermind for.
To be a safe space for women like you and I who see beyond the surface of our societal expectations and know there is a better way to live.
It’s a place for support, encouragement, accountability and ongoing personal development for us to continue challenging accepted norms and choosing our own unique path to success.
→ The Mastermind includes so many resources to help you on your journey, from multiple live calls each month, to on-demand strategies, tools, and even a complete course on productivity!
→ We have our own private chat forum where we connect and discuss topics ranging from planning, metaphysics, mindset, and wellness.
→ We even have a monthly book club!
→ And the best part is, when you join the Mastermind, you get immediate access to the entire library of resources, masterclasses and bonus materials that I have been creating since it’s launch.
→ There is no waiting, content isn’t dripped to you, it’s all there for you to explore and access on-demand as you please.
→ And of course I am there as well for guidance and to answer your questions along the way.
When you know better, you do better.
Are you ready to do better for yourself, your family and your future by committing to your personal development to become the best woman, mother, spouse, sister, daughter, aunt and friend that you can be?
If you are willing to get clear on what you desire.
If you are willing to choose one path over another.
If you are willing to prioritize yourself.
If you are willing to live like most won’t so you can achieve what most can’t.
If you are willing to get uncomfortable.
If you are willing to show up for yourself to do the work.
If you are willing to break down your limiting beliefs.
If you are willing to challenge everything you think.
If you are willing to allow God/Spirit/The Universe to lead you.
If you are willing to humble yourself to receive.
Then you can have it all and you will understand that you can always have it all from now until the end because you have the power inside of you if you choose to use it.
“You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.” – Glinda the Good Witch (L. Frank Baum)
6 months seems like no time at all.
But it’s not the 6 months that should concern you.
What should concern you is the now, the today, the one day at a time.
The distractions, the excuses, the unexpected- this is what stops us from making our dreams come true in 6 short months.
You will either allow these things to pull you off your path right now, today, or you will observe them without reaction, give them room to pass by and remain focused on your goal.
Your life could be radically different 6 months from now, only if you choose to allow your life to be radically different right now.
If you’d like some help, I’m here for you too!
If this message today resonated with you and you want to start taking actions to shift into a reality of alignment with your goals, I would love to invite you to join me inside the Productivity and Planning Mastermind Membership.
This is what I created the Mastermind for.
To be a safe space for women like you and I who see beyond the surface of our societal expectations and know there is a better way to live.
It’s a place for support, encouragement, accountability and ongoing personal development for us to continue challenging accepted norms and choosing our own unique path to success.
→ The Mastermind includes so many resources to help you on your journey, from multiple live calls each month, to on-demand strategies, tools, and even a complete course on productivity!
→ We have our own private chat forum where we connect and discuss topics ranging from planning, metaphysics, mindset, and wellness.
→ We even have a monthly book club!
→ And the best part is, when you join the Mastermind, you get immediate access to the entire library of resources, masterclasses and bonus materials that I have been creating since it’s launch.
→ There is no waiting, content isn’t dripped to you, it’s all there for you to explore and access on-demand as you please.
→ And of course I am there as well for guidance and to answer your questions along the way.
When you know better, you do better.
Are you ready to do better for yourself, your family and your future by committing to your personal development to become the best woman, mother, spouse, sister, daughter, aunt and friend that you can be?