2025 Goal Setting Systems


Personal + Business Goal Setting Workshops

  • You Got Goals | Personal Goals
  • CEO Retreat | Business Goals



This year, purchase one or both goal setting workshops to set yourself up for a well planned and productive year ahead.

✔︎ Review your progress from 2024, celebrate your wins, make peace with your shortcomings and let go of anything you don’t need to take with you into 2025.​

✔︎ Choose your goals for 2025 for both your personal life and business

✔︎ Lay a plan for precisely how you will make your goals happen and set aside dedicated time to complete the work

✔︎ Finally feel like you have your life and year together! Like the productive, successful and organized person you know you are!

Here’s what you’ll get with each option:


VIDEO 1: 2024 ANNUAL REVIEW | Process the year that has ended with prompts and activities meant to help you remember the good, learn from your challenges and ultimately align to the ideal version of yourself you want to embody in the new year. This video is now available on-demand!

VIDEO 2: 2025 GOAL SETTING + PLANNING | Once you know where you have been, and have aligned with where you want to go in the new year, you can set your goals with my unique framework that ties your goals to concrete priorities in your life and helps you break down your goals practically according to researched backed productivity strategy. This video replay will be available December 7th, 2024.

2025 YOU GOT GOALS PLANNER | Create a dedicated planner for your 2025 goals or integrate goal planning inserts into your existing planner system with these print at home inserts, so you have your goals and their action plans close at hand throughout the year.

UNLOCKING YOUR INNER VOICE GUIDED MEDITATION | Get into the goal setting spirit with this guided visualization meditation that you can use on demand to get into alignment with the higher power that guides your life and understands you purpose and potential.

SLIDE DOWNLOADS for each video to make it easy to follow along and work at your own pace through the activities and prompts.


VIDEO 1: 2024 ANNUAL BUSINESS REVIEW | Process your business results from 2024 and analyze what worked and what didn’t work for your marketing systems so you can achieve better results in the new year. This video replay will be available November 30th, 2024.

VIDEO 2: 2025 BUSINESS GOAL SETTING + PLANNING | With your business results in hand and a clear vision for what you are looking to achieve in your business for 2025, learn how to set financial goals for your business and break them down so you have realistic expectations of precisely what you will need to do to do business at the level you desire! This video replay will be available December 14th, 2024.

WORKBOOKS + SLIDE DOWNLOADS for each video to make it easy to follow along and work at your own pace through the activities and prompts.

CEO BUSINESS INTENTION SETTING GUIDE MEDTIATION | For visualizing your success and manifesting your business goals!


When you buy the bundle of BOTH workshops, you get instant access to everything listed above PLUS a discount! Get ready to set up your life and business for a well planned and productive year!

Important Additional Information

Terms: With your purchase of any of the 2025 goal setting workshops you will get access to all videos and materials via a private membership website. Upon checkout you will receive a Welcome Letter PDF with instructions for registering for the website and accessing your workshops. You will have access to the website and bundle materials through October 31st, 2025 where you can enjoy the video modules as much as you need as often as you need on-demand. You may also download and keep any PDFs for other downloads to use for life.

Refund Policy: Due to the nature of this item as a digital video series with PDF downloads, no refunds will be accepted, so please make sure to read through all details of this listing and contact Alexis with any questions before making your purchase!

Copyright information: The copyright to all digital download pdf files and video content remains with the designer, Alexis Giostra. Files are intended for personal use by the single purchaser, and may not be copied, shared, distributed or resold.

Customer satisfaction is of the utmost important to me, and although I do not issue refunds on digital downloads, if you are experiencing any unforeseen issues with your purchase, please notify me immediately via email and I will work with you directly to resolve your issue!

Additional information

Goal System