How I Use Scrivener to Organize my Writing

In my opinion, Scrivener is the best software available on Mac or PC for writers, both professional and otherwise, or those who need to organize writing projects of any size for school. I began using Scrivener in 2009 as part of my first adventure with NaNoWriMo {National Novel Writing Month}. Since then, I have used Scrivener to write most of three books, organize and plan out numerous others, and most recently, to organize all my writing for my two blogs and digital magazine. I wish that Scrivener had been around when I was in high school and college, because I know it would have done wonders with organizing my research papers, response essays and such. You see, that is really where Scrivener shines. It is an excellent tool to organize writing, research, information, ideas and so much more associated with writing.

To illustrate the usefulness of the software and how it helps the user organize their writing so that they are almost focused against it, I have decided to give you a peak inside my current Scrivener project where I organize all my writing for the web. Within this project, I manage the content for, and Strange & Charmed Magazine. As you can see in this first image, each of these websites is a folder and inside those are subfolders that organize my content by month or issue number. In those subfolders you will find the actual text documents broken down by subject or article, a nice high level view where you can see how everything is organized and make sure all items are in their correct place.

Next, you can see how I have files for images and also research. A majority of my blog posts will always have at least one image. Sometimes I use found images online, but many times I need to create the images myself. Once I have my images selected or created, I will drop them into this file and mark them by article so that I know which images will go with a particular post. The same thing goes with my magazine articles, these also need images and I treat them in the same way. Once images are created or selected for publication they are saved directly inside my Scrivener project for organization. Research as well is saved in my project. Scrivener allows you to simply drag and drop different file types like text and pdf files and organize them in your project as well so that all your information is available at your fingertips.

Scrivener has a few alternate views with some extra tools to help you stay organized. In the cork board view you get another high level look at your project broken down by text documents shown as index cards. Here you can add text to explain what each document is about or will be about. This is a great way to use Scrivener to plan out your ideas and what you want to write about. Once you have your ideas all laid out in this cork board view, you have a constant reference guide for your writing that makes it easy for you to jump around between documents without getting lost.

The last alternate view I would like to show you is the split screen mode where you can open two files or documents at once. Here you can see I have a text document open on top and an image file open on the bottom. This is a great way to use your reference tools to aid you in your writing because you have your active text area and another piece of information you can refer back to without switching between documents and loosing your place.

Scrivener is filled with a variety of tools, most of which I did not even touch on. The great thing about Scrivener is that you can use as much or as little of its features as you want. If you want to keep it simple like me, understanding the basic controls and options will definitely give you a great start in organizing your writing and making you feel so much more on task, and for me, personally, that makes me more productive. The Literature and Latte website is a great resource explaining in more depth the advanced tools of the software. There you can find tutorials that walk you step by step through the software so that you can take advantage of all that Scrivener has to offer. 

If you enjoyed this post, stay tuned for my update on Syncing Scrivener to PlainText on the iPad for continuous access to your Scrivener files on the go!

April Fools!

April Fools Day is synonymous with pranks, but as much as we all enjoy getting a rise out of a friend or loved one, I prefer the harmless type of joking to the annoying. Really, who has the time to cover a co-workers office furniture in jello? And who has time to clean up the mess? So, today I am sharing with you a few simple but delicious April Fools Day meal pranks that will turn heads and leave your pranking victim feeling more amused than agitated!
Vanilla Yogurt with a peeled or canned peach for a yolk like center!
Slices of pound cake toasted and filled with orange frosting!
Scoops of mashed potatoes drizzled with brown gravy and topped with a grape tomato!

ClamCase Pro Unboxing + Review

I hope you all enjoyed my written review of the ClamCase Pro! In case you are interested, here is the video unboxing and mini review I did for my YouTube Channel {}. I really do love this case, I definitely prefer it to most other iPad keyboards for a few reasons.

  1. It connects completely to the keyboard to make a faux laptop: I do not like some other keyboard cases where the iPad sits freely in a cut out space on the top of the keyboard because that means you have to be sitting at a desk or table to use it and I do much of my writing in bed or laying on the couch.
  2. The keys replicate the MacBook style keyboard: The keys on any keyboard can really make it or break it and the fact that this case replicated the MacBook Air to the best of its ability means that typing on it feels familiar to me. Yes, the keyboard is slightly smaller, however, this is probably one of the best external keyboards I have ever seen for any device.
  3. Hot Keys: The Hot Keys on the top bar are absolutely on point and extremely helpful. I know some other keyboard cases that are missing hot keys or don’t make the best use of them and all I can say is these are exactly what I need and as an added bonus, no regular keys on the keyboard have been removed to make room (I have seen some others that remove extra “return/enter” keys or some of the lesser used punctuation marks to make room for additional keys- not cool!)
  4. The multi view stand options: This case is not just a faux laptop, but also an excellent case for viewing media, and even reading. You can prop it up in a number of ways that really make it a completely functioning case.

So, do you have the ClamCase Pro? What are your thoughts? Feel free to leave any questions or comments below!

Turn Your iPad into a MacBook Air with ClamCase Pro

The ClamCase Pro is an iPad keyboard case that essentially turns your device into a MacBook Air. Your iPad sits safety in a hard shell attached by a 360 degree hinge to the keyboard and pairs to it via bluetooth. The MacBook style “chiclet” keyboard makes typing feel very familiar and fluid once your hands adjust to the slightly smaller layout. The keyboard itself is a gem, and although it is not full size, I have no problems adapting to the slightly smaller keys and have had very few typing errors thanks to the spacing of the keys from each other. The selection of Hot Keys on the top bar of the keyboard are also very useful. From within any app I can enter my home screen, search, cut, copy, paste, view my pictures, show or hide the onscreen keyboard, control video playback and audio controls, and finally, turn on and off the iPad.
The look and feel of the ClamCase Pro is excellent as well. The outer shell is a nice white polycarbonate and the interior hand rest and keyboard area is surrounded by the same aluminum you would find on your iPad or Mac. The experience of typing is actually so immersive that I often find myself attempting to navigate the screen via a non existent track pad before realizing that I am using my iPad and therefore must utilize the touchscreen. But it honestly hasn’t felt abnormal to me at all. Going from typing to selecting Hot Keys to on screen navigation feels pretty normal after about the first fifteen to twenty minutes of use and I can now actually write entire articles and edit them with ease from my iPad itself.
The only thing that feels a little off about the case itself is that its top heavy. The iPad is thicker and heavier than the keyboard which isn’t an issue if you are sitting at a desk or on a hard surface to type, but if you have the case on your lap sitting on a couch or in bed, at some screen angles if you lift your hands from the keyboard, the whole device falls backwards, so that is something to keep in mind.
Overall, the device is pretty spectacular, and for someone who was on the fence about purchasing a MacBook Air, I now see that I have no reason to buy one when my iPad + the ClamCase Pro = On the go writing solution similar to a MacBook Air. The ClamCase Pro retails for $169, however I was able to save $20 with a coupon code and you can too. Use the code Spring20 to save $20 off your purchase! Enjoy!
{See my Unboxing and Review Video here}

Conjuring your Desires: Luck


Conjuring your desires is a new weekly feature for the month of March that focuses on using your natural power and energy to bring yourself everything you are looking for in your life. Each Thursday visit back for a new installment covering the topics of talismans, love, money, and luck!
Luck, is it fate or do you make your own? Well, I think its a little of both! So, I have put together a few tips on how to attract luck and opportunity your way. 
  • Luck apparently can smell, because it happens to be attracted by strong, distinct scents. 
  • Mint, ginger, pine and thyme all attract luck your way, so I suggest drinking strongly scented herbal teas and wearing a deep, musky perfume that mimics the odor of the forrest. 
  • Birch, pine, elm, and other tree scents seem to have a way of bringing luck your way.
Luckily for you, April is an excellent month to attract luck and opportunity. Particularly during the Waxing Moon, which occurs during the 7-10th days after the New Moon. 
  • I suggest making a nice little potpourri pocket filled with mint leaves, ginger root, paprika, thyme, and oregano and taking it to be blessed under the light of the Waxing Moon sometime in April. 
  • Obviously, April is not the only time you can do this, but due to certain astrological forces, it does happen to be the best month of the year for this, however, you only have a three day window to take advantage of it! 
  • Just make a little field trip to a quiet place outdoors with your scented pocket during sunset and simply wish on the Waxing Moon, asking for it to bring you whatever particular luck you are seeking. 
  • Be sincere and honest with what you ask and take time to reflect. When you are done, keep your scented pocket in your room in a safe place where you can visit it daily.
With any luck (pun intended) you will attract some good fortune in no time! Make sure to be specific as possible with your intentions and make sure you keep a clear mind or else you may miss the chance to reap the rewards of what you have sewn, remember, opportunities come in many forms, some are not as attractive as others.
“Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.”
– Ann Landers

What’s In My Bag: Work Tote Edition

Unboxing: Wacom Bamboo Capture

5 iPhone Wallpapers for April: Destination Paris

April always makes me think of Paris. I guess its because I always get that tune “April in Paris” stuck in my head around this time of year. So, come away with me on a month long excursion via some beautiful wallpapers that will help you escape away to Paris with every glance at your home screen!

Conjuring your Desires: Love


Conjuring your desires is a new weekly feature for the month of March that focuses on using your natural power and energy to bring yourself everything you are looking for in your life. Each Thursday visit back for a new installment covering the topics of talismans, love, money, and luck!
Love is all around us, or so they say, but for some of us, love is something that constantly eludes us or perhaps doesn’t stick around. While I firmly believe that love comes to us when we aren’t really looking for it, I also believe that the best way to attract it is with self confidence. You must love yourself first and foremost before you can expect anyone else to love you! So, step one of this whole process will be to help you gain confidence in yourself. 
  • Wear deep colors like bright blue, indigo, mauve and black to release your inner confidence and gold toned jewelry.
  • Eat power berries like blueberries and cranberries which have natural antioxidants and magical properties to release your inner energy. Figs, ginger and grapes also have a similar affect and should be added to your diet as well.
  • Use rose scented perfumes and beauty products. I highly suggest rose salve which can be used as a dry skin cure, lip balm and moisturizer all in one! 
  • Finally, try creating your own self love mantra and repeating it on a daily basis. For more information on creating your personal mantra, see Mantra: Writing on the Wall from Issue 4 of Strange & Charmed.
So, now that you have the self love and self confidence down, you are ready to move on to finding real romantic love. Try some of these tricks to attract love, continuing your self love mantra as well as an added tool.
  • Wear gemstone colors like blues, greens, purples and pinks, and corresponding jewelry.
  • Eat plenty of sweet fruits like apples, bananas, sweet peas, and sweet potatoes.
  • Use a sugar lip scrub to keep your lips in a perfectly kissable condition. I highly suggest Fresh Sugar Lip Polish which is a scrub made from coarse sugar. It tastes great and with daily use you will transform dry lips into plump, pink, perfection!
If you keep it up, these things will help you attract real romantic love, but above all the best advice I can give you is to keep your heart open to everyone who comes into your life. You may think you know who the guy or girl of your dreams may be, but keep your eyes open, there are plenty of fish in the sea! Good luck!

5 Must Have Beauty Time Savers

Doing your makeup in the morning can be a time consuming task, especially when we all have a multitude of items that are for this or that area of your face or body. To save yourself some time, try using to double duty products that will slim down the size of your makeup bag and make getting ready for your day a breeze!
1. Covergirl Outlast Stay Brilliant Nail Polish
When I first bought one of these cute little nail polishes, I will admit, it was because they reminded me a lot of the Chanel Nail Varnishes, but these budget friendly polishes are actually so much more than your standard nail color. They are actually a base coat, color and top coat all in one, so no need to waste time with different nail products. This will definitely cut down on your drying time!
2. Victoria’s Secret Make it Last Prime & Set Makeup Spray
I have never been one to use a makeup primer let along a separate spray for finishing, however, when I came across this two in one primer and set spray, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to give it a whirl and I am so glad I did! I was actually very impressed with the staying power of my makeup when I used this spray and I love that is does double duty so I don’t need to use two separate products to get all day makeup coverage. 
3. L’Oreal The One Sweep Eye Shadow
It’s true, I am a makeup neophyte! I cannot for the life of me get my eye makeup to look right unless I am using a product that tells me exactly what to do! This all in one smokey eye shadow pallet has a brush that will apply all three colors at once in one sweeping affect so that even I can’t mess up my eye makeup! Perfect everyday smokey eye makeup in one second, check!
4. NARS The Multiple
To be completely honest, I am not the type of person who buys a lot of department store or designer brands of makeup. After years of using the “good stuff” I figured out that it wasn’t any better than many drug store items I could find for a fraction of the price. But one brand of designer makeup I do repeatedly purchase is NARS, and specifically, the Multiple. This stick of color can be used in more than one way (hence, multiple) so that it can be your blush, lip color, highlight and eye shadow all in one! For all the items of makeup it replaces for me, I figure its well worth the price, not to mention a major time and space saver in the morning!
5. Rimmel Scandaleyes Flex Mascara
False eyelashes can take ages to apply in the morning and I personally have never had the knack for it! Admittedly, a lack of lashes has never been a problem for me, but I do tend to adore that false lash look! So, I like to use a buildable mascara like this Rimmel Scandaleyes that actually contains lycra that will help enhance your natural lashes to appear nearly false. Its probably the next best thing to false lashes and its much quicker, thats for sure!
So, do you have any favorite beauty items that do double duty or help save you time in your morning routine? Let us know in the comments!