Empire Building is on Sale!

Empire Building, my online business marketing program, is on sale for a limited time!

Empire Building is on Sale!

Are you ready to join Empire Building?

If you didn’t make it to my Free Live Webinar yesterday, you might have missed the news that my Empire Building Online Business Program is currently on sale through the end of the month! If you have been interested in the program, now is the perfect time to invest and get started because although Empire Building is available all year round, I rarely drop the price, but with summer break upon us, I thought this was the perfect time to give you all a little entrepreneurial kick in the butt. If you have been waiting to start your #sidehustle or make real progress on creating your own dream job, I’m here to tell you you’ll regret not starting TODAY! With Empire Building, you get a self-paced online business building program that teaches you everything you need to know to market your brand or business online, whether you want to become a professional blogger, start a serviced based business or even run an online shop! Empire Building is all about giving you the strategies and resources that you need to get your business up and running quickly and PROFITABLY! If this interests you, click here to read the details of the program!

Are you ready to start building your own dream job?

Of course, if you have any questions about what is included in the program or if Empire Building is the right approach for you, please feel free to send me an email and I’ll be more than happy to review your specific situation to see if you are a fit for my program. But if you’re ready to get started, take advantage of my sale pricing before it expires! Can’t wait to work with you inside the program!



How to Find Focus as a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur

If you're a creative, multi-passionate entrepreneur, you know how hard it can be to focus on one project at a time! This simple strategy is how I find focus when my creativity is running wild!

How to Find Focus as a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur

Today I want to talk to you about finding focus as a multi-passionate entrepreneur because this is a topic that is very near and dear to my heart. I do consider myself to be a multi-passionate entrepreneur. I’m someone who enjoys a wide variety of different creative endeavors and strives to fold them all together into my business. Things from writing and blogging to photography or videography and designing. There are so many different things I’m passionate about and I’ve been lucky enough to figure out a way to pull those all together into one business. Now this is also a really important topic to me because within my Empire Building Online Business Program, I work with a lot of business owners who consider themselves to be multi-passionate entrepreneurs as well. They’re either in a stage of business where they’re trying to start their business or they’ve already begun their business and they’re trying to figure out the next step, but because they’re multi-passionate and they have all these great ideas and creative visions, they have a hard time focusing on what they need to work on next. So, this is something that I deal with personally on a day-to-day basis. Not just by myself but with my clients as well. So, today I want to share a strategy that I use and recommend for anyone looking to find focus and who considers themselves to be a creative multi-passionate individual!

The first thing I want you to do if you are someone who has a lot of different ideas and you’re trying to determine what to work on first is to go ahead and write down all those ideas. Once you’ve written them all down I want you to go one step further and I want you to write down all the tasks and actions you currently have that pertain to that idea or to that product/project you want to create. Whatever this new endeavor is, I want you to write everything out that you already have thought about. All the plans don’t have to be solidified, they don’t have to be things you know you want to do, just ideas you’ve had that pertain to this concept. I want you to get it all out of your head and onto paper so we can sort through it.

Now, while you are writing out this list of ideas and putting together supporting ideas that will go with it, I want you to make sure you pay attention to two things. I want you to be able to identify why it is that you are interested in this project or in this concept specifically, and I want you to identify what your goals are for this project. What is it going to bring to your business? What is it going to do for you? Is this a new revenue opportunity? Is this a new promotional opportunity? How does this fit into your business? You need to be able to identify those two things- why is it something that is interesting to you and how does it fit in your business! These are very important questions that you’re going to want to answer because I cannot tell you the amount of times I have had an idea, rushed into working on it, didn’t ask myself the big-picture questions ahead of time, and by the time all the work was done I looked at the project I was working on and said to myself ‘I don’t actually think that this belongs in my business, I don’t really see where this fits.” It was just something that was exciting and I wanted to act on immediately, but I really didn’t think it through. I didn’t think about it’s place in my business and why it was important to me, so you want to make sure you have those two points clearly outlined for each of the projects that are currently vying for your attention.

The next thing I want you to do is take each one of those projects and rank them based on some very specific criteria. Number one, I want you to rank them based on which idea is the most fully formed. So what idea actually seems like you’ve been able to work through a lot of it already- which of these ideas do you think is the most fully formed and seems like a viable option? Number two, I want you to rank each idea based on which will be the easiest to execute on. Which idea has a quick turnaround time or you know needs the least amount of work? What idea can you get up and running quickly? I want you to go and think about that and rank your ideas based on this criteria as well. Now, the third and final criterial I want you to rank each idea for is how profitable or how easy it would be for you to generate income from this idea. Is this idea a new revenue source or just something promotional? The easier it is to make money from your idea, the higher up the rank it should be!

Once you have your ideas ranked by these three criteria, I want you to start identifying which ones seem to be the best ideas based on how you’ve ranked them. You’ll probably have some on your list that float to the top as good ideas, and then you will have some that fall to the bottom as less practical. Once you have eliminated the less practical ideas, and hopefully your list is down to a few solid contenders, do a gut check and determine which idea feels right for you to work on. Remember, you could theoretically have a page full of great ideas, but the point of this exercise isn’t to deter you from good ideas, rather, the point is to help you choose where to focus your time and energy next. You can always come back to this list and work on the next project once your first idea is complete, but the point is to find a single idea to focus on and complete because we can only do one thing at a time!

If running a focused business that draws on your strengths as a multi-passionate entrepreneur is a priority to you, I want to let you know about my upcoming Free Webinar on My 5 Pillar System for Building a Successful Online Business. I’ll be sharing the strategies I personally use as part of my Empire Building Online Business Program and giving you insights you can use immediately to start building your brand online. PLUS, I’ll be sharing a special limited timed offer for those of you interested in joining me in Empire Building, so you won’t want to miss this event!  

The 5 Pillar System to Building a Successful Online Business

Click here to reserve your spot for this informative FREE Live Webinar Training and to also access the replay and downloads! Hope to see you there live!



7 Foolproof Strategies for Growing a Follow on Any Platform

These 7 Strategies will help you establish and grow a following on ANY online platform!

7 Foolproof Strategies for Growing a Follow on Any Platform

There are a lot of platforms online these days and as much as I know it would be popular to teach in-depth on each one and exploit the secrets to grow a following with it, after evaluating many different platforms, I understand the real secret is that growing a following on any platform involves the exact same strategies.  Yep! Sorry to burst your bubble, but there are not specific secrets for each individual platform, if you want to grow a following on Twitter, it’s the same as growing a following on Instagram or YouTube or Tumbler! And the reason is clear, because people are the same no matter which platform they are using. Fundamentally speaking, the same things that draw attention, spark curiosity, and precipitate loyalty on one platform will work for them all, because they draw on human nature. So, today I’m going to share with you the seven foolproof strategies for growing your following on any platform so you can get to work growing a following on the platform of your choosing!

#1. Get clear on your branding and messaging

Whenever you start with an online platform, its important that you have your branding and messaging worked out to inform the types of content you will be sharing or creating on that platform as well as the specific audience you will be trying to attract. If you have a business or personal brand outside of this platform and this is going to be an extension of it, you will use that. If you don’t have anything else going on and this is going to be a fresh start, spend some time understanding what your goals are for the platforms, what you are trying to accomplish, why you want to accomplish it and how you plan to accomplish it. In terms of messaging, keep it simple. Have a clear, easy to understand purpose that you demonstrate through your content.

#2. Learn how to properly use the platform

You can’t expect to grow a following on a platform if you are using it wrong. That is to say, you are using it in a way that’s a departure from what people usually expect of that platform. Do your research, find out how the platform is used and then check out some of your favorite personalities or brands on the platform. Often times big brands or notable personalities are at the forefront of innovation for a platform, so check out what other big timers are doing and learn from their example what works and what doesn’t.

#3. Determine your perfect balance of content curation vs content creation

When it comes to most platforms, the content you share will either be your original work or content you have shared from others, which is commonly known as curated content. On most platforms, users will balance content curation and content creation, but their is no magic formula for a perfect balance. Some users have accounts that are all original, some have all curated and many mix both. Find what you are comfortable with and try to stick to it!

#4. Get on a consistent posting schedule

Speaking of sticking to what you are comfortable with, the same goes for your posting schedule. Unfortunately, there are no foolproof rules for when to post content to a specific platform for significant success. Yes, you can look up popular posting times and stick to those, but it doesn’t seem to make a significant difference for most people. What does make a difference however, is defining your posting schedule, the precise days and times you will be posting, and sticking to that consistently. Consistency breeds loyalty on all platforms, and the more loyal followers you have, the faster you will grow!

#5. Cater to a community on the platform

Although it’s great to be a niche brand, even the most unique are still a subset of some larger community online. Make sure you know what community your brand belongs to, and keep up with that community in terms of the trends in how they use the platform and by following or engaging with people in that community regularly. No need to become a copy or start obsessively following the trends, but understanding where your greater community is headed is a great way to stay on the same page with them, and if you can find a way to work the trends into your content in a way that’s natural to you- the more success you will have!

#6. Interact with others on the platform

On any platform, interaction will garner you respect a favor among your followers. Just like consistency, interaction, by replying to comments and also engaging independently with others in your community, will help to build loyalty. The best way to do this is to have a genuine interest in the platform you are using and to go to it, not just to post content but to also consume the content of others. When you really enjoy a platform and use it regularly, it shows, and your following will grow the more you go out and engage!

#7. Make sure your content is valuable

When it comes down to it, people will follow you on a platform if your content is valuable to them. Meaning that it gives them something they want, like information, inspiration, or entertainment. All valuable content online can be boiled down to one of those three buckets (information, inspiration or entertainment) and as long as you are sharing content that either gives people information they are looking for, makes them feel good or keeps them entertained, your following will grow!

Guess what? If you enjoyed this post, I bet you know someone else who will as well. Go ahead and let’s start acting on these strategies by doing some content curation by sharing this post on one of your platforms like Facebook or Twitter. Also, I’d love to hear your thoughts so leave me a comment down below and let me know which strategy you struggle with the most!



Do You Need a Planner Intervention?

Do you need a planner intervention?

If you don’t subscribe to me on YouTube, you have been missing out on a great planning series I am in the middle of called Functional Planning! It’s all about setting up and using your planner to not only achieve planner peace, but to also maximize productivity and organization in your life. I have the pleasure of hearing from my followers on a daily basis, and when it comes to planners and organization, many of them recount the same old tale of planner peace won and lost. No matter which planner system they are using and no matter what planners they have tried in the past, my advice is always the same… It’s not your planner that is the problem, it’s the way you are using it! So, if you are struggling to find a planner or a system for planning that works for you and your life, if you have too many planners and are going crazy deciding which to use and if you NEED a PLANNER INTERVENTION (or know someone who does), my functional planning series will help you find clarity!

Functional Planning #1: Intro to Functional Planning | 5 Reasons You’re NOT Finding Planner Peace

In this video I cover the 5 most common reasons that people do not find or even loose planner peace. For many of us, it’s not just a single cut and dry reason, and for many of the members of my community that I have counseled through this issue, it’s actually a number of reasons which is why it’s important to know what problems are afflicting you so that you can address them!

Functional Planning #2: The Essentials of Functional Planning | 3 Roles of a Complete Planner System

In this second installment of my functional planning series, I discuss the three roles of a complete planner system. When it comes to choosing the right planner for you, it’s essential that your planner be able to do these three things so that you have confidence in your system. One of the problems I find with some planners is that they lack true functionality for users and although you may be drawn to one or another planner because of a specific size or layout, once you start planning and you find that your choice lacks certain functions, it becomes obsolete and you stop using it.

Functional Planning #3: Plan with Me May | My Monthly Functional Planning Process

In this installment of my functional planning series, you watch as I perform my monthly review process. Although this video takes place before May, it’s not the month that matters, but the process of what I do and how I use my planner to prepare for the upcoming month that will provide insight to you in how I functionally plan!

Functional Planning #4: Plan with Me | My Weekly Functional Planning Process

Finally, in this fourth (but not yet final) installment of my functional planning series, I walk you through how I plan on a weekly basis. My weekly review process is another major part of my functional planning process and in this video I share specific tips and strategies that you can implement in your own planner, plus you get a peek into how I use my functional planning stickers to keep my planner looking inspirational as well as functional!

So, I hope you enjoyed this recap of my still in progress functional planning series. If you have no yet enjoyed these videos, I highly recommend bookmarking this post and coming back to it the next time you are sitting down and working in your planner because you will want to take notes and start evaluating your current planner against my functional planning criteria. Even if you believe you have found planner peace, I think it’s always helpful to see how another person plans, so check out the videos and let me know what you thought in the comments below. Which video was most helpful to you and what tips did you walk away with? I’d love to hear about your functional planning experience!



My Favorite WordPress Plugins for Bloggers

My favorite WordPress Plugins for Bloggers

My Favorite WordPress Plugins for Bloggers

One of the reasons I absolutely adore WordPress as my blogs content management system is because I get complete control over the way my website looks and functions through the use of plugins! Seriously, nearly every website or blog customization you can think of is most definitely a WordPress plugin. Everything from sidebar widgets to social media integration- WordPress plugins are the single reason that WordPress is the most customizable website building platform online. And guess what? Most WordPress plugins are actually 100% FREE to use, including the five plugins I am sharing with you today that you need to download and start using on your WordPress blog or website immediately!


Spam comments are THE WORST and having to manage them can be filed under the highly annoying part of being a blogger, but thanks to a free plugin called Akismet, I thankfully avoid dealing with the thousands upon thousands of fake and fishing comments my blog receives on a regular basis. If you have comments enabled on your blog or website, make sure to install Akismet to deal with the spam for you, and then all you have to do is regularly take out the digital trash every once in a while.

Google Analytics

I’ve expounded on my love for Google Analytics as a platform in the past many times, but it begs repeating that you should really have a great analytics tool installed on your blog to keep track of your key stats. I have used many analytics tools in the past but Google Analytics is by far the best, most reliable and industry recommended tool available. Even if you don’t plan on doing heavy analysis of your site every week or month, its great to have this tool installed collecting data that can be used later on. Trust me, I regretting not downloading this tool sooner, so do yourself a favor and get it installed on your site asap!

Lazy Load

One of the essential parts of a great blog is photography and as someone who does tend to use lots of images in there blog posts, I can tell you that the one downside of images is that page load times tend to lag when there are lots of images on a blog. Usually when a blog or any website loads, the website tries to load everything on the page, every word, every image, everything from the top to bottom of the webpage, even if the viewer never scrolls down to the bottom of the page! This ends up taking a long time if you have a lot of images on your site. To combat this, I use the plugin Lazy Load which essentially manages my page load speeds on my blog by loading text first and loading images into the page as the viewer scrolls through it. Thankfully, this plugin has greatly reduced my page load times which helps with the SEO of my blog!

Yoast SEO

Speaking of SEO, if you are looking for a way to maximize your SEO, Yoast is the plugin for you! Yoast adds a special SEO panel to the bottom of your new blog post window, so that after you write your posts, you can go in and optimize for search! It helps you add meta data, check for keywords and readability- all the essential criteria for SEO ranking is in this one plugin that is constantly being updated along with Google’s ever changing standards for search. It’s very reliable and another industry standard plugin that you should be using if you have WordPress!


Ever notice that at the end of my blog posts there is an option for other related posts you might be interested in? Well, that is a handy little plugin called LinkWithin and not only is it incredibly handy and helpful for readers of my blog who want to find related content to a post they just enjoyed, but the use of a related posts plugin has been proven to increase page views on blogs across the board! Again, this is just another one of those great, best practice plugins you want and NEED to be using as a blogger if you are serious about growing your audience and your influence online!

If you’re using WordPress to run your blog or website, you are well on your way to a gorgeous, fully customized website! Just make sure to add these plugins to your site to optimize everything from loading to SEO to page views! Have any other plugins for WordPress that I MUST know about? Tell me about them in the comments!



Check Out My Online Business Resource Guide!

Online Business Resource Guide

Getting started with your online business can be overwhelming to put it mildly. There is so much research that goes into starting a business, plus information you should know, key strategies to execute and a multitude of possible tools you could use to help make your vision a reality. So, to make this process a bit easier for you as a current or aspiring business owner, I have started a very special Online Business Resource Guide! Filled with the best content, advice, strategy and yes, tools upon tools that I personally use in my successful online business- you are going to want to get your hands on this resource and start digging into the material asap!

So, to make this resource guide as tech friendly and shareable as possible, I have gone ahead and turned it into its own Pinterest Board! Click here to access the Online Business Resource Guide Pinterest Board and make sure to follow board so that you can see all the new resources and content I add to it regularly. I want this to be a living, breathing resource guide that is continually updated with new information as I get it, and I thought a Pinterest Board would be the best method of delivery.

I do hope you enjoy the resource guide, and I can’t wait for you to dig into the content I have there for you to explore and learn as much about running a successful online business as possible- no matter what stage your business is currently in!



Binge Worthy Podcasts I’ve Been Loving! {Productivity Playlist June 2016}

Binge Worthy Podcasts I've Been Loving

Binge Worthy Podcasts I’ve Been Loving!

Welcome back to Strange & Charmed for another installment of my Productivity Playlist series!

I feel like I go through phases with podcasts. Although I subscribe to a bunch that I like, I don’t always listen to new episodes unless I’m in the mood and I tend to be a person who prefers to binge listen to multiple episodes in one sitting. I end up training myself for delayed gratification by waiting weeks to catch up on a podcast I enjoy- weird but true (this is why I love Netflix series’ so much… binge much?!?) But a few weeks ago I shared on a YouTube video a podcast I had been loving and asked for you to leave me suggestions for more podcasts to listen to and ever since I have been on a full on podcast binge! So for today’s installment of my productivity playlist I want to share some of the podcasts I’ve been loving lately! Now, just a warning, most of these aren’t your run of the mill podcasts, these are actually all serialized docu-dramas where a story (true or fiction) is told week by week. If you love listening to books on tape like me, I think you’ll love these suggestions if they are in your genre.



  • You’ve probably already heard about Serial, the incredibly popular and highly controversial podcast that is currently in it’s second season. This is one of the few true story podcasts on this list and blends reporting with great story telling. If you like true crime drama, this is for you!



  • Less of a serialized doc-drama, Lore is a story based podcast that takes our popular myths and legends of the paranormal, horrific or supernatural and breaks them down into the stories that started them. “Sometimes the truth is more frightening than fiction,” as they say, and this is the concept that Lore is built around.



  • Right now Limetown is a single season serial doc-drama that tells the fictional story of a girl looking for answers about a lost town she has loose ties to. Of course, things get creepy when she digs in deep. I so wish there was a second season of this podcast!



  • Now we’re getting into some seriously creepy, may keep you up at night podcasts. Another fictional serialized docu-drama about uncovering an unknown supernatural phenomenon called Tanis. So far the story isn’t creep in a traditional supernatural way, it’s more about fear of the unknown and questioning reality.

The Black Tapes Podcast


  • Beware, for me this podcast is probably the most frightening of all even though I know it’s another fictional serialized docu-drama, it covers the realm of the paranormal and is like listening to a scary ghost movie. Actually, it’s like listening to multiple scary ghost movies at once because this story isn’t just one ghost story, it’s many built into one.

We’re Alive


  • If you are a fan of The Walking Dead, you will love this podcast that is actually in numerous seasons with a ton of episodes perfect for binge-ing! It’s essentially an internet radio version of every zombie apocalypse show ever but without a lot of the unnecessary drama and character development most zombie shows suffer from. Great to listen to if you love zombies, and it’s more entertaining than frightening!

The Message


  • File the message under creepy alien related fictional docu-drama! This one literally kept me up at night, first to listen to because it was so well produced, and second because I was just that scared of the dark during and after listening!

I hope you enjoyed these podcast recommendations. I realize these are mostly a certainly type of podcast, mainly fiction for entertainment purposes which goes against the grain of things I usually share on this blog, but they have been what I’m loving so I thought it was worth it to share with you! I hope you find something new to listen to and if these podcasts aren’t for you, I hope to continue to share podcast recommendations with you, so don’t worry, this is not the end! Let me know in the comments what podcasts you have been loving and I’d greatly appreciate it!



7 Habits of a Highly Successful #GIRLBOSS

The 7 Habits of a Highly Successful #GIRLBOSS

7 Habits of a Highly Successful #GIRLBOSS

Many people ask me how I define #girlboss and although you may think that the term relates to a woman who is running her own business, that’s not my take on the term. When I think of a #girlboss, I think of a woman who is in control of her own life. She’s clear on her purpose, taking responsibility for her actions and working towards her goals. Now, this doesn’t mean she is 100% aware of her plans all of the time, but, it does mean she has a spirit of achievement and determination to make things happen for herself. Of course, although this is easily said, it’s not always easily done! It takes a lot of mental strength and the support of well rounded routines to ensure you stay focused and energized to tackle whatever life throws at you!

You really want to know what it takes to cut it as a #GIRLBOSS? Well, listen up because I’m about to give you the seven essential habits of a highly successful #GIRLBOSS!


When we evaluate the success secrets of #girlbosses, we always see one significant habit rising to the top and that is sleep. Getting enough sleep is always touted as the number one productivity AND happiness tip according to most who study how daily routines effect success. If you want to show up for your life and make things happen for yourself, it’s crucial that you prioritize rest and get your full 7-9 hours uninterrupted. In order to do this, you most likely will need to go to bed earlier and get yourself into a regular night time routine that limits screen time and snacks before bed, and I would personally recommend picking up an aromatherapy diffuser and a relaxation oil blend to diffuse by your bed. This is the diffuser and oil I use and recommend.


I’m not talking the ability to stand on one foot balanced, I mean mentally and emotionally balanced. Serious mental health issues aside, for most of us our minds get worn down and cluttered from the weight of emotion and information we carry around with us everyday. For this reason, I think its important to regularly rebalance ourselves through some sort of meditative practice. Yes, I said meditation, but don’t interpret that as me telling you to meditate everyday because I think many of us have our own ways of meditating that we need to find that’s less traditional and more personal. Your meditative time could be prayer, exercise, reading, knitting or cooking. Whatever activity it is that you feel relaxation in doing and can execute on in an autopilot like mode where your mind is able to turn off a bit- this is your meditative zen activity! Figure yours out and do it more often so that you can find a sense of peace and balance in your mind.


This one may sound simple but common knowledge is not always common practice. Hydration is super important to your mental and physical well being and its probably the easiest thing we can do for ourselves health wise. I always think I’m drinking enough water as long as I’m not thirsty but the truth is when I’m measuring it out, I’m not getting enough water for my body. So, how much water is enough for you? Take your body weight in pounds, for every pound you weigh, you need 1/2 to 1 ounce of water. So if you weigh 140lbs you need 70-140 ounces of water each day. Yes, I realize this sounds like a lot, but that’s just because you have been used to dehydrating your body for such a long time. Yes, drinking this much water can be difficult in terms of finding the time and remembering, which is why I like to keep a large water bottle and make sure I am filling it up and drinking it at regular intervals. Try to get in the habit of waking up and drinking a quart of water immediately to get it out of the way and pace yourself the rest of the day. You will see a difference in your energy levels, and perhaps even your skin!


Of course, she would need to be organized to keep on top of all her important projects and plans! I really do believe that organization is in the eye of the beholder, meaning that there is no one way to be organized and everyone needs to find the systems that work for them. It is very important, however, to find those systems and stick to them in terms of planning, home/life management, and goals. If you are currently in a state of disorganization, you could start getting your life under control with a book like the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, or build a project plan to help you achieve specific goals!


Many people confuse working very hard with productivity, but it’s really not the same thing. Yes, if you work very hard and for long hours you will get a lot done (if you don’t, you may really have a productivity issue!) but a true #GIRLBOSS knows that it’s not about working 24/7 to get it all done, it’s about working smarter, not harder! Click here if you need to up your productivity game to read about my best strategies and advice on the subject or head on over to my shop and search for your next favorite productivity tool. I’ve got lots of courses, books, and printables to help you organize your life and get more done!


That’s right! She can work hard but she can play hard too! With everything she is juggling, a true #GIRLBOSS knows that she NEEDS to be on top of her game and ready to perform every single day in order to make things happen for herself. And how does she do that? Self-care, of course! You need a fair amount of downtime as a #GIRLBOSS if you expect to execute at a consistently high level everyday. Sleep and balance are part of that equation, but also having a plan for regularly pampering yourself is important to. I have my arsenal of go-to relaxing activities and I try to fit one in every evening if I can. Anything from listening to a book on tape, laying down with a face mask on or even just taking a quiet nap with my aromatherapy diffuser, everyday I prioritize some “me” time, even if it’s just 30 minutes!


This one may be listed last but it’s certainly not the least of the essential habits of a successful #GIRLBOSS! Gratitude is an incredibly powerful way to transform your mindset and open your mind to the bigger picture. That is why a die hard #GIRLBOSS will always strive to keep a regular practice of gratitude in her life. She may add a grateful thought or mantra to her daily meditation, keep a gratitude journal where she lists out all she is thankful for, or simply take time out of her day to say thank you, and mean it, to someone who helps her! If you would like to integrate a gratitude practice into your life, here is an insert I designed to help beginners get started with the concept and develop the regular habit!

I hope you enjoyed this post and that you learned some tips for helping you to become the #GIRLBOSS you always wanted to be! Personal development is something near and dear to my heart so I would love to hear any other tips or suggestions you have for personal success. Please leave yours in the comments below!



Welcome to the New American Dream

Welcome to the New American Dream: Work from Anywhere!

Welcome to the New American Dream

This is a post that I’ve wanted to write for a long time but just never found the right moment to share it. And of course, now that I say that I feel like I’ve just gone and over hyped it! I guess I should start by explaining that a few short weeks ago I hit what I consider to be a major milestone in my business. On May 20th 2016, I celebrated my 2 year anniversary of working for myself full time. It wasn’t the anniversary of my shop or my blog or youtube channel, it was the anniversary of the day that I stopped working for someone else and started working for myself full time. You may already know the story, I was working for a Fortune 50 company for over 5 years when I finally had my lightbulb moment and decided to work for myself. I won’t bore you with the details again, but for some time before that day I had really begun to feel like working for yourself or at least in a job that gives you ultimate locational freedom is the new American Dream.

This was a dream I was first introduced to when my mother married a man who worked full time from his home. It seemed like such a novel idea to me, using the internet to telecommute and having the freedom to work from anywhere, even if that was just your house. Now, although I thought telecommuting was the greatest idea ever from that point forward, I didn’t really understand how I would be able to make something like that happen for myself. My step father was, after all, a computer programmer, which I think is a profession that we often associate with men sitting behind big computer screens typing away in solitude. I wasn’t going to be a computer programmer, I knew that much, but I did have a great love for the internet and the possibilities it brought to my future career possibilities.

The next time I was introduced to the idea of this new American Dream, it came in the form of a best selling book that I was eager to read. The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris, with the very intriguing subtitle, Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich. Well, doesn’t that sound like something! In Ferris’ book he went on to explain this new American Dream through examples of work from home employees who negotiated their schedules and business owners who put in place systems to give them more time freedom. It all made sense to me, although again, I wouldn’t understand how to execute on this concept myself for another 4 years, but the seed was firmly planted and as they say flowers only bloom where seeds are plated. And watered. And weeded.

Well, you know where this story is going and of course four years later after much watering and weeding, this idea of the new American Dream blossomed for my own life. But the story doesn’t end there. Now, two years later, much more watering and weeding and planting has been necessary for me to keep my new American Dream alive. It’s not enough that I made it happen for myself, I have now shifted my focus on how to keep my dream happening, how to keep my business going and how to make sure I continue to live my dream.

If this idea of the new American Dream is something you are also casing but having a hard time making a reality for yourself, I want to let you know, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! It took me years to figure out what I was doing and make it work before I hit the eject button on corporate 9-5 and started living the dream. And I want to give you a little heads up that next week, I’ll be announcing something you won’t want to miss. It’s something I have planned to help you water and weed the seeds of entrepreneurship that you have already planted in your own mind. If you don’t want to miss it, make sure you are on my list by signing up below and you’ll be one of the first to know!


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