7 Simple Ways to Lower Stress While Increasing Productivity

7 Simple Ways to Lower Stress While Increasing Productivity

7 Simple Ways to Lower Stress While Increasing Productivity

As a type A control freak, living with stress is a daily struggle! In my quest for productivity, I am always looking for new ways to to remove stress and stressors from my day so I can focus on the events and tasks that will bring me more happiness and gratification. The more I learn about stress and productivity, however, the more I find that the best solutions are often the simplest ones that are essentially common knowledge at this point. But, as we all know, and I can personally attest, common knowledge isn’t always common practice. Yep, I may know everything I need to know about control my stress and increasing my productivity but I don’t always execute. Learning to manage your stress is a life-long commitment. It’s not something you get the answer to and voila, your problems are solved. We actually have to spend time each day developing the positive habits and building the routines that will help us manage stress effectively. Of course, stress and productivity seem to go hand in hand. Whenever I am feeling stressed out, I also tend to lack drive to be productive. Likewise, when I am feeling very productive, I find that I’m not aware of stress presently affecting me, or at least, I don’t feel the pressure of bad stress! So, today I want to share with you 7 simple ways to lower stress while increasing productivity, because at the end of the day, we all want to feel good about our day, what we have achieved and know we put in our best effort!

Sleep: Sleep is the key to everything in life isn’t it? The more time we spend in bed, the less stressed we are (unless, of course, we are spending time in bed to procrastinate on our work which is never good) and the more productive we end up becoming. Try building the positive habit of going to bed earlier at night and waking up earlier in the morning after a full nights rest. The extra time in the morning will give you time for all your work and daily activities and after an action packed day you can turn in early and start the cycle again the next day!

Drink Water: Lack of hydration can be a major stressor in our bodies. It’s common knowledge that we are supposed to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, but this doesn’t work for every body. In order to determine how much liquid your body needs, take your body weight in pounds and divide it in half and that is the number of ounces of liquid your body needs to remain properly hydrated. Make sure to drink a majority of this liquid in water during breaks between meals throughout the day so your body can clean itself out properly, which will result in increased energy and productivity for you!

Stretch: We all know that we should be exercising but most of us dread working out. If you have a hard time getting into the swing of exercise, start by just building the habit of stretching several times a day. Stretching in the morning and during breaks in your workday will help you alleviate tension in your muscles, reducing your stress and increasing energy! It may not be as powerful as a full workout, but it’s a good place to start and something we all need to do!

Listen to Music: The benefits of music for our stress levels and productivity are undeniable and in fact, earlier this week I even shared my latest Productivity Playlist. Take some time to check out the post and use one of my suggested soundtracks to help you concentrate on your work today!

Have a Healthy Snack: Snacking is a very productive habit to get into. After all, when we are stressed, many of us turn to food to relieve our tension, but if we choose healthy snacks like fruits and veggies, cheese or nuts, we can lower our stress while also providing energy to sustain us for the rest of our work day!

Take Mindful Breaths: Breathing is a very simple but powerful activity that can help us to simultaneously lower our stress and increase our productivity. Yes, I get it, we breath automatically everyday, so how is this helping? Well, if you take a moment to become aware of your breathing, especially in times of anxiety or stress, you have the power to control yourself. You can start practicing mindful breathing very quickly right now by sitting upright and still or laying down. Then close your eyes and inhale for 7 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds and then exhale for 7 seconds. If you have a hard time doing the full seven second round, start with 4 or 5 seconds and work your way up to 7. Once you can complete a few rounds of this mindful breathing, you will start to feel much calmer because of the rush of oxygen to your body, and then with your stress levels subdued you will be able to make progress on difficult tasks in your day! Make sure to practice this breathing regularly, whenever you feel the stress creep back up on you.

Practice Gratitude: Nothing has the ability to instantly change my mental state like gratitude. When I am just feeling stressed, down or in a sour mood, it’s so important to stop and acknowledge all the wonderful things in my life. Even by listing a simple 3 to 5 things I’m grateful for has the ability to turn my negative stress into positive and productive energy.

I hope these simple, everyday tips help remind you that controlling your stress and productivity are completely within your control. Stress is something we all live with, it will never go away, but we can learn to manage it so that we feel it’s pressure less and less in our lives and are able to achieve all our dreams and goals despite its ever looming presence. Let me know in the comments which of these strategies works best for you, or which strategy you need to keep in mind more often!



How to achieve a Zen-Like Focus while you Work or Relax! {Productivity Playlist May 2016}

How to Achieve a Zen-Like Focus while You Work or Relax!

How to achieve a Zen-Like Focus while you Work or Relax! Productivity Playlist May 2016

It’s no secret, I love putting together my monthly Productivity Playlists. Music is one of the things in life that I’m pretty passionate about. I find that it can help me solve a number of problems from a lack of inspiration to a need for an energy boost, but today I want to talk about some soundtracks I personally use to help me focus while I’m working and then help me relax at the end of the day. Focus is certainly something that is hard for most of us to achieve. I know that productivity is an inconsistent stream that ebbs and flows, but sometimes we need to get ourselves in the zone and achieve a zen-like focus in order to get important things done. For me there are some tasks that always feel like work and in order to act, I turn to music.

I know previously on my blog, I have discussed an app I liked called Focus @ Will, but did you know that other than their paid subscription service app, they also have a YouTube channel where they share free mixes of their music, perfect for helping you with your concentration and focus. Most of their tracks are about an hour long, which is the perfect amount of time to get yourself into the zone and accomplish a solid amount of work, even on a difficult project. I really like a few of their soundtracks and will leave my favorite two below!

These soundtracks will help you focus at work!

Now, once work is over and its time for relax for the evening, I have also been turning to a few more soundtracks I’ve found on YouTube to help me achieve a zen calm in the evenings after dinner. If you are someone, like me, who has a hard time falling asleep because of overstimulation in the evening with our gadgets and media, I highly suggest turning on one of these playlists about an hour before you go to sleep and let yourself fall as sleep naturally to the music. I’ve been trying lately to get into the habit of performing a skin care regimen a night, and I like to turn this music on and listen while I wear a sheet mask or apply my evening moisturizers after a bath. I’ll even add to the ambience by turning on my Dotera diffuser with my favorite serenity oil laced with lavender to help me fall asleep naturally. Not only do I fall asleep on time, but I find that my nights are more restful when I listen to these tracks before bed while I perform my evening rituals.

These tracks will send you naturally to sleep in no time!

I hope you have enjoyed this special edition of my productivity playlist. I am hoping to share more than just Spotify playlists with you in the future to give this feature a bit of variety, so please let me know if you liked this post and what sorts of productivity playlist topics you would like me to cover in the future! Happy listening!



The 6 Business Assets that are More Important than Your Business Plan

The six business assets more important than your business plan

The 6 Business Assets that are More Important than Your Business Plan

One of the most popular questions I get asked whenever I talk about online business building is always about business plans. For one reason or another, the concept of a business plan, what it is, why it’s necessary and how to create your own, always seems to be a primary concern to beginner business owners and/or those who are curious about online business and thinking about starting their own. When you are first getting started creating a business, you have dozens if not hundreds of tasks on your plate all at the same time. If you are lucky, you may have help with your workload, but that still means you have many priorities to balance in order to get your business off the ground. Your business plan is just a document that explains what you are trying to do with our business, which, often times when we are getting started, is a hard concept to define! Until you truly have your business up and running, doesn’t help you with anything, nor does it legitimize your hard work and effort. For that reason, I think there are way more important items and business assets to tackle before you ever even worry about your business plan. Today, I want to talk about six such items that I think you should have in order as a small business owner before you even worry about writing a business plan!


If you are operating a business of any kind, online or off, having a website is a must. When people hear about your business, products or services, the first thing they are going to do is Google you to find out more about you and unless you have throw a stake in the ground with your own website and claimed your distinct area of the internet, you are loosing a very powerful opportunity to engage with potential customers and clients. People will search for you online and make many instant decisions over whether or not they want to purchase from or work with your business based on information they find or do not find online. For this reason, putting the necessary time and effort into your website to ensure it provides an accurate and intriguing face to your business is a must!

If you want to learn more about how to build an inexpensive professional website that looks like it cost thousands, click here to learn more about this specific subject! 

Business Model

Another term that I often find thrown around along with business plan is business model. Your business model is the way in which you plan to make money with your business. Remember, until you earn money from your effort, you don’t actually have a business, just a hobby! Your business model is a defined strategy for how money will flow into your business. Until you have your business model worked out and begin earning a steady income from it, there is no reason to even think about a business plan! Until you truly begin earning income from your business, so many factors are up in the air. Spend your time thinking about ways you can earn income and execute on those actions before you worry about your business plan.

Adding income streams and building revenue for your business is no small feat. Try some of these tips to generate passive income to help you build capital. 

Products and/or Services

Your products and/or services are definitely the most important part of your business! Like I mentioned earlier, if your business isn’t earning revenue, it’s not a business, so making sure you are creating and offering the right products and services is crucial. Your products and services go hand in hand with your business model. Working to develop not only great products that people are eager for, but also defining the right methods for distribution and production (which are essential elements of your business model) will help you to maximize your revenue and grow your business.

If you will be creating products and are interested in learning more about starting an online shop, this dedicated video on the topic should help you get started. 

On the other hand, if you are interested in starting a service based business or adding services to your product based business (this is something that I do!) then these tips can help you get your services off the ground. 

Customer Service Systems

Your business runs on systems. They are the actions or sets of actions you take on a regular basis to perform your business tasks. As a business owner you could have systems for processing payments, systems for paying bills, systems for managing tasks and creating products. Or systems for working with clients! There are a variety of systems that business owners use to manage their day to day workload and keep their business running, and the more deliberate and thought out you can make these systems, the easier your work will be. The most important system that you will want to spend a good deal of time and thought on is your customer service system- those actions you will take to manage customer service inquiries and interact with or troubleshoot issues for your customers and potential customers! Because the success of these systems has a direct impact on your business revenue and growth, this is the first system you should define once you begin making money from your products and services. It will go a long way to helping you develop a customer-centric culture within your organization, and will be your best form of PR!

To learn more about systems for your business, watch this vide on systems and workflow! 

Daily Work Schedule 

Perhaps you don’t think of your daily work schedule as an asset for your business, but the truth of the matter is that your time is your ultimate business asset! As a business owner who works solo or even has a team of people working with them, the way you choose to spend your time working on your business is critical to its success. You should first strive to define all the necessary work for your business and then understand which actives and tasks are the highest use of your time and executive function. You will want to do all you can to maximize the time you spend performing duties that actually earn your business revenue and streamline or delegate administrative items that keep the business afloat but don’t earn. If you were to place an hourly rate on your time and an hourly rate on the different activities that need to be accomplished for your business, you want to do higher value work more often!

If you are new to business and want to understand more about how you should be spending your time effectively, here is more information on the subject. 

If you are trying to get your business off the ground while you still work a full time or part time job, here are some additional tips and tricks to help you balance the workload. 

Visual Content

The online marketplace is saturated with content, there is no doubt about that, but there is a clear trend illustrating that visual content and visual platforms are where businesses get the most bang for their buck! If you have minimal time to produce content, even promotional or marketing content, spend your time wisely and focus on visual mediums and platforms. Places like Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube command the most traffic and attention online, so learning how to optimize your business for these types of platforms will give you a competitive edge. To optimize your business visually, you need to get very clear on your visual branding and start using graphics and styled stock photography to tell your brand story. Sharing visuals of your products or styled images that define your services, help your potential customers connect and engage with your business.

If you want to learn more about using photography and visual content to elevate your brand and business online, click here for more information and to sign up for an upcoming free webinar on the topic! 

Don’t let the idea of needing a business plan hold you back from moving your business forward, especially in infancy stages. You have more important work to do for getting your business off the ground and writing a business plan before you have clear proof of income and concept for your business is a waste of time. With time your most precious commodity, everything you choose to spend it on should be moving your business forward or growing your revenue! So, know I want to hear from you! When starting your business, what did you consider to be the most important activities you spent your time on? If you are thinking about starting a business, what’s currently holding you back or causing you pause? Let me know in the comments below!



5 Simple Planner Tips that Helped me Gain Control of My Schedule

5 Simple Planner Tips that Helped me Get Control of my Schedule

5 Simple Planner Tips that Helped me Gain Control of My Schedule

It’s no secret that I have been struggling this year to get myself onto a regular work schedule. As someone who works for themselves and is also a naturally lazy person, I fell into the bad habit of procrastinating on my work and cutting corners too often this year. It was seriously causing me a lot of stress and anxiety because I had set myself deadlines for important tasks but waiting until the last minute to work on a large project wasn’t going to cut it. My work ethic was lacking and I needed to take control of my schedule. So, I started getting serious about my planning, specifically about setting myself a schedule and now after a few months of work trying to get these good habits to stick, I think I’ve finally fallen into a good work pattern! So, I wanted to share with you some of the key tips I picked up for helping me gain control of my schedule. If you are someone who works for themselves or you are someone who finds that they are naturally a procrastinator, hopefully these tips will help you start implementing better habits into your life so you are executing more and achieving your goals.

Tip #1: Define your responsibilities

The first thing I did that was very helpful to me when I was getting my schedule ironed out, was write out a list of all the work and responsibilities I had to manage. If I needed to find a way to balance my schedule, it was important that I understand how I needed to spend my time. Now, when I first made this list, I found that there were items that I listed that I ultimately decided to remove. Editing your schedule and responsibilities is a crucial part of ensuring that you have time for everything that’s important. If a certain activity isn’t really a priority or if there are things you can take off your plate and delegate to someone else, you are making room in your schedule to complete the priorities!

Tip #2: Write every appointment and task down

This one may seem like common knowledge, but we all know that common knowledge is not always common practice. For me, I was really bad about writing down every task or appointment I had and therefore, I ended up missing things or remembering at the last minute without giving myself necessary prep time. It was hard to train myself to write down everything, but I just kept seeing the pattern I was creating working out which was very motivating. When I wrote things down, I remembered them; when I didn’t, I forgot and became anxious. I wanted to keep myself from feeling that anxiety as much as possible, so I kept writing things down and not relying on my poor memory to serve me.

Tip #3: Utilize block scheduling

Block scheduling has been another game changer for me in my daily work routine. This has been something that has taken me at least 8 months to successfully implement. Basically, each day of the week is assigned a category of work. So Mondays are for blog posts, Tuesdays for filming, Wednesdays for editing, etc. That way, I don’t have to really plan my week from scratch, I have a guide to help me assign tasks and activities befitting with the day’s category. This block scheduling also helps me to bulk my work, which was a major issue for me for the last year. Thanks to the block scheduling, I actually find that I am able to take weekends off more often, which is a great treat for me and proof that I’m now more productive during the week if I can take the weekend off!

Tip #4: Don’t plan too far in advance

Although my block scheduling gives me a sense of what I will be working on for any given day, another tip I use to keep myself on schedule is that I don’t make any exact daily plans too far in advance with the exception of scheduled appointments. Scheduling myself one day at a time gives me the ability to be very flexible with my tasks and prevents me from planning out actions that may not end up coming to fruition. For example, if I were to plan my full week and early on in the week something derails my work, that will end up throwing off all my work for the rest of the week and cause me to loose productive momentum. But if I leave the days possibilities open until it’s time to plan them, I find that I am more open to possibility and it helps to stay motivated.

Tip #5: Check your planner every morning

This is another one of those common knowledge but not common practice tips that has really helped me stay accountable. Obviously, we write down all our tasks and scheduled appointments so that when the day comes we read our plans and then execute on them, but for me, I was in the bad habit of often forgetting to check my planner because I *thought* I remembered everything I had to do. Let’s be honest, this is pure laziness run amuck! It takes a minute to check your planner and prevent embarrassing hiccups in your schedule, so get into the habit of checking yours and if you still keep forgetting, set an alarm on your phone to remind you!

So, what do you think about these tips? I know for me, these seem very simple, but the practice of implementing them has been the struggle. I finally just feel like I’ve reached a point of control over my schedule so that I’m achieving at a high level without having to constantly sprint! If you have any other suggestions or tips for helping to get control of your schedule, please leave them in the comments or feel free to tweet me @MissTrenchcoat and I’ll share your tips with my followers. I know we all appreciate sharing the knowledge because when it comes to time management, the struggle is real!!



8 Productivity Apps that Lower My Stress, Keep me Organized and Help Me Run my Business!

8 Productivity Apps that Lower My Stress, Keep me Organized and Help Me Run my Business!

8 Productivity Apps that Lower My Stress, Keep me Organized and Help Me Run my Business!

As a tech lover with a planner problem, I am often asked about how I use digital tools in conjunction with analog planners to keep myself organized. I do a vast majority of my business and life planning in my Charmed Life Planner, however, I still love using my iPhone and apps to keep me productive. My planner is wonderful, but there will always be things my planner can’t do like make a noise to alert me of a calendar event, or play some relaxing music when I’m feeling stressed and overwhelmed. There are just always going to be some things my iPhone will be used for that help me with my productivity and that doesn’t diminish or take away from my paper planner, instead, when the two work together, I get more done! So today I want to share with you the 8 Productivity Apps that Lower my Stress, Keep me Organize and Help Me Run my Business!


Plaintext is a mobile text editor that I love to use to write emails and social media descriptions on the go. Because it’s a plain text editor, there is no formatting that gets carried over when I type or edit text in this app which is great because it means I can format my final product manually. Sometimes when you copy text over from a text message, another email or a website, when you paste it into a standard notes application, weird formatting carries over as well and is hard to correct on an iPhone, so I highly recommend this application if you are someone who does write important text from their phone.


DocScanHD is a virtual scanner. It uses the camera on your iPhone to take pictures of documents or images and then the application helps you to format your document properly and then export it as a PDF or JPG. You can use DocScanHD to open documents, sign them and then email them back to senders in a snap. If you don’t have a home scanner or just want to keep it simple with your documents, I’d highly recommend the app!


Hootsuite is a very popular social media scheduling application that I use to schedule my Tweets and Instagram posts. One of the tenants of productivity that I love to follow is to batch your work and when I schedule out my social media posts ahead of time it helps me get more content created in less time and then manages the act of scheduling the items throughout the week so I don’t have to remember to post. So this is like a dual marketing and productivity app for me and my business.


White noise is a sound machine application that can play a variety of different sound effects. The idea behind this app is that you can use the generic sounds as “white noise” to help you drown out ambient sounds around you while you work, study or just try to relax. I love the array of nature sounds the app has to offer, plus some interesting sounds I don’t think you normally think of as being relaxing like a boat swaying in waves or a hairdryer blowing.


Audible is an online platform where you can purchase and listen to books on tape. I have been subscribed to audible.com for about a year now and I absolutely love the service. As someone who is interested in books, but doesn’t enjoy the act of reading a physical book, Audible helps me stay current with popular books but gives me the ability to listen while I work, clean the house or take a walk. It’s amazing how quickly time flies when you are listening to a book on tape- it makes unpleasant tasks so much more manageable for me! If you have not yet tried Audible and are considering giving it a try, I have a great offer you won’t want to miss. Click here to get not one, but 2 FREE Audio Books when you sign up for a free trial of the service. Usually you only see offers for one free book, so this is a way better deal, and witch titles that sell for $30-40 in the platform, this is a major money saver!


My package is a parcel tracking application that stores the tracking information for online orders and then keeps you up to date with the progress of your shipment. As someone who buys a lot of products online, this app makes it easy for me to track my packages in one place without having to manually enter the tracking information for multiple packages into multiple carrier websites. It’s such a time, and peace of mind, saver!


Dropbox is one of the most popular cloud based storage applications. I’ve had a Dropbox account for a number of years for FREE and I use mine to store important business documents and information that I may need to access when I am away from home. As someone who runs a completely digital business, storing files in the cloud gives me the ability to share files from whatever device I have with me, from my iPhone, laptop, or someone else’s computer if I’m away from home! It’s very convenient. Although Dropbox gives you web-based access to your account, I keep the app installed on every one of my gadgets!


Clear is a list making application that I love to use for miscellaneous lists and notes. Since I don’t use my planner as a notebook, I find that when I need to make a “mental note” of something, I add it to a list in my Clear app. I keep tons of different open lists in the application that I add to. Lists with business ideas, quotes, website links, books to read, you name it, I have a list for it! The best part of the app is that once you have completed an item on a list, you can swipe to the right to complete the item and it makes a very satisfying *ding* as the item fades and falls off the list. It’s the digital equivalent of the high you get from checking an item off a to-do list!

So those are the 8 Productivity Apps that Lower My Stress, Keep me Organized and Help Me Run my Business! I hope you have enjoyed this post and that it gave you some inspiration for a new app you can download for your own productivity needs! If you have your own favorite productivity apps I’d love to hear about them so please leave me a comment down below and tell me about which apps you love that keep you on track!



Are you Ready to Learn How to use Photography to Elevate your Brand Online?

Are you ready to learn how to use photography to elevate your brand online?

Are you ready to learn how to use photography to elevate your brand online?

If so, you won’t want to miss my Live FREE Webinar Training on Wednesday May 25th at 3pm EST! I’ll be covering the 7 impactful strategies that I use on a regular basis to spread awareness of my brand, connect with my audience and sell to my followers without ever having to make a slimy sales pitch!

I’m not sure how long you have been following me for, but let me give you a little overview of the effect these strategies have had on my brand and business since 2015. Right now I’m going to do something I rarely do, and that’s talk numbers. If you know me, you know I hate discussing numbers because numbers can sometimes be deceiving, but in this situation, I think it’s important to understand the numbers to see how effective these strategies have been for me.


At the start of 2015, my Instagram following was roughly 4,500 and it took me a few years to hit that number. My current following is roughly 21,800 followers. Since January 2015 when I instituted these effective strategy changes, I’ve been growing at an average of over 1,000 new followers a month! Imagine if each month, you had 1,000 new potential customers or clients. What would consistent traffic like that do for your business?

Site Traffic

From the end of 2014 to the end of 2015, my site traffic made a dramatic leap! My total page views to my website were about 430,000 in 2014 but they 3X’d to over 1.5 MILLION page views in 2015! Understanding some key strategies for how I used my photography made a tremendous impact on my already thriving website and all this new traffic lead me to one very important thing, higher revenue!

Shop Revenue

Growing my social media following and website traffic has been an awesome side affect of my new photography strategy, however, the most impactful growth for my business has been, hands down, the growth in my shop revenue! From 2014 when I launched my shop to end of 2015, I have 6X’d my revenue! And that’s just the start! Q1 2016 results are showing even more growth for my business and there is no doubt in my mind that some key strategies are responsible for the tremendous success I’ve been having.

Amazing results? Right? You too can pick up hundreds of new followers a month, increase your page views and grow your revenue by using my strategies!

I’m confident that if you too implement these same strategies, you can see similar results for your brand! I’m sure you are eager to learn these strategies, and I am eager to share them with you, so also I’ve gone ahead and put together a study guide for you to use during my webinar to follow along, and identify the action items you need to take for your own business!

FREE Study Guide: 7 Impactful Strategies for Using Photography to Elevate Your Brand Online

To get access to both the Live Webinar Training and the Study Guide for the event, click here to reserve your seat for the event on Wednesday May 25th at 3pm Eastern. You will also want to attend live because I will be sharing some exclusive goodies for live attendees, however, if you cannot make it live, there will be a replay available for a limited time!

So that is all for now! Can’t wait to see you on the webinar training and I’d also like to encourage you to share about the webinar with your friends on social media so they can attend as well! If they are bloggers or business owners, I bet they will thank you for the invite!



Entrepreneurial: April, Becoming My Best Self

April's Entrepreneurial Journal
Image via Belinda Selene {@PlanWithBelinda IG}

Welcome back for another installment of Entrepreneurial, my monthly journal entry chronicling my experience as an entrepreneur, my victories and failures each month, and the lessons learned along the way.

April, Becoming My Best Self

April was a landmark month for me and my personal/business development. I made a lot of big decisions this month and established some new routines that have helped to streamline my life and business. I also attended my first live event as a brand/personality, which was an amazing experience that really taught me a lot about myself. Last month I started a new format for this series where I list out what I did and did not do, as well as what I learned from the month. You seemed to like that change and so did I, so I am going to continue with it for now!

What I Didn’t Do

1. Run a promotion. April was the first month this year that I didn’t run some sort of promotion for my shop. I was really worried that this would mean I wouldn’t make as much in my shop, but actually my revenue for the month held up to other months where I ran big promotions, so I’m glad to see that I don’t need to push myself every month to do something special, just sticking to my everyday marketing plan is enough to keep the needle moving in the right direction.

2. Spend enough time on Instagram. For one reason or another, this month I didn’t Instagram as much as I would have liked. However, out of that I ended up finally defining a regular editorial for my Instagram posts that I was able to implement later on in the month. Having an editorial calendar for Instagram may seem excessive, but like everything in life, a little forward planning can go a long way to simplifying your workload.

3. Stay inside my comfort zone. This month I did something that totally pushed me outside of my comfort zone by attending and speaking at the Southeast PlannerCon in Atlanta! This was something that was planned for months, but it was the first time I made “an appearance” as a brand offline. I was pretty nervous about it going in, but almost immediately my nerves subsided when I started meeting new friends and seeing welcoming faces. It’s amazing how much anxiety you can overcome thanks to the power of human connection!

What I Did Do

1. Stuck to my schedule. Oh yes, I made my schedule and stuck to it, which includes my new block schedule for working on my business day to day. For a long time I wanted to create a schedule where I themed my days by tasks, and I was finally able to accomplish it this month. Not only did I set up a schedule that works, I executed on it the whole month which was a major win for me and it ended up making my life so much easier and actually boosted my work day confidence. I was able to execute on all my essentials during the workday and then relax in the evening thanks to this new schedule.

2. Added value for my customers. So, this month I didn’t launch a new product per se, but I did add a few items to existing products. I was very excited that I added a new iPhone only module to my Digital Styling Lightroom photography course, which was something my customers had expressed much interest in, and I also added a blogging webinar to Empire Building. Focusing on adding value to my existing products instead of creating new ones really felt like a great use of my time because it helps me keep my products fresh and exciting, and establishes a trust between me and my customers. They know I am listening to their concerns and I’m able to better serve them. Win-win!

3. Thought critically about my business. In early April, after the close of March, I performed a quarterly business review. I actually filmed a whole webinar style video on the topic in case you are interested in the process as well, but this review gave me an opportunity to think really critically about my business. I know I’m always thinking about my business in one way or another, but to really sit down and clear out time and space to review all aspects of my business was invaluable to me. Not only did this give me an opportunity to get organized, but it also helped me brainstorm some new content and strategy moving forward into Q2.

What I Learned

1. Networking is a major part of business. As someone who works for themselves from home, I often forget the power of real, face to face networking! It really is all about who you know, and by attending events within your market or niche, you can develop relationships with new people that you wouldn’t have connected with over email. Seriously, I met some amazing women at Southeast Plannercon, some I had even emailed with in the past but it wasn’t until we met face to face that I realized I wanted to work with them. Connecting in person really gives you an opportunity to see a real human side of someone that you may miss in email.

2. Helping others is never a bad idea. Attending PlannerCon was such a different experience for me than my typical day to day work because it really forced me to tap into my best self and step up to help others who truly needed it. I always consider myself a helpful person, but dealing with a live event situation met I had a chance to really use my talents and knowledge to support others who really needed it. Whether it was working out AV issues for a presentation or giving a nervous speaker support and a pep-talk to encourage them, when I help others, I get in touch with my higher self and become the best version of me possible.

3. It’s better to go deeper than wider. When it comes to developing new products in business, I find that once you have your product line defined, there are two ways you can add more to your business. Either by going deeper or going wider. By going deeper, I mean adding more to an existing product, and by going wider I mean adding more products to your line. As I already explained earlier, this month I didn’t launch any new products, instead I added new elements to existing products for additional value. This was the first time I have created something new that took me deeper instead of wider in my product line and it was a great learning experience. For me, I tend to always want to create “new” in my business. Usually that means a new product which is great because I’m adding to my product line, but can sometimes be overwhelming if I feel like I’m adding too many new products to my shop. By going deeper into existing products I can add value and expand on topics I’ve already touched on without cluttering my product line.

I hope you enjoyed this installment of Entrepreneurial and perhaps picked up some new insight or a strategy you didn’t think of before. I’d love to hear how your month went, so please let me know what you learned by leaving me a comment down below!



Your May Free Planner Printables & Tech Wallpapers are Here!

May 2016 Freebies and Downloads

May is just a few days away and that means its time for some new FREEBIES!

First up is your new May Tech Wallpapers. As everyone knows April showers bring May flowers, so this month I’ve designed a modern floral print filled with some bright colors to remind you to stop and smell the roses. 

31 Things to Do in May

Next up are your TWO Free Printable Planner Inserts that are sized for Filofax A5 and Personal equivalents. The Monthly Dashboard for May is ready for you to print and fill with all your amazing May plans, and your Oh Hello, May insert will help you keep busy this month with a list of 31 things to do in May! Grab both of them in this listing on The Charmed Shop!

As always I hope you enjoy your Freebies for the month and I’d love to see how you are using them, so make sure to snap a picture of your tech gadgets or planners and use  #CharmedGTD in your IG description or tweet, and tag me @MissTrenchcoat in the image as well so everyone in my community can see your May style!



The Key to More Money, Happiness and Productivity!

The Key to More Money, Happiness and Productivity (Link Roundup)

Ready for another fabulous link roundup? This month I have gathered some great reads from around the web to help you with your Business, Personal Development and Productivity! Whether you are interested in boosting your happiness, getting more done with less stress or standing out from the competition in your business, there is something for everyone in this month’s roundup. Enjoy!


Personal Development


Hope you find something inspiring to read that motivates you to improve your life, business, productivity or all three! If you have read any great articles that you’d like to share, feel free to leave them down below!



25 Ways to Be Charming

For today’s post I thought I’d do something a little different! I made this lovely little graphic with a list of 25 Ways to Be Charming! I think we could all use a little reminder of these simple things that we can do to be a more pleasant and welcoming person to others. Enjoy!

25 Ways to be Charming

Let me know what you think of this list and feel free to share this graphic with anyone you think will enjoy it!

