Hello My Charmed Ones!
It has been several months since I have shared an installment of my Entrepreneurial Online Business Journal, but I have been reworking the editorial calendar for my blog and it is now time for me to share some insights with you.
As this post is being published it is April 1st and today is also the official kick off day for my EMPIRE BUILDING Business Accelerator group coaching program. However, because I bulk my work, it is actually being written a few days prior while it is still March. Currently, I am at the tail end of the launch for the Business Accelerator and just prior to writing this, I wrote the email that would go out to my email list telling them about enrollment in the program closing soon. One of the points I made in that email is really sticking to me right now and felt like the inspiration I needed to share with you today.
In the email I discussed how my business revenue grew during the pandemic. I believe I’ve spoke about this briefly a few times so you may already know, but the point I was making in the email was that my business success in 2020 was not a side affect of luck as some might think, rather it was a side affect of intentional thought, planning and effort.

Creating a Business by Intentional Design
When I first started my business, it was my intention to create a business that would operate online, seemingly on its own through automated digital marketing systems and passive income streams.
I had the vision for a business where I would be able to earn a stable full time income, without having to work full time hours, and I absolutely wanted to be able to run this business by myself from anywhere in the world if need be. I didn’t want to have to rely on hiring a team of employees to make this work. I didn’t want to have a specific office or space where product was housed. I wanted a business that was simple, profitable and gave me time and location freedom. So, I couldn’t rely on any outdated paradigms for how businesses were expected to operate. I needed to make it work for me the way I envisioned it, and I did!
And when 2020 hit with a pandemic that threw the whole world into crisis, the systems I had build and relied on to help me run my business for years also came through to ensure my business did not need to change, pivot or close down.
Online business is no joke!
I know some people question it or poke fun at it, especially a business like mine that most people can’t understand. I make a six figure income selling PDFs and classes. I sell nothing physical. And yet, I create products that people want and need, and you would not believe the number of customers I have that return year over year to purchase my new or updated products.
I realize that what I am doing and building through my business is different and requires people to think differently about what it means to run a business.
I think a lot of people believe that being a business owner is tough and it means you need to work super hard, put in long hours and make significant sacrifices.
But, it just isn’t true.
At least, it isn’t true for me. I chose to believe in a better way, and I made that way my reality.
You can make an online business like mine a reality for you, too!
All you have to do is choose to see business as fun, easy and filled with possibility! And you need to get very clear and intentional about the business you are building, the way I did.
But it starts with the intention.
Set Your Business Intention

So, right now, I want you to take a moment, pause and set the intention for your future or current business.
Take out a piece of paper or a sticky note- it’s always better to write out your intentions on paper.
I don’t want to you think too hard about the way this is going to look. I just want you to set the intention and then you can rewrite and transfer the information to your planner or vision board as you see fit after we have gotten the intention out of your head and onto paper!
Write this out:
Fill in what comes to mind. Think about how you want your business to look, feel, operate and write that all out. Write out several lines or paragraphs, whichever works for you.
Use your imagination here but keep in mind, this isn’t an imaginary business we are creating, it’s a real business that you get to own and operate! So, while you are writing out how you want your ideal business to go, I want you to see it in your mind and feel it in your body, especially in your heart! Let this vision fill you up while you are writing. It really helps your intention solidify when you do that.
Okay, so once you are done, do with that intention whatever you wish. Feel free to edit it a but, rewrite it on nicer paper, turn it into a graphic, put it in your planner, whatever you want to do. Just put it somewhere you can see it and reference it. Because anytime you go to work on your business idea I want you to read out that intention first.
It’s going to help you align with your intention and the work that you do as a result is going to be much more elevated than had you gotten to work without reminding yourself of what you are building.
I hope you enjoyed this fresh installment of ENTREPRENEURIAL, now it’s not just going to be my monthly online business journal, but also yours. Each installment it is my intention to share some activity or inspiration for you to think about and journal on so that you are also building your dream business alongside me!
Download my latest Free Business Tool
The CEO Business Braindump Triggers List!

This is a triggers list for you to use during your braindumps with business specific categories and topics to keep in mind. As a braindump is always part of my planning processes, I recommend downloading this new free tool and using it as part of your regular business planning process.
Let me know how things are going for your business by leaving me a comment on this post or dropping me a DM on Instagram @MissTrenchcoat!