Work From Home Productivity Tips!

Hello My Charmed Ones!

Working from home is a concept I am all too familiar with. Even before quarantine and before I left my job to go full-time for my own business, I was a home based employee.

Working from home has a certain allure that many office goers are often curious about and sometimes envious of, but trust me, working from home is no cake walk! I’m often asked about how I stay productive when I work from home because to be completely honest, working from home can be a total productivity killer. Unlike working in a structured office setting, home based workers are faced with many different obstacles that often cause them to be less productive. This may not translate to all at-home workers, but I know I have experienced challenges working from home and I know others who have as well. The way I see it, there are three main issues that home based workers face.

Isolation: Working from home often times means working alone and this issue often caused me a lot of grief even when I did work for a Fortune 50 company and technically had co-workers. When I worked in an office I often felt like my co-workers were a major distraction to me because they would pop in and out of my office all the time, but when I transitioned to working from home I realized that those interruptions actually forced me to take a break from my work every so often. You see, when you work from home you don’t have the same pressures and excuses to get work done that you do when you work in an office. There is no “Oh, I really need to finish up this report quickly before my co-worker stops by to chat about our project.” Although many of us dilly dally when we work in an office, we also have some institutional pressures that actually help us get our work done!

Lack of Accountability: Depending on the type of work you do and whether you work from a home for a company or for yourself, you may feel a lack of accountability looming over your head to keep you productive. This is something I felt as a home based employee and something I struggle with now that I work for myself. When your supervisors or co-workers aren’t watching, you feel like you can slow down your pace, engage in more distracting behavior (like turning on the TV or doing the laundry) that can waste much of your time when you should be working.

Distractions: As much as a formal office setting has its own unique set of distractions, nothing is more distracting that working from home. Seriously, your bed is never more than a few steps away from you at all times which is a very tempting trap I often fall into! Working from home gives you a lot of freedom, many of us think that if we work from home we can get all our work done and clean the house and make dinner as well, but in my experience that isn’t the case. Unless you are highly disciplined it’s going to be hard for you to get your full 8 hours of work in and then a bunch of extra personal items as well. Other than the time you get back from your commute, you really don’t get anymore hours in a day when you are a home based worker!

So, what can we do about this very common issues that at home workers face?

I have a few tips that I use to keep myself productive and I suggest you put these into practice for your own home/work balance!

Create a defined office space: It’s very important as a home based worker to have a defined office space. Your bed cannot be your office! Get a desk and a chair, set yourself up an area of your bedroom or home to be your office. I am lucky enough to have a dedicated room in my home that I use as my office space and I feel drastically more productive when I work from it. Make sure to add personality and decor to your office or workspace as well by adding inspirational artwork to your walls, keeping a supply of stationery and office supplies on hand and of course, having all the necessary office gadgets you need to get your work done like a printer, fax machine etc. Now, although you may have a defined office space, I also find it helpful from time to time to get yourself out of your space and work from another location. In non-covid times, that would mean take your laptop and some paperwork and head over to a local cafe or library to get some work done at a remote location. With covid, however, I think we need to get a little more creative. I have some alternate spots in my home that I use as my occasional office (including my bed) and I know for a change of scenery some people have taken to working inside their cars from a more scenic location near their homes. So, even in social distancing, we can still switch it up when need be.

Engage in a morning routine: For a long time I woke up, got out of bed and went straight to work in my office. Since I didn’t have to get ready to go into the office, I thought there was no reason for me to establish a morning routine, but I find that having a morning routine and getting dressed and ready in the morning is a major boost to my productivity. Although no one sees me when I work from home except my family, I find that I actually get more done on the days where I actually wake up, put on a cute but comfortable outfit and do my hair and makeup just a bit! The ritual of getting ready establishes a sense of accountability for me that really helps me to stay focused and productive during the day.

Connect with other remote workers: To combat the isolation that comes from being a remote worker, I highly recommend connecting with other remote workers to create a support system. These workers could be other home based employees as your company, or friends and family members that also work from home. I think it’s a great practice to have an instant messaging application open on your computer and connected with these individuals so that throughout the day you have people to talk to. You can even schedule lunch dates to meet up with a friend during your lunch hour or have a Skype date during lunch time with another virtual co-worker!

Another great way to stay connected with other at-home workers is by joining an accountability group like the Productivity + Planning Mastermind. We chat daily via Slack, have regular accountability check-ins and I host two live calls a month. It’s like having some virtual co-workers and friends at the same time!

Set a consistent work schedule: Another issue I have is that since I work from home, I end up working at all hours of the day and night. Usually I do this when I haven’t felt particularly productive all day and feel like I need to make up for my laziness by working well into the night to complete a project or tasks, but it is a terrible practice that I highly suggest avoiding. To combat this, I think it’s important to set a work schedule for yourself. Set your start time, breaks, lunch and end time for the day and try to stick to it. It will be hard at first, but if you can set yourself alarms to remind you to start and stop working that may help you build the habit.

Define an end of day routine: Like your morning routine when you get up to go to work, I realized that as an at home worker part of the puzzle I was missing was also an end of day routine. When I worked in an office I had this end of day routine where I would stop working on my projects, organize any in-progress information for the next day, clean up my workspace, and then shut down my computer before I left. As an at home worker, I think it’s very important to establish an end of day routine like this that works for your own situation. It will help you prepare your mind to shut off from work for the day, and leave your space ready for you to pick up and get back at it again in the morning!

I hope these tips gave you some inspiration and ideas for how you can be more productive when working from home.

Being a home based worker isn’t always as easy and care free as you might think so if you are an office based worker that is considering transitioning to home based, I highly suggest giving this some thought before making the leap and establishing good habits from day one that will make your transition easier!

Of course, let me know if any of these tips helped you or if you have any more tips to share with the community!



How I Plan My Weeks and Days to Achieve My Goals

Hello My Charmed Ones!

Last month, I shared how I functional plan my months to ensure I am achieving my goals and balancing my workload, and as promised, now I want to show you how I plan my weeks and days.

Let’s talk about how I plan my weeks first. I am currently using the Week on One Page Inserts from the Master Plan System for this process.

The first thing I do when planning out my week is identify 3-5 priorities for that week. These priorities will often be goals I am working towards that week or they can be big projects that need to be accomplished. This really helps me focus on spending my time wisely and not scattered putting effort in too many directions.

Next, I make a complete task list of items due to be worked on this week. These tasks come from my monthly editorial calendar and monthly master task list!

Then, I’ll add any key reminders for the week in the proper section of this insert- I’m using my week on one page insert design as you can see.

Finally, I will populate the top 3 tasks for the current day, and fill in any other tasks that I know will be top 3 items for the rest of the week based on my default weekly schedule which is what I use to keep track of my themed workdays. I do not, however, fill in my top 3 for each day ahead of time. I only populate information I know will likely not change and I always recommend not filling in too much ahead of time with your planning in case things do change or you get behind or ahead on work one day.

With my weekly plan laid out, I then move onto daily planning if I know I am going to have a particularly task heavy day and need the extra space. Daily planning isn’t something I need to do everyday, but on a few high performance days I find it incredibly valuable to keep me on track.

The inserts I use for my daily planning currently are the undated Daily Planning + Journaling inserts available exclusively to my Productivity Master Mind Members. They give you space to set an intention for the day, which again, helps you get clear on what you’re working towards. I then copy over my top 3 for the day into the space provided.

Next, I write out the goals I’m focused on for the day- similar to the weekly priorities, but I can get more day specific here if I want to.

Then I write out my complete task list for the day.

I’ll also make a plan for how I’ll spend my down time that day, which can be very helpful in motivating you to stay productive on work when you know you have something to look forward to later on.

Finally I will populate my schedule for the day. I am not usually one to write out and stick to a detailed schedule, but I do enjoy creating an outline for the way I want my day to flow. I don’t always stick to the exact time schedule, sometimes I finish things early and sometimes I finish them a little later, but when I script my day out like this it does tend to go according to plan. This was a very task intensive day where having that plan for my time really made a difference.

Now, to round off my daily planning, I also like to do some journaling in the space provided on the back of this daily insert. If you want to learn more about journaling, I made an in-depth video on 7 journaling strategies and getting started that you may find helpful.

When it comes to my journaling, I like to do a few different types of journaling at once. Here you see I am starting with gratitude journaling- where I personally like to write out 7 things I’m grateful for. Then I will script my day out a little more based on my schedule. Last I will write out my Vibe for the day, which is what I call my affirmations. These set the tone for how I want to feel and the mindset I want to embody that day.

So, that’s my vibe journaling and my process for weekly and daily journaling to achieve my goals using my functional planning methodology!


5 Productive Work From Home Lunch Break Ideas

Hello My Charmed Ones!

Today, I want to share 5 Productive Work From Home Lunch Break Ideas with you all.

We are about to commemorate one year in our global pandemic lockdown, and at this point, most of us have become much more skilled at working from home. If you were one of the many employees who shifted to a work from home life-style for the first time, I know the last year for you hasn’t been easy. I can only imagine the adjustment you had to go through and I know many of you still don’t feel as productive as usual working from home.

As someone who has worked from home for years running my own business, I know I certainly went through a transition like this myself. The biggest challenge I struggled with, that I think many of you can relate to, was taking breaks. When you work in an office, it’s a little easier to convince yourself to take a break I think because you feel like you are in a work environment and so taking 30 minutes to an hour in the middle of the day for your lunch break to relax and perhaps take care of your own personal work seems more acceptable. But when you work from home, at least for me, you can feel like you don’t need to take a break because you are already home. But then of course, lack of clear break time exhausts us mentally, and makes it even easier for us to work overtime.

Something that has helped me establish more Work Life Balance since working for myself is the idea of taking a productive lunch break.

Yes, being at home steps away from my kitchen means I have easy access to food and snacks, so maybe I’m not always hungry during my lunch break, so I have found other productive things to do during my lunch break that make me feel like I am using it wisely, while also using it to decompress and take a true break from work.

Here are my 5 Productive Work From Home Lunch Break Ideas!

1. Listen to a 15-30 minute guided meditation

Nothing helps me reset my productivity quite like a guided meditation. For those who are new to the practice of meditating, using a guided track makes it easier to relax and focus because you are paying attention to the directions you are being given. If you struggle to meditate on your own, try a guided track and see if you enjoy that. Not only does meditating have a wonderful ability to re-energize our minds but truthfully, a guided meditation track is also something you can do while you are eating your lunch or doing other productive activities during your break. Don’t think you always have to be sitting down quietly with your eyes closed to be meditating, because there are many different ways to put our minds in a meditative state. Maybe you just don’t want to be driving or doing anything too complicated or dangerous while listening to the track, however!

2. Read or listen to a book on tape

Members of my community often ask me how they can fit in new habits they are interested in like reading, and I think using your break time as a dedicated time for something like reading is a great idea. Reading or listening to a book on tape is a great way to relax and rest your mind, shifting your focus away from work. So, if you want to start reading more regularly, try doing so as part of your work from home lunch break!

3. Watch an inspirational or entertaining YouTube Video

I have spoken before about how I enjoy using incentives like watching a YouTube video as a reward for being productive at work and avoid procrastination. You could certainly use this as a lunch break strategy where you get a mid-day break to do something fun you enjoy like watching a Video. Now, I do think it’s best for these videos to either be inspirational or entertaining because if you can get a jolt of motivation or some laughter in your day, that is going to be a boost to your productivity!

4. Add some new inspiration to your vision board

For me, my vision board isn’t just something I create at the start of the year and stick to, it’s a living breathing work of inspiration that I like to currently update. So, spending some time searching for images online or quotes you can print out and add to your vision board is a great, relaxing and inspiring way to spend a lunch break.

5. Write out affirmations

If you have some affirmations you are trying to use to reprogram your mind, spending a little time during your lunch break writing them each out several times is a easy bit of mindset work you can do to be productive. I like to write my affirmations out 3 x 3, so three affirmations written out three times. Do whatever works for you, but make sure while you are writing out the affirmations, that you feel the feelings of that affirmation being your truth. That is the best way to get those affirmations plugged into our brain quickly!

So, I hope you enjoyed these 5 Productive Work From Home Lunch Break Ideas. I would love to hear which idea you are going to start implementing so please leave me a comment and tell me about it!

Best productivity wishes!



Hello My Charmed Ones!

Earlier last month I talked you through my process for ensuring I move my goals forward each month through my monthly planning process, but today I want to show you that complete monthly review process step by step.

The Monthly Review is a multi-step planning routine that I perform at the end of a month to review my progress from that month and then make my complete plan for the next.

I’ve codified this process into a handy insert that I’ll use to guide my steps today. This Monthly Review insert is an exclusive download for my Master Mind Members, if you want it, definitely sign up for the membership because at this point, if you’ve been watching my videos and getting value from them, my membership group is how you become a member of my inner circle and get consistent accountability, valuable content and exclusive resources from me on a daily basis. So, if you are serious about improving your productivity and want to join a community dedicated to helping you get down to business creating your dream life, then click here to enroll today!

Now, let’s get to my monthly review.

The first set of tasks on my monthly review have to do with closing out the prior month.

• First, we will review the prior months calendar and agenda to ensure all completed tasks are checked off and tracked on their designated project plans as necessary

• Next, we determine if any incomplete tasks need to be disregarded or moved to the current month for completion.

•And finally, we ensure all prior month trackers have been populated as necessary.

Once the prior month is up to date, we move onto planning the current month.

• First, I perform a braindump.

• Then I ensure project plans are completed for objectives scheduled in the current month as necessary

• Next, I move project related tasks to monthly master task list along with all other known tasks belonging to the month.

• Next I populate the Monthly Master Task List with all tasks related to my monthly objectives, along with all other known tasks belonging to the month.

• I then populate important dates, schedule and reoccurring events into the monthly calendar

• I populate any additional key information into the monthly calendar as well.

• I ID the top 3 monthly objectives

• Then, I determine which tasks I will work on in which weeks so time is clearly allocated for everything I intend to accomplish this month

• And finally, I will Fill out monthly habit, finance or other trackers as necessary

There is a space on this insert to then list out any other additional tasks you like to perform as part of your own personal monthly review, and for me I like to script the month ahead, and track my finances. Both I will complete at the official close of the month.

The page page of the monthly review insert has some key questions to use to evaluate your productivity from the past month so you can then create a better plan moving forward and learn from your mistakes.

These question include:

How satisfied are you with the results of the prior month?

What were your victories and accomplishments to celebrate last month?

What did you do well in terms of productivity and planning last month?

Where did you struggle in terms of productivity and planning last month?

What are three areas you would like to improve upon this month and what concrete actions will you take to do so?

And that is how I perform a monthly review.

In the comments I’d love to hear which part of this process you are going to start implementing with your monthly planning routine.

And of course, if you want to get your hands on my monthly review insert, enroll in the Productivity Master Mind Membership today. I can’t wait to work with you more in the group!



Inserts shown are High Vibe Bible Journaling Inserts


Sometimes it feels like the last year has been one challenge after another. 

The truth is, struggle is always an option for us, but so is bliss. 

When I get worked up because I’ve been focused for too long on the struggle, it’s important for me to stop to practice gratitude.

No matter what is going on, we have all survived hard times before and we are strong enough, smart enough, capable enough to navigate them again.

Here are 3 Gratitude Prompts for you to use as Affirmations or for Journaling to help you shift your perspective on the hard times you may be going through.

I am grateful for the chance to start over each day

Thank you God for carrying me through the hard times

I’ve gone through hard times before and I’m strong enough to do it again

Take some time this weekend to focus on these prompts in one form or another if you are feeling overwhelmed, sad, or defeated. 

If you’d like to start a regular gratitude practice, I recommend using these journaling inserts.

Brighter days always return to those with a grateful heart 🖤

And of course, if you are experiencing a particularly hard time, please reach out to someone you trust to get support. We are not meant to weather storms alone.

Take care of yourself and I wish you a peaceful weekend.


10 Habits of Highly Successful Women

Planner/Journaling cards shown are exclusive designs for the Productivity Master Mind

10 Habits of Highly Successful Women

For years I have been absolutely obsessed with understanding and uncovering the key habits that create a successful woman. Like everything in life, success doesn’t just happen by chance or luck, it happens because deliberate action has been taken strategically. From studying the routines and habits of the most successful and influential women I could find, these are the 10 Habits that I have found set them apart.

🛀 They put themselves and their needs first

🏆 They are clear on their goals

They establish strong boundaries around their time and energy

🖊 They set daily intentions 

🧘🏻‍♀️ They work on their mindset daily

✔️ They have productive routines

🔗 They create systems whenever possible

🧠 They seek out opportunities for growth personally, professionally, and financially 

💡They bring solutions, not excuses

👩🏻‍💻 They show up and do the work

Now, I’d love to hear from you, which habit are you currently working on?Leave a comment below.


How to Set Your Top 3 Daily Tasks

Hello My Charmed Ones!

If you have been following me for a while, you have likely heard me talk about one of my major productivity and planning strategies, the Top 3 List.

The Top 3 List is a list of 3 prioritized daily tasks that you need to focus on for the day. Many women in my community come to me, asking how they can get a handle on their never ending to-do list, how they can find focus to ensure they are completing the most important tasks, and how they can make the time to work on their own personal goals alongside tasks for work, home or family life. The Top 3 list is a productivity and planning strategy that I believe addresses all three of those situations. This strategy is so impactful, in fact, that I intentionally design a Daily Top 3 List into all of my Functional Planning Inserts.

It’s a basic fact of life that for most of us in a day, to borrow a line from Elton John, “there is more to do than can ever be done.” Most of us have never ending, ever growing to do lists and when you try to organize your day by your to-do list alone, you will find that tasks are an infinite source of work that can easily drain your energy and take over the precious time you have in a day.

If you are working off this never ending list each and everyday, I can confidently say, I know that there are things you are NOT getting done off that list. And I would bet that some of the things you push off for the next day end up being priority tasks that really should have been completed today.

So, by taking the focus off your complete to-do list and instead pulling just three tasks from it to prioritize for the day, you will begin to see that by choosing those three tasks strategically, you will ensure you are always getting the most important work on your list done.

There is also a fundamental principle of productivity known as the Pareto Principle or 80/20 Rule. It states that just 20% of our actions create 80% of our results. That means that 20% of the things we do in a day are leading to the majority of our outcomes. So, truly, there are some tasks that are just higher impact for our days than others, and the Top 3 list gives us an opportunity each day to zero in on those few tasks that will truly yield the most results for us.

So, it would benefit all of us to start using the Daily Top 3 List as a jumping off point for our daily work. By no means does the Top 3 List mean you ONLY complete three things each day, instead these are just the tasks that really need to be prioritized.

Sounds easy, right? Choose three tasks every day and get them done, simple enough!

Well, not quite.

I will say that although this strategy is simple in theory, it’s not as easy as it seems in practice because it requires us to be very good at prioritizing. It’s not enough to choose any three tasks, this strategy only works when we choose the right 3 tasks.

I consider the ability to prioritize our tasks a mental muscle that we need to flex in order to develop it to its potential.

When you get started setting your Daily Top 3, I promise you, you are going to make some mistakes. You will list out tasks that aren’t actually priorities, you will think something is a priority but then realize your error half way through the day, and you are going to accidentally put projects on your Top 3 instead of tasks (very common.)

But, the more you use this strategy, day in and day out, you are going to improve. You will start setting a better Top 3 List and it’s going to bring you to a completely new level of productivity, focus and achievement when you start getting done the important tasks and letting go of the non-essentials.

So, to help you create a better Top 3 List, I have a few tips or prompts for you to consider when you sit down at your planner each day.

Tip #1: If you could only do 3 things today, which would make the day feel like a success? These might be tasks you are afraid to tackle but know you will feel so good when they are complete. Or these are tasks with impending due dates, or that need to be done before something else that is also important can be accomplished.

Tip #2: Choose tasks that aren’t part of the daily routine you always do. You don’t need to prioritize things that are everyday no-brainers for you because you will likely have some form of self-discipline that kicks in to ensure you get those things done anyway.

Tip #3: Choose 3 individual tasks NOT projects. A project is a collection of multiple steps or tasks that need to be accomplished, and if you put a project on your top 3, it’s going to take much more time and effort for you to complete and will undermine the effectiveness of this strategy.

I hope this post and these tips helps you to start using this simple but powerful planning and productivity strategy in your own life daily. If you are using a planner or inserts that do not give you the dedicated space to list out your Top 3 each day, I highly recommend you check out my Master Plan System of inserts. As I mentioned earlier, all of the Functional Planning Inserts I design, including those in the Master Plan System include a dedicated space for this essential planning and productivity strategy because it truly is a game changer that will upgrade the way you work each day.

Remember, for the month of February I have a discount code FEB2021 for 20% OFF all the planning inserts and tools in!


How to Create a Strategic Project Plan

Hello My Charmed Ones!

Last week I showed you how I create the plan for a new month to make sure I move my goals forward, but I kinda just breezed by two key elements that go into making that plan.

First, is my goal setting process and the second is my project planning process. I’m going to show you my project planning process in a video in just a moment but first let me catch you up on the goal setting part.

At the start of the year, I have an in-depth process I work through to set my goals for the year and to break those goals down into specific smaller objectives. During this process I choose up to three objectives to assign to each month and lay them out for reference on a dedicated insert in my planner.

So, before the year begins I have a skeleton overview of what I am focused on for any given month. In the monthly planning video, you saw me pull my objectives from the inserts they are mapped on, and transfer those to my monthly calendar spread. 

That is the first part of my yearly planning process, the actual goal and objective setting. If you want to learn and replicate my process for goal setting, I have it broken out in the You Got This workbook and also in the New year goal setting master class inside the Productivity and Planning Master Mind membership. Next, is project planning.

For some of my objectives it is necessary for me to break the objective down into smaller action steps on a project plan. I don’t make a project plan for every single objective anymore. I did at one point, but I found it was overkill for some objectives and types of projects I do repeatedly and know the steps for by heart. 

Let me give you an example.

For January, I didn’t need to create a project plan for any of my objectives but I finished all three. I had to create the master class for my membership, which sounds like a project but I just create a slideshow, handout and inserts so it’s three formulaic pieces that I don’t find helpful to list on a project plan. Since this objective wasn’t turned into a project plan, instead the tasks were written out directly on the monthly master task list for January.

Same applies to the second objective, updating my email welcome sequence. That objective simply required me to read over and rewrite three emails. If I wanted to be particular and break that work into many more pieces I guess I could have. I think we can break anything into minute tasks to track, but for me that strategy isn’t necessary.

I will say, between you and I, I see influencers all the time in the planning community, showing how they break down goals into smaller tasks and often I think it’s overkill just to have more things to check off their to do lists. If having more tasks listed to track inspires and motivates you to get the work done, by all means, please do that. Or if you aren’t someone who knows how to reach an objective by heart, and needs steps broken down for reference and tracking, please, don’t skip out on making project plans because they can be an excellent tool for accountability.

I just know for me, that if I over complicate a project with too many tasks, it overwhelms me and I might fear starting it. Instead, just thinking that I have like two or three things to do for an objective actually gets me started and if I have a few extra tasks that pop up while working on the objective, that’s fine because I have the momentum built up of starting. But that is me. Clearly, I’m a projective person who knows how to manage my time and accomplish many objectives and goals in a year, so do not hold yourself to my standards if you aren’t at that level of confidence and self accountability to your work yet! You will get there if you follow my methods and planning philosophy, just trust the process!

Finally, just to round out my January examples, the final objective was a promotional sale in my shop. That objective didn’t need a project plan, I map promotions into a campaign builder insert from the CEO Strategy Planner to track the posts that go out to share the promotion. 

So now that you can see I don’t project plan every objective, let’s talk about how I project plan for the objectives that do need it! 

I actually have two styles of project planning inserts I use, one is my standard project planning worksheet that comes bundled with the Master Planner or Project Planning Bundle in my shop. The other insert is my Strategic Planning Insert from the CEO Strategy Planner.

Today I am going to show you how I use the strategic insert as I map out an objective that belongs to June. Why are we project planning an objective for June so early? Because I actually need to start talking about this objective now to make sure everything goes smoothly in June. 

The objective is to create a Planner Insert Design course. I’ve been asked about doing a class like this for years and I’m finally creating it! So this class will launch in June, if you want to get more information about the class, I’ll leave a link where you can get on the wait list and be the first to learn about it when it’s available but for now, let’s map out this objective onto the insert.

Watch How I Create a Strategic Project Plan in the video below.


For the month of February, I have a 20% OFF Code for the Planning Inserts and Tools in my shop. Use the code FEB2021 at checkout in to get the discount!

I hope this information has been helpful for you in understanding better how to create a strategic project plan and how I break down a goal into individual tasks.


Do we all have the same 24 hours in a day?

A few weeks ago, one of my master mind sisters in the Productivity + Planning Master Mind asked for my opinion on an image she had seen on Instagram. I will post the image here for you to read, but essentially, it was a tweet from the Author Shailja Patel explaining her belief that the concept “We all have the same 24 hours” is nonsense due to income inequality. I thought this was an interesting item to comment on and I provided the following feedback to the group. After our conversation, it was suggested that my response was so poignant that I should share it in a post for my wider community. The following was my response, I have reformatted it to flow better in this post:

This is where I agree with this post- there are people who are systematically underserved in our world, for which doing everyday things takes much more time and effort.

People who cannot afford a car or ride share services, and have to take public transport places.

People who live in areas where grocery stores are further from their homes, so they rely on corner stores where food is marked up in price.

People who cannot afford childcare and don’t have a reliable system of friends or family around them to help with that, so they have to take less desirable jobs with more flexible work schedules and often lower pay.

This is a real issue and it makes life a struggle for them.

Communities of color suffer from this the most.

But I still don’t love this post, because it is comparing those communities on one extreme of the productivity spectrum to those on the other, and it’s leaving out “the middle class”.

I like to use the phrase “we all have the same 24 hours in a day” because on a basic level, it’s true and there are examples of people from every point on the privilege (or non-privilege) scale that do buckle down, do the work, stay focused and become a success (whatever that means for them).

There are plenty of people who come from families of wealth who blow their money, are completely unproductive and end up on the streets as well.

That’s what I don’t like about the post. It’s comparing two extremes and almost giving people with enough resources a built in excuse as to why they don’t have to achieve their goals if they have some barrier that they judge in their way.

When it comes to the “middle class” many of us have enough resources at our disposal to move towards our goals and dreams, if we choose to see them and take advantage of them, and yet, plenty of us aren’t reaching our potential.

What it comes down to for me is mindset.

I know that until systems are devised to help the underserved, it’s always going to be more difficult for a majority of people in those situations to move out of those circumstances, but if you look at this from a mindset perspective, if one person in a bad situation decides they are going to do whatever it takes to go after their dreams, then I know they will make it.

The same thing is true of a middle class mother, the same thing is true of a billionaires daughter.

The only difference between them to me, is that it’s much easier for someone who has endless resources at their disposal to believe they can achieve what they want and go after it.

The middle class mother has less resources, but still plenty of opportunity if she would see it.

The poor high school drop out has even less resources and opportunity, but can still make any dream happen if they are willing to shift their mindset to believe and do the work.

One of the most common productivity conundrums I see is “I know what I need to do, I have made the plan and I have the time, but when the time comes, I don’t do what I know I should do to achieve my goal. How do I fix this?”

The answer is mindset.

In that situation, if you know what you want to achieve and have a plan and even have some time to move it forward, if you are NOT taking action, it’s because of something in your mindset. A limiting belief. And you will never do the work, no matter how good the plan is or how much time you give yourself, until you remove that block and shift your mindset.

The factor I think we all often forget when it comes to achieving goals is that, multiple people can have the same goal and take completely different routes to achieve it. That’s what having the same 24 hours in a day means to me. Not that we are all going to execute the same strategy to reach the goal, or that we all need to be on level playing ground to make our goals happen. Instead, it’s understanding that we all have our unique place in the world where we are right now, and still we can all reach the same destination if we choose to take action and believe we are capable and worthy of our objective.

Until we acknowledge that mindset is the deciding factor in success, we are always going to be focused on the wrong elements, leaving more people of means reaching their potential than those with less, and a heck of a lot of people with “enough” believing they aren’t enough.

So, what do you think? Leave me a comment below and share your thoughts.


How to Plan + Organize Your Month to Achieve Your Goals!

Hello My Charmed Ones!

Today, I want to show you how to plan and organize your month to achieve your goals. Specifically, I want to walk you through my monthly functional planning routine, which is the routine I use to create a big picture view of my month, understand and set reasonable expectations for what I am going to accomplish and ensure that I am moving my goals and objectives forward. This routine is not how I plan out my weeks or my days specifically- those are completely different parts of my routine with their own process and intentions. For me, the monthly routine is where I get a chance to align with my goals and ensure process is being made on them.

First, I’d like to explain the inserts I use for this process. I am currently using the Month on 2 Pages inserts that come bundled with the Master Plan System. You can purchase these inserts a la carte as well. Although these inserts are called Month on 2 Pages, it would really be more accurate to call them Month on 4 pages because there are two full spreads, 4 total pages thatI I use to write out my monthly plans. The first spread is the dated 2 page calendar, and then second spread is the Monthly Master Task List and Monthly Tracker.

Now let’s talk about how to plan and organize your month to achieve your goals!

The first thing you need to know about planning your month, especially if you have goals you are aiming to hit, is that you need to have your goals broken into objectives ahead of time. At the start of the year, I set my goals, I break them into objectives, and I map those objectives out in my project planning sheets and with my CEO Strategy Planner inserts. So walking into any month I always know what I am going to be working on as long as I don’t need to change my plans. Click here to learn my entire goal setting process.

Now, I might not create the complete project plan for each objective at the start of the year- I prefer to do that as necessary at the start of the month. So if any of my objectives require a project plan, I will create one at the start of the month so I know all the tasks I need to accomplish for an objective, and then I transfer them to my Monthly Master Task List. Instead of keeping a complete list of all the things I know I need to do, I keep my lists broken out by month so I am only looking at the tasks that belong to that month.

So here you can see, this Monthly Task List is everything I expect to do in February. Does that mean, it’s every single thing I will do and nothing not on this list will get done? No, of course I know things pop up throughout the month, but for now, walking into the month, these are all the tasks I know I need to focus on if I want to accomplish my goals!

Once this list is populated, the second thing I do in my monthly planning process is to populate my monthly calendar. 

On my monthly calendar, I will mark off important dates and scheduled tasks I have across the month. This by no means will be an exhaustive list of every single scheduled task I have, because there is not enough room in the boxes for me to list every call, errand or appointment, but if it’s something important, or a key element of a day, I have it scheduled in.

So you can see, I schedule things like giving my dogs their meds, holidays, birthdays, I put when credit card payments are due. You’ll see I don’t love to decorate in my planner but I do like these little page flag stickers to help me highlight a day in my calendar. I make those flags myself with my silhouette machine. 

My monthly calendar is also where I put my editorial calendar for my content, and marketing information for my business. I post content onto one of my platforms everyday, and I have that schedule marked off, and then as I populate content ideas I write them in and highlight them so I remember what I need to post each day. Most of my content is processed in bulk. I write all my blog posts on one day, I create my Instagram posts for the week in one day, so that is why the editorial calendar itself isn’t fully populated yet. I will write in the posts when I create them and I use a content brainstorm insert from the CEO Strategy Planner to list out all my content ideas. I have gone through periods where I would outline all the content for my editorial calendar at the start of the month, but I would often switch up posts and come up with even better ideas at the last minute so the plan would change. It’s easier to just have the skeleton right now for me and then populate the posts as I solidify the content. 

With the calendar populated, the next thing I do is transfer my top 3 monthly priorities to my monthly calendar page. I use the lined note section on the bottom of the spread for that so I know what the 3 most important projects are for my month. This is an example of what I mentioned before, that I have my goals and objectives broken out for the year ahead of time, and during this yearly goal planning, I assign 3 tasks to each month to be my focus. This system has served me well, helped me to properly plan out what I am working on when, and ensures I complete my objectives and goals for the year.

Next, I use the notes column at the start of each week on my monthly calendar to allocate tasks from my monthly master task list to my monthly calendar to ensure that I have time set aside for when I will be doing the work I said I wanted to do. This practice is great for setting reasonable expectations for ourselves because without this little step, it’s easy for me to push off tasks or just put too many tasks on my to do list and then get overwhelmed and fail to complete my objectives. So this helps me balance my workload for sure.

The final part of my monthly planning process is to populate my monthly tracker.

As part of the Master Plan system you get a monthly tracker that you can use to track whatever you please. I actually like to use it to track habits, tasks and my income in one place. You can see, I can write in the habit in the largest column, there are 7 columns for the days of the week, and I can leave space in the rows for the number of weeks in the month. I put the date of each Monday in the left side column when I lay out the tracker this way. Then I make an area for Income, I can track the weekly income in my shop, then the total income from a few of my main income sources. This tracker page is great because you can lay it out a number of different ways and track many different things.

That is everything I wanted to teach you about my monthly planning process and how I create monthly plans that help me achieve my goals. This process even makes planning my weeks and days easier because I’ve laid out a lot of information in just the calendar spread alone. This really is a great monthly spread. If you’re monthly calendar doesn’t give you this much space on such a relatively small piece of paper- this is half letter paper- It may definitely be time to upgrade your planner to the Master Plan System. 

For the month of February I have a special discount code to share with you that will give you 20% any Productivity Tools and insert in my shop. The code is FEB2021 and it expires at the close of February so if you have not found planner peace yet or have a system of inserts that make planning a daily routine for success, purchase your copy of the Master Plan System TODAY!

Watch the Video

Wishing you a productive week!
