What do my Blog Colors Mean?


Since this week’s installment of my Blogging 101 series was all about Choosing a Platform and Identity for your blog, I decided that I should probably talk to you today about my blog color scheme and what it means and conveys for my blog and its “brand.” Look, I am by no means a branding expert, but one thing I do know about branding is that you can do all you can to produce a certain image to your audience, but ultimately your brand is decided by them! It’s sort of a funny thing, trying to control other people’s opinions, but that is where consistency comes into play. Having a consistent look and feel to your blog and social media posts really helps to establish the vision of your brand that you want to convey to your audience. As you can tell by looking around, I have a pretty specific color scheme for my blog and the colors I have chosen are significant for a reason.

So, take a look around. What colors do you see as being most prevalent in my blog? If you said teal & grey, than hooray for me, because those are the colors I want to stand out to you on my blog! I have chosen the colors teal & grey for a reason. Not only are they some of my favorite colors, but they also mean specific things that I hope transfer to your minds when you visit or think about my blog. But, how do these colors affect the way you feel about my blog?

It all has to do with, wait for it… Color Theory! Now, don’t be afraid, I am not going to go all Art and Design 101 on you, but basically in society certain colors convey certain meanings and for me, teal & grey convey a specific message to you (hopefully!) whether you realize it or not. Teal or turquoise, as the case may be, supposedly conveys an image of femininity and sophistication. Grey, on the other hand, conveys a sense of security, reliability and intelligence.  Since I write about lifestyle, career advice and issues that are geared towards women, I want my readers to feel a sense of reliability and intelligence in my writing. I also want them (you) to feel like this is a safe place as a sophisticated woman to share opinions with other like-minded women. These colors don’t just convey a message that I want to portray to the internet, but they also help me to attract the right reader to my site. After all, if I am writing for women but attracting only men, my message is lost!

Okay, so I have gone and explained to you what my blog color scheme means, but what good does that do you if your blog is blue and peach? Well, I can’t go into each and every color and what they all mean here, but I have a very handy one pager with the basic meanings behind colors pinned for you to review here. If you are still deciding on your color scheme for your blog, use this resource to help you design a blog that conveys a message that reflects your blog and your ideal reader! If you already have a blog, use this resource to see if your current color scheme is saying what you need it to say and attracting who you need it to attract! You may find that you need to make some adjustments to your color scheme if you aren’t projecting exactly what you desire to the internet!

So, did the colors work? You tell me? Are you a woman, either in college or with an advanced education who considers themselves to be sophisticated, intelligent and career minded? If you don’t fit that demographic specifically, don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you are in the wrong place! Although I write for a specific ideal of a reader, that doesn’t mean that someone outside that sphere wouldn’t also find my blog useful. Remember, none of this is an exact science. So, let me know in the comments below if you fit my mold or if you’re outside the box a little! Either way I’m glad you’re here adding value to this community!

5 of the Craziest iPhone Cases Ever!


Look, if you have been reading this blog for a while, you know I love iPhone cases, and here’s the YouTube video to prove it! But seriously, I love a good iPhone case, but even a crazy iPhone case lady such as myself has some limits. So, I have found you 5 of the craziest iPhone cases I have ever seen, because, well, technology! By the way, if any of you own one of these cases, I am by no way saying you are crazy, just that your iPhone case may be a little over the top and I sorta love you for it! Here goes.

1. Fur laden, jewel encrusted iPhone case fit for an Ice Queen: Holy Smokes! Is it weird that I want to own this case? Okay, I get it, you’re thinking this isn’t real fur… wrong-O! It’s real alright, so just make sure your red paint toting friends from Peta don’t catch you with this one! At least it will keep your hand warm.

2. Little mini toy covered case that a toddler would die over: This is like a flashback to my childhood when I used to turn my toy chest upside down and swim through a pile of toys and dolls to find exactly what I wanted to play with… except it’s a phone case. It’s certainly visually stimulating to look at this, but I have no clue how one actually holds this, you’d think little mini bunny ears may pinch the skin a bit, right? Look, I definitely want it, but it’s a little too pricey to justify!

3. I clearly own a diamond mine but I totally don’t, case: Excessive bling and I have a love-hate relationship. Like most women (and dogs) I love sparkly things! I just don’t love feeling like a faker for having a case covered in diamonds, that if real, only Kim Kardashian and Kayne West have the money to own. Also, I am pretty sure I would constantly have anxiety that I would hold my phone to hard and loose a jewel, but so it goes.

4. Delicious, looks good enough to eat, but don’t because the polymer will slowly poison you, case: Cases like this are such a tease and I have too much of sugar addiction to actually own this one because I would be stopping at the grocery store every 5 minutes to order cookies and donuts and then die of a sugar coma. All because of a case. Seriously. I want to eat it!

5. Hello Kitty or any other oversized character case: Wait a minute! I actually own this one! Okay, so in truth, these cases are a little ridiculously unpractical, but they are also sorta like an adult version of a dolly! I think this case is adorable beyond compare and I have no shame in owning one which is why I make sure to switch it out for a simpler, more appropriate case for when I have to talk to people and stuff. Like, in real life!

So, which of the above cases is the craziest to you? Do you own any of these crazy iPhone cases? Let me know in the comments below. No judgment here! Also, all the images used above were sourced from their corresponding links. I don’t own any of the images, nor was I contacted or compensated by any of the shop owners I have linked to. This post is purely my own opinion and links are available for your reference if you do happen to want to buy any of the cases!

Blogging 101: Choosing a Platform & Identity


Blogging 101 is a 10 part series where I share my tips and tricks for creating and growing a blog from scratch. This is the second installment in the series, and you can find more information on the topics of this series here.

Choosing a Platform & Identity

There are many platforms available on the internet for bloggers to choose from when setting up a blog. To be completely honest though, most blogging professionals would tell you that there is really only one solid choice to go with for setting up your site and that is self-hosted WordPress. Self-hosted means that you buy your domain name (for example, my domain is http://www.StrangeCharmed.com) and you purchase a hosting package from a hosting service (Blue Host, Host Gator, etc) and you set your site up via the WordPress.org framework, giving you nearly unlimited control over your site and the way it looks and works. Now, going the self-hosted route is going to cost you money, perhaps about $50-$100 a year depending on the services you choose but it is the only way to have total control over your website. Obviously, for someone starting out, making a decision to spend this sort of money on a site that isn’t making you any money yet may seem a little frivolous but it is the most highly recommended route if you are serious about your blog, growing your audience and earning any sort of income based from your website.

For anyone who is starting a blog in order to supplement an online business, you definitely need to go the self-hosted WordPress route for sure, no questions asked. From a business perspective, a self-hosted WordPress is the ultimate platform and will give your online business that finish and control that you really need!

Now, although I have basically laid out the one single platform that I highly suggest, I know it’s not necessarily the route for everyone.If you are starting your blog purely for fun and just want to test the waters with blogging, there are other free options available. Before I went self-hosted, I used Blogger which gives you the blogspot.com domain you may already be familiar with. I enjoyed my experience with Blogger so I would recommend that platform if you want to go the free route. Also, there is a free platform associated with WordPress, which is WordPress.com where you can set up a free site similar to Blogger. Either of those two platforms will help you get started with your own personal blog and will give you enough choices and customizations to get your blog up and running!

If you are going the self-hosted WordPress route, I highly suggest checking out this book that I have blogged about, which will basically walk you through the process of setting up a site if you don’t feel confident doing it on your own. As for setting up a Blogger or WordPress.com site, both platforms basically walk you through the process so there is no technical know-how that you need to get started!

Okay, now, let’s move on to the second part of this discussion, and that is choosing an identity for your blog. When I say identity, I mean the name, url, and social media account identities you will be using to help support and promote your blog! First and foremost is your blogs title and domain name. Sometimes I think that choosing the right name for a blog is one of the hardest parts to starting one! Your blog’s name needs to be something simple enough for people to understand and clever enough for people to remember. On top of that, it also needs to convey an image about your blog to people so that they understand what your blog is all about, even if they have never read it before. Now, if your blog happens to be about you and your personal style, interests, business or life in general, using your own name for your blog is usually the best way to go! If you are blogging to support an established business, using the business name is the route you should take. However, if your blog isn’t as cut and dry as that, you may need to pull out a dictionary and thesaurus and start playing with words until you come up with something that you feel comfortable with.

There really is no magic formula for coming up with a great blog name, take my site for instance. I wanted my site to be a place where I could share all my quirky lifestyle tips with other women who needed career advice, daily inspiration and a dose of fun! One day, my husband and I were discussing name ideas for my site and we were playing around with the word “quirky” since that was the one word that I always though fit my idea of my perfect blog! Discussions of “quirks” quickly turned into a discussion of “quarks,” (you know those fundamental elements that constitute matter,) and suddenly strange and charm (two of six types of quarks) were a front-runner for my blog name. Strange and Charm, however, seemed to vague and too scientific. So, it was changed to Strange & Charmed, which seemed like a much more logical phrase. For me, it just seemed to work in my mind and in my heart, and so it became the name of my blog. Now, like I said earlier, I wasn’t self-hosted when I started Strange & Charmed so my url of strangeandcharmed.blogspot.com turned into strangecharmed.com out of a lack of options when I moved my blog over to WordPress. StrangeandCharmed.com wasn’t available, so we had to drop the “and” from the name out of necessity.

Luckily for me, I think it works fine without the conjunction, but because of this scenario, I caution others to make sure they secure their domains first before they fall in love with a name for their sites, and that includes Twitter handles, Instagram accounts and all other social media you plan to use for your blog. Secure everything before you start blogging, if you can, so that it makes it easier for you to keep a consistent name and brand everywhere you are online!

 Have you started a blog recently? Which platform did you choose and how did you come up with your blogs name? Feel free to leave a link to your blog in the comments below so we can check it out!

Ladies Work It!



So far this year, I have been ridiculously obsessed with productivity and since I have just started my Blogging 101 Series, I though now would be a great time to give you all a little bit of office eye candy! I love functional and feminine stationary and accessories that keep my desk looking cute and my mind focused on the tasks ahead of me. So here is a glimpse of some of my favorite items I like to keep around during my 9-5 hustle!

What are some of your favorite office supplies and desk must haves? Let us know in the comments below!

3 Ways to Store iPhone Cases


It’s no secret that I am a little obsessed with iPhone cases and I have quite a few. Since I happen to own a lot of Kate Spade cases, I like to store my cases in a way that helps me to keep them safe, but also displays them in a stylish way! Right now I store my iPhone cases in a Kate Spade gift box that fits my cases two wide in their original boxes.


Another way that I like to store my cases is in pretty gift bags! I found this lovely bag in the Target Dollar Spot back before Valentine’s Day! This is an inexpensive and cute way to keep all my cases in one place and it looks rather lovely out on my shelf!


This final storage solution also comes from the Target Dollar Spot! I love this bright storage bin because its cheery to look at and is the perfect width to store my cases standing up right! Again, this bin is another great one to keep out on display and it was only $1! Hopefully, these three solutions will give you some ideas on how to store and display your iPhone cases as well! You don’t have to own a collection of designer cases to want to keep them on display. These storage options are protective and attractive, but also incredibly inexpensive. If you have a few extra iPhone cases laying around, wrangle them up using one of these methods and keep ’em safe and sound!

Did this post give you some new storage inspiration? How do you store your iPhone cases? Let us know in the comments below!

Blogging 101: Why Should I Blog?


So You Want to Be a Blogger?

If you are considering or have already begun the process of creating a blog, CONGRATULATIONS! I love blogs, bloggers, and blogging personally! Heck, I must love it if I have been doing it since 2008! Blogging isn’t exactly what it used to be back then, today, it’s a much more serious and competitive environment than it was when I began, but that really shouldn’t deter you from following your passion and giving it a try! So, that is where I come in! I have picked up a few tips and tricks along the way that I thought I would share with any of you who are interesting in (a) starting a blog; (b) improving your own blog; or (c) learning more about blogs and how they work! Unfortunately, what I cannot tell you is the magic secret to becoming a professional blogger, because, heck, I am still trying to figure that one out (spoiler, I don’t think there is any quick or sure-fire way to become a full-time pro blogger) but, I can give you some tips that I find work for many of the professional bloggers out there! Sound good? Great! Then let’s get started!

In order to dispense all my blogger knowledge to you in easy to understand and bite sized pieces, I have decided it best to make this a 10 part series that will publish every Monday starting today! In addition to that, I am hoping to post some little extra’s throughout the week that may supplement that week’s post or just be helpful for anyone who wants to blog, so make sure you check back to my blog everyday to see what other goodies I have for you on the subject! Follow me on Bloglovin to make keeping up with my feed easy for you!

Now, since I know many of you will want to keep up with this series, I am also going to list out each of the 10 lessons here in this post so that you can bookmark this post specifically, and each week that I post a new entry I am going to link it in this post so you can use this as a reference to keep track of everything I have published! The 10 lessons are:

  1. Why Should I Blog?
  2. Choosing a Platform & Identity
  3. Content is King
  4. Organization Tips for Bloggers
  5. Software & Hardware Basics
  6. Advanced Software & Hardware
  7. Social Media
  8. Photography 101
  9. Networking
  10. Monetizing your Blog

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Why Should I Blog?

If you are reading this, I can only assume that you are either one of my regular readers or you have been searching online looking for information on blogging! If you identify with the latter, you most likely have been thinking about starting a blog or have done so, and hopefully I can help you find some sort of inspiration or direction if you want it! Blogs are a wonderful form of media that many people enjoy both writing and reading. What you may not know is that the history of blogs is actually rooted in a very simple notion. The word blog itself actually stands for web log, in other words, blogs were initially created to be places where people basically kept or shared information. That’s it! The earliest blogs were really more like online journals, where people would just write diary style entries about whatever they wanted. Today, blogs are usually a little more complex, with the most popular blogs actually diving into specific topics or niches and posts are often filled with pictures and videos to supplement the written content. But let’s go back to the concept of the web log as a place for people to simply chronicle their lives and/or interests. Blogs are a wonderful form of expression. For many they are a creative outlet or hobby that allows them to impart their knowledge, expertise or opinions on the internet. Although many blogs are ran as hobbies, others are ran as or to support businesses, helping people develop skills and network with customers, clients or colleagues.

Now, I understand the hesitation that some people have for starting a blog. I know there are so many blogs out there that it may seem like such a saturated market, and of course, having your thoughts and opinions out there on the internet is something of a daunting thought. You have to remember, though, that your blog can be whatever you want it to be and you can talk about or not talk about anything you want. Don’t let the number of blogs out there in the world discourage you from sharing your unique point of view and interests with others. I for one read many blogs and am always on the lookout for new, interesting ones to read, so the more the merrier in my opinion!

So, should you start a blog? That part’s up to you, but I can give you a few words of advice as someone who has been blogging for nearly six years now. I suggest that if you want to start a blog, you figure out what you want to blog about and how you are going to express yourself, either by written posts alone, or with the support of images and video content to best express your message to the internet. I suggest you keep a regular and consistent schedule for your posts, so if you start, make sure you are committed enough to see your blog through. Finally, I suggest that if you start a blog that you fill it with posts that you love and things you are interested in. Write posts that you would want to read and discuss things that you love with a passion! Above all else, have fun with your blog and it will shine through! Whatever happens with it, whether you develop a small, intimate following or become the next million page view success story, as long as you had fun in the process and stayed true to yourself and your interests, you will regret nothing!

It’s really as simple as that! So start thinking about your interests and passions and if you would want to turn those into a topic for a blog. Next week I am going to dive into some of the more technical aspects of starting a blog so that you can get your ideas up and running in no time!

If you have started a blog recently or are planning to start one in the near future, please leave me a comment below telling me all about your blog and even leave a link if you can! I love discovering new blogs and yours could very well become my next must read!

Blogshop vs. Blogcademy


In the last year, I have had the opportunity to experience both the Blogcademy and Blogshop (online) courses. These two day, in person (or online as the case may be for Blogshop only) workshops are geared towards bloggers and web connected business owners who are looking for the skills and know how to stand out in the ever growing entity which is the internet! As a blogger, I was very interested in taking both of these courses, but at $750* a pop, these workshops aren’t cheap and many of you have been asking me to break down Blogshop vs Blogcademy based on my own personal experience and decide which course is the more useful one to take if you only have the money for one!

So, what are Blogshop and Blogcademy exactly? Let me break each workshop down for you in my own terms! Blogshop is a course for bloggers and business owners to learn important basic and advanced skills in the popular Adobe Photoshop software. Photoshop is a program used by many to create and manipulate images and photographs that are used for web and print, and a firm foundation in Photoshop can help both bloggers and business owners create compelling visual content for their blogs or business sites. You don’t have to own a domain to benefit from the Blogshop course, as owners of Etsy shops and other online or brick and mortar retailers will learn tips and tricks for editing product images and creating advertisements that can help their business compete in the online market place. The course mainly focuses on designing for web, however, the topic of print is brought up and one could take the skills they learn in Blogshop and apply it to print projects as well!

Now, Blogcademy on the other hand is a course for bloggers and business owners to learn the basics of blogging. In the workshop, you learn the best blogging platforms, tips on choosing a blog and domain name, how to navigate and use social media to help support your blog, tips for designing your site and creating content, and how to monetize. You don’t have to have a blog to join Blogcademy, but it is preferred that you already have a blog set up in order to use your own site as a basis for examples and exercises throughout the course. When I attended, there was a mix of all sorts of bloggers ranging from mommy blogs, to religious blogs, to health and fitness, lifestyle and fashion blogs! There were also many business owners present who were using the blogging platform to help advertise and sell their products! During the course and lessons, the Blogcademy Headmistresses (as they are known in the class) go around and give personal one to one feedback to the students to help them apply lessons to their own sites and circumstances.

So, now that you know a little bit about the two workshops, you probably want to know which one I found to be a better value for the money in terms of the skills you learn for the dollars spent? That would be Blogshop! Surprised? Not surprised? Let me break down my decision for you guys. Blogcademy is a course designed to teach bloggers how to set up, maintain and grow a blog. The thing is, this topic is one that saturates the web. There are many, many places you can find this information if you want to start a blog.  Now, of course it is easier to learn this information in an organized and fun way in the format of Blogcademy, but its a much more expensive learning experience. That expense isn’t something I think most bloggers can justify if you are just starting out, and the content of the workshop seems geared to people just starting out (or at least, I thought so since I have been blogging for a while and I didn’t learn much new information). The networking aspect of the Blogcademy experience, however, was definitely the most valuable part of the workshop for me since I spent two solid days in a room with nearly 30 other bloggers with various backgrounds, interest and knowledge levels when it comes to blogging. Now, just so you understand, I wasn’t the only person in my class or who has taken Blogcademy that thought it was underwhelming for people who have been blogging for a while. I have met some awesome bloggers through the course that have expressed the same thoughts to me, so I know I am not alone. I do appreciate the fact that Blogcademy brought me together with some wonderful other ladies that I keep in contact with and bounce ideas off of, but, like I said, other than the networking, there wasn’t much there that you couldn’t learn from reading Blog Inc, 4 Hour Work Week or The $100 Startup! My second, minor gripe about Blogcademy is that the Headmistresses are only teaching you their version of blogging. I sort of figured this out on my own months after my Blogcademy experience was over, but a lot of the content of the workshop was based on their own experiences of what worked and what didn’t work, but what worked for them may not work for me. The ladies who teach the course are all amazing and popular bloggers who have been around for a long time, but the style of blogging that was innovative years ago that helped their blogs grow, isn’t necessarily innovative now that more and more people have followed that lead. I don’t want my blog to feel repetitive, I want people to know what I’m about and feel like they find something new from me every time they stop by!

Now, what made Blogshop so great? Look, I only took the online version of the class and I got so much out of Blogshop that I wish I had taken the in person class for the networking aspect! The thing that I think made Blogshop great was that it actually taught you trade skills! I learned things about Photoshop that I never knew before and I had been using the program for years! Now, I think that applying the skills is something of a personal motivation which some people may or may not have, but I feel like my blog images are improving daily because of the skills I have been putting to use. I am saving time on my blog posts, not because of the repetition and shortcuts that the Blogcademy suggests, but because of quick time savers and templates I have been utilizing in Photoshop! What I actually found pretty interesting was that Blogshop did teach you how to blog, but in such a way that you were inspired to want to create beautiful and interesting things! Even in my online course, the instructors gave you tips constantly on applying certain techniques to your blogs and creating new and exciting content.

Look, I am no pro blogger, but taking either or both of these workshops won’t make you one either. When it comes down to it, the success of your blog is determined by your ability to innovate your content and make it unique. Innovate or Evaporate! When you boil it down that is what both classes preached as the method to a successful blog or business. One workshop gave you information and examples on how to do that by using the methods they had used to get to success and the other gave you the skills to create your own. The better method is really up to you!

As usual, leave me a comment on your opinions of either or both of these popular workshops or leave me a question if you have one! 

*The Blogshop Online courses are available for about $300, but the in-person courses are around the $750 mark!

Bag Makeover | How to Organize a Messy Bag


Today, I thought I would give you guys a peek into my very large and very disorganized bag! This isn’t a what’s in my bag, that may come later, but for now, I just wanted to show you guys how I like to organize my bag! This is a great method for anyone who has a large purse or tote that they use on a daily basis that does not have very many interior pockets!


As you can see from this before shot, my Kate Spade Beau bag has one large bucket style compartment, flanked on one side by some small accessory pockets and a large “iPad” pocket on the other! This bag is great because it holds so much stuff, but it’s not great at keeping organized (and this shot shows the bag without my work stuff inside)! This sort of set up can be a dangerous one for people like me who tend to just drop things into my bag like it’s a bottomless pit, but that behavior can ultimately lead to issues with the stuff in your bag. When things are just free-floating, chords can tangle or break, papers can become crushed, lip products can melt into wallets and onto cell phones– it can be a disaster!


So, to contain the mess in this bag, I have to institute the use of extra pouches to wrangle my loose items together! Once I pulled everything out of my bag, I found that I really didn’t have as much stuff as I thought, but there were just a lot of little items hanging out at the bottom of the bag. Using some extra makeup bags, I was able to put like items together– toilettes and beauty products in one, and extra wires and gadget goodies in another. This way I have a system!


Now, when you look in my bag, you can see everything laid out neatly! To save space in the main compartment of the bag, I tucked away my larger pouch with toiletries and beauty products into the large zip pocket in the back, this way I can just pull the whole thing out when I need it, instead of digging through the whole section. Everything else in the main compartment is either large enough to be seen and grabbed easily, or housed in one of the two accessory pockets. So much better, right?!?

What other tips and tricks do you use to organize your bag? Have you given your bag a makeover recently? Let us know in the comments below!

Lemony Kale Salad


I am definitely one of those people who are constantly on an on-again, off-again health kick! I feel like kale got really big as a popular health food item in the last few years so I am always trying to find new ways to use it! Kale, if you have ever tried it, is not the most inciting green in the garden. If cooked improperly, it can get… gross! Then again, if handled properly, it can be pretty tasty and very filling! Whole Foods sells a delicious Kale Salad (I cannot remember what they call it!) in their prepared foods section and it costs something ridiculous per pound, but its super easy and very inexpensive to make it yourself! I call it Lemony Kale Salad (original, eh?) because thats what it tastes like to me!

Here are the ingredients you will need if you want to give this a try!

  • 1 Head of Kale
  • 3 Tsp of Olive Oil
  • 1/4 cup Lemon Juice
  • 1/4 cup Pine Nuts
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • S & P to taste

Directions: The first part of making this salad is to remove the kale leaves from the stalks. This is probably the most time consuming part of the whole recipe, but its not that hard to do! I literally take one stalk of kale at a time and pull the leafy greens off. You can cut them off if you want to with a knife, but thats probably more time consuming. When doing this, try to make sure you don’t take any large branch pieces of the stems with you, because those are particularly bitter. Next, I wash the leafy parts using a salad spinner, but you can use whatever means you have available to you!

Then, you need to steam the kale for a few minutes. I fill a pasta pot a third of the way with water and sprinkle in some salt and cover it, cooking the water on medium to high heat until the water boils. Once you see that the water has started to boil, toss in your clean leafy kale greens and cover again. Let this steam for about 3 minutes until the kale turns a bright, vibrant shade of green! Next, strain the kale and put it into a large bowl to mix. Finally, add the rest of the ingredients listed above and mix! Sometimes, to be fancy, I like to mix the liquid ingredients together in a separate bowl before adding it to the kale, but I don’t think it actually changes the end result!

I store this salad in a plastic storage container and eat about half a cup at a time as a side salad or snack! As the salad sits, the acidity in the lemon juice will mix with the cranberries, resulting in a vinaigrette-like dressing. It’s great fresh from the bowl, but will last about a week in the refrigerator as well!

 Let me know if you guys try this recipe and how you like it! Its one of my favorite healthy dishes because I can prepare it in advance and eat it all week!

Digital vs Analog Time Management


So, in case you haven’t noticed or you don’t read here that often, I finally caved and bought a Filofax! I feel like this decision was an inevitable one as I have been eyeing them for quite a while and actually used to use one before the age of the Palm Pilot (I swear I am not that old, but I did have a Palm Pilot at age 14)! Back then I had a Franklin Covey binder, and before that I had whatever cute ring-bound planners were available from Fashion Bug (if you are my age, I think you know what I am talking about… faux animal fur and psychedelic rainbow prints were my thing). It took me a while to feel like it was time to return to a full-blown paper planner system, though. I had been seriously testing the waters last year with a variety of different paper planners ranging from inexpensive Target planners, to Gallery Leather planners to a more stylish and coveted Kate Spade planner! All of these were nice, but inevitably only helped organize one area of my life; my schedule! I really needed something that would keep my calendar, to-do’s, random notes, my blog’s editorial calendar and so on! Truthfully, all these other planners were fated for extinction because they all had one thing in common, a binding, which meant I couldn’t move things around or add pages or sections as needed.

Now, I get it, I didn’t really have to get a Filofax to get that sort of customization. I could have used any number of apps that I already own to keep track of everything in one place, my phone! The problem with a digital system like a phone, however, is that it seriously lacks a sense of accomplishment. This is totally a personal opinion, but no matter how many lists I would make on my iPhone, or how many events I scheduled, or how many to-do boxes I tapped, I never felt like I did anything. Once you tap those check boxes and close the app, those old items go away, you can’t see them anymore! Yes, your calendar events usually stick around (unless you have to wipe your phone and you failed to back up or sync) and you can still read your old notes, but it’s just not as gratifying! The endless digital paper doesn’t feel like it amounts to much because it’s all inside your phone. It doesn’t matter if you have 1 list or 10 lists, 100 to-dos or 0, it’s all equal inside the phone!

Don’t get me wrong, I do love my iPhone and I think it does some very important things very well and things that my Filofax could never do! For instance, my iPhone is great at reminding me! It dings, vibrates, and does everything in its power to let me know when an event it coming up or to remind me about something I have to do! My Filofax, for all its wonderful goodness, will never be able to get my attention when I have lost track of time! My iPhone is also great for taking notes while I am driving through dictation which I do often! Wow, to think how wonderful the world would be if my Filofax could do that, it would be like having my own personal secretary! My iPhone also is the place I like to take quick notes when I am out and about and either (a) did not bring my Filofax, or (b) cannot pull out my Filofax because of the situation. IPhone’s are nice and discreet like this, but if the note I took is something that belongs in my Filofax, I will eventually transcribe it to its proper place!

Look, the advantages and disadvantages of digital and paper planning systems are really endless and to each their own when it comes to managing your own time. For me, for now, my Filofax and its trusty friend, my iPhone will be living and working together in tandem to help keep me and my life together!

What sort of planning system do you use? Do you use a mix of digital and analog like me, or are you all one or the other? Let me know in the comments and feel free to share any apps or planner tips that you find especially helpful!