It’s now officially summer in the northern hemisphere and we have a good two to three months of long days and sunny weather ahead of us. While many people, myself included, traditionally use this time to rest, relax and have fun, I feel like these longer days can be packed with much more than just time at the pool. Here are five things that I think you need to do this summer to really make the most of the season and to look back at it and think of it as a very productive time, instead of as an endless string of lazy days!
1. Read more substantial novels
As cliche as it sounds, summer really is a great time to do some reading at your own leisure. As much as you may want to pick up the latest click lit or YA fiction to enjoy by the pool, I really encourage you to incorporate some more substantial literature into your summer reading list. Most people are under the impression that all reading is equal, so if you read a romance novel or Moby Dick you are getting the same benefit from reading. This is not true. Studies show that lighter literature actually has the same effect on your brain as watching television for the same period of time. Your brain isn’t actually expanding with everything you read, so you need to pick reading material that will challenge your thought, grow your vocabulary, and expose you to new ideas. If you would like some recommendations, here are a few I love.
2. Learn something new
If you are like me, summer represents a time in your life where you have less obligations and more freedom. Although I graduated college close to a decade ago, I still see summer as my vacation time and I would venture to guess that goes for many people. The thing is, while most people are spending their summer on frivolity and fun, I think this is a great time to get a jump on the competition so to speak and pick up a new skill or learn about a topic that may help you advance personally and professionally. On my to do list this summer I have a few technical skills I want to master and areas I want to learn more about in terms of helping me run my business. Choose an area of your life that would benefit from some additional education and find a research online to help you learn. We all have that nagging list filed in the back of our minds with skills or knowledge we wish we had, so pick a topic from your list and get started making progress. If this topic of continuing education speaks to you, I suggest starting here.
3. Start your #sidehustle
Most people could really use an extra income, even if it’s just a small part time income from doing something we love. If you have been thinking of a business idea but dragging your feet on getting started, now is the time to act! Hammer out your idea, source your materials or any tools you may need to get you started, and scour the internet for information and ideas for marketing your business. I have a whole YouTube video dedicated to How to Start an Online Shop if you are looking to sell physical or digital goods so I highly suggest that video as a free resource. Of course, if you want to get started but need the motivation of a coach to keep you on track you can always join my Empire Building Program and get access to my workbooks and coaching. I’ve even recently added a new Shop Review option to Empire Building where you can get a live one time 1-hour call with me to review your business idea, online shop or work through any issues you are facing. There is nothing stopping you from making this summer a profitable one and perhaps the start to a really awesome business venture!
4. Have meaningful discussions
Many people I encounter online have something very major in common. They are all searching for real meaningful connections online that they aren’t getting in their lives. I truly believe that finding a friend or small group of friends that share you belief’s and values can be an incredibly uplifting experience, but how do you know when you have found true friends? The clues are always in the conversation. If you can have long, meaningful discussions with another human being you know you have found a true friend. While you are making plans with your friends this summer, make sure you aren’t just having adventure but that you are also connecting on a deeper level, sharing knowledge and experience for mutual benefit. It doesn’t matter if you are having these conversations with your best friend and neighbor or if you are chatting with like minded individuals in Facebook interest groups, just get yourself out there, find someone to talk to and make a meaningful connection.
5. Organize an area of your life
We all have an area of areas of our lives that desperately need order and this is the perfect time of year to establish that order. Whether your closet is a mess or your social life could use a revamp, think of this like a project that you can tackle over the next few days, weeks or months. First, decide what area of your life needs the change. Is it a physical issue of organization like a room in your home or your office space or is it an abstract area like your career that you want to get organized? Next, define the problem and write out your end goals for your organization project. Why have you chosen this area to organize and what do you want this area of your life to look like once your project is complete? Finally, list out all known action steps and start cracking away at the issue bit by bit. Don’t feel like you need to enact massive change overnight, just make yourself a nice long to do list for this project and set a goal for yourself to do one thing everyday. Somedays you may do more than one and some days this project may fall off your priorities list, but make sure you are taking steps at least on a weekly basis. Remember, if you fall off the wagon with this project, go back to the problem you defined and your goals to inspire you and keep you motivated. If you need more guidance on project planning, this resource can help you get started with your life organization project or anything else you’re working on!
Which of these tasks are you excited to tackle this summer? Let me know in the comments!