Entrepreneurial: I’ll Rise Like the Break of Dawn

This month I'm singing Let it Go from Frozen as part of my monthly Entrepreneurial Journal Entry!

Entrepreneurial: I’ll Rise Like the Break of Dawn

I know I have mentioned more than a few times that when it comes to writing my blog posts, I tend to batch the work and write my content at least a week ahead of time, but when it comes to this blog post, my monthly entrepreneurial journal entry, I try to hold off on writing this until the end of the month. So, I’m writing this the day before the post goes live- this is as close to living on the edge that I like to come with my blog, but let me tell you, living on the edge is something I did ALOT in November! In so many ways, this month felt like a metamorphosis for me. I actually don’t understand how the person sitting here at the computer right now typing this post is the same person who woke up on November 1st thinking this was going to be the same old same old type of month for me. If I had to select a theme song for November, it would be Let It Go from Frozen, because like the beloved snow queen Elsa, I let a lot of sh*t go this month!

What I Didn’t Do

1. Let myself get distracted: November was a very transformative month for me and as soon as I realized that I had a lot of work to do to reach the other side in one piece, I turned on hermit mode and kept myself lazer focused on the tasks in front of me. I definitely didn’t lock myself in a room all month to avoid distractions, but I gave myself permission to delete or silence the apps, alerts, and even people that often take up too much of my mental energy. Truthfully, it felt like one of the most selfish things I have ever done, but it was too freeing to let other things slip away and just focus on myself. I seriously need to do this more often!

2. Let Fear hold me back: I tend to be the type of person who hates disappointing others and fears letting people down, but I overcame a lot of fear this month to do the things I knew had to be done. I almost feel a little ruthless with some of the decisions I made this month, some of the people I blocked and some of the projects I dropped, but I just mentally blocked out the fear.

3. Give a F*ck: I apologize for being so crass with this one, but vulgarity seems to be the best way for me to sum this up! I still can’t believe some of the things I did this month to make it to the finish line. It wasn’t that I did anything bad, I just did things and made choices I have never experienced before and it was completely liberating to me and my business. Looking back at the month, I almost feel like I was a little too reckless at times, but even now, seeing how things turned out, I feel like I needed to be a little reckless and I’m curious about how things could have turned out if I had been even more reckless! It really was a major change for me when you keep in mind that I’m normally so deliberate and buttoned up.

What I Did Do

1. Ran two promotions (simultaneously): This idea was a little nuts, required a lot of work and preparation on my part, but it completely paid off. So, I ran two promotions that overlapped; one for my Online Business Bundle as part of that Free Workshop I hosted mid-month, and one for my Annual Holiday Sale in my shop that ended yesterday. Because of this decision, I had my best month EVER in the shop… and that was BEFORE the second promotion even started! Financially speaking, I exceeded all kinds of goals I had set for my business, not just in November, but also for 2016 as a whole! After a period of months where I felt like my business had stagnated after my summer off and my move, it was like my business was in full acceleration and forgot to hit the brakes. Of course, I’m now curious to see how I parlay this success into December, but any way I cut it, this year is a major win for me no matter what happens next month!

2. Closed a Facebook Group: Remember how I said this month’s theme song would be Let it go? Well, my #CharmedBiz Collective Facebook Group was one of the things that I let go this month. For a long time I felt like this group didn’t shape up the way I had intended it, and it was completely my own fault. But after spending months trying to keep it alive in one way or another, I finally decided to cut off the dead weight so I could move on with a lighter load. I’m so thankful for this opportunity because now I don’t need to spend mental energy and precious time worrying about the future of the group- it wasn’t working, so I let it go, and now I can pour my energy into bigger and better things.

3. Celebrated my success: Because of the great success I had in the shop this month, I gave myself permission to celebrate my milestone with a big purchase. Something I have been wanting for a while, but was always a little concerned about buying because of the expense and the lack of necessity. This was one of those reckless moments, but I said F it, did what I wanted and I’m really happy I did. Life is short, we should ALL get in the habit of celebrating our success and milestones while we have the chance!

What I Learned

1. Let it go (and set boundaries!): I definitely have a hard time letting go, but I managed to conquer this fear and let go of nearly everything that wasn’t serving me this month. I feel like I have emotionally, spiritually and physically cleaned house, and it’s one of those amazing feelings where I don’t regret a single thing, and in fact, want to find more things to let go of! By letting go of that which did not serve me in the past, I was able to clear out space for wonderful new things to come into my life. It’s funny how that works! I let go of a lot of random stuff holding me back and I was bestowed a wonderful gift. The universe strives for balance, if you are carrying around too much, it doesn’t want to give you more than you can handle. You need to unpack what you don’t need before you can get all the shiny new stuff the universe wants you to have instead. And in order to keep myself from picking back up anything I let go of this month, I also needed to make sure to erect some boundaries for myself. Boundaries are a new concept for me as well this month- I tend not to use them, but going forward, much of the work I know I need to complete for myself and my own personal development revolves around setting boundaries so I do not let myself acquire too much baggage that doesn’t serve me in the future.

2. Trust the process: I’ve said this before, but trusting the process is a lesson I am constantly learning. We can’t see the future, so making decisions, taking risks, acting recklessly, it all feels uncomfortable. But I have seen time and time again that when I show up and do the work, it all pays off. Even if I do the work and it doesn’t result in success, I always get something important from it. I need to stop playing it safe all the time, and trust the process more, because I know what works for my life and my business, and the more I can focus on doing the work that matters, the more I’ll be rewarded in the end.

3. Luck results when preparation meets opportunity: To sum up this whole month and the big picture lessons I’ve learned, I am reminded of this quote. “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” If you are looking at my life and my business and thinking “she’s just lucky” you seriously misunderstand what it takes to create success in your own life and business. Although this blog post and those like it are my attempt to pull back the curtain so others can get a glimpse at what it takes to be successful in online business, make no mistake that you do not see it all, especially the hours of hard work that go into making my successes a reality. Tweeting, vlogging, and sharing on Instagram are the things I do when I am not heads down with my eyes glued to my work. There is no such thing as luck, we all get exactly what we work for in one form or another.

I hope this rather irreverent installment of my monthly entrepreneurial journal has inspired you to let some things go in your own life and business, and to create a plan to move forward and collect all the rewards that are waiting for you on the other side of that sacrifice! For me, this month has been so transformative and absolutely freeing. So, I’m sure I can expect some challenges to come next month as I adjust and strive to enforce the changes I’ve made this month. I’d love to hear how your month went and what lessons you picked up along the way, so please make sure to share those in the comments below or let me know how my experience this month has inspired you to act!



Shop Smarter, Not Harder Before My Annual Holiday Sale Ends Tonight!


If you haven’t been over to The Charmed Shop lately, things have gotten a bit of a frosty makeover for the holidays to celebrate the BIGGEST Annual Sale in the Shop! Today is Cyber Monday, which means it’s the last day of the sale and the last chance to take advantage of some of my awesome sale specials and extra discount codes!

Of course, up until now, the discount codes have only been shared with my subscribers, but I don’t want to leave my loyal blog readers out in the cold either, so if you are interested in purchasing something to help you work smarter, not harder in the new year, here are the codes for some extra discounts to the already discounted prices in the shop!


Keep in mind that these codes and the extra sale savings EXPIRE at Midnight Eastern Time tonight! So if you want to get your hands on my Printable Charmed Life Planner, my Best Selling Goal Setting Workbook YOU GOT THIS, or a Productivity Master Class, head on over to The Charmed Shop NOW!

Thanks to EVERYONE who has already purchased during this year’s Holiday Sale! This has been by far the most successful sale in The Charmed Shop to date, and thanks to your generous love and support, I have even more resources to invest into my business for 2017! So you can look forward to bigger and better things for your productivity in the New Year with the help of yours truly. Keep your eyes peeled for a very special project I am working on in December to get YOU more involved with the future of my channel and business- I’ll be sending an email out very soon about that!




It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, So How About a Few Freebies From Me to You?

31 Things to Do in December

Hello My Charmed Ones!

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year! Holiday Season! And I have a few Tech and Planner Freebies to share with you to help kick December and the last leg of 2016 off right! Click here to get your Planner Freebies, the 31 Days of Merriment & Cheer Monthly Task List as well as your December 2016 Dashboard. Both are available in A5 and Personal Filofax equivalents from The Charmed Shop!


Don’t forget your Tech Wallpapers as well! I have a nice seasonal design for you that is a little bit different than the other designs this year, but I just love it, don’t you? Download yours here on The Charmed Shop!

I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving if you are in the US and you know I love when I see your photos on Instagram sharing how you are using and loving your monthly freebies, so make sure to use #CharmedGTD if you post a picture on Instagram or Twitter, and feel free to tag me @MissTrenchcoat as well so I can see you photos and give them a big heart 



Holiday Hits {Productivity Playlist 2016}

Holiday Hits Productivity Playlist

Happy Holiday’s My Charmed Ones!

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, I thought it would be timely of me to share a Holiday Hits Playlist with you to get you into the Holiday Spirit! You’re going to be Fa, la, la, la, la-ing all week through your turkey-coma and LOVING every minute of it. So, without further ado, here is my Spotify Playlist for you to enjoy!

I hope this playlist helps you get into the Holiday Spirit! Let me know what other tunes you think I’m missing, down in the comments and I just might have to add them to my playlist so we can ALL enjoy!



The Charmed Shop Holiday Sale Preview {PLUS Free Printable BONUS}

The CHARMED SHOP Annual Holiday Sale PREVIEW!

The week is here! Thanksgiving Day is just 3 SLEEPS AWAY and the Charmed Shop’s BIGGEST ANNUAL SALE is about to begin.

NOW IS THE TIME to start making your holiday shopping list for the special friends and family in your life that you will be gifting to this year AND don’t forget #1, YOURSELF! While you are out shopping this weekend and over the next few weeks generously thinking of others, you don’t want to forget about picking up a few essentials for yourself. The end of the year is always a stress-filled, action-packed season, and it’s so easy to loose track of time and your own priorities when you are feeling the weight of a never ending to-do list on your back. Commit to Working Smarter, Not Harder this season and give yourself the GIFT OF PRODUCTIVITY with some of these planning essentials!

Here is a Special Preview of what you can expect from The Charmed Shop’s Annual Holiday Sale that starts Thursday November 25th and ends Monday November 28th!


Printable Meal Planning Bundle Now On Sale!

Meal Planning Bundle: Available in both A5 and Personal Size, this bundle of printable inserts for your planner is everything you need to streamline your meal planning process for JUST $10!*

Printable Planner Holiday Decor Bundle on Sale!

Holiday Deco Artwork & Printable Stickers: Personalize your planner for the Holidays with a Printable Holiday Sticker Design AND the Most Wonderful Time of the Year Printable Artwork that makes a perfect cover, divider set or dashboard for your planner. Just $10!

Printable Office Wall Art Now On Sale!

Printable Inspirational Wall Art: During the Holiday Sale, ALL WALL  ART IS 50% OFF, No coupon code required.

Best Sellers 

2017 Functional Planning Bundle

The Charmed Life Planners & Functional Planning Bundles are BY FAR some of the best selling planner supplies in The Charmed Shop! Get your complete Printable Charmed Life Planner or Bundle Now Available in Full US Letter/A4, A5/Half Letter & Personal Size Filofax Equivalents, just $25 for the Charmed Life Planner or $35 for the Whole Functional Planning Bundle with your Choice of Planner and Project and Task Tracking Inserts as well!*


The Work Smarter, Not Harder Bundle, 2 Info Packed Productivity Master Classes for 1 Affordable Price!

The Work Smarter, Not Harder Bundle: My Two Popular Video Master Classes bundled together for one great price JUST GOT EVEN BETTER! Get yours for just $50 and get your productivity and goals in order for 2017!

The Charmed Life Personal Development Master Class is On Sale!

The Charmed Life Master Class: My signature self-guided personal development master class that will teach you my 10 Charmed Life Secrets and how to apply them to your own life, is just $49 during the sale!

Best Sellers 

YOU GOT THIS Strategic Goal Setting Workbook is on Sale!

• The YOU GOT THIS Strategic Goal Setting Workbook: If you DO NOT have this printable, action-oriented goal setting tool, you are seriously missing one of the ALL TIME BEST SELLING resources in The Charmed Shop. Get yours for just $19 before the New Year so you can map out your goals and FINALLY have a clear path to achieving them!


empire-building-charmeddslr-bundle-400x400 architect-path-bundle

Online Business Course Bundle: Looking to start an online business in 2017? Have a current online platform you would like to turn into a business? The Online Business Course Bundle includes EVERYTHING you need to build your brand, following and income streams online! Get the Bundle for just $277 or choose the upgraded Bundle that includes one-to-one consulting calls with me for just $547!


As I mentioned in my post last week, the Holiday Sale includes two options. A public sale option, that I’ve outlined above where anyone can go to the shop and purchase the special discounted products, and a private option for those on my email list. If you are subscribed to my list, as an insider you will ALSO get access to special COUPON CODES for up to 33% off your total purchase in The Charmed Shop! So, if you want ADDITIONAL SAVINGS on EVERYTHING you purchase during the Holiday Sale, get on my list ASAP by filling out the form before and don’t forget to confirm your subscription to my email list or you will miss the codes!

Subscribe to My List!

* indicates required


The Sale is still a few days away, but I don’t want you to miss out on these great discounts because they are seriously a once a year occurrence. So, to help you prepare for your busy week ahead, I have some helpful tips for getting yourself prepared, plus a FREE Printable Bonus for you.

  1. Get on my email list (form above)
  2. Check out this video playlist that covers some of the different options and items on sale 
  3. Print out this FREE Holiday Shopping Check List to keep track of everything you need to purchase for yourself and others this holiday season!

I hope you have enjoyed this Holiday Sale Preview and that you have some ideas for what you don’t want to miss out on in The Charmed Shop this week! Remember, if you want to save even more this week, you need to be on my list, so don’t forget to sign up! 



*Sale price is already running.

How to Turn a Filofax Binder into a Desktop Filing System

How to turn a filofax into a desktop filing system

How to Turn a Filofax Binder into a Desktop Filing System

Let’s be honest, how many of us have an extra Filofax planner sitting around that we’d love to put to productive use? I know I do, and that’s why I am always thinking of new ways to use them. The great thing about Filofax planners is that they are more than just planners. They are high quality ring binders that can be used to store anything from your calendar and to do list, to your paperwork and mail. One of my favorite ways to use a spare binder, specifically a spare A5 (although you can also manage this with a personal size) is to create a desktop filing system. That’s right, a simple, easy to use file system that sits on your desk and is portable enough to keep your essential documents and reference information safe while on the go. Since I am a productivity junkie, I like to use the 43 Folders System to file papers, mail and information I know I need for later, but don’t want to go through the hassle of filing away in “deep storage”. We all have documents that relate to in-process projects, or emails we have printed out and stuffed into our calendars to keep for a project or event months down the road, and the rotating ticker file or 43 Folders System is a great way to manage those types of physical documents. So, let me walk you through what you will need to undertake this project and give you some simple steps to building your own 43 Folders Tickler File in a spare Filofax A5 Binder.

What You Will Need

What To Do

How to Turn a Filofax Binder into a Desktop Filing System

Step 1: Remove any old inserts or papers from your Filofax.

Step 2: Using a piece of 5 paper as a guide, take a file folder and using a piece of A5 paper as a guide, line up your paper with the top corner of your file folder where the edge and the fold meet and mark the dimensions of the paper onto the folder. Repeat this for all file folders.

Step 3: Using a paper trimmer or scissors, cut the excess file folder where you have marked the A5 dimensions so that you have an A5 sized folder. Repeat this for all file folders.

How to turn a Filofax Binder into a Desktop Filing System

Step 4: On the front side of the file folder, make a diagonal cut from the top corner of the folder (where the edge and fold meet) down to about 2/3rd of the page. Also, remove any tab on the folder if applicable. Make sure to only cut through one side of the folder and leave the other side intact. Repeat this for all file folders.

Step 5: Using clear tape, tape the bottom opening and 1/3rd side opening of the folder shut, making a pocket that can hold papers. Repeat this for all file folders.

Step 6: Punch holes down the long edge of the file folder on the side of the original fold with the A5 punch. Repeat this for all file folders.

Step 7: Name 12 of your file tabs January-December, creating one tab for each month of the year.

How to turn a Filofax Binder into a Desktop Filing System

Step 8: Add one monthly tab to each of the 12 folders. Distribute tabs as evenly as you can.

Step 9: Using your A5 paper guide, mark the dimensions onto your paper or card stock. Repeat this for all 31 pieces of paper or card stock.

Step 10: Using a paper trimmer or scissors, cut the paper or card stock along the A5 guide. Repeat this for all 31 pieces of paper or card stock.

Step 11: Punch each A5 piece of paper or card stock with your A5 punch.

Step 12: Number the remaining 31 file tabs 1-31 and apply one to each of the 31 pieces of paper or card stock cut into A5 dimensions. Distribute tabs as evenly as you can.

Step 13: Open the rings of your Filofax binder and put in the folder labeled with your current month.

How to turn a Filofax Binder into a Desktop Filing System

Step 14: Behind your current month folder, put in the paper or card stock numbered 1-31 in numerical order.

Step 15: Behind the 31st page, put the remainder of the monthly folders, in calendar order.

How to Use Your Filofax 43 Folder Binder

How to turn a Filofax Binder into a Desktop Filing System

Your Filofax tickler file has 12 folders, one for each month of the year and 31 individual pages, 1 for each of the maximum 31 days in a month. To use your binder, place notes, to do’s, documents or papers (fold A4 or US letter pages in half first) into the folder for the month they belong to. For your current month, place papers in front of the numbered of the specific day of the month you want to be reminded or will need a specific document. I like to use sticky notes with reminders on them as a placeholder for any large multipage documents that don’t fit comfortably inside the system, and I leave documents/lists in the current monthly file if they don’t pertain to a specific day but I want to work on them that month. This file is great for storing all those straggling papers sitting in piles on your desk and perfect for forward planning, even if you don’t have any documents related to a specific idea or event. Using list pads or sticky notes with a concept or idea and sticking it to a specific daily page or inside a specific month’s folder is a great way to job your memory for a project or idea you have now that you don’t want to act on until later. As the months progress, make sure that the current monthly folder is on top, followed by the 31 daily pages and then the rest of the monthly folders in order behind those. This keeps the folder up to date and because nothing is specifically dated you can use the system over a span a years without needing to change a thing!

If you would like to replicate this DIY for yourself, here is a video I made outlining the process and providing additional details that may interest you. If you do use this method, I would love to see it, so please make sure to take a picture, share it on Twitter or Instagram and tag me @MissTrenchcoat. Don’t forget to pick up my latest free planner printables over at http://www.TheCharmedShop.com!



Thanks to Filofax for sending me this Binder to use in the tutorial!

5 FREE Resources to Help You Plan a Joyful and Low Stress Holiday

5 FREE Resources to Help You Plan a Joyful and Low Stress Holiday

5 FREE Resources to Help You Plan a Joyful and Low Stress Holiday

With a little over a week until Thanksgiving Day in the US, I thought now was as good a time as any to share some of my best seasonal Holiday productivity tips and tricks to help you get organized over this busy and often stressful period of the year. Yes, the holidays are wonderfully magical as they remind us of the love, family and gratitude we have in our lives, but holiday celebrations don’t come without their own brand of challenges. Coordinating people, meal plans, multiple events and holiday wish lists can be a struggle for many of us, but hopefully, I can help make it a little more productive and enjoyable for you with these 5 FREE Resources to Help You Plan a Joyful and Low Stress Holiday!

  1. First things first, if you have not snagged yourself my FREE printable 30 Days of Thankfulness list for you planner, do so now! You will want to frame everything you do during this season in a sense of gratitude, and this planner insert is a great way to keep that idea fresh in your mind.
  2. If you are someone who struggles with stress and anxiety during the holidays, my video The 5 Steps to a Stress Free Holiday, is going to be a resource for you.  Definitely watch it and take some notes to keep with you on the strategies I share to help you prevent and overcome stressors as they arise during the next few weeks.
  3. This next resource is an AMAZING planning tip that I learned about right before last Thanksgiving and it really helped me keep my Thanksgiving planning and prep very streamlined. If you are hosting any dinners or family get togethers during this time check out this video on How to Plan for Thanksgiving! I promise, the strategy shared applies to more than just Thanksgiving!
  4. After you have watched the video from resource #3, if you are still looking for some great tried and true recipes that I rely on for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, here is a blog post filled with my favorite recipes! Most, if not all, will be served as part of my holiday dinners this year!
  5. Finally, we can’t forget about holiday shopping. It can be stressful, expensive, and time consuming, but with in this video, I share some of my Must Have Holiday Shopping Apps to make the process a little easier and even a little bit enjoyable!

I sincerely hope you found these resources valuable as you begin to get into the thick of your holiday planning! If you have any other resources or tips you would like to share, please feel free to add them below in the comments so we can all benefit. One last thing I thought I should mention, is that I have started a Holiday Themed Board on Pinterest called Christmas is Coming! I’ll be sharing more resources and recipe ideas there if you’d like to follow along- and don’t be surprised if you see a resource you suggest pop up as a pin as well!



2016 Holiday Gift Guide for the Homebody!

2016 Holiday Gift Guide for the Homebody!

Hello My Charmed Ones! Welcome to The Strange & Charmed 2016 Holiday Gift Guide!

The Most Wonderful Time of Year is Almost Upon Us! So, I thought this would be the perfect time to do a short series of gift guides before Black Friday and the holiday rush begins. Of course, since this is a Strange & Charmed Gift Guide, my choices for 2016 will be themed into categories that pertain to my readers. The first Gift Guide is themed for the Planner Addict in your life. Whether that be you or a friend! The second Gift Guide is themed for your Business Bestie. This may be a fellow #LadyBoss or co-worker that you want to spoil this year! The third and final Gift Guide is themed for the Homebody. This could be someone who loves home decor and entertaining, or a book lover who prefers to stay in on a cold winter’s night to relax and enjoy the comforts of home. Of course, with all three of these gift guides for 2016, I will include links at the bottom of the post where you can check out these items, start making your 2016 holiday gift list and get to shopping. So, I hope you’re excited for this series!

Today’s Gift Guide is for the HOMEBODY!

Let’s see what gifts we have in store for her!



  1. Diptyque Votive Candle Set
  2. Tiered MarbleTray (great for serving and displaying accessories too!)
  3. Kate Spade Ampersand Trivet
  4. Typography Book Ends
  5. Luxe Faux Fur Blanket
  6. Namast’ay In Bed Mug

I hope this Holiday Gift Guide gives you some great inspiration for the Homebody in your life! Feel free to leave your gift suggestions for  decorista’s down below to add to the holiday gift giving goodness!



2016 Holiday Gift Guide for the Business Bestie!

2016 Holiday Gift Guide for the Business Bestie!

Hello My Charmed Ones! Welcome to The Strange & Charmed 2016 Holiday Gift Guide!

The Most Wonderful Time of Year is Almost Upon Us! So, I thought this would be the perfect time to do a short series of gift guides before Black Friday and the holiday rush begins. Of course, since this is a Strange & Charmed Gift Guide, my choices for 2016 will be themed into categories that pertain to my readers. The first Gift Guide is themed for the Planner Addict in your life. Whether that be you or a friend! The second Gift Guide is themed for your Business Bestie. This may be a fellow #LadyBoss or co-worker that you want to spoil this year! The third and final Gift Guide is themed for the Homebody. This could be someone who loves home decor and entertaining, or a book lover who prefers to stay in on a cold winter’s night to relax and enjoy the comforts of home. Of course, with all three of these gift guides for 2016, I will include links at the bottom of the post where you can check out these items, start making your 2016 holiday gift list and get to shopping. So, I hope you’re excited for this series!

Today’s Gift Guide is for the BUSINESS BESTIE!

Let’s see what gifts we have in store for her!



  1. Pink Agate Arcylic Notepad Tray
  2. Girl, You’ve Got This! Coffee Tumbler
  3. “I’m Kind of a Big Deal, That’s All” Trinket Tray
  4. Ringly Smart Ring (alternate option)
  5. Smartphone Clip-On Lenses
  6. High End Lipstick Charger

I hope this Holiday Gift Guide gives you some great inspiration for the Business Bestie in your life! Feel free to leave your gift suggestions for #LadyBosses down below to add to the holiday gift giving goodness!



2016 Holiday Gift Guide for the Planner Addict!


Hello My Charmed Ones! Welcome to The Strange & Charmed 2016 Holiday Gift Guide!

The Most Wonderful Time of Year is Almost Upon Us! So, I thought this would be the perfect time to do a short series of gift guides before Black Friday and the holiday rush begins. Of course, since this is a Strange & Charmed Gift Guide, my choices for 2016 will be themed into categories that pertain to my readers. The first Gift Guide is themed for the Planner Addict in your life. Whether that be you or a friend! The second Gift Guide is themed for your Business Bestie. This may be a fellow #LadyBoss or co-worker that you want to spoil this year! The third and final Gift Guide is themed for the Homebody. This could be someone who loves home decor and entertaining, or a book lover who prefers to stay in on a cold winter’s night to relax and enjoy the comforts of home. Of course, with all three of these gift guides for 2016, I will include links at the bottom of the post where you can check out these items, start making your 2016 holiday gift list and get to shopping. So, I hope you’re excited for this series!

Today’s Gift Guide is for the PLANNER ADDICT!

Let’s see what gifts we have in store for her!

2016 Planner Addict Holiday Gift Guide

What’s On the List!

  1. Kate Spade 6-Ring Zip Around Personal Organizer
  2. Acrylic Stationery Organization Box
  3. Gigi New York Mini Notebook
  4. Marble Sticky Notes
  5. Gem Topped Pen
  6. Black & White Stripped Pen Pouch

I hope this Holiday Gift Guide gives you some great inspiration for the Planner Addict in your life! Feel free to leave your gift suggestions for planner lovers down below to add to the holiday gift giving goodness!

