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7 Retro Chic Wireless Keyboards for Your Desk #WorkFromHome

Hello My Charmed Ones!

I absolutely love the look of a retro style keyboard. There is something about the mix of the digital and analog worlds that lights me up inside. It’s such a vibe!

You know I love to mix digital and analog, there is something so romantic and sentimental about it. It’s the reason I love to use a paper planner despite living in a digital world and running a business online. It just adds a more visceral, tactile experience to your life when you have those analog style tools. There is nothing more unexpected than when you see a chic modern office with a few whimsical analog pieces styled.

So, I’ve been shopping around for some retro chic typewriter style keyboards and found a few wireless bluetooth versions that would be the perfect compliment to your home office!

Here’s what I’ve found:

#1: Blue and White Retro Style Round Keycap Keyboard and Mouse 

The turquoise blue of this keyboard and mouse set is such a lovely summer desk vibe!

#2: Black and White Colorful Compact Retro Typewriter Design Keyboard

You know I love my staple black and white and I love the way the black keys stand out on this retro style keyboard.

#3: Retro Vintage 104- Key Mechanical Wireless Keyboard with White LED Backlit 

This mechanical wireless keyboard is such a vintage inspired throwback. I love the silver metal accents on the keys, you know they would feel so good to type on.

#4: Pink Wireless Gaming Keyboard and Mouse Combo

This vintage pink keyboard is a throwback to 80s and 90s style computers. I will never forget the sound and feel of typing on these square little blocks.

#5: Retro Typewriter Mechanical Wireless Keyboard with Tablet Stand

Let’s be honest, this Retro Pink Typewriter style keyboard is definitely one of the showstoppers of this bunch! I’ve always loved the look of a typewriter, but they just aren’t a practical tool for my life. This keyboard, however, could fit in quite well!

#6: Retro Vintage Mechanical Electric Bluetooth Keyboard

I have to say, I think this retro mechanical style keyboard is probably my runner up from this selection of keyboards. I like that it looks the part of a vintage typewriter, but it also has a lower profile which I appreciate for my desk.

#7: Colorful Pink Wireless Retro Typewriter Style Keyboard with Mouse

I had to include this colorful pink keyboard in the roundup! I’ve been more drawn to the color pink this summer and I love the variety of tones in the keys.

I hope this roundup of Retro Chic Keyboards inspires you to restyle your home office desk to add a little more whimsy into your day while you work from home! Let me know which keyboard is your favorite in the comments.


7 Productive Habits to Establish if you Work From Home

When you work from home, the line between work and home begins to blur very quickly, and with it go many of our productive work habits that we had in place when we worked outside of the home. 

There are plenty of different productive habits I hear about that are suggested for people who work from home, but much of the usual advice you hear is a lot of extra fluff that really just wastes our time. Sure, in a perfect world were we all have unlimited time, energy and willpower, we could all wake up early, go for a run, shower, cook all our meals from scratch, clean our homes, do it all and of course be super productive at the same time.

But the reality of the situation is that most of us need to prioritize and make hard choices throughout the day for how we will spend our time. It’s not that most of us don’t want to do it all, but it’s that we just don’t have the time and energy to get it all done.

Working from home presents a unique challenge to productivity because being at home gives you the illusion that you have more time or have the ability to do more for your personal and home life while you are at work than you might be able to do if you worked outside the home. But this mindset can get us into trouble with our time and energy management, stealing time from our work, and keeping us from truly feeling finished with our work at the same time. 

So, I have landed on 7 Productive Habits that truly do make an impact on your work and quality of life when you are working from home. 

  1. Set a reasonable wake up time: Notice I didn’t say, set an early wake up time. Look, you work from home and you have no commute, so you can spend an adequate amount of time sleeping so that your energy is as high as it needs to be for the day. Don’t skimp on sleep, it’s one of the most productive things you do in a day.
  1. Give yourself more time to get ready in the morning: If you work from home I think it’s even more important for you to ritualize your morning. Slow it down, get intentional and enjoy your morning at home before you have to turn your home into your office space. I wrote a blog post all about how to create a High Vibe Morning Ritual that will help you get into the right mindset about this habit.
  1. Plan your day in the morning: Research shows that you make better plans when you plan in the morning rather than at the end of your workday for the following day. It’s because those who plan at the end of their days often have a lot of decision fatigue and they aren’t the best judge of their plans. So, make your plans in the morning before you get to work, set aside 15 minutes at about the same time each day (set an alarm if need be) and start establishing this productive habit.
  1. Set a consistent work schedule: One of the major struggles of working from home is having a clear boundary around work time and home time. So, set a consistent work schedule for when you will begin working each day, when you will take breaks and when you will stop working each day.
  1. Take regular breaks where you relax and recharge: Your work breaks should be focused on your rest and giving you a chance to recharge your energy so you can continue to do consistent work throughout your day. Don’t take your breaks to do personal tasks, your breaks need to be for you.
  1. Set boundaries to limit the personal tasks you work on during your workday: Now, I understand that the convenience of working from home means you have the ability to work on some personal tasks throughout your day, but you need to keep these tasks to an essential minimum and plan them into your schedule separate from your breaks. 
  1. Organize your workspace at the end of your day: For those of us who work from home, it’s often hard for us to stop our work for the day even if we have a set end time. In order to trigger us to actually close up our work for the day, I like to use a cue like organizing my workspace and preparing it for the next days work to help me shift out of work mind and into home mind. 

I hope you find these 7 Productive Habits to Establish if You Work From Home helpful!

There is ONE MORE THING I think you will find helpful if you are an at-home worker that isn’t a habit, but a resource!

If you work from home and you are missing the company and socialization of co-workers, I highly recommend joining an accountability group to act as your virtual work family. I know for some of us, we work solo without co-workers, but even if you work with a team virtually, it still isn’t always clear that these co-workers are available for socialization the same way they might be within an office setting.

So, for that reason, having a group of virtual on-demand accountabilities buddies is a guaranteed way to get the support and socialization you need during your workday and beyond!


It’s not easy being an ambitious working woman in today’s society. Women have more responsibilities on their shoulders now then they ever have, which is why goal getters like you and I need to stick together!

If you would like more guidance, support and inspiration for living your best life, I welcome you to join the Productivity + Planning Mastermind!

This is what I created the Mastermind for:

To be a safe space for women like you and I who see beyond the surface of our societal expectations, challenge the accepted norms, and know there is a better way to live.

It’s a place for support, encouragement, accountability and ongoing personal development for us to continue challenging accepted norms and choosing our own unique path to success.

→ The Mastermind includes so many resources to help you on your journey, from multiple live calls each month, to on-demand strategies, tools, and even a complete course on productivity!

→ We have our own private chat forum where we connect and discuss topics ranging from planning, metaphysics, mindset, and wellness.

→ We have a monthly book club to help nurture a growth mindset and continue to learn.

→ We even have a dedicated group for small business CEOs to learn and connect as well!

→ The best part is, when you join the Mastermind, you get immediate access to the entire library of resources, masterclasses and bonus materials that I have been creating since it’s launch.

→ There is no waiting, content isn’t dripped to you, it’s all there for you to explore and access on-demand as you please.

→ And of course I am there as well for guidance and to answer your questions along the way.

When you know better, you do better.

Are you ready to do better for yourself, your family and your future by committing to your personal development to become the best woman, mother, spouse, sister, daughter, aunt and friend that you can be?

Click here to learn more about the Productivity + Planning Mastermind and enroll now for just $22/month and a valuable bonus when you choose the annual payment option.

This could be the best investment you make in yourself in 2021!

Hope to see you inside!


ENTREPRENEURIAL: Doing the work!

Hello My Charmed Ones and Happy May!

I don’t have to tell you that there is a lot of work that goes into running your own online business, but what you may not realize is that there are two types of work to do.

One type of work you are already familiar with. It’s the practical strategy and management of setting objectives, making plans, creating the offers, doing the marketing, managing customer service, balancing the financials, etc. Essentially, it’s the tasks that make up most of your day to day work as a business owner.

The second type of work you may be less familiar with. It’s the mindset and personal development strategy of feeling into your desires, stepping into your purpose, identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs, trusting your intuition and facing down your deepest fears. It’s the metaphysical work of running a successful business. The faith and prayer and belief. And out of the two types of work you can do as an entrepreneur, it’s the more important work.

I know you might be thinking, mindset work couldn’t possibly be more important than the practical strategy of running your business. I thought that way too for a long time. But there is a point where doing all the things for your business isn’t enough. There is a point where strategy itself fails you and you need to surrender yourself to greater possibility.

You mindset will always be your upper limit.

You cannot out work or out strategize a poor mindset.

And when I reached a breaking point where I was willing to try anything to solve the stagnancy in my business, I committed to trying mindset strategies, despite my skepticism, if for no other purpose than to say I tried it all.

That’s when everything turned around for me.

I can’t say for certain what it was exactly that caused the shift, but I can say that as soon as I started implementing a regular mindset practice that included daily manifestation journaling, my business broke through to another level. Where I had been stuck for years practicing all the strategy I knew and believed in, strategy that had grown my business from the start, I was suddenly at a new level of income and of ease with my business.

Because the most interesting thing about the mindset strategies I used was not simply that my revenue started increasing, but it was that I was able to pair down my strategy to do less and it was still growing. I was truly able to do less, make my business easier to run and it was working better than it had been before.

And I am confident that it is the mindset work that made the difference, because when I got into periods where I stopped it for some reason, things began to get tough again. But like clockwork, as soon as I turned to the mindset work again, the flow of ease and money came flooding back in.

There is no substitution for doing the work

Mindset work, of course. Because even in times when I have fallen short of completing the practical work of my business, if I had kept up the mindset work, it didn’t matter that I skipped content or removed systems I had been using for years to generate income. The mindset work filled in the gaps for me.

Now I understand why so many people in the mindset, personal development and law of attraction space say that you need to show up everyday to do the work on yourself. It’s the most important work you can do for your life and business success. The work they are talking about is the mindset and belief. The claiming what it is you want and believing you can have it. It’s showing up with open arms ready to receive what you ask for, and although the strategies may be very simple to execute, I know first hand how challenging it is to do this work everyday. Because you will get distracted by the practical and put aside the mindset work, just for today, and then it turns into a week and a month and then suddenly things stop working in your business.

You have to show up to do the mindset work everyday, or most days at least, to keep a consistent rhythm and build upon new levels of success.

Monthly Manifestation Journaling for Business

Today, I want to teach you a little more about my regular mindset work that helps me to keep my business growing at its new level consistently. Specifically, I want to guide you through the Monthly Manifestation Journaling I do at the start of a new month to get into alignment with my business goals and objectives. Grab a pen and paper and write this out:

What I am achieving in my business for May

This month I am receiving…

This month I am creating…

This month I am attracting…

This month I am doing work on…

This month I am releasing…

This month I am showing up to…

This month I am honoring myself by…

This month I am valuing myself by…

This month I am resting…

For each line, fill in as many items as you would like. Feel free to make it a complete wish list of everything you desire to happen in the month. But try your best to fill in something for each line. I find that these prompts are a very powerful combination, and I don’t even have to write very much, I just bullet point my desires and that is enough to get into alignment with them.

I know it seems simple, but writing out your intentions this way can bring about a very powerful shift and you really don’t have much to loose except for perhaps 10-15 minutes of your day just by trying it.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Of course, for best results you will want to journal your intentions everyday. Perhaps not all of these monthly plans at once, but choose a handful to focus on each day to get into alignment with them.


Do you every feel overwhelmed by all the tasks you have to manage for your business and personal life?

If you’re like me, you started your own business in order to live a different lifestyle than the norm. You wanted the flexibility of time and location freedom, being able to work when you wanted, where you wanted, so you would have time to prioritize other areas of your life. Breaking free of the 9-5 life was freeing until I realized without a solid time management strategy and strong prioritization skills I could easily work on my business 16 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Does simply looking at your to-do list give you anxiety? Like tasks are multiplying faster than you can complete them and you are continually sacrificing time with your family, self-care or sleep in order to simply tread water in your business. With so many tasks to finish, how do you what you should be working on each day?

Has the overwhelm of managing your business caused you to slow or completely stall progress on your business goals? You are afraid to take action on your projects because nothing works out the way you expected it would and all you see are problems that you don’t feel capable to address.

Are you constantly stuck on what types of content marketing you should be doing to grow your audience? Your content calendar is usually empty, you wait until the last minute to write your posts but come up blank or you completely skip out on content creation all together because the process is just too time consuming.

What if there was an easier way to run your business?

Imagine waking up in the morning after a full nights sleep, rested and ready to take on the day. You are excited to start work on your business because you are clear on your priorities and have systems in place that make your work much more manageable (and, dare I say, even fun?)

Imagine waking up to a business reality where you feel in control and in charge of your business, like the inspired and aligned CEO you always intended to be.

Your business is thriving, you have time to take your work slow and get the results you are looking for. Your home life is well-managed and your personal relationships are thriving.

At the end of the day, your head hits the pillow grateful and content, knowing that you created this reality and that you can create whatever else you desire tomorrow!

If you are struggling to plan and manage a balanced life and business, I have the solution for you!

Introducing the CEO Strategy Bundle: Learn the time management, mindset, and marketing strategies that will streamline your business so you can finally live a balanced life!

The CEO Strategy Bundle will teach you how to manage your time, energy and expectations as a business owner so you can work less and earn more without sacrificing your personal life, family or sleep!

Here’s what you’ll get:

CEO Strategy Masterclass: Learn how to manage your time, energy and expectations as a business owner so you can lead a balanced life.

CEO Mindset Masterclass: Become a master of your own mindset, overcome and reprogram limiting beliefs holding you back from taking action on your desired life + business.

CEO Content Calendar Masterclass: Streamline your content to keep your audience and revenue growing without overwhelming your schedule or spending money on ads.


Take Charge of Your Time: As the saying goes, either you run the day or the day runs you! But, you don’t have to hustle and grind 24/7 to balance your life + business, in fact, doing less often helps you to achieve more!

Master Your Mindset: Your mind creates your reality, so if what you see around you isn’t pleasing to you, the first place to look is inside yourself to your thought patterns and beliefs, and start intentionally choosing better thoughts that will lead you to better results.

Expand Your Marketing: Content creation may seem daunting with multiple platforms and posts to create, but as someone who built their business on content marketing, I have the strategies to share with you that will save you time, energy and ensure you always have the right content to post to drive sales.


Take back control of your life + business with proven strategies that will keep you balanced, focused and on track!

Stop choosing between your business and your personal life, and start embracing the strategies that can keep you balanced and successful in all areas of your life!

CLICK HERE TO ENROLL NOW in the CEO Strategy Bundle because you deserve BOTH a successful life and business!


How I Work on Manifestation & Mindset Inside My Planner

Your planner is an untapped success tool in more ways than you can imagine.

For quite some time now, I have strongly believed that our planners are tools to be used strategically for our success. If you allow it, your planner can be more than just a place to record your schedule and to-do’s.

Think about it- this is a physical tool that we carry around to organize our life in, and if we choose to, we can use it to organize and facilitate our success as well.

And this applies whether you are using a physical planner or a digital planner on your computer or phone. I don’t care what type of planner you are using, nearly any planner can be used in a way that will expand your experience and benefit you for working in it on a daily basis.

As the title of today’s post illustrates, one of the ways I put this concept into action in my own planner is by using it to do manifestation and mindset work.

Manifestation and Mindset Work is an Essential Key for Success

Like many who have accomplished any amount of success, I attribute much of my achievement over the course of my lifetime to my mindset and receptivity to manifestation principles, even if I didn’t clearly acknowledge them as such at the time.

It’s pretty well accepted now that mindset, your beliefs and outlook on life, play a key role in what you are able to accomplish, also known as manifest. Mindset is often the “secret ingredient” that gives specific individuals an edge in their pursuits. Where many have failed, a positive mindset is often the deciding factor in why one prevails.

Of course, there are still plenty of people who label mindset work as a type of pseudoscience that isn’t real. This doesn’t surprise me, as mindset is often difficult to quantify, and therefore nearly impossible to test for or measure in any way that would allow us to understand its precise role in patterns of success or failure.

That doesn’t prevent or deter me from believing in and working on my mindset, in order to manifest the outcomes I desire for my life. If self-reporting counts for anything, I certainly can attest that working on my mindset with tangible strategies has, in fact, made me a more productive and successful person.

When I actively work on my mindset, I hit more of the goals I set for myself, and show up more fully and intentionally to my tasks for the day.

I certainly prescribe to the idea that “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right,” – Henry Ford

When I choose to “think I can” I am more focused and accountable to seeing my goals through to fruition.

The Manifestation and Mindset Strategies I Use Inside My Planner

Although Manifestation and Mindset are intangibles that are hard to quantify, there are some practical strategies I use nearly every day inside my planner that I’d like to share with you.

Goal + Objective Setting

Whether you know it or not, every time we set a goal for ourselves, we are taking the first steps in the manifestation process. Claiming what it is that you want, and then deciding “how” you are going to make it a reality by choosing objectives is like placing an order with the Universe for what you want to receive in your life. This is manifesting, plain and simple.

So, by simply writing down your goals and objectives someplace in your planner, you are manifesting them. And if you take the additional step on a regular basis to review those goals and objectives, track your progress on them and especially, imagine how you are going to feel when you reach the goal or hit the objective, that’s doing some strong metaphysical work to continuously align with your desired manifestation and call it in even quicker.

This is why I keep my goals and objectives listed out in my planner, right at the front because these are important pieces of my life plan and organization. On top of that, I also keep a vision board right there will my goals broken out into images that I can review on a daily basis and get into alignment with.

Daily Intentions

Another powerful way I manifest inside my planner is through setting daily intentions. Think of intention setting as the way we check in and align ourselves with God/Spirit/The Universe to choose how we want our day to flow in alignment with our best life. In many ways, I think of intention setting as a parallel of prayer. If you pray in the morning when you wake up or in the evening before you fall asleep, you are checking in with a higher power to align with the feeling of the life you desire.

I set intentions for my day inside my planner on daily planning inserts. You could easily write out your intentions on your planner spreads and this is a great way to use free white space in our planners. You could also, of course, write your intentions each day on spare notepaper. It doesn’t have to be fancy, you just need to show up and do the work each day and your planner is an excellence place to do that work.


A powerful way that I address my mindset and do work to overcome limiting beliefs holding me back from fully realizing my goals is through writing and/or reciting affirmations daily. Because affirmation work can be done verbally or written out, I have a few inserts inside my planner I use for this purpose.

First, I keep a list of affirmations and beliefs I am trying to program into my mindset in my planner. I will flip to these pages and read over the affirmations and beliefs on a near daily basis. Second, I also keep dedicated inserts in my planner for writing out affirmations in what I call the 3 x 3 manifestation style. Which means, I write three affirmations out, three times each to help with repetition and mindset reprogramming. This work I do on a weekly basis


Last but certainly not least, the final way I work on manifestation and mindset inside my planner is through journaling. Now, I realize that some people would do their journaling in a notebook separate from their planner, but I don’t. I like having everything together because as I believe I have illustrated from this post alone, the goals I am manifesting are strongly tied to my daily work, and as far as I’m concerned this entire process of mindset, manifestation and productivity is the most important work I do in a day to ensure I am showing up and working towards my best life.

In terms of how I journal inside my planner, I use dedicated inserts where I will list out things like daily gratitude, script how I want my day to flow, overcome specific limiting beliefs and set my vibe for the day. I don’t always journal daily, but I do several times a week and it goes a long way to keeping me in alignment and constantly motivated to bring my goals to fruition for both my life and business.

The Manifestation and Mindset Tools I Use Inside My Planner

As you might imagine, the manifestation and mindset tools I use inside my planner are all of my own original design, but they are all inserts that I openly share with my Productivity + Planning Mastermind Members! If you are interested in starting a daily manifestation and mindset practice that puts you into daily alignment with your goals and motivates you each day to work productively towards the achievement of your best life, you would make an excellent addition to the Mastermind.

When you join the Productivity + Planning Mastermind, you get instant access to all the exclusive tools and trainings I have developed month over month for the members of the group, as well as access to the signature Productivity + Planning Mastermind course and our private Slack community for connection and accountability!

You can choose to enroll in the Mastermind for a full year in advance, which equates to just $22 per month PLUS gives you access to the entire 2021 Master Plan System of inserts I use to plan my life and business.

Or you can choose the month to month subscription and start now for just $33.

If you are in alignment with the manifestation and mindset work I do inside my planner, I would love to go deeper on these strategies with you as a member of the Mastermind, so click here to enroll today and let’s get started manifesting our dream lives together!


P.S. If you are looking for more strategy and activities for manifesting money specifically, grab a copy of my Money Manifestation Techniques Workbook from the shop!

Entrepreneurial: How I’ve been Working Smarter, Not Harder

Hello My Charmed Ones!

I hope you had a wonderful and productive month of August. My month was pretty successful  with the implementation of my new content schedule that I outlined for you in last months installment of this series. So, I wanted to give you a recap of how the past month has gone for me, the results I’ve seen from just a few weeks of work, and how I really feel like I’ve been embodying the concept of working smarter, not harder through this process.

My New Content Posting Schedule 

To give you a recap of my new posting schedule, I am now publishing content every day of the week onto one of my platforms. 

MWF I post to Instagram, T/Th I post to my blog, Sat is a YouTube Video and Sun is an email to my list.

So, I’ve been creating a lot of content, but it honestly has been such a breeze for me because I have been implementing some great productivity strategy for time and task management.

Time and Task Management Strategies I’ve been Using

First, in terms of the task management aspect of this, all of my content ideas are preplanned as part of my editorial calendar, so I always know what I am creating for each piece of content. Yes, I have made a few last minute changes to content, but overall, knowing exactly what I am posting on what platform on which day is such a time and energy saver. Even if I am low on time, there is no decision fatigue that I face for my content, I just need to do what I already planned to do- pretty easy!

Another task and time management strategy I have been relying on heavily for the last month is batching my work. When I film videos for youtube, for instance, I film two in one day, which means I only have to film every other week, instead of weekly. I don’t consider filming to be difficult work overall, but batching my filming saves so much time because much of my time on filming days is literally the setup. Doing my hair and makeup, getting my camera equipment set up, getting the dogs settled so I can actually film without background barking. All that takes time and to only have to go through that process every other week is a major time and energy saver. Then of course I also edit and upload my videos together and schedule everything to go live on the proper days which helps me to get ahead on my work. 

I also batch other work as well. I always write my blog posts for a week together on the same day, and at this point I am writing for a week ahead so everything is scheduled and ready to go.

The only content I end up posting in real time are my Instagram posts because I can’t autoschedule those. Of course, I do write most of those captions and decide on the photo or video ahead of time to make it all easy for me. I have been using the Apple Notes app on my MacBook/iPhone to organize the elements of my Instagram posts so I have all the pieces on hand when I am ready to publish. 

My weekly email as well is always written a few days ahead of time and scheduled. I usually write those on Friday as my last work task for the week which has been working out very well. 

Sticking to My Daily Top 3 Tasks

The final time and task management strategy I have been sticking to very well over the past month is the idea of my Top 3. In July with the launch of the 2021 Planner insert collection, I switched my weekly view in my planner to week on one page as opposed to the week on two pages I had been using all year. 

The major difference with these inserts is that they are much more focused on prioritizing your top 3 list, which is a strategy I often talk about where you literally list the three things you absolutely need to focus on for the day. The way I work and the way I plan, I don’t normally write down each and every task I have to complete in a day, instead I like to focus on writing down just the things I know are super important, business related or things I just need to stick to. Like if I could only accomplish three things very well today, what would they be? Nothing else matters as much as these three tasks. 

So, in order to avoid overwhelm and stay as focused as possible with this new content schedule, as well as my other work for the month, I have been sticking to the top 3 list each day as a place to guide my energy and focus. I try to knock out the top 3 as quickly as possible because I know if I just get those things done, I am golden. I have nothing to worry about, little things can be forgotten but these three must be done. 

I’ve also gotten even better at prioritization because of this practice because I do believe prioritization is a skill that you need to develop to understand what is truly important to get done for the day and what just seems urgent. 

The Results I’ve Seen

Now, you might not think that posting on a consistent schedule for just a few weeks would have such a noticeable impact so quickly, but I have already been able to see some significant results. 

✔︎ My subscriptions on Youtube are up 25% from prior month.

✔︎ My Instagram follower count is up about 100 and I’m getting more views on my IG Stories than usual.

✔︎ I’ve been receiving more replies to my emails.

✔︎ I’ve been receiving much more engagement from my audience across platforms. 

✔︎ The Charmed Shop is getting more consistent daily sales.

Honestly, it’s those last three that are the most important to me. I don’t really give too much concern over follower numbers as long as I am growing that’s good. I realize I am in a very privileged position that I already have a sizable audience online. At least my audience and my list are a size I am very proud of and help support my business in a way that I feel good about. The size of my audience, however, is also likely why I have had such great results in such a quick period of time. I’m not building an audience from scratch, I am just re-engaging them with my content across my platforms. 

I’m eager to see how my community starts reengaging with me more and more over the coming months, especially on Instagram where I have been so stagnant for so long because I have just not been posting good content there. I know it’s easy for creators, influencers and business owners to blame a platform or an algorithm for why their accounts aren’t growing or engaged, but I know the truth is usually that the account itself is the problem. I know in my example that is true for sure. I took a big break from Instagram (several years…oops) so I have only myself to blame for low engagement. Hopefully, I’ll be able to revive my account through interesting, valuable and eye catching content and prove that it’s not the platform itself that’s the problem. 

So, that is how I have been working smarter, not harder in August getting my new content schedule underway. Of course, I look forward to September being more of the same, more content, more engagement, more sales, more of me creating a valuable and popular business that serves my customers and audience well!

I hope you found this post to be informative and enlightening. I would love to know your thoughts on my new content schedule, so please share with me in the comments!

Wishing you a productive and successful month ahead!


Planner Vibes | How to style your planner without stickers and washi tape?

I recently debuted my new (to me) Chanel Desk Agenda and my disc bound planner setup for 2020 to great enthusiasm from my community. I am so glad that you all love the planner as much as I do and found inspiration in my setup. One theme that kept coming up in the comments of that video was how simple but elegant the setup was in terms of the aesthetic and decor of the planner- and that was all without relying on stickers or washing tape to make the planner “pretty.”

My planner aesthetic has certainly changed significantly over the past several years, as has the way I choose to decorate the planner itself. Where I was once drawn in by brighter colors and mixing bold patterns, adding flair to my planner with stickers, washi tape and other ephemera- now I prefer a cleaner, simpler and more elegant look. My color pallet has gone down to basic black and white with muted tones of nude and grey. I do love a pop of emerald green in the mix- used sparingly of course! But things have been refined quite a bit to create a vibe or aesthetic for my planner that aligns more with my personal style.

After all, I truly believe that although our planners are at their core, tools for our productivity, it’s important that they fit into our lives in a way that makes them inviting and exciting. I consider my planner an accessory of sorts- a living vision board of my aspirations brought to life in paper and ink, expressed in words and images. The way I feel about my goals must be reflected in the way I feel about my planner. I want to open it up each day- multiple times a day- to feel aligned with where my life is headed, excited about the things I get to do and the opportunities I’m creating for myself in my life. That’s why it’s so important for me that my planner has an intentional vibe (or vibration) in line with a specific aesthetic, because our planners can be great tools for manifestation if we let them.

So, today I want to share a few tips with you to help you create a unique vibe and aesthetic for your planner without needing to use stickers or washing tape to decorate. I know for many of us in the community- where we may have once been drawn to this ephemera, as we have progressed, it has become the content of our planners that has really taken center stage as opposed to the hobby crafting or decor. But that doesn’t mean our planners have to be bland. They can and should absolutely be beautiful and well organized as a reflection of the plans we make inside of them.

Without further ado, here are 5 ways to style your planner without stickers and washi tape.

Choose and stick to a color scheme.

The quickest way to create an intentional vibe for your planner is to define and stick to a color scheme by choosing a handful of colors that work together to tell the visual story of your planner. These colors you choose should then be used to help you decide different aspects of your planner like the color of the cover or binder, the paper and font colors used for inserts, your pen and highlight colors, and the stationery items you keep inside your planner. One comment I often receive about my planner (as well as other aspects of my life) is that “everything matches” or rather that everything coordinates. Matching is when everything is the same color/pattern, coordinating is when everything is within the same intentional scheme. The simplest way to get things to follow an aesthetic is to limit and stick to a color scheme and ensure that nothing deviates from that color scheme.

Layer textures and patterns in pockets.

Next, let’s cover the art of layering. As with other aspects of design like fashion and home decor, layering is another technique that can be used to create a deliberate aesthetic in your planner. For this technique, you will need to rely on the organization pockets of your planner to create a three-dimensional visual experience when you open the planner up. Now this can be done in the pockets of the cover or through the use of additional pocket inserts that can be added to the front of you planner to create visual depth. Using the pockets of your planner cover as a prime example, layout a few key pieces of inspiration mixed with functional stationery within your color scheme. Keep in mind that its good to vary items by size so that each item is visible, and that working with odd numbers is always more visually appealing. So that would mean if you are decorating a pocket, choose 1, 3, 5 etc items to put in the pocket as opposed to 2 or 4. As you can see in my example, my passport pocket has 5 items of varying hight organized so that each item is layered but visible. I’m also using a paper clip to ensure that certain items stay put and don’t move around in the pocket, but this clip also adds an additional element of depth as well.

Select a cover with the right vibe.

For this tip I am referencing both the planner cover itself as well as the front dashboard of your planners inserts. These two elements of your planner are very much the first thing you see when using the planner, so it’s important that thought and intention are put into their selection. When it comes to the actual cover of the planner, it’s important that the style, color, pattern, material and even the brand of the planner itself be in line with the vibe you are aligning with. You could want a simple black leather cover and assume any black leather cover will do, but all brands and all leathers are not the same. Make sure that the quality and feel of the planner is in line with your style. Then of course, when it comes to the inner cover, or dashboard of your planner, although this element will likely be some form of paper or plastic, choose something that sends a direct message through the imagery, pattern or style. That message, of course, should be the vibe you are setting for your planner and it’s aesthetic!

Add vellum overlays throughout your planner.

An element of planner decor I have long admired but only recently began to use myself is printed vellum overlays. In one sense, they are a wonderful way to add inspiration to your planner through printed words or imagery without having to decorate inserts with stickers and washi. But what I also love about vellum overlays is that they again add a sense of dimension to your planner because depending on what you have printed on them, you can usually see the next insert in your planner underneath it. If you are someone who likes to print and add pictures or quotes to your planner, consider using vellum paper next time as it really does stand out by adding an unexpected level of interest to your inserts as you are flipping through your pages!

Fill your planner with goals and dreams that truly light you up.

I’ve said it before and I will happily say it again- if the sole purpose of my planner is to keep track of mundane life tasks and appointments, I need a planner like i need a hole in the head! I keep a planner, not to manage my time but to manage my goals! A goal is a dream with a deadline, yes? And those goals aren’t going to manifest themselves! They take a fair bit of intention, planning and execution to come to fruition and that’s where your planner comes in. No matter which planner you are using and what your planner looks like, never loose sight of the fact that your planner is the physical manifestation of your future and life story being written in real time- and that’s a serious vibe that no amount of aesthetic can ever beat!

I hope these 5 tips have inspired you to create an intentional vibe for your planner this year! I would love to hear what you thought of this information and the aesthetic that you’ll be using in your planner so please do leave me a comment below!


The Marketing Secrets Behind the Sold Out Launch of Shane Dawson x Jeffree Star Cosmetics

For those of you who missed last week’s video, I shared an exciting update; the title and topic of the online business class I planned for Friday, November 22nd @ 1pm Eastern!


I’m SUPER PUMPED about this class!

For those of you who follow YouTube news, you likely already know a thing or two about this most talked about launch and event in YouTube’s history. But, one thing I don’t see anyone else talking about in terms of the success of both the video series and the cosmetics collab is the marketing process that went into making the launch a complete success.

Since I am well versed in online marketing strategy, one of the things I love to do is dissect a marketing campaign or launch to understand what went right (so I can learn from the experience and apply to my own business) and what went wrong (so I too can avoid those mistakes). And since this was such a visible and highly anticipated launch, I thought it would make the perfect business case study to break down for those within my community who are also interested in learning and advancing for their own business.

So, I wanted to make sure you were aware of the upcoming live class and had it scheduled into your planner so you could join me and we could chat about the marketing secrets that made that launch a success!

The class will be streamed live on my youtube channel on Friday November 22nd @ 1pm EST (New York City, NY, USA Time Zone) and I will be sending out another email the morning of the event with the direct link, so if you want to join me and would like the reminder, as well as some additional information and Q&A, click here to make sure you are signed up for the interest list! If you’ve signed up already, no need to sign up again- this email is just a friendly reminder!

In the meantime, I would love to hear your thoughts on the Shane Dawson x Jeffree Star Cosmetics collab and series, so send me your questions or feedback and I’ll consider including or integrating it into our discussion outline!

Can’t wait to see you on Friday!


What You Need To Know About The Link Between Happiness and Productivity

Hello dear friend!

Lately, there has been a lot of stir in the productivity community about the link between happiness and productivity. Specifically, that measures of productivity indicate happier people as more productive than their unhappy counterparts. Although this point is getting a lot of attention right now, this is not new information by any means. A 2015 study conducted by the Social Market Foundation and the University of Warwick’s Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy, demonstrated that when a subject was shown a 10-minute comedy clip before starting their work, it resulted in a 12-20% increase in their productivity as compared to a control group who were shown no clip before they began working. This study has been cited over the past few years as evidence to support workplace practices for creating a more positive environment for employees as a means to increase their productivity. Now, all that is great and I hope that this trend continues changing the way companies treat their employees and the company culture that they create, but I don’t think most of us needed a study like this to understand the role happiness plays in our productivity.

One of the most popular questions I receive from my community revolve around how to be more productive with a long term illness, anxiety, depression or other physiologically related challenge. I think many women are keenly aware of how unhappiness has negatively affected their productivity. It’s hard to get your mind in the right state to be productive when you are not feeling the most confident or are experiencing pain or discomfort. Living with a regular challenge like that can absolutely become a mood killer that would inhibit your happiness.

It isn’t just physiological challenges, however that can kill your mood and therefore your productivity. Stress, overwhelm, comparison and unreasonable expectations really seem to be the number one killer of female productivity as far as I’ve witnessed within my community. This is why I’ve been working to integrate more metaphysical practices and principles into my content across the board. It is no surprise to me that happiness and personal contentment are the key to unlocking our productivity. This concept is woven throughout world religions, ancient wisdom, modern physics, and new age thought. You’ve probably heard me talk about cultivating a high vibration for yourself during your morning routine as a secret to success. I even designed a daily manifestation journal called the High Vibe Bible around this essential truth; your level of happiness (vibration) dictates your ability to succeed.

When you feel happiness and contentment for your life in the moment, no matter what goals you have set for your future, or what you have experienced in your past, you are creating a high vibrational set point within your mind. So, moving forward from that moment, as long as you are able to keep your level of happiness the same, or even increase it, you are programming yourself to work with a positive momentum, overcome obstacles with ease and you allow your day to flow from task to task through an inward sense of guidance where you don’t need to stop and pause to ask yourself, what’s next. Happiness, a high vibration, turns your mind into a receiver for right action automatically because this is our instinctual state of being.

Once you reach this state, which is apparently as easy as watching a 10-minute comedy clip, you are programmed into the mindset that I call “manifesting success with less stress.” This mindset is my personal be all and end all of productivity. It’s the mindset that programs you to easily achieve your objectives with minimal effort or challenge because you have kept yourself in the right vibration to receive a divine inward guidance for what to do and when to do it. An analogy I commonly use to describe this is that of a chess game. In chess, two players guide a set of pieces across a board in a series of moves in order to strategically “capture” the king piece of their opponent. Games of chess are notorious for lasting a very long time with players making a long series of moves in order to outwit each other. But, experts at chess who reach the level of grand master are able to play a lesser skilled player and win by making only a handful of moves. So, it is possible in chess for you to play against an opponent for hours on end, making countless moves in order to reach your desired objective (winning), or it could take just a few moves. The difference is in the mind of the player. In chess, it’s quite literally knowing the strategy of the game so well that you can win without all the time and effort that might be required of a less skilled player.

This is what manifesting success with less stress is all about. Understanding that whatever your desired objective is, you have two choices; to do it the easy way or to do it the hard way. The hard way is starting off with the mindset that you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you and all this work is going to be hard but that if you put in the hard work and stay focused long enough and sacrifice time with other things to devote more time to this thing than you will reach your objective. This is the mindset of setting expectations for what you think you should do to achieve your objective, and then working diligently to check off each step until your objective is reached. It works, most of the time, but it’s a buzz kill of a mindset isn’t it? Instead, what I am offering to you and what the study on the link between happiness and productivity is really illustrating is that there is an easy path too. When you shift your mindset into happiness and contentment, even gratitude and joy and then approach your objective thinking about how great it’s going to be when you hit your goal and how excited you are to finish your work, and what you can’t wait to do after all the work is complete- then suddenly your mindset is in alignment with the vibration of success for that objective, and like a grand master, you will instinctually know what the next right move is from exactly where you stand, and as long as you listen to the feeling inside that urges you to do x next, and as long as you keep your emotions in a state of happiness then you will complete your objective in far fewer moves overall. Manifest success with less stress. Get what you want with less effort expended.

Now, if you’ve been around the block with me, you may recall that I often suggest that if you are working towards an objective and don’t know how to get started, that the first thing you should do is some research on how to achieve your objective. I make this suggestion knowing full well that if someone is really ready to achieve that objective but are not yet in alignment with a higher vibration, that doing the research becomes the first step, the first action they take to put them in alignment with achieving that objective. Many times, when we go to do research on how to achieve an objective, we find information that confirms what we already believed was the right action to take. Isn’t that interesting? We already kinda knew what to do before we got started, but instead of acting on what we felt was right, we needed confirmation from another source. This is a very common situation people find themselves in when they are not yet used to being in alignment with a high vibration and don’t trust their gut yet! In psychology there is a concept called confirmation bias that is a tendency humans are afflicted with. This is the tendency to seek out and trust information that confirms what we already believe to be true. So, humans are programmed instinctually for this alignment, and when you take the step of doing the research on your objective, it aligns you to that objective and confirms those feelings you already had about what to do to achieve it. So once your done getting that confirmation you start to feel better don’t you? You feel more confident! You feel like you are better prepared to start and as long as nothing else stands in your way, your vibration is rising into alignment with your objective.

But, I assure you, the research step wasn’t actually necessary as part of this mechanism. All you actually need to do is get into a high vibration and align with your objective- make yourself feel happy and clearly identify what you want to achieve- and you will automatically start receiving insight for what the right action is to take! Then it’s up to you to trust that information you receive. Trust your feelings. Try acting on what you feel is the right thing to do first, and then next. See where it takes you. If you stay in the high vibration and in alignment with your objective, meaning you don’t change the objective and you don’t start doubting the objective, then you will absolutely achieve it quicker and with less energy expended than had you tried the hard way. It does take practice and mastery to get into a high vibration, especially if you aren’t the healthiest or most confident person, but with time you can build a new neural net of experience. Practically speaking, deciding to be happy and finding simple ways shift into happiness requires very little work and is something anyone can do. It does take discipline and focus to stay in alignment with a goal, but over time those mental muscles can be trained as well. So really, what we need to develop is the discipline of controlling our mind, not the discipline of controlling our actions, in order to become productive and successfully achieve our objectives.

Now, I realize this discussion may bring up more questions for you- specifically around the metaphysics of how this all works. How do we receive the information for the next right action and where does it come from? I will get into this idea in future posts, but for now I will ask you not to focus on any lingering questions but instead to focus on practicing the process I have shared. After all, I don’t know how my television works, but I know how to turn it on and change the channel, and that’s enough for me to use it to meet my needs.

Of course, I would love to hear what you think of this information and your experience with it. If you have any questions, of course also leave those down below in a comment so I can address those for you because this is truly a very important skill to master for productivity and I’m committed to helping you build and use this skill successfully!


The 7 Deadly Sins of Productivity Workshop Replay is Available!

Happy Sunday My Charmed Ones!

First of all I wanted to say a very big THANK YOU for helping to make my latest workshop “The 7 Deadly Sins of Productivity” a success yesterday!

I know we had a little technical difficulty at the start, but we worked through it and the live stream went off without a hitch.

I LOVE doing these sorts of live events with you because it gives me a chance to really go deep on a specific topic in a way I wouldn’t be able to in a standard youtube video, and it was great to hear how informative, helpful and motivating you found the content of the workshop yesterday.

Now, if for some reason you weren’t able to make the live event yesterday,I want to make sure you get the link to the replay so you can watch it before it expires come October 1st.


Don’t forget to CLICK HERE to download the Workbook to accompany the event as well- it’s great for helping you take notes and organize your thoughts as you enjoy the lecture!

I also have to give a HUGE THANK YOU to those of you who have signed up to join my latest productivity project…

The Productivity & Planning Master Mind!

To refresh your memory, the Productivity & Planning Master Mind is a 90 Day Accountability Group and 6 Module Video Master Class that I will be hostingLIVE from October-December. I cant wait to get started helping each of you who joined identify your big goals for the end of the year, break them down into a solid plan of action and help you see it all through by New Years!


If you are still thinking about joining the Master Mind, the $100 discount will EXPIRE ON MONDAY EVENING, and then membership to the master mind closes completely at the close of September.

So if you are ready to join the Master Mind…


Or, if you are still on the fence and have specific questions, please SEND ME AN EMAIL and let me know what’s on your mind so we can determine if the Master Mind is the right fit for you!

Thanks again for helping me make yesterdays event such a success and I can’t wait to start helping you achieve your goals for 2017 in our new Master Mind!



How to Develop a Productive Morning & Evening Routine

How to Develop a Productive Morning & Evening Routine

How to Develop a Productive Morning & Evening Routine

All of us have a morning and evening routine, whether or not we want to acknowledge it. As humans we tend to do the same things repetitively and automatically, but this doesn’t mean we are doing the right things or the most productive things. Learning to control our habits and routines is a crucial step to living a more productive life, but this process doesn’t have to be complicated or require us to add a bunch of different to dos to our lists. My philosophy on routine building is to start with what you are currently doing, eliminate the unnecessary and swap time wasting tasks for productive ones. So let’s get started helping you develop your own defined and productive morning and evening routines!

What do your morning routine and evening routines look like right now?

Think about all the things you do in the morning between the time you wake up and leave for (or begin) work and then all the things you do in the evening in order to prepare yourself for sleep. Make a list to help you work out all the details, but most importantly, ask yourself why you do each item. I don’t doubt that the majority of tasks on your list are important, but, I do question whether everything you do is necessary to be completed in the morning before you begin the bulk of your day. Some examples of common unnecessary tasks performed in the morning and evening include:

Preparing/Planning meals: unless you’re cooking breakfast or setting up dinner in the crock pot to cook while you go to work, your morning is not the time you should be meal prepping, nor is your evening. Ideally, your lunch should already be prepped and in the refrigerator waiting for you and if you’ve waited until the morning of to decide what dinner is going to be, you have significantly increased the chances that no matter what the answer is, the result is going to be take out. Try prepping the meals for the next day while you prepare dinner so you are using your time in the kitchen wisely.

Choosing clothes: These should have been laid out the evening before, not the morning of.

Working out: Despite all we hear that working out in the morning is the best thing ever, there isn’t much scientific research to back that up and some research has found that working out in the morning when your cortisol levels are naturally at their highest doesn’t work well for some people. Likewise, nothing makes it harder to sleep than a late night workout before bed, so plan for your physical activity during peak daylight hours if you are really interested in improving your health.

Cleaning up: The habit of leaving messes to sit until the morning is one that you desperately need to break, but that doesn’t mean you should stay up late doing chores. Try to pick up after yourself during the day and you’ll save yourself a lot of time and trouble.

Completing work tasks: If it really can’t wait until you get to work, you’ve dropped the ball. Try not to spend your evenings or mornings on tasks that belong to your 9-5.

Watching TV: News is one thing, but waking up and turning on the tv or falling asleep with the tv on is another terrible time wasting habit that can cause morning stress or evening restlessness. Same goes for your computer and tech gadgets. I won’t say you can’t check your phone before bed or when you awaken, but don’t let it keep you up or keep you from getting out of bed on time.

What’s missing from your morning or evening?

As we evaluate what we are currently doing as part of our unofficial morning and evening routines and what unnecessary tasks need to go, we also need to put thought into what we are missing that may need to be added. The purpose of a morning routine is to help you start your day with a framework of success, and the purpose of an evening routine is to help you end your day peacefully. So what aren’t you doing right now that could support those ends and furthermore what could you choose to do in the morning or evening to move you closer towards success with your goals. Sometimes there are specific actions we can take in our mornings or evenings to help support our goals, but other times just the simplification of our routines and the elimination of wasteful habits can be the best way for us to support goals. Here is a list of tasks to give you an idea of things you could add to your morning or evening routines.

  • Prayer
  • Meditation
  • Stretching
  • Hydration
  • Breakfast
  • Journaling
  • Self Care
  • Music
  • Reading
  • Gratitude
  • Affirmations

What does a productive morning or evening routine consist of?

A productive morning or evening routine will look different for each person, but if you can outline a simple routine for starting and ending your day and strive to stick to it, you will find that your mornings become less stressful and your evenings become more restful. Here are a few tips on what to do and not to do when building your routines.

Do This

Subtract before you Add: Before you consider adding any activities to your routines, make sure to take away some things first by rescheduling those tasks to different parts of your day or eliminate them completely.

Use Common Sense: You know your needs and energy level in the morning, so don’t mess around with what really matters to you and helps you to set your day up for success. I am a believer that even inessential tasks can be important if they significantly affect your mood and outlook on the day.

Create Boundaries: Your morning and evenings are pinnacle parts of your day that should be protected so that you can start and end your day properly. Put boundaries on other people and certain tasks, even if that means setting yourself some rules, so you respect whatever time you can devote to setting up and ending your day productively.

Don’t Do This

Wake Up Earlier or Go to Sleep Later: Unless you really have zero time to complete even a basic morning or evening routine, don’t feel pressure to force yourself to change your sleeping pattern. Yes, we all wish we woke up earlier, but what we want in theory and what our bodies need in practice are not always the same. Your routines should fit into your life by swapping time wasters with more productive tasks, not by changing your schedule entirely.

Take on Too Much New: There are a lot of opinions on what you should do in the morning and evening to set yourself up for a productive and successful day, but it’s not your responsibility to try them all out. Eliminating time wasting behavior will be difficult enough to manage in the morning and evening without adding the complication of adding new tasks as well. I think a simple 10 minute routine can be as productive and set you up for as much success as a whole 60 minute routine.

Aim for Perfection: When it comes to developing a new morning or evening routine (or both!) you can’t expect that you will stick to the routine 100% of the time. I think setting a goal of completing your routine in it’s entirety 3 days a week is a good start. Working up to 5 days or your workdays would be excellent. And don’t forget, you can take time off from your routines or create different ones for the weekend and that’s perfectly acceptable as well. Don’t set yourself an unnecessary standard for these routines because it is literally too early and too late in the day to expect perfection. You are only human after all!

I sincerely hope this post stimulated some ideas for you to develop your own morning and evening routine. If so, I’d love to hear about it down in the comments!
