Last Wednesday I hosted a solo episode of the #GLAMPIRECHAT where I discussed my process, systems and tools for executing business plans. Getting things done for my business happens to be one of my strong suits and in this hour and a half long live chat, I explained my methods and answered your questions live. If you weren’t able to make the chat, you are in luck because not only do I have the replay up on my YouTube channel, but I have also put together a recap of the chat that I am sharing with you today!
Who is this information for?
Anyone who has a hard time executing on projects and plans for their business, whether that’s a full time or #sidehustle situation. Also, hopefully this information will jumpstart you and inspire you into action. My hope is that this post and the coordinating video become a resource for you, that you save it, bookmark it, and come back to it anytime you need inspiration to act and start or complete a project!
What will you learn from this information?
How I get things done and execute consistently. My process, systems and tools for getting things done for my business. If you have a business project sitting on the back burner, or want to accomplish a major project for your business but aren’t sure how to go about starting, this information will provide a blueprint of sorts for you to follow through on your tasks!
1. You need to have plans to execute on & an organization method to keep track of them.
- Brainstorm your plans and projects: Start with a question you would like to answer or a problem you would like to solve and brainstorm possible solutions that you can turn into a plan for a project! RESOURCE: Watch my Project & Goal Planning Video for a How-To!
- Keep a designated notebook or section in your planner where you can keep track of your ideas and plans: Keep track of all your ideas and project plans in this dedicated spot. RESOURCE: Need a project planning kit?
- Frequently refer back to this information: Keep this list up to date and relevant. You want to ensure you are executing on your best ideas!
2. Choose from your best ideas so you know what projects to execute first.
- Define your values: What values do you want your project to embody? Are you concerned with cost, environmental impact, timeliness, or accessibility? Are collaboration, joy, or simplicity things you want expressed by this project? RESOURCE: Understanding how to establish focus through values.
- Rate your ideas: Grade your ideas A, B, C, D & F based on which ideas embody your values and feel like the best ideas for you.
- Make your A list: Don’t discard any of your B-F ideas, but make a new list with just the A ideas. These are the ideas you will want to start with.
- Extrapolate action steps for each of your A ideas: For each A idea make a list of all the steps you would need to take to execute the idea and any plans or ideas you may also have that go along with it.
- Ask yourself, which idea feels most complete: After making the lists for each, decide which idea feels most complete and you are most excited about getting started with. If your project doesn’t ignite a passion within you, it’s probably not worth the time to execute it!
3. Make a project plan.
- Set a time frame for your project: Err on the side of caution and be a little more liberal with your time frame, but also keep in mind Parkinson’s Law which states “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”
- Define what it is that you are trying to accomplish: You want to be very clear as to the purpose or mission of this project so that you don’t get derailed or wrapped up in items that may not be as important for its completion.
- Keep track of the resources you need: Make a list of the resources, people, places, books, or tools that you may need to have on hand. If you can assemble these resources ahead of time, even better!
- Define your reward: Any incentive you give yourself to complete your project is a good idea. Choose something that will motivate you but is also reasonable to the task at hand.
4. Schedule it + Do it!
- Schedule blocks of time to work on your project: I find that 2-4 hour blocks are best. Stealing an hour here or there may work for small tasks, but overall, give yourself a scheduled block(s) of time to work on your tasks.
- Get an accountability partner: Find someone, either a friend, coworker, or family member to keep you accountable for your tasks and plans. RESOURCE: Empire Building includes a built in accountability system, consider signing up to have a supportive community for your business goals!
- Track your work & successes: When you do complete blocks of work, make sure to track it and keep track of the items you completed. This will help you in two ways. First, it will help you to stay motivated as you complete your project because it will be harder for you to forget all the progress you have made. Second, it will help you to understand the time it takes you to complete certain tasks. Having this information will make it easier for you to understand your time frame for completion and make adjustments as necessary.
5. Get out of your own way!
- Perfectionism has no place in business: Try not to let any perfectionist tendencies get in your way. Things can always be done better and improved upon later. Don’t dwell on this and just make steady progress to completing your project.
- Pull down roadblocks & excuses: Many people find it hard to get projects completed because they are putting up a number of blocks to their own path and make excuses for why they can’t do this or that task necessary for their project. If you find that you are making excuses or listing reasons for you to avoid doing your work, you need to acknowledge this and move past it. RESOURCE: 3 Ways to Overcome Resistance.
- Believe in yourself, your abilities and your business: In order to be successful in any endeavor, one must have a sense of confidence. If you don’t believe in yourself and your abilities, you won’t get far in completing the tasks necessary for executing your plans. I firmly believe that if you have confidence in yourself and give a committed try to your tasks, you will find success in all that you do!
- Have fun: If you aren’t having fun with your work, there is a problem. Starting and running a business isn’t for everyone and it’s important to know yourself and to understand when hesitation is occurring out of fear of failure vs out of lack of interest in your project. Get real with yourself because going down a road you weren’t meant for or don’t enjoy won’t make you happy. Their are much easier ways to make money than starting and running your own business venture.
Now, if you found this information to be helpful, you may also be interested in watching the full episode of the #GLAMPIRECHAT here! In the video I cover this information, as well as a number of excellent questions from my community, which you may find helpful!
If executing your business plans is a priority to you, I also want to let you know about my upcoming Free Webinar on my 5 Pillar System for Building a Successful Online Business! I’ll be reviewing the 5 Pillars of my Empire Building Program and giving you strategies and insights you can use immediately to start building your brand online, PLUS I’ll be sharing a special limited time offer for the 1 Year Birthday of the program that you won’t want to miss if you are interested in signing up!
This post first appeared on Strange & Charmed on July 2nd, 2015 and is being republished for the 2016 Empire Building Relaunch!