Get More Views & Make More Sales with these 3 Tips Plus 1 Awesome Resource

How to Build, Grow & Retain a Community Online!

When it comes to online business, everyone wants to know the secret of finding success online. For some people, that success means more views on their site and social media platforms, for others it means making more money for their business, and of course, some people really want both! The key to success online isn’t some secret, it’s truly just a simple combination of a few key actions that do require a lot of time, work and dedication. I know when it comes to online businesses it seems like a lot of people are finding a lot of success with very little effort, but the truth is, you just don’t see the effort because the online space blurs those lines. So, if you are really ready to get more eyes on your work, and make more money for your business and you are ready and willing to do the work, here are the three tips you need to know!

1.  Get Clear on Your Message

The online business marketplace is so saturated that it can seem overwhelming to try to communicate what makes your business different from all the others. People, including business owners, often get distracted online by the latest and greatest trends, products and niche markets, and because of this, often times, this muddies up the water and can lead even the most seasoned online entrepreneur down multiple wrong paths. To help you keep your messaging crystal clear, I suggest formally writing out a Manifesto or Mission Statement for your business. Include in this message, the specifics of your business and try to focus on what makes you unique even in a saturated marketplace. Then, when it comes to making decisions for the direction you want to take your business or opportunities that you want to get involved with, you have something of a roadmap to help you make critical business decisions. If opportunities and developments are in line with your manifesto, jump on them! If not, this document makes it super easy for you to pass, and feel a sense of confidence that you made the right decision for your business.

Get Clear on your Messaging!

2. Create Dynamic Content

A picture here and a quote there does not equal dynamic regular content. Think about the types of content that you yourself enjoy online from your favorite online business or brand, I bet it looks polished, well thought out and really adds value to your experience with that brand. Yep, a lot of work went into that content, and nope, their is no way around it, you will need to get to work too if you want your content to be on par with the best of the best! Now, if this seems overwhelming to you, don’t worry, I’m not saying you need to create this awesome dynamic content every single day. Start small with one solid piece of content per week and work up at a comfortable pace. You don’t need to become a superstar overnight, although, I will say, the more high quality content you create on a regular basis, the quicker your rise will be, but pace yourself. As long as what you put out is on point, you can set goals for yourself and your business to grow into creating more regular content.

3. Interact with Your Community

The fastest way to get more views and sales for your business is to start making friends online! Interacting regularly with the audience you have will go a long way to get you repeat customers and regular audience members. Always keep your community at the forefront of your mind, because without them, you are seriously nothing. As you grow, find ways to engage and reward your followers, giving them incentives to be active members of your community, because the more active your followers are, the more growth you will experience. Your followers aren’t just there on your site cheering you on, they are most likely talking about you all around town, so be kind, available and supportive of them and it will go a long way!

Try this helpful resource!

So, that’s simple right? Like I said, no secret’s here, just good old fashioned hard work and these 3 key tips you need to know! As promised, I also have 1 really great resource for you if you want to learn more about these tips and so much more to help your business grow through active engagement of your audience. This week the third workbook in my Empire Building Program launched on the topic of Community Building and in it, I discuss these three tips plus even more strategies for finding, growing and retaining an audience of dedicated fans and customers. So, if you want to learn more about this topic and help give your business an edge online, I would highly recommend this resource! Of course, if you want even more help and guidance from me on creating a successful online business using my strategies and techniques, feel free to check out my Empire Building Path’s as well, where you can get either one-on-one or group coaching with me, plus access to all the workbooks in the series!

I’d love to hear what you think about these tips and how you make use of them in your own business or blog! Feel free to leave me a comment or drop me a line on Twitter or Instagram! I’d love to know how your business is doing, and how I could help you achieve more of your goals!



Letter from the Editor: Hello May!


Hello everyone and happy May! Let me tell you how excited I am about this month. It is finally bright and sunny on the North East Coast of the U.S. and I’ve been enjoying the sunshine very much! Starbuck and I have been going on walks, I’ve been hitting the gym in preparation for my trip to Aruba and I’ve been getting some serious work done around Strange & Charmed! So let me catch you up on what is going on at Charmed HQ!

Lately, I have felt like I am making some wonderful progress on so many projects. I have officially launched the third workbook for Empire Building, on the topic of Community Building! The workbook came out so great, I’m so impressed with it myself and I know my Empire Builders are going to love it! It feels so great to have only two remaining workbooks left to publish, and once they are all out, I can’t wait to start on stage two of my master plan for Empire Building! I’ve also been inspired to start a few new series on both my blog and my YouTube channel that focus on educating bloggers and business owners. One of them is going to be a Photoshop course over on YouTube, and another is going to be a business resource guide here on the blog! I’m so excited to get started creating some great content to help my fellow bloggers, YouTubers and social media fanatics learn and grow! I’m also hoping that this month I can finish working on a special passion project of mine that I actually started last year around May, but ended up having to put on the back burner. Obviously, I will explain more as work progresses on that, but never the less, get excited because I’m seriously pumped about May!

Now, speaking of May, did you download my FREE May Planner Insert? If not, I will link it here so you can check it out! It’s adorable, if I say so myself, and it’s actually a list of 31 awesome seasonal things to do in May! Definitely check it out if you are a planner addict like me! Speaking of being a planner addict, I recently posted a video to my YouTube channel all about my Filofax collection. So, if you have been curious as to my planners, you may want to check that video out and meet my 14 (yes, I said 14!) planners!

Finally, I’m sure you are curious to know what Lisamarie and I are up to for the summer! You may have heard that we are going on vacation together to Aruba in June, and we are super excited about that! We will be vlogging it, and we have some awesome things planned for you guys in June to help get you involved with out vacation and such, so make sure you are following both of us on Instagram! We also have one more fun thing to share! On Wednesday May 6th at 9pm EST, Lisamarie and I will be doing our second Glampire Chat over on her channel! If you missed our last chat, I will link it here, but this time around we are discussing branding, so we hope you will attend the live chat, but you can also watch the reply on my channel if you can’t make it!

So, I think that about wraps up my news for May! Remember, schedule May 6th at 9pm EST in your planner so you can hang out with me and Lisamarie! Come with your questions and make sure to join us in using the hashtag #GlampireChat to celebrate our second event and send us questions! Can’t wait to see you on Wednesday!



Oh, Hello May! {Free Printable}

Free Filofax To Do List for May

Sometimes, I legitimately wish that I could have a time turner because the days really do pass too quickly! Well, it’s nearly May and it’s time to say a warm hello to one of the most welcoming months of the year. The first quarter of the year is over and done and we are well into the second. I know for the past few months I have been creating these free printables with a bit of a theme to them, but this month I decided to go back to basics and make a good old fashioned To Do List for the items I want to accomplish in May. It is just so important to make the most of each and everyday, and I think this is seriously a lesson I am learning on an ongoing basis. So, I hope you’ll join me in the month of May by getting your free printable and checking off the tasks along with me so we can celebrate the unofficial start of summer together!

Free Filofax Printable Insert

If you would like to download these free inserts (available in both A5 + Personal Size), click here to hop on over to my shop where you can access and print them immediately!

If you do download these free inserts, please let me know about it by taking a picture and tagging me on Instagram with the hashtag #StrangeandCharmed so I can see how you are making use of these inserts in your own planners. I love seeing your pictures, and I can’t wait to like them and interact with you on IG! Make sure you’re following me @MissTrenchcoat!!



On My iPhone {April 2015}

My Digital Favorites for April 2015

On my iPhone is a monthly feature on Strange & Charmed where I give you a peak into what I have been loving on my iPhone for the month! Covering topics like apps, games, podcasts, music, websites, books and more, I hope this series helps you all discover new and exciting content out there that can be enjoyed from your iPhone! To stay up to date with this series, make sure to follow the On My iPhone tag!

April was such a productive month for me! I feel like for the first time ever as an entrepreneur that my life and business schedules are finally melding together so that I can achieve all my goals without feeling like I am compromising one area of my life for another. I can’t say that I think that has to do specifically with these apps and digital favorites that I am about to introduce to you, however, I think that a mixture of some great productivity apps, some hard work on my part and a bunch of great informational content in the form of audiobooks and articles have really been coming together to make my days feel more productive and fulfilling! So here are my digital favorites for April 2015!

Currently Playing, Focus@Will: I recently did a review of this interesting productivity app that claims to help you improve your productivity through the aid of scientifically optimized music. It basically sounds like a spa playlist, but I have to admit, I am much more productive when I’m using the app!

Currently Reading, Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin: I’ve really been getting into Audible lately, and although I am not reading this book the traditional way, I am definitely enjoying listening to it while I work, clean up and even walk the dog! If you’re interested in understanding and changing your habits, this is another great pick, similar to The Power of Habit, but it takes a completely different spin on the concept!

Currently Watching, Penny Dreadful: The other week I was a little run down and spending a lot of time in bed resting, and during this period I stumbled upon Penny Dreadful and basically watched the entire first season in one day. It was right up my ally blending two of my favorite genres, period pieces and supernatural thrillers! Season two just started up and I’m excited to continue the saga!

Currently Surfing, I Am That Girl by Alexis Jones is the Paper & Glam Bookclub read for May and I was very excited to discover that their is actually a whole website and blog for the I Am That Girl Campaign which strives to create community, and a support system around celebrating women and girls! Definitely an inspiring place on the internet to read, learn and connect with other women!

Currently Listening, Serial Podcast: I had heard a lot of great reviews about the Serial podcast a while back and I was recently reminded that I had never checked it out. So, I finally did and I can really understand not what all the fuss was about. If you like criminal dramas or mysteries, you should definitely check out this compelling and extremely thorough podcast that was more like a documentary brought to life in audio only form!

iPhone Case, Kate Spade Diagonal Stripped Hybrid Case: Although I have been something of an iPhone case fanatic in the past, I have actually stuck to the same case now since I purchased the iPhone 6 Plus in March. I will admit, however, that I have had my eye on some other cases, namely this gorgeous marble effect case!

Things I Read & Loved

So now for the second part of this post, a selection of articles I read from around the web that I loved.

So, let me know what you think of these articles and I’d love to hear your experiences with any of the apps, books or sites I shared with you this month! Please let me know what you’re digital favorites were for April by leaving me a comment below or for extra points, tag me in a photo on Instagram telling me about your favorites for the month!



How to Build an Online Business without an Email List

Start an Online Business without an Email List

I guess somewhere in Online Business Marketing 101 it must say that in order to have a successful online business you need to establish an email list and focus a good amount of time, effort and money into growing that list by any and all means possible. Of course, I skipped Online Business Marketing 101 and figured out a long time ago that much of the traditional marketing practices constantly touted as business essentials online are nothing more than mere suggestions. If you have started a business online or want to start one but get intimidated by the jargon and fancy lingo that the usual online marketers use, or get confused when you hear about SEO, Leadpages, Hooks and Facebook Ads, well, guess what? I am here today to tell you that you don’t need any of it to find success for your business online!

Why? Well, because building a successful business online doesn’t have to be about marketing, endlessly selling yourself and your products online. or even knowing some secret formula for generating leads through advertising. You can make the intentional choice to focus your business strategy on growing a community and finding that audience of like minded individuals who really need that product or service that you have. Let me ask you a question. Would you rather do business with a company online that spammed you with emails, constant product updates and click-bait sales methods or would you rather do business business with a company that took the time to get to know you, was there to answer your questions and support you first before they ever asked for a single penny? I know which I would choose! No one wants to feel like they are being sold to, and for many online entrepreneurs, it feels icky when we have to resort to basic sales tactics. Although I run a business online, I don’t consider myself a sales person, I consider myself a creator and I don’t want to waste my creative energy focusing on business principles that don’t align with my values and interests. I don’t run my business based on antiquated marketing principles, developed at the start of the dotcom era, and I’ve found more success than I could have imagined just by being myself, truly trying to connect with my customers and providing a source of helpful information for my community everyday!

Start a Creative Online Business without Old School Marketing Tactics

So, you are probably asking yourself, “Alexis, how did you learn how to grow a community online? Where did you learn from? Which program did you take?” The truth is, I learned all this information the hard way, through trial and error. I’ve been at this for over six years at this point and it’s only been through testing and trying new things that I have slowly but surely uncovered the knowledge and information that I now know and which has led me to grow my blog, YouTube and Social Media feeds to numbers far beyond what I could have expected! In just the last year alone, I have grown my blog from just over 10k page views per month to nearly 150k, and my YouTube from 1k subscribers to over 20k! Oh and did I mention, all that and I never spent a single dollar on advertising, nor did I have an email list to communicate with my followers. Instead, I harnessed the power of social media and my own creativity to naturally attract an audience and community for my work who then turned into my customers!

Now, if you are interested in replicating my success, I will tell you, it’s completely do-able! I don’t believe that I was some one-off success story, I know that my success is repeatable for those who know and use the lessons and information that it took me years to figure out on my own. The best news is, that I am not just keeping this information to myself. Like all other great things I learn about and experience in my life, I want to share this with my community! That is why I developed the Empire Building Program, my personal e-course designed to help other creative business owners build a community of customers online using creative methods of communication instead of old-school online marketing tactics! If you want to build an online business, but you’re not interested in learning all the ins and outs of business strategy, this is the course for you!

How to Communicate Online for Your Business

The great thing about Empire Building is that I created a few different levels for the program to help people learn at the rate and style that works for them. You can sign up for my Empire Building Architect Path to get one-on-one coaching sessions with me as well as a Custom Content Development Action Plan that I create for your business, and of course access to the full Empire Building Program of 5 digital workbooks and a private Facebook group for members. Or, if you want to join the program, but don’t have the time for one-on-one coaching, you can join the Empire Building Blueprint Path and get group coaching through the private Facebook group as well as full access to the 5 digital workbooks so you can work at your own pace and check in with me for additional resources and guidance as needed. Finally, if you prefer to go it alone and select the digital workbooks and topics that you need specific help with, you can purchase my Empire Building Workbooks* individually! Each digital workbook is filled with all the information you need to know on the subject, as well as numerous worksheets that you can print out and use to build a custom plan for your business!

If you want to start your online business but aren’t sure where to begin, let me guide you! If you have an existing business but are having trouble gaining traction online, use my knowledge to your advantage! You don’t have to spend years testing every trick in the book just to figure out what works and what doesn’t. I’ve done all the heavy lifting for you in Empire Building! I can’t wait to work with you!

If you have any questions about Empire Building please do not hesitate to send me an email so I can help you decide which path of the program is right for you! 



*Currently, the first two of the five workbooks have been released and the remaining workbooks will be published once a month through July.

{Apptastic} Can Music Keep You Focused?

Focus@Will Productivity Boosting App

As a productivity junkie, I am always looking for the hottest new apps that promise to help me boost my productivity! I’ve tried games, guided meditation, and brainwave boosters, but most recently I have been using an app that creates a playlist of scientifically optimized productivity music to help you focus called Focus@Will. How’s that for a name, right? Who doesn’t want to have complete focus at will? I know I do! So when I first heard about this app, I knew I had to give it a try, so I downloaded the app, signed up for a free trial account and got started.

Now, the thing you need to understand about this app is that it’s essentially a semi-customizable playlist of relaxing, almost sound machine types of music. The UI of the app itself is pretty minimal and I found that it wasn’t quite adapted to my iPhone 6 Plus’ large screen, but then again, I guess that doesn’t matter very much because you’re not really supposed to be spending much time looking at your iPhone screen with this app on!

For those of you who may already be familiar with the concept to working to music, you may be wondering what makes this app so special? I think it all comes down to the thought that classical and similar styles of music make one more productive than other types of music, and in fact on their website, Focus@Will explains that modern music that most people listen to through the workday is not effective in forcing our concentration because such music normally evokes an emotional response that distracts us. Now, I can understand that! Personally, I am not productive at work with music on, I do better when I listen to music while cleaning the house or doing another physical activity that doesn’t require much thought. If you tend to work with your favorite playlist on in the background, you may want to ask yourself how satisfied you are with your productivity to really understand if this is an app you would want to try!

So, moment of truth, does the app actually work? Well, as I sit at my desk writing this review, it’s about 7:30 in the morning and I’ve been up since 6am working on blog posts, listening to and enjoying the music from the app. I haven’t been distracted by notifications, I haven’t taken moments to pause and rest, unsure of what to write next. I’ve been enjoying the soothing sounds radiating from my iPhone, and I think the science behind this app is correct. I don’t focus this well listening to regular music and I find that even in complete silence, I am not as productive as I seem to be as I type along to the rhythm of the spa playlist I’m currently enjoying. So, I would have to say that for me, yes, this app is working. Now, will I be signing up for a monthly subscription to the app once my 30 day trial is over? That will take some more thought. I am not completely sold on the app as a monthly subscription, although I would have no problem paying out $5.99 or even upwards of $10 to have full access to the app without a subscription fee or at least the option to buy a pre-made playlist flat out. I’m not entirely sure what sort of updates and value the Focus@Will team is adding on a monthly basis to validate the charge, which is my major hesitation right now, but I would say the app is nice, I do see a use for it and I would pay something for it, I’m just not sure how much value will come from the subscription!

If you have ever tried Focus@Will let me know what you thought of it in the comments below. I’d love to hear about your experiences with the app and if you are subscribed, let me know what value you feel you get from the app on an ongoing basis! If you have never tried Focus@Will before, definitely give the app a try, it’s available for download on iOS and Android devices and there is even a desktop client as well!



Office Oasis {April 2015}

5 Ways to Upgrade Your Office

Last month, you told me that you really liked this Office Oasis feature and that you wanted me to continue with it and so I shall! Some of my favorite items in my office are cute little desk accessories and stylish stationery items, so for April, I have selected some functional pieces that do double duty. From a coordinating stationery box to the hottest pair of headphones a #girlboss could own, I’ve got your needs covered!

1. Stylish Headphones: The Frends Layla headphones are probably the most iconic feminine pair of cans on the market. They are available in a few different color choices, however, I love the white on rose gold look the best! Nothing is more feminine and sophisticated to keep a #girlboss focused on her work!

2. Fashionable Note Pads: I personally own, use and love this Garance Dore set of note pads from Rifle Paper Co! After using these you will never want to go back to a plain steno pad again!

3.See Through Storage: I get asked all the time about the acrylic storage container that sits on my desk and organizes most of my small office supplies and this is the one that I use! I love the look of the multiple drawers and particularly the sculptural effect of the drawer handles. It’s so reasonably priced, there is no reason to say no!

4. Chic Stationery: I think we can all agree that Kate Spade makes some of the chicest office supplies out there, but let’s be honest, owning her entire collection is going to cost you. That’s why I love this Whistle While You Work Tackle Box filled with a variety of Kate Spade office goodies, for a very reasonable price.

5. Catch All Dish: I always have a variety of little knick-knacks on my desk and to make sure they don’t go rolling all over the place, I like to keep them in this cute little Jonathan Adler Porcelain Zebra Dish! On a daily basis you will find anything from perfume and makeup items, rings and jewelry or even paperclips corralled in this lovely little dish. It’s definitely a must have for my desk!

So those are this month’s office picks. I hope you find something that you like as well as need in the selection above. Nothing makes me happier than when I can find a new office organization item that doubles as wonderful decor and of course, helps me boost my productivity! Let me know in the comments which items you loved the most and of course leave me recommendations for other products you think I should feature in future posts!



How to Succeed at Work!

5 Tips for finding Success at Work

I know I spend a lot of time on my blog and through my various social media platforms talking about how to succeed with your own online business, however, as someone who spent over 5 years working for a Fortune 50 company and had 4 different jobs in those 5 years, I clearly also know a thing or two about how to succeed at a 9-5 job as well! I know that for many of you reading this, landing that great 9-5 job or working your way up in your current company is going to be a real priority, so here are my five best tips to find success at work!

1. Exhibit Curiosity

Employers love it when they have employees that are interested in their work and curious enough to take extra time to research subjects and topics that may help them come to a greater understanding of their job. When you show a true interest in your job, your boss and company will notice and will reward such curiosity with increased responsibility, pay and ultimately, promotions!

2. Work Hard

This one may seem pretty obvious, however, you’d be surprised at the number of employees who think they are working hard but really aren’t doing all they can to benefit their employer. Sheer hours spent on the job isn’t a true indicator of productivity and hard work. What truly matters is how much you are able to accomplish with your time. If you are constantly ahead of schedule with projects and tasks, that will go a long way to show your work ethic!

3. Try Different Things

When it comes to working your average 9-5 people tend to get into routines and habits for their work. That’s not a bad thing, but problems can arise when you become too rigid with those routines and refuse to take on new tasks and experiences. When your supervisor presents you will new tasks and challenges, you should eagerly be saying “Yes” to these opportunities because this is your chance to try something new, expand your knowledge and show that you can take on new and different responsibilities!

4. Don’t let anyone rain on your parade

I’m not going to lie, competition is always going to arise in corporate culture, it’s just the way it is, but you shouldn’t let that competition get to your head or throw you off balance. Ignore the office politics, gossip mongering and rumor mill and focus on your work and producing great results. Try to be that beacon of positive energy in your company or on your team so that people always think of you as a good person and worker. Acknowledge that when you are successful with your job, people are always going to try to tear you down one way or another so that they can take your success and claim it for themselves, but you can prevent this by tearing clear of the drama!

5. Ask for what you want

Too many workers, mainly women, believe that if they work hard and keep their head down, they will be acknowledged at work with raises and promotions, however, that is not the way corporate culture works. It’s not enough that you do your job and do it well, you really need to make sure you are clear with your employer about what you want from your career and the opportunities you expect them to give you so long as you continue to be a productive asset to the company. Remember, corporate culture is competitive and if you don’t show interest in that open job position or ask for that raise, trust me, your employer isn’t just going to hand it over to you!

If you would like to learn more about how to get ahead in your current job, make sure to check out my series called How to Stand Out at Work. It’s filled with numerous tips, tricks and advice on how to gain more favor and responsibility at work so that you are poised for a raise or a promotion! Let me know what you thought of these tips and feel free to leave your best tips for success at work below in the comments. I’d love to hear your stories and how you have been able to climb the corporate ladder no matter how big or small your company!

My Productivity Playlist #9 {Step into Spring}

Step into Spring | My Productivity Playlist for April 2015

Good news everyone! It finally feels like Spring in the Northeast of the U.S., YAY! I am very excited for the warmer weather which means I can dress in my favorite, light layers and flats, and take Starbuck for (almost) daily walks to help me break up the work day. This month, the tunes I’m loving all harken back to spring or at least some sort of life transition. I’m feeling very empowered for the season and just want to jump in and enjoy every moment of it. I feel like with this new season, I can literally achieve anything I set my mind to, and my mind is filled with curiosity that I am just waiting to explore!

Don’t forget to check out the full Playlist for Free on Spotify:

  1. Hey Brother by Avicii
  2. Set Fire to the Rain by Adele
  3. April in Paris by Count Basie & His Orchestra
  4. The Puppy Song by Harry Nilsson
  5. We Come Running by Youngblood Hawke
  6. Up Around the Bend by Creedence Clearwater Revival
  7. Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
  8. White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane
  9. Defying Gravity by the Cast of Glee
  10. Don’t Rain on My Parade by Barbra Streisand

 I have to admit, I love doing this post each month because it’s a relatively simple post for me, but I also LOVE how so many of you have reached out to tell me that you are also enjoying these playlists and giving me awesome suggestions for new music for me to check out as well, so thank you all for interacting with me around this very simple, but powerful medium of music! So, please keep those comments and suggestions rolling in and I hope you enjoy this month’s selection!



How to Organize Your Filofax like a Productivity Genius!

5 Tips for Organizing your Planner like a Productivity Genius!

Ask yourself, what is keeping you from being as productive and efficient as possible? If you are a Filofax or planner user, you may be thinking that you have the tools to be organized and efficient, but if you aren’t using that tool wisely, it’s just another collection of random paper weighing down your life. There really is only one thing that is separating you from being a productivity genius in your own right, and that is clarity. Clarity in what you are supposed to be doing and when you are supposed to be doing it. This is where your Filofax can be an asset or a liability. Making sure your planner is set up for maximum productivity isn’t always an obvious thing, but here are my top 5 tips for organizing your Filofax like a productivity genius.

1. Use dividers and page markers to quickly access sections

The concept of using dividers in your planner is nothing new. They help you to keep your information sorted and arranged so that everything is easy to find with a turn of the page and the flick of your wrist. Make sure you have all your information properly divided out and that any and all pages of importance are marked within those sections so that you can quickly access information you need at a moments notice.

2. Keep a running list of tasks by context

Through the study of David Allen’s Getting Things Done, I learned about this concept of  “contexts” for the tasks we need to complete. Essentially a “context” is the setting or set of circumstances that apply to your task. Many tasks that we complete regularly have the exact same context and therefore should be grouped together so that when it comes time to take care of a task, instead of doing one single task you have a group of like items to work on at one time. This inevitably saves you time because you aren’t jumping back and forth between different contexts and situations and therefore are able to batch your work. So, if you have an inbox full of emails to respond to, don’t just write one email and then move on to a completely different task in a completely different context. Instead, complete a batch of emails at one time while your mind is in “email mode”. Obviously, email or digital tasks don’t necessarily need to be listed out on your planner as individual tasks unless they are very important, but for other tasks that you may deal with often, keep a running list by context on individual pages in your planner. That way, when it comes time for you to run a report on x, you can refer to your planner and see a running list of all the reports you need to run so that you can batch the work and cross a number of items off your list at one time!

3. Organize Projects into their own dedicated section

Keeping a dedicated project planning section is a great way to keep related tasks clearly organized. Often times when it comes to organizing and managing projects, we start with a list of obvious tasks and then new tasks pop up as we progress. So keeping a page for your project with notes and space for additional tasks and items to be added is a great way to keep organized and stay efficient. Obviously you will want to group these project planning pages all together in one section of your planner so that when the time comes to review the overall progress on all your projects, you just need to flip through this section and take note of any gaps in your projects and outstanding items that need to be completed. If you are looking for some Filofax specific project planning sheets, make sure to check out these from my shop!

4. Keep spare notepaper and sticky notes in the front of your planner

When it comes to my planner and the frequency of it’s use, by far the number one task I use my planner for is to jot down quick notes. Because of this, I like to keep spare pieces of notepaper towards the front of my planner so I can easily jot a note down for future reference or review. I also like to keep spare sticky notes in the front as well, that way I can make a note and stick it to a particular page in my planner that it applies to or use those sticky notes to quickly flag a page that I may need to reference. Remember, it’s so important that you are capturing all the tasks, information and ideas that come to you in a day that you want or need to act on, so these simple tools can be productivity gold!

5. Store useful extras in a pouch or DIY folder

One of the hallmarks of a productivity genius is that they are prepared for anything! So, make sure you utilize your planner as a toolbox of sorts, storing extra supplies and tools in a dedicated zip pouch or DIY planner folder! Tools like a small pair of scissors, postage stamps, paper clips, and writing utensils can help to keep you organized and productive in the office or on the go when you know you have everything you need stored neatly away in your Filofax. DIY folders, like the ones I have made tutorials on, are also great places to store extra notepaper for jotting down and sharing notes, as well as great storage solutions for receipts and paperwork that you may need to fold up and keep in your planner. Make sure your planner has all the storage you require so that you can keep important and frequently used items with you at all times. I know many people use a separate pen case for these sorts of extras, but that pen case is one more thing to have to take care of, and a productivity genius knows that it’s important to keep your supplies lean so you can keep focused on your tasks!

I hope these tips help you to set up your Filofax in the most productive manner possible so that it becomes an essential tool that keeps you on track instead of being a time waster and a major liability to your efficiency! Remember, if your planner is taking too much time to use, you really want to reevaluate your system and decide which areas are causing you the most strife and adjust as necessary! I’d love to see your planners set up using these methods, so please snap a picture of your planner, post it to Instagram and be sure to tag me @MissTrenchcoat so I can see them!

